/* * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright". */ /* $Header$ */ /* D E C L A R A T O R M A N I P U L A T I O N */ #include "debug.h" #include "botch_free.h" #include <alloc.h> #include <flt_arith.h> #include "arith.h" #include "type.h" #include "proto.h" #include "Lpars.h" #include "declar.h" #include "def.h" #include "idf.h" #include "label.h" #include "expr.h" #include "sizes.h" #include "level.h" extern char options[]; struct declarator null_declarator; struct type * declare_type(tp, dc) struct type *tp; struct declarator *dc; { /* Applies the decl_unary list starting at dc->dc_decl_unary to the type tp and returns the result. Functions that are declared within a parameter type list are purely prototypes. Simply add the type list to the function node. */ register struct decl_unary *du = dc->dc_decl_unary; while (du) { tp = construct_type(du->du_fund, tp, du->du_typequal, du->du_count, du->du_proto); du = du->next; } return tp; } add_decl_unary(dc, fund, qual, count, fm, pl) register struct declarator *dc; int qual; arith count; struct formal *fm; struct proto *pl; { /* A decl_unary describing a constructor with fundamental type fund and with size count is inserted in front of the declarator dc. */ register struct decl_unary *new = new_decl_unary(); new->next = dc->dc_decl_unary; new->du_fund = fund; new->du_count = count; new->du_typequal = qual; new->du_proto = pl; if (fm) { if (dc->dc_decl_unary) { /* parameters only allowed at first decl_unary */ error("formal parameters list discarded"); } else { /* register the proto */ dc->dc_formal = fm; } } dc->dc_decl_unary = new; } remove_declarator(dc) struct declarator *dc; { /* The decl_unary list starting at dc->dc_decl_unary is removed. */ register struct decl_unary *du = dc->dc_decl_unary; while (du) { struct decl_unary *old_du = du; du = du->next; free_decl_unary(old_du); } } reject_params(dc) register struct declarator *dc; { /* The declarator is checked to have no parameters, if it is a function. */ if (dc->dc_formal) { error("non_empty formal parameter pack"); free_formals(dc->dc_formal); dc->dc_formal = 0; } } check_array_subscript(expr) register struct expr *expr; { arith size = expr->VL_VALUE; if (size < 0) { error("array size is negative"); expr->VL_VALUE = (arith)1; } else if (size == 0) { strict("array size is 0"); } else if (size & ~max_unsigned) { /* absolutely ridiculous */ expr_error(expr, "overflow in array size"); expr->VL_VALUE = (arith)1; } }