# { (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit. Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum Wiskundig Seminarium Vrije Universiteit Postbox 7161 1007 MC Amsterdam The Netherlands } program t2(input,output); { This program can be used to test out PASCAL compilers } const rcsversion='$Header$'; kew='q'; #ifndef NOFLOAT eps = 2.0e-7; { This constant is machine dependent } #endif type wavelength = (red,blue,yellow); tp2= record c1:char; i,j:integer; p:boolean; x:real end; single= array [0..0] of integer; spectrum= set of wavelength; np= ^node; node = record val:integer; next: np end; var t,pct,ect:integer; i,j,k,l:integer; #ifndef NOFLOAT w,x,y,z:real; #endif p:boolean; d:char; color: wavelength; head: np; function twice(k:integer):integer; begin twice := 2*k end; function inc(k:integer):integer; begin inc := k+1 end; procedure e(n:integer); begin ect := ect + 1; writeln(' Error', n:3,' in test ', t) end; {************************************************************************} procedure tst21; { Test things packed } var i:integer; c:char; r1: packed record c:char; b:boolean; i:integer end; r2: packed record c:char; i:integer; b:boolean; j:integer end; #ifndef NOFLOAT r3: packed record c:char; r:real end; #else r3: packed record c:char end; #endif r4: packed record i:0..10; j:integer end; r5: packed record x:array[1..3] of char; i:integer end; r6: packed record x: packed array[1..3] of char; i:integer end; r7: packed record c:char; x:packed array[1..3] of char end; r8: packed record c:char; x:packed array[1..3] of integer end; r9: record x:packed record c:char; i:integer end; i:integer; c:char end; r10:packed record a:0..100; b:0..100; c:char; d:char end; a1: packed array[1..3] of char; a2: packed array[1..3] of integer; #ifndef NOFLOAT a3: packed array[1..7] of real; #endif a4: packed array[1..7] of array[1..11] of char; a5: packed array[1..5] of array[1..11] of integer; a6: packed array[1..9] of packed array[1..11] of char; a7: packed array[1..3] of packed array[1..5] of integer; begin t:=21; pct := pct + 1; #ifndef NOFLOAT i:=4; x:=3.5; c:='x'; p:=true; #else i:=4; c:='x'; p:=true; #endif r1.c:='a'; r1.b:=true; r1.i:=i; p:=r1.b; j:=r1.i; r2.c:=c; r2.i:=i; r2.b:=p; r2.j:=i; j:=r2.i; j:=r2.j; #ifndef NOFLOAT r3.c:=c; r3.r:=x; y:=r3.r; #else r3.c:=c; #endif r4.i:=i; r4.j:=i; j:=r4.i; j:=r4.j; r5.x[i-2]:=c; r5.i:=i; j:=r5.i; r6.x[i-1]:=c; r6.i:=i; j:=r6.i; r7.c:=c; r7.x[i-1]:=c; d:=r7.c; d:=r7.x[i-1]; r8.c:=c; r8.x[i-1]:=5; j:=r8.x[i-1]; r9.x.c:=c; r9.x.i:=i; r9.c:=c; j:=r9.x.i; if (r1.c <> 'a') or (r1.b <> true) or (r1.i <> 4) then e(1); if (r2.c<>'x') or (r2.i<>4) or (r2.b<>p) or (r2.j<>4) then e(2); #ifndef NOFLOAT if (r3.c<>'x') or (r3.r<>3.5) then e(3); #else if (r3.c<>'x') then e(3); #endif if (r4.i<>4) or (r4.j<>4) then e(4); if (r5.x[2]<>'x') or (r5.i<>4) then e(5); if (r6.x[3]<>'x') or (r6.i<>4) then e(6); if (r7.c<>'x') or (r7.x[3]<>'x') or (c<>d) then e(7); if (r8.c<>'x') or (r8.x[3]<>5) then e(8); if (r9.x.c<>'x') or (r9.x.i<>4) or (r9.c<>'x') then e(9); #ifndef NOFLOAT i:=4; a1[i-1]:=c; a2[i-1]:=i; a3[i]:=x; #else i:=4; a1[i-1]:=c; a2[i-1]:=i; #endif a4[i][i+1]:=c; a5[i][i+1]:=i; j:=a5[i][i+1]; a6[i][i+1]:=c; a7[i-1][i+1]:=i; j:=a7[i-1][i+1]; if a1[i-1] <> 'x' then e(10); if a2[i-1] <> 4 then e(11); #ifndef NOFLOAT if a3[i] <> 3.5 then e(12); #endif if a4[i][i+1] <> 'x' then e(13); if a5[i][i+1] <> 4 then e(14); if a6[i][i+1] <> 'x' then e(15); if a7[i-1][i+1] <> 4 then e(16); i:=75; c:='s'; r10.a:=i; r10.b:=i+1; r10.c:='x'; r10.d:=c; if (r10.a<>i) or (r10.b<>76) or (r10.c<>'x') or (r10.d<>'s') then e(17); i:=r10.a; if i<>75 then e(18); i:=r10.b; if i<>76 then e(19); c:=r10.c; if c<>'x'then e(20); c:=r10.d; if c<>'s'then e(21); end; {************************************************************************} procedure tst22; { References to intermediate lexical levels } type wavelength = (pink,green,orange); ww2= 1939..1945; #ifndef NOFLOAT tp2= record c1:char; i,j:integer; p:boolean; x:real end; #else tp2= record c1:char; i,j:integer; p:boolean end; #endif single= array [0..0] of integer; spectrum= set of wavelength; pnode = ^node; node = record val:integer; next: pnode end; vec1 = array[-10..+10] of integer; var j,k,m:integer; #ifndef NOFLOAT x,y,z:real; #endif p,q,r:boolean; c1,c2,c3:char; sr1,sr2,sr3: 1939..1945; color,hue,tint: wavelength; a1: vec1; #ifndef NOFLOAT a2: array [ww2] of real; #endif a3: array[wavelength] of boolean; a4: array[(mouse,house)] of char; a5: array[50..52,(bat,cat,rat),boolean,ww2] of integer; a6: packed array[0..10,0..3,0..3] of char; r1,r2: tp2; #ifndef NOFLOAT r3: packed record c1:char; i,j:integer; p:boolean; x:real end; #else r3: packed record c1:char; i,j:integer; p:boolean end; #endif colors: spectrum; beasts: set of (pig,chicken,farmersdaughter); bits: set of 0..1; p1: ^integer; p2: ^tp2; p3: ^single; p4: ^spectrum; tail: np; procedure tst2201; { Arithmetic on intermediate level integer variables } begin t:=2201; pct := pct + 1; i:=1; j:=2; k:=3; l:=4; m:=10; if i+j <> k then e(1); if i+k <> l then e(2); if j-k <> -i then e(3); if j*(j+k) <> m then e(4); if -m <> -(k+k+l) then e(5); if i div i <> 1 then e(6); if m*m div m <> m then e(7); if 10*m <> 100 then e(8); if m*(-10) <> -100 then e(9); if j div k <> 0 then e(10); if 100 div k <> 33 then e(11); if i+j*k+l+m mod j + 50 div k <> 27 then e(12); if j*k*m div 6 <> 10 then e(13); if (k>4) or (k>=4) or (k=4) then e(14); if (m<j) or (m<=j) or (m=j) then e(15); if k <> i+j then e(16); end; #ifndef NOFLOAT procedure tst2202; { Real arithmetic using intermediate level variables } begin t:=2202; pct := pct + 1; x:=1.50; y:=3.00; z:= 0.10; if abs(5*y*z-x) > eps then e(10); if abs(y*y*y/z*x-405) > eps then e(11); x:=1.1; y:= 1.2; if y<x then e(12); if y <= x then e(13); if y = x then e(14); if x <> x then e(15); if x >= y then e(16); if x >y then e(17); end; #endif procedure tst2203; { Boolean expressions using intermediate level varibales } begin t:=2203; pct := pct + 1; p:=true; q:=true; r:=false; if not p then e(7); if r then e(8); if p and r then e(9); if p and not q then e(10); if not p or not q then e(11); if (p and r) or (q and r) then e(12); if p and q and r then e(13); if (p or q) = r then e(14); end; procedure tst2204; { Characters, Subranges, Enumerated types using intermediate level vars } begin t:=2204; pct := pct + 1; if 'q' <> kew then e(1); c1 := 'a'; c2 := 'b'; c3 := 'a'; if c1 = c2 then e(2); if c1 <> c3 then e(3); sr1:=1939; sr2:=1945; sr3:=1939; if sr1=sr2 then e(4); if sr1<>sr3 then e(5); color := orange; hue := green; tint := orange; if color = hue then e(6); if color <> tint then e(7); end; procedure tst2205; { Intermediate level arrays } var i,l,o:integer; begin t:=2205; pct := pct + 1; for i:= -10 to 10 do a1[i] := i*i; if (a1[-10]<>100) or (a1[9]<>81) then e(1); #ifndef NOFLOAT for i:=1939 to 1945 do a2[i]:=i-1938.5; if (abs(a2[1939]-0.5) > eps) or (abs(a2[1945]-6.5) > eps) then e(2); #endif color := orange; a3[green] := true; a3[orange] := true; if (a3[green]<>true) or (a3[orange]<>true) then e(3); a3[green] := false; a3[orange] := false; if (a3[green]<>false) or (a3[orange]<>false) then e(4); a4[mouse]:='m'; a4[house]:='h'; if (a4[mouse] <> 'm') or (a4[house]<>'h' ) then e(5); for i:=1939 to 1945 do a5[51,bat,false,i]:=300+i; if a5[51,bat,false,1940] <> 2240 then e(6); for i:=50 to 52 do a5[i,cat,true,1943]:=200+i; if (a5[50,cat,true,1943] <> 250) or (a5[52,cat,true,1943] <> 252) then e(7); for i:= -10 to 10 do a1[i]:= 0; for i:= 0 to 10 do a1[i div 2 + i div 2]:= i+1; if(a1[0]<>2) or (a1[5]<>0) or (a1[8]<>10) then e(8); for i:= 0 to 10 do for l:= 0 to 3 do for o:= 0 to 3 do if ( (i+l+o) div 2) * 2 = i+l+o then a6[i,l,o]:='e' else a6[i,l,o]:='o'; if (a6[2,2,2]<>'e') or (a6[2,2,3]<>'o') or (a6[0,3,1]<>'e') then e(9); end; #ifndef NOFLOAT procedure tst2206; { Intermediate level records } begin t:=2206; pct := pct + 1; r1.c1:='x'; r1.i:=40; r1.j:=50; r1.p:=true; r1.x:=3.0; c1:='a'; i:=0; j:=0; p:=false; x:=100.0; if (r1.c1<>'x') or (r1.i<>40) or (r1.p<>true) or (r1.x<>3.0) then e(1); r2:=r1; if (r2.c1<>'x') or (r2.i<>40) or (r2.p<>true) or (r2.x<>3.0) then e(2); i:=r1.i; p:=r1.p; c1:=r1.c1; x:=r1.x; if (c1<>'x') or (i<>40) or (p<>true) or (x<>3.0) then e(3); r3.c1:='x'; r3.i:=40; r3.j:=50; r3.p:=true; r3.x:=3.0; if (r3.c1<>'x') or (r3.i<>40) or (r3.p<>true) or (r3.x<>3.0) then e(4); end; #else procedure tst2206; { Intermediate level records } begin t:=2206; pct := pct + 1; r1.c1:='x'; r1.i:=40; r1.j:=50; r1.p:=true; c1:='a'; i:=0; j:=0; p:=false; if (r1.c1<>'x') or (r1.i<>40) or (r1.p<>true) then e(1); r2:=r1; if (r2.c1<>'x') or (r2.i<>40) or (r2.p<>true) then e(2); i:=r1.i; p:=r1.p; c1:=r1.c1; if (c1<>'x') or (i<>40) or (p<>true) then e(3); r3.c1:='x'; r3.i:=40; r3.j:=50; r3.p:=true; if (r3.c1<>'x') or (r3.i<>40) or (r3.p<>true) then e(4); end; #endif procedure tst2207; { Intermediate level sets } begin t:=2207; pct := pct + 1; colors := []; colors := colors + []; if colors <> [] then e(1); colors := colors + [pink]; if colors <> [pink] then e(2); colors := colors + [green]; if colors <> [pink,green] then e(3); if colors <> [green,pink] then e(4); colors := colors - [pink]; if colors <> [green] then e(5); beasts := [chicken] + [chicken,pig]; if beasts <> [pig,chicken] then e(6); beasts := [] - [farmersdaughter]; if beasts <> [] then e(7); bits := [0] + [1] - [0]; if bits <> [1] then e(8); end; procedure tst2208; { Pointers } begin t:=2208; pct := pct + 1; new(p1); new(p2); new(p3); new(p4); p1^ := 1066; if p1^ <> 1066 then e(1); p2^.i := 1215; if p2^.i <> 1215 then e(2); p3^[0]:= 1566; if p3^[0] <> 1566 then e(3); p4^ := [pink]; if p4^ <> [pink] then e(4); end; procedure tst2209; var i:integer; begin t:=2209; pct := pct + 1; head := nil; for i:= 1 to 100 do begin new(tail); tail^.val:=100+i; tail^.next :=head; head:= tail end; if (tail^.val<>200) or (tail^.next^.val<>199) then e(1); if tail^.next^.next^.next^.next^.next^.next^.next^.next^.val<> 192 then e(2); tail^.next^.next^.next^.val := 30; if tail^.next^.next^.next^.val <> 30 then e(3); end; begin t:=22; pct:=pct+1; #ifndef NOFLOAT tst2201; tst2202; tst2203; tst2204; tst2205; tst2206; #else tst2201; tst2203; tst2204; tst2205; tst2206; #endif tst2207; tst2208; tst2209; end; {************************************************************************} procedure tst25; { Statement sequencing } label 0,1,2,3; procedure tst2501; begin t:=2501; goto 0; e(1); end; begin t:=25; pct:=pct+1; tst2501; e(1); 0: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; i:=0; 1: if i>10 then goto 3 else goto 2; e(2); 2: i:=i+1; goto 1; e(3); 3: end; {************************************************************************} procedure tst26; { More data structures } type x = array[1..5] of integer; ta = array [1..5] of array [1..5] of x; tb = array [1..5] of record p1: ^x; p2: ^x end; tr = record c: record b: record a: integer end end end ; var low,i,j,k:integer; a:ta; b:tb; r:tr; hi:integer; procedure tst2601(w:ta; x:tb; y:tr); var i,j,k: integer; begin t:=2601; pct:=pct+1; for i:= 1 to 5 do for j:= 1 to 5 do for k:=1 to 5 do if w[i][j][k] <> i*i + 7*j + k then e(1); if (x[1].p1^[1] <> -9) or (x[2].p2^[4]<> -39) then e(2); if y.c.b.a <> 102 then e(3); end; begin t:=26; pct:=pct+1; low := 1000; hi := 1001; for i:= 1 to 5 do for j:=1 to 5 do for k:= 1 to 5 do a[i][j][k] :=i*i+7*j+k; new(b[1].p1); new(b[2].p2); b[1].p1^[1] := -9; b[2].p2^[4] := -39; r.c.b.a := 102; tst2601(a,b,r); t:=26; if(low <> 1000) or (hi <> 1001) then e(1); end; {************************************************************************} procedure tst27; { Assignments } begin t:=27; pct := pct+1; i:=3; j:=2; k:= -100; l:= 1+(i*(j+(i*(j+(i*(j+(i*(3+j*(i*1+j*2))))))))); if l <> 1456 then e(1); l:= ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((0)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))); if l <> 0 then e(2); l:=(((i*j)+(3*i)-5) div 10)*(((i*j)+(3*i)-5) div 10)*(((i*j)+(3*i)-5) div 10) + (((i*j)+(3*i)-5) div 10)*(((i*j)+(3*i)-5) div 10)*(((i*j)+(3*i)-5) div 10); if l <> 2 then e(3); l:=((j+j) div 4) * ((j+j) div 4) * ((j+j) div 4)* (j div 3 + j div 4 + 3)+ ((j+j) div 4) * ((j+j) div 4) * ((j+j) div 4)* (j div 3 + j div 4 + 3); if l <> 6 then e(4); i:=j*j*j*j*j*j*j*j*j*j*j*j*j*j - 16383; if i <>1 then e(5); l:=(i+(i+(i+(i+(i+(i+(i+(i+(i+(i+(i+(i+(i+(i+(i+(i)))))))))))))))); if l <> 16 then e(6); l:= (((((((((((((((((j)+j)+j)+j)+j)+j)+j)+j)+j)+j)+j)+j)+j)+j)+j)+j)+j); if l <> 34 then e(7); l:= (-(-(-(-(-(-(-(-(-(j)))))))))); if l <> -2 then e(8); #ifndef NOFLOAT x:= 0.1; y:=0.2; z:=0.3; w:=(((((x+y)/z)*2.0)+(((x+y)/z)*2.0)+(((x+y)/z)*2.0)+(((x+y)/z)*2.0))* ((((x+y)/z)*2.0)+(((x+y)/z)*2.0)+(((x+y)/z)*2.0)+(((x+y)/z)*2.0))* ((((x+y)/z)*2.0)+(((x+y)/z)*2.0)+(((x+y)/z)*2.0)+(((x+y)/z)*2.0))* ((((x+y)/z)*2.0)+(((x+y)/z)*2.0)+(((x+y)/z)*2.0)+(((x+y)/z)*2.0))* ((((x+y)/z)*2.0)+(((x+y)/z)*2.0)+(((x+y)/z)*2.0)+(((x+y)/z)*2.0)))-1; if abs(w-32767) > 0.0001 then e(9); i:= trunc(100*y+0.5); if i <> 20 then e(10); i:= 32767; w:=i; if w <> 32767 then e(11); #endif end; {************************************************************************} procedure tst28; { Calls } var i:integer; function ack(m,n:integer):integer; begin if m=0 then ack := n+1 else if n=0 then ack := ack(m-1,1) else ack := ack(m-1,ack(m,n-1)) end; procedure fib(a:integer; var b:integer); { Fibonacci nrs } var i,j:integer; begin if (a=1) or (a=2) then b:=1 else begin fib(a-1,i); fib(a-2,j); b:=i+j end end; begin t:=28; pct:= pct+1; if ack(2,2) <> 7 then e(1); if ack(3,3) <> 61 then e(2); if ack(3,5) <> 253 then e(3); if ack(2,100) <> 203 then e(4); fib(10,i); if i <> 55 then e(5); fib(20,i); if i <> 6765 then e(6); end; {************************************************************************} procedure tst29; { Loops } var i,l:integer; p:boolean; begin t:= 29; pct:=pct+1; j:=5; k:=0; for i:=1 to j do k:=k+1; if k<>5 then e(1); k:=0; for i:=5 to j do k:=k+1; if k<>1 then e(2); k:=0; for i:=6 to j do k:=k+1; if k<>0 then e(3); k:=0; for i:=-1 downto -j do k:=k+1; if k<>5 then e(4); k:=0; for i:=-5 downto -j do k:=k+1; if k<>1 then e(5); k:=0; for i:=-6 downto j do k:=k+1; if k<>0 then e(6); k:=0; for i:=1 downto 10 do k:=k+1; if k<>0 then e(7); k:=0; for l:=1 to j do k:=k+1; if k<>5 then e(8); k:=0; for l:=5 to j do k:=k+1; if k<>1 then e(9); k:=0; for l:=6 to j do k:=k+1; if k<>0 then e(10); k:=0; for l:=-1 downto -j do k:=k+1; if k<>5 then e(11); k:=0; for l:=-5 downto -j do k:=k+1; if k<>1 then e(12); k:=0; for l:=-6 downto j do k:=k+1; if k<>0 then e(13); k:=0; for l:=1 downto 10 do k:=k+1; if k<>0 then e(14); k:=0; for p:= true downto false do k:=k+1; if k<>2 then e(15); k:=0; for p:= false to true do k:=k+1; if k<>2 then e(16); k:=0; while k<0 do k:=k+1; if k<>0 then e(17); k:=0; repeat k:=k+1; until k>0; if k<> 1 then e(18); k:=0; repeat k:=k+1; until k > 15; if k <> 16 then e(18); k:=0; while k<=10 do k:=k+1; if k<> 11 then e(19); end; {************************************************************************} procedure tst30; { case statements } begin t:=30; pct:=pct+1; i:=3; k:=0; case i*i-7 of 0: k:=0; 1: k:=0; 2: k:=1; 3,4: k:=0 end; if k<>1 then e(1); color := red; k:=0; case color of red: k:=1; blue: k:=0; yellow: k:=0 end; if k<>1 then e(2); k:=0; case color of red,blue: k:=1; yellow: k:=0 end; if k<>1 then e(3); end; #ifndef NOFLOAT {************************************************************************} procedure tst31; { with statements } var ra: record i:integer; x:real; p:tp2; q:single; a2: record a3: tp2 end end; rb: record j: integer; y:real; pp:tp2; qq:single end; begin t:=31; pct:=pct+1; i:=0; x:=0; ra.i:=-3006; ra.x:=-6000.23; ra.q[0]:=35; ra.p.i:=20; with ra do begin if (i<>-3006) or (x<>-6000.23) or (q[0]<>35) or (p.i<>20) then e(2); i:=300; x:= 200.5; q[0]:=35; p.i:=-10 end; if (ra.i<>300) or (ra.x<>200.5) or (ra.q[0]<>35) or (ra.p.i<>-10) then e(3); with ra.p do if i <> -10 then e(4); i:= -23; ra.a2.a3.i := -909; with ra do if a2.a3.i <> -909 then e(5); with ra.a2 do if a3.i <> -909 then e(6); with ra.a2.a3 do if i <> -909 then e(7); with ra.a2 do i:=5; if (i<>5) or (ra.a2.a3.i <> -909) then e(8); with ra.a2.a3 do i:= 6; if i<>5 then e(9); if ra.a2.a3.i <> 6 then e(10); with ra,rb do begin x:=3.5; y:=6.5; i:=3; j:=9 end; if (ra.x<>3.5) or (rb.y<>6.5) or (ra.i<>3) or (rb.j<>9) then e(11); end; #else {************************************************************************} procedure tst31; { with statements } var ra: record i:integer; p:tp2; q:single; a2: record a3: tp2 end end; rb: record j: integer; pp:tp2; qq:single end; begin t:=31; pct:=pct+1; #ifndef NOFLOAT i:=0; x:=0; #else i:=0; #endif ra.i:=-3006; ra.q[0]:=35; ra.p.i:=20; with ra do begin if (i<>-3006) or (q[0]<>35) or (p.i<>20) then e(2); i:=300; q[0]:=35; p.i:=-10 end; if (ra.i<>300) or (ra.q[0]<>35) or (ra.p.i<>-10) then e(3); with ra.p do if i <> -10 then e(4); i:= -23; ra.a2.a3.i := -909; with ra do if a2.a3.i <> -909 then e(5); with ra.a2 do if a3.i <> -909 then e(6); with ra.a2.a3 do if i <> -909 then e(7); with ra.a2 do i:=5; if (i<>5) or (ra.a2.a3.i <> -909) then e(8); with ra.a2.a3 do i:= 6; if i<>5 then e(9); if ra.a2.a3.i <> 6 then e(10); with ra,rb do begin i:=3; j:=9 end; if (ra.i<>3) or (rb.j<>9) then e(11); end; #endif {************************************************************************} procedure tst32; { Standard procedures } begin t:=32; pct:=pct+1; if abs(-1) <> 1 then e(1); i:= -5; if abs(i) <> 5 then e(2); #ifndef NOFLOAT x:=-2.0; if abs(x) <> 2.0 then e(3); #endif if odd(5) = false then e(4); if odd(4) then e(5); if sqr(i) <> 25 then e(6); if succ(i) <> -4 then e(7); if succ(red) <> blue then e(8); if pred(blue) <> red then e(9); if ord(red) <> 0 then e(10); if ord(succ(succ(red))) <> 2 then e(11); if chr(ord(chr(ord(chr(ord('u')))))) <> 'u' then e(12); if ord(chr(ord(chr(ord(chr(50)))))) <> 50 then e(13); #ifndef NOFLOAT if abs(trunc(5.2)-5.0) > eps then e(14); if abs(sin(3.1415926536)) > 10*eps then e(15); if abs(exp(1.0)-2.7182818) > 0.0001 then e(16); if abs(ln(exp(1.0))- 1.0) > 3*eps then e(17); if abs(sqrt(25.0)-5.0) > eps then e(18); if abs(arctan(1.0) - 3.1415926535/4.0) > 0.0001 then e(19); if abs(ln(arctan(1)*4) - 1.144729886) > 0.000001 then e(20); if abs(sin(1) - 0.841470985 ) > 0.000001 then e(21); if abs(cos(1) - 0.540302306) > 0.000001 then e(22); if abs(sqrt(2) - 1.4142135623) > 0.000001 then e(23); if abs(sqrt(10) - 3.1622776601) > 0.000001 then e(24); if abs(sqrt(1000.0) - 31.622776602) > 0.00001 then e(25); #endif end; {***************************************************************************} procedure tst33; { Functions } var i,j,k,l,m: integer; begin t:=33; pct := pct+1; i:=1; j:=2; k:=3; l:=4; m:=10; if twice(k) <> m-l then e(1); if twice(1) <> 2 then e(2); if twice(k+1) <> twice(l) then e(3); if twice(twice(twice(inc(twice(inc(3)))))) <> 72 then e(4); if twice(inc(j+twice(inc(twice(i+1+inc(k)+inc(k))+twice(2)))))<>106 then e(5); if twice(1) + twice(2) * twice(3) <> 26 then e(6); if 3 <> 0 + twice(1) + 1 then e(7); if 0 <> 0 * twice(m) then e(8); end; {**********************************************************************} { Main Program } begin ect := 0; pct := 0; tst21; tst22; tst25; tst26; tst27; tst28; tst29; tst30; tst31; tst32; tst33; write('Program t2:',pct:3,' tests completed.'); writeln('Number of errors = ',ect:0); end.