#define fitins(a) (a&~0xFF)==0||(a&~0x3FC)==0||(a&~0xFF0)==0||(a&~0x3FC0)==0||(a&~0xFF00)==0||(a&~0x3FC00)==0||(a&~0xFF000)==0||(a&~0x3FC000)==0||(a&~0xFF0000)==0||(a&~0x3FC0000)==0||(a&~0xFF00000)==0||(a&~0x3FC00000)==0||(a&~0xFF000000)==0||(a&~0xFC000003)==0||(a&~0xF000000F)==0||(a&~0xC000003F)==0||(~a&~0xFF)==0 EM_WSIZE=4 EM_PSIZE=4 EM_BSIZE=8 PROPERTIES GENREG /* All 16 user registers */ REG /* Allocatable registers */ PCPSR /* PSW and PC */ SREG STACKPOINTER LOCALBASE LINKREGISTER REGISTERS R0,R1,R2,R3,R4,R5,R6,R7,R8,R9,R10 :GENREG, REG . R11 :GENREG, SREG . SP("R12") :GENREG, STACKPOINTER . LB("R13") :GENREG, LOCALBASE . R14 :GENREG, LINKREGISTER . PC("R15") :GENREG, PCPSR . TOKENS const4 = { INT num; } 4 "#" num . fitcon = { INT num; } 4 "#" num . LOCAL = { INT ind; } 4 "[R13,#" ind "]" . addr_local = { INT ind; } 4 . addr_external = { ADDR add; } 4 add . imS = { GENREG reg; ADDR S; INT shift;} 4 reg "," S " #" shift . regS = { GENREG reg; ADDR S; GENREG sreg;} 4 reg "," S " "sreg . absolute = { ADDR add; } 4 add . regind = { GENREG reg; } 4 "[" reg "]" . regrel = { GENREG reg; ADDR ind; } 4 "[" reg ",#" ind "]" . regrelwb = { GENREG reg; ADDR ind; } 4 "[" reg ",#" ind "]<" . regregrel = { GENREG reg1; GENREG reg2; } 4 "[" reg1 "," reg2 "]" . regminregrel = { GENREG reg1; GENREG reg2; } 4 "[" reg1 ",-" reg2 "]" . regiSregrel = { GENREG reg1; ADDR S; INT shift; GENREG reg2; } 4 "[" reg1 "," reg2 "," S "#" shift "]" . regminiSregrel = { GENREG reg1; ADDR S; INT shift; GENREG reg2; } 4 "[" reg1 ",-" reg2 "," S "#" shift "]" . regrSregrel = { GENREG reg1; ADDR S; GENREG sreg; GENREG reg2; } 4 "[" reg1 "," reg2 "," S sreg "]" . regminrSregrel = { GENREG reg1; ADDR S; GENREG sreg; GENREG reg2; } 4 "[" reg1 ",-" reg2 "," S sreg "]" . regregrelwb = { GENREG reg1; GENREG reg2; } 4 "[" reg1 "," reg2 "]<" . regiSregrelwb = { GENREG reg1; ADDR S; INT shift; GENREG reg2; } 4 "[" reg1 "," reg2 "," S "#" shift "]<" . regrSregrelwb = { GENREG reg1; ADDR S; GENREG sreg; GENREG reg2; } 4 "[" reg1 "," reg2 "," S sreg "]<" . regrelpi = { GENREG reg; ADDR ind; } 4 "[" reg "],#" ind . regregrelpi = { GENREG reg1; GENREG reg2; } 4 "[" reg1 "]," reg2 . label = {ADDR add; } 4 add . autoid = {GENREG reg; } 4 reg "<" . reglist1 = {GENREG reg1; } 4 "{" reg1 "}" . reglist2 = {GENREG reg1; GENREG reg2; } 8 "{" reg1 "," reg2 "}" . reglist3 = {GENREG reg1; GENREG reg2; GENREG reg3; } 12 "{" reg1 "," reg2 "," reg3 "}" . reglist4 = {GENREG reg1; GENREG reg2; GENREG reg3; GENREG reg4; } 16 "{" reg1 "," reg2 "," reg3 "," reg4 "}" . regexp = {INT exp;} 4 exp . regconst = {GENREG reg; ADDR ind; } 4 reg ",#" ind . regplusreg = {GENREG reg1; GENREG reg2;} 4 . regplusiSreg = {GENREG reg1; ADDR S; INT shift; GENREG reg2;} 4 . regplusrSreg = {GENREG reg1; ADDR S; GENREG sreg; GENREG reg2;} 4 . regminreg = {GENREG reg1; GENREG reg2;} 4 . regminiSreg = {GENREG reg1; ADDR S; INT shift; GENREG reg2;} 4 . regminrSreg = {GENREG reg1; ADDR S; GENREG sreg; GENREG reg2;} 4 . SETS address = absolute + regind + regrel + regrelwb + regregrel + regiSregrel + regrSregrel + regiSregrelwb + regrSregrelwb + regminregrel + regminiSregrel + regminrSregrel + regregrelwb + regrelpi + regregrelpi + LOCAL . REGcon = GENREG + imS + regS + fitcon . reglist = reglist1 + reglist2 + reglist3 + reglist4 + regexp . INSTRUCTIONS BAL label . BAL_L "BAL.L" label . BNV label . BNE label . BEQ label . BMI label . BGT label . BLT label . BLE label . BGE label . LDR GENREG:wo, address:rw . STR GENREG:ro, address:rw . LDR_B "LDR.B" GENREG:wo, address:rw . STR_B "STR.B" GENREG:ro, address:rw . LDMFD autoid:rw, reglist:wo . STMFD autoid:rw, reglist:ro . LDMIA GENREG:rw, reglist:wo . ADC GENREG:wo, GENREG:ro, REGcon:ro . ADD GENREG:wo, GENREG:ro, REGcon+const4:ro . ADD GENREG:wo, regconst:ro . AND GENREG:wo, GENREG:ro, REGcon:ro . BIC GENREG:wo, GENREG:ro, REGcon:ro . CMN GENREG:ro, REGcon:ro kills :cc . CMP GENREG:ro, REGcon:ro kills :cc . EOR GENREG:wo, GENREG:ro, REGcon:ro . EOR_S "EOR.S" GENREG:wo:cc, GENREG:ro, REGcon:ro . MOV GENREG:wo, REGcon+const4:ro . MOV_MI "MOV.MI" GENREG:wo, REGcon+const4:ro . MOV_LT "MOV.LT" GENREG:wo, REGcon+const4:ro . MOV_LE "MOV.LE" GENREG:wo, REGcon+const4:ro . MOV_EQ "MOV.EQ" GENREG:wo, REGcon+const4:ro . MOV_NE "MOV.NE" GENREG:wo, REGcon+const4:ro . MOV_GE "MOV.GE" GENREG:wo, REGcon+const4:ro . MOV_GT "MOV.GT" GENREG:wo, REGcon+const4:ro . MVN GENREG:wo, REGcon:ro . ORR GENREG:wo, GENREG:ro, REGcon:ro . RSB GENREG:wo, GENREG:ro, REGcon:ro . RSB_S "RSB.S" GENREG:wo:cc, GENREG:ro, REGcon:ro . RSC GENREG:wo, GENREG:ro, REGcon:ro . SBC GENREG:wo, GENREG:ro, REGcon:ro . SUB GENREG:wo, GENREG:ro, REGcon:ro . SUB_S "SUB.S" GENREG:wo:cc, GENREG:ro, REGcon:ro . TEQ GENREG:ro, REGcon:ro kills :cc . TST GENREG:ro, REGcon:ro kills :cc . ADR GENREG:wo, addr_external+label:ro . LABEL "" label kills :cc . MOVES from GENREG to address gen STR %1, %2 from address to GENREG gen LDR %2, %1 from GENREG to autoid gen STMFD %2, {reglist1, %1} from autoid to GENREG gen LDMFD %1, {reglist1, %2} from REGcon to GENREG gen MOV %2, %1 from const4 to GENREG gen MOV %2, %1 from addr_external to GENREG gen ADR %2, %1 TESTS to test GENREG gen CMP %1, {fitcon, 0} STACKINGRULES from address to STACK gen move %1, R11 move R11, {autoid, SP} from GENREG to STACK gen move %1, {autoid, SP} from REGcon to STACK gen move %1, R11 move R11, {autoid, SP} from const4 to STACK gen move %1, R11 move R11, {autoid, SP} from addr_local to STACK gen ADD R11, LB, {const4, %1.ind} move R11, {autoid, SP} from addr_external to STACK gen ADR R11, %1 move R11, {autoid, SP} from regconst to STACK gen ADD R11, %1 move R11, {autoid, SP} from regplusreg to STACK gen ADD R11, %1.reg1, %1.reg2 move R11, {autoid, SP} from regminreg to STACK gen SUB R11, %1.reg1, %1.reg2 move R11, {autoid, SP} from regplusiSreg to STACK gen ADD R11, %1.reg1, {imS, %1.reg2, %1.S, %1.shift} move R11, {autoid, SP} from regminiSreg to STACK gen SUB R11, %1.reg1, {imS, %1.reg2, %1.S, %1.shift} move R11, {autoid, SP} from regplusrSreg to STACK gen ADD R11, %1.reg1, {regS, %1.reg2, %1.S, %1.sreg} move R11, {autoid, SP} from regminrSreg to STACK gen SUB R11, %1.reg1, {regS, %1.reg2, %1.S, %1.sreg} move R11, {autoid, SP} COERCIONS from const4 uses REG gen move %1, %a yields %a from const4 fitins(%1.num) yields {fitcon, %num} from STACK uses REG gen move {autoid, SP}, %a yields %a from address uses REG gen move %1, %a yields %a from REGcon uses REG gen move %1, %a yields %a from addr_external uses REG gen move %1, %a yields %a from addr_local uses REG gen ADD %a, LB, {const4, %1.ind} yields %a from regconst uses REG gen ADD %a, %1 yields %a from regplusreg uses REG gen ADD %a, %1.reg1, %1.reg2 yields %a from regminreg uses REG gen SUB %a, %1.reg1, %1.reg2 yields %a from regplusiSreg uses REG gen ADD %a, %1.reg1, {imS, %1.reg2, %1.S, %1.shift} yields %a from regminiSreg uses REG gen SUB %a, %1.reg1, {imS, %1.reg2, %1.S, %1.shift} yields %a from regplusrSreg uses REG gen ADD %a, %1.reg1, {regS, %1.reg2, %1.S, %1.sreg} yields %a from regminrSreg uses REG gen SUB %a, %1.reg1, {regS, %1.reg2, %1.S, %1.sreg} yields %a PATTERNS /************************************************************************ * * * GROUP I : Load Instructions * * * ************************************************************************/ pat loc fitins($1) yields {fitcon, $1} pat loc !(fitins($1)) yields {const4, $1} pat ldc leaving loc 18 trp pat lol yields {LOCAL, $1} pat loe yields {absolute, $1} pat lil leaving lol $1 loi 4 pat lof with GENREG yields {regrel, %1, $1} with exact addr_local yields {LOCAL, %1.ind+$1} with exact addr_external yields {absolute, %1.add+$1} with exact regconst yields {regrel, %1.reg, $1+%1.ind} pat lal yields {addr_local, $1} pat lae yields {addr_external, $1} pat lxl $1==0 yields LB pat lxl $1==1 yields {LOCAL,8} pat lxl $1>1 uses REG={const4, $1}, REG=LB gen move {regrel, %b, 8}, %b SUB_S %a, %a, {fitcon,1} BNE {label,"1B"} yields %b pat lxa $1==0 yields {addr_local,8} pat lxa $1==1 uses REG={LOCAL,8} yields {regconst,%a,8} pat lxa $1>1 uses REG={const4, $1}, REG=LB gen move {regrel, %b, 8}, %b SUB_S %a, %a, {fitcon,1} BNE {label,"1B"} yields {regconst, %b, 8} pat loi $1==1 with GENREG uses REG gen LDR_B %a, {regind, %1} yields %a with exact addr_local uses REG gen LDR_B %a, {LOCAL, %1.ind} yields %a with exact addr_external uses REG gen LDR_B %a, {absolute, %1.add} yields %a with exact regconst uses REG gen LDR_B %a, {regrel, %1.reg, %1.ind} yields %a with exact regplusreg uses REG gen LDR_B %a, {regregrel, %1.reg1, %1.reg2} yields %a with exact regminreg uses REG gen LDR_B %a, {regminregrel, %1.reg1, %1.reg2} yields %a with exact regplusiSreg uses REG gen LDR_B %a, {regiSregrel, %1.reg1, %1.S, %1.shift, %1.reg2} yields %a with exact regminiSreg uses REG gen LDR_B %a, {regminiSregrel, %1.reg1, %1.S, %1.shift, %1.reg2} yields %a with exact regplusrSreg uses REG gen LDR_B %a, {regrSregrel, %1.reg1, %1.S, %1.sreg, %1.reg2} yields %a with exact regminrSreg uses REG gen LDR_B %a, {regminrSregrel, %1.reg1, %1.S, %1.sreg, %1.reg2} yields %a pat loi $1==2 with GENREG uses REG, REG gen LDR_B %a, {regind, %1} LDR_B %b, {regrel, %1, 1} ADD %a, %a, {imS, %b, "LSL", 8} yields %a pat loi $1==4 with GENREG yields {regind, %1} with exact addr_local yields {LOCAL, %1.ind} with exact addr_external yields {absolute, %1.add} with exact regconst yields {regrel, %1.reg, %1.ind} with exact regplusreg yields {regregrel, %1.reg1, %1.reg2} with exact regminreg yields {regminregrel, %1.reg1, %1.reg2} with exact regplusiSreg yields {regiSregrel, %1.reg1, %1.S, %1.shift, %1.reg2} with exact regminiSreg yields {regminiSregrel,%1.reg1,%1.S,%1.shift,%1.reg2} with exact regplusrSreg yields {regrSregrel, %1.reg1, %1.S, %1.sreg, %1.reg2} with exact regminrSreg yields {regminrSregrel,%1.reg1,%1.S,%1.sreg,%1.reg2} pat loi $1==8 with GENREG uses REG, REG gen LDMIA %1, {reglist2, %a, %b} yields %b %a pat loi defined($1) with GENREG STACK kills ALL uses REG = {const4, $1} gen LABEL {label, "1:"} SUB_S %a, %a, {fitcon, 4} move {regregrel, %1, %a}, R11 move R11, {autoid, SP} BLT {label, "1b"} pat los $1==4 with STACK kills ALL gen BAL_L {label, ".los"} pat ldl yields {LOCAL, $1+4} {LOCAL, $1} pat lde yields {absolute, $1+4} {absolute, $1} pat ldf with GENREG yields {regrel, %1, $1+4} {regrel, %1, $1} with exact addr_local yields {LOCAL, %1.ind+$1+4} {LOCAL, %1.ind+$1} with exact addr_external yields {absolute, %1.add+$1+4} {absolute, %1.add+$1} with exact regconst yields {regrel, %1.reg, $1+%1.ind+4} {regrel, %1.reg, $1+%1.ind} pat lpi yields {addr_external, $1} /************************************************************************ * * * GROUP II : Store Instructions * * * ************************************************************************/ pat stl with GENREG kills address-(absolute+LOCAL), LOCAL %ind-4 < $1 && %ind+4 > $1 gen move %1, {LOCAL, $1} pat ste with GENREG kills address gen move %1, {absolute, $1} pat sil leaving lol $1 sti 4 pat stf with GENREG GENREG kills address gen move %2, {regrel, %1, $1} with addr_local GENREG kills address gen move %2, {LOCAL, %1.ind + $1} with addr_external GENREG kills address gen move %2, {absolute, %1.add + $1} with regconst GENREG kills address gen move %2, {regrel, %1.reg, $1+%1.ind} pat sti $1==1 with GENREG GENREG kills address gen STR_B %2, {regind, %1} with addr_local GENREG kills address gen STR_B %2, {LOCAL, %1.ind} with addr_external GENREG kills address gen STR_B %2, {absolute, %1.add} with regconst GENREG kills address gen STR_B %2, {regrel, %1.reg, %1.ind} with regplusreg GENREG kills address gen STR_B %2, {regregrel, %1.reg1, %1.reg2} with regminreg GENREG kills address gen STR_B %2, {regminregrel, %1.reg1, %1.reg2} with regplusiSreg GENREG kills address gen STR_B %2, {regiSregrel, %1.reg1, %1.S, %1.shift, %1.reg2} with regminiSreg GENREG kills address gen STR_B %2, {regminiSregrel, %1.reg1, %1.S, %1.shift, %1.reg2} with regplusrSreg GENREG kills address gen STR_B %2, {regrSregrel, %1.reg1, %1.S, %1.sreg, %1.reg2} with regminrSreg GENREG kills address gen STR_B %2, {regminrSregrel, %1.reg1, %1.S, %1.sreg, %1.reg2} pat sti $1==2 with GENREG GENREG kills address uses REG gen move {imS, %2, "LSR", 8}, %a SUB %2, %2, {imS, %a, "LSL", 8} STR_B %2, {regind, %1} STR_B %a, {regrel, %1, 1} pat sti $1==4 with GENREG GENREG kills address gen move %2, {regind, %1} with addr_local GENREG kills address gen move %2, {LOCAL, %1.ind} with addr_external GENREG kills address gen move %2, {absolute, %1.add} with regconst GENREG kills address gen move %2, {regrel, %1.reg, %1.ind} with regplusreg GENREG kills address gen move %2, {regregrel, %1.reg1, %1.reg2} with regminreg GENREG kills address gen move %2, {regminregrel, %1.reg1, %1.reg2} with regplusiSreg GENREG kills address gen move %2, {regiSregrel, %1.reg1, %1.S, %1.shift, %1.reg2} with regminiSreg GENREG kills address gen move %2, {regminiSregrel, %1.reg1, %1.S, %1.shift, %1.reg2} with regplusrSreg GENREG kills address gen move %2, {regrSregrel, %1.reg1, %1.S, %1.sreg, %1.reg2} with regminrSreg GENREG kills address gen move %2, {regminrSregrel, %1.reg1, %1.S, %1.sreg, %1.reg2} pat sti defined($1) with GENREG STACK kills ALL uses REG={const4, $1} gen LABEL {label, "1:"} SUB_S %a, %a, {fitcon, 4} move {regregrel, SP, %a}, R11 move R11, {regregrel, %1, %a} BLT {label,"1B"} ADD SP, SP, {const4, $1} pat sts $1==4 with STACK kills ALL gen BAL_L {label, ".sts"} pat sdl with GENREG GENREG kills address-absolute gen move %1, {LOCAL,$1} move %2, {LOCAL,$1+4} pat sde with GENREG GENREG kills address gen move %1, {absolute, $1} move %2, {absolute, $1+4} pat sdf with GENREG GENREG GENREG kills address gen move %2, {regrel, %1, $1} move %3, {regrel, %1, $1+4} /************************************************************************ * * * GROUP III : Integer Arithmetic * * * ************************************************************************/ pat adi $1==4 with GENREG const4 yields {regconst, %1, %2.num} with const4 GENREG yields {regconst, %2, %1.num} with GENREG GENREG yields {regplusreg, %1, %2} with GENREG imS yields {regplusiSreg,%1, %2.S, %2.shift, %2.reg} with imS GENREG yields {regplusiSreg,%2, %1.S, %1.shift, %1.reg} with GENREG regS yields {regplusrSreg,%1, %2.S, %2.sreg, %2.reg} with regS GENREG yields {regplusrSreg,%2, %1.S, %1.sreg, %1.reg} with exact addr_local const4 yields {addr_local, %1.ind+%2.num} with exact const4 addr_local yields {addr_local, %2.ind+%1.num} with exact addr_external const4 yields {addr_external, %1.add+%2.num} with exact const4 addr_external yields {addr_external, %2.add+%1.num} pat sbi $1==4 with GENREG GENREG yields {regminreg, %2, %1} with imS GENREG yields {regminiSreg,%2,%1.S,%1.shift,%1.reg} with regS GENREG yields {regminrSreg,%2,%1.S,%1.sreg,%1.reg} with GENREG REGcon gen RSB %1, %1, %2 yields %1 with const4 GENREG yields {regconst, %2, 0-%1.num} with exact const4 addr_local yields {addr_local, %2.ind-%1.num} pat loc mli $1<0 && $2==4 leaving loc 0-$1 mli 4 ngi 4 pat loc mli $1==2 && $2==4 with GENREG yields {imS, %1, "LSL", 1} pat loc mli $1==4 && $2==4 with GENREG yields {imS, %1, "LSL", 2} pat loc mli $1==8 && $2==4 with GENREG yields {imS, %1, "LSL", 3} pat loc mli $1==16 && $2==4 with GENREG yields {imS, %1, "LSL", 4} pat loc mli $1==32 && $2==4 with GENREG yields {imS, %1, "LSL", 5} pat loc mli $1==3 && $2==4 with GENREG yields {regplusiSreg,%1,"LSL",1,%1} pat loc mli $1==5 && $2==4 with GENREG yields {regplusiSreg,%1,"LSL",2,%1} pat loc mli $1==6 && $2==4 with GENREG gen ADD %1, %1, {imS, %1, "LSL", 2} yields {regplusiSreg,%1,"LSR",2,%1} pat loc mli $1==7 && $2==4 with GENREG gen RSB %1, %1, {imS, %1, "LSL", 3} yields %1 pat loc mli $1==9 && $2==4 with GENREG with GENREG yields {regplusiSreg,%1,"LSL",3,%1} pat loc mli $1==10 && $2==4 with GENREG uses REG gen ADD %1, %1, {imS, %1, "LSL", 3} ADD %1, %1, {imS, %1, "LSR", 3} yields %1 pat loc mli $1==12 && $2==4 with GENREG gen move {imS, %1, "LSL", 3}, %1 yields {regplusiSreg,%1,"LSR",1,%1} pat mli $1==4 with STACK kills ALL gen BAL_L {label, ".mli"} yields R0 pat loc dvi $1<0 && $2==4 leaving loc 0-$1 dvi 4 ngi 4 pat loc dvi $1==2 && $2==4 with GENREG yields {imS, %1, "ASR", 1} pat loc dvi $1==4 && $2==4 with GENREG yields {imS, %1, "ASR", 2} pat loc dvi $1==8 && $2==4 with GENREG yields {imS, %1, "ASR", 3} pat loc dvi $1==16 && $2==4 with GENREG yields {imS, %1, "ASR", 4} pat loc dvi $1==32 && $2==4 with GENREG yields {imS, %1, "ASR", 5} pat dvi $1==4 with STACK kills ALL gen BAL_L {label, ".dvi"} yields R3 pat rmi $1==4 with STACK kills ALL gen BAL_L {label, ".dvi"} yields R2 pat ngi $1==4 with GENREG gen RSB %1, %1, {fitcon, 0} yields %1 pat sli $1==4 with const4 GENREG yields {imS, %2, "LSL", %1.num} with GENREG GENREG yields {regS, %2, "LSL", %1} pat loc sri $1==0 && $2==4 with address+REGcon yields %1 pat sri $1==4 with const4 GENREG yields {imS, %2, "ASR", %1.num} with GENREG GENREG yields {regS, %2, "ASR", %1} /************************************************************************ * * * GROUP IV : Unsigned Arithmetic * * * ************************************************************************/ pat adu leaving adi pat sbu leaving sbi pat loc mlu $1<11 && $1>0 && $2==4 leaving loc $1 mli 4 pat mlu $1==4 with STACK kills ALL gen BAL_L {label, ".mlu"} yields R0 pat loc dvu $1<33 && $1>0 && $2==4 leaving loc $1 dvi 4 pat dvu $1==4 with STACK kills ALL gen BAL_L {label, ".dvu"} yields R3 pat rmu $1==4 with STACK kills ALL gen BAL_L {label, ".dvu"} yields R2 pat slu $1==4 with GENREG GENREG yields {regS, %2, "LSL", %1} with const4 GENREG yields {imS, %2, "LSL", $1} pat sru $1==4 with GENREG GENREG yields {regS, %2, "LSR", %1} with const4 GENREG yields {imS, %2, "LSR", $1} /************************************************************************ * * * GROUP V : Floating Point Arithmetic * * * ************************************************************************/ pat adf leaving loc 18 trp pat sbf leaving loc 18 trp pat mlf leaving loc 18 trp pat dvf leaving loc 18 trp pat ngf leaving loc 18 trp pat fif leaving loc 18 trp pat fef leaving loc 18 trp /************************************************************************ * * * GROUP VI : Pointer Arithmetic * * * ************************************************************************/ pat adp with GENREG yields {regconst, %1, $1} with exact addr_local yields {addr_local, %1.ind+$1} with exact addr_external yields {addr_external, %1.add+$1} with exact regconst yields {regconst, %1.reg, %1.ind+$1} pat ads leaving adi 4 pat sbs leaving sbi 4 /************************************************************************ * * * GROUP VII : Increment/Decrement/Zero * * * ************************************************************************/ pat inc with GENREG yields {regconst, %1, 1} with exact regconst yields {regconst, %1.reg, %1.ind+1} pat inl kills address-absolute uses REG={LOCAL,$1} gen ADD %a,%a,{const4,1} move %a,{LOCAL,$1} pat ine kills address uses REG={absolute,$1} gen ADD %a,%a,{const4,1} move %a,{absolute,$1} pat dec with GENREG yields {regconst, %1, 0-1} pat del kills address-absolute uses REG={LOCAL,$1} gen SUB %a,%a,{fitcon,1} move %a,{LOCAL,$1} pat dee kills address uses REG={absolute,$1} gen SUB %a,%a,{fitcon,1} move %a,{absolute,$1} pat zrl kills address-absolute uses REG={fitcon,0} gen move %a,{LOCAL,$1} pat zre kills address uses REG={fitcon,0} gen move %a,{absolute,$1} pat zrf leaving loc 18 trp pat zer $1==4 yields {fitcon,0} pat zer $1==8 yields {fitcon,0} {fitcon,0} pat zer $1==12 yields {fitcon,0} {fitcon,0} {fitcon,0} pat zer defined($1) with STACK kills ALL uses REG={fitcon,0},REG={const4,$1} gen LABEL {label, "1:"} move %a,{autoid,SP} SUB_S %b,%b,{fitcon,4} BNE {label,"1B"} move R14,PC /************************************************************************ * * * GROUP VIII : Convert * * * ************************************************************************/ pat cii with address + REGcon address + REGcon pat cui with address +REGcon address + REGcon pat cfi leaving loc 18 trp pat cif leaving loc 18 trp pat cuf leaving loc 18 trp pat cff leaving loc 18 trp pat cfu leaving loc 18 trp pat ciu with address +REGcon address + REGcon pat cuu with address +REGcon address + REGcon /************************************************************************ * * * GROUP IX : Logical * * * ************************************************************************/ pat and $1==4 with REGcon GENREG gen AND %2, %2, %1 yields %2 with GENREG REGcon gen AND %1, %1, %2 yields %1 pat ior $1==4 with REGcon GENREG gen ORR %2, %2, %1 yields %2 with GENREG REGcon gen ORR %1, %1, %2 yields %1 pat xor $1==4 with REGcon GENREG gen EOR %2, %2, %1 yields %2 with GENREG REGcon gen EOR %1, %1, %2 yields %1 pat com $1==4 with REGcon uses REG gen MVN %a,%1 yields %a pat ror $1==4 with const4 GENREG yields {imS, %2, "ROR", %1.num} with GENREG GENREG yields {regS, %2, "ROR", %1} pat rol $1==4 with const4 GENREG yields {imS, %2, "ROR", 32-%1.num} with GENREG GENREG gen RSB %1, %1, {fitcon,32} yields {regS, %2, "ROR", %1} pat and $1>4 with STACK gen move {const4,$1}, R1 move SP, R0 ADD SP, SP, R1 LABEL {label, "1:"} SUB_S R1, R1, {fitcon, 4} move {regregrel,SP,R1},R2 move {regregrel,R0,R1},R3 AND R2, R2, R3 move R2, {regregrel,SP,R1} BNE {label, "1B"} move R14,PC pat ior $1>4 with STACK gen move {const4,$1}, R1 move SP, R0 ADD SP, SP, R1 LABEL {label, "1:"} SUB_S R1, R1, {fitcon, 4} move {regregrel,SP,R1},R2 move {regregrel,R0,R1},R3 ORR R2, R2, R3 move R2, {regregrel,SP,R1} BNE {label, "1B"} move R14,PC pat xor $1>4 with STACK gen move {const4,$1}, R1 move SP, R0 ADD SP, SP, R1 LABEL {label, "1:"} SUB_S R1, R1, {fitcon, 4} move {regregrel,SP,R1},R2 move {regregrel,R0,R1},R3 EOR R2, R2, R3 move R2, {regregrel,SP,R1} BNE {label, "1B"} move R14,PC pat com $1>4 with STACK gen move {const4,$1}, R1 LABEL {label, "1:"} SUB_S R1, R1, {fitcon, 4} move {regregrel,SP,R1},R2 MVN R2, R2 move R2,{regregrel,SP,R1} BNE {label, "1B"} move R14,PC /************************************************************************ * * * GROUP X: Sets * * * ************************************************************************/ pat loc loc inn !defined($3) leaving loc $1 inn $2 pat loc inn $2==4 && $1>=0 && $1<32 with GENREG uses REG={fitcon,1} gen AND %1, %1, {imS,%a,"LSL",$1} yields %1 pat loc inn $2==4 && $1<0 with GENREG gen move {fitcon,0}, %1 yields %1 pat loc inn $2==4 && $1>31 leaving loc 2 trp pat loc inn !defined($2) leaving inn $1 pat inn defined($1) with STACK kills ALL gen move {const4,$1}, R0 BAL_L {label, ".inn"} yields R0 pat inn !defined($1) with GENREG gen move %1, R0 BAL_L {label, ".inn"} yields R0 pat loc set !defined($2) leaving set $1 pat set $1==4 with const4 uses REG={fitcon,1} yields {imS,%a,"LSL",%1.num} with GENREG uses REG={fitcon,1} yields {regS,%a,"LSL",%1} pat set $1>4 with GENREG STACK uses REG={fitcon,1}, REG={fitcon,0}, REG={const4,$1} gen LABEL {label, "2:"} move %b,{autoid, SP} SUB_S %c, %c, {fitcon,4} BGT {label, "2B"} CMP %1, {fitcon, 0} BMI {label, "1F"} AND %b, %1, {fitcon, 31} move {regS, %a, "LSL", %b}, %b move {imS, %1, "LSR", 5}, %1 move %b, {regiSregrel, SP, "LSL", 2, %1} LABEL {label, "1:"} /************************************************************************ * * * GROUP XI : Array Instructions * * * ************************************************************************/ pat lae aar $2==4 && rom($1,3)==1 && rom($1,1)==0 leaving adi 4 pat lae aar $2==4 && rom($1,3)==1 && rom($1,1)!=0 with GENREG gen ADD %1, %1, {const4, 1-rom($1,1)} yields %1 leaving adi 4 pat lae aar $2==4 && rom($1,3)==4 && rom($1,1)==0 with GENREG yields {imS, %1,"LSL", 2} leaving adi 4 pat lae aar $2==4 && rom($1,3)==4 && rom($1,1)!=0 with GENREG gen ADD %1, %1, {const4, 1-rom($1,1)} yields {imS, %1,"LSL", 2} leaving adi 4 pat lae aar $2==4 && rom($1,1)==0 leaving loc rom($1,3) mli 4 adi 4 pat lae aar $2==4 && rom($1,1)!=0 with GENREG gen ADD %1, %1, {const4, 1-rom($1,1)} yields %1 leaving loc rom($1,3) mli 4 adi 4 pat aar $1==4 with GENREG GENREG uses REG gen move {regind, %1}, %a SUB %2, %2, %a yields %2 {regrel, %1, 8} leaving mli 4 adi 4 pat lae sar $2==4 && defined(rom($1,3)) leaving lae $1 aar 4 sti rom($1,3) pat lae lar $2==4 && defined(rom($1,3)) leaving lae $1 aar 4 loi rom($1,3) pat loc aar !defined($2) leaving aar $1 pat lae loc sar !defined($3) && $2==4 && defined(rom($1,3)) leaving lae $1 aar 4 sti rom($1,3) pat lae loc lar !defined($3) && $2==4 && defined(rom($1,3)) leaving lae $1 aar 4 loi rom($1,3) /************************************************************************ * * * GROUP XII : Compare Instructions * * * ************************************************************************/ pat cmi with GENREG REGcon uses reusing %1, REG gen RSB_S %a, %1, %2 yields %a with REGcon GENREG uses reusing %2, REG gen SUB_S %a, %2, %1 yields %a pat cmu leaving cmi $1 pat cmp leaving cmi $1 pat cmf leaving loc 18 trp pat loc cms !defined($2) leaving cms $1 pat cms $1==4 with GENREG REGcon gen EOR_S %1, %1, %2 yields %1 with REGcon GENREG gen EOR_S %2, %2, %1 yields %2 pat cms $1!=4 with STACK uses REG = {const4, $1}, REG, REG, REG gen ADD %b, %a, SP LABEL {label, "1:"} SUB_S %a, %a, {fitcon, 4} BLT {label, "2F"} move {regregrel, SP, %a}, %c move {regregrel, %b, %a}, %d EOR_S %c, %c, %d BEQ {label, "1B"} LABEL {label, "2:"} ADD SP, %b, {const4, $1} yields %c pat cms !defined($1) with GENREG STACK uses REG, REG, REG gen ADD %a, %1, SP LABEL {label, "1:"} SUB_S %1, %1, {fitcon, 4} BLT {label, "2F"} move {regregrel, SP, %1}, %b move {regregrel, %a, %1}, %c EOR_S %b, %b, %c BEQ {label, "1B"} LABEL {label, "2:"} ADD SP, %a, {const4, $1} yields %b pat tlt with GENREG uses reusing %1, REG gen test %1 MOV_LT %a, {fitcon,1} MOV_GE %a, {fitcon,0} yields %a pat tle with GENREG uses reusing %1, REG gen test %1 MOV_LE %a, {fitcon,1} MOV_GT %a, {fitcon,0} yields %a pat teq with GENREG uses reusing %1, REG gen test %1 MOV_EQ %a, {fitcon,1} MOV_NE %a, {fitcon,0} yields %a pat tne with GENREG uses reusing %1, REG gen test %1 MOV_NE %a, {fitcon,1} MOV_EQ %a, {fitcon,0} yields %a pat tge with GENREG uses reusing %1, REG gen test %1 MOV_GE %a, {fitcon,1} MOV_LT %a, {fitcon,0} yields %a pat tgt with GENREG uses reusing %1, REG gen test %1 MOV_GT %a, {fitcon,1} MOV_LE %a, {fitcon,0} yields %a /************************************************************************ * * * GROUP XIII : Branch Instructions * * * ************************************************************************/ pat bra with STACK gen BAL {label, $1} pat bne with REGcon GENREG STACK gen CMP %2, %1 BNE {label, $1} with GENREG REGcon STACK gen CMP %1, %2 BNE {label, $1} pat beq with REGcon GENREG STACK gen CMP %2, %1 BEQ {label, $1} with GENREG REGcon STACK gen CMP %1, %2 BEQ {label, $1} pat blt with REGcon GENREG STACK gen CMP %2, %1 BLT {label, $1} pat ble with REGcon GENREG STACK gen CMP %2, %1 BLE {label, $1} pat bgt with REGcon GENREG STACK gen CMP %2, %1 BGT {label, $1} pat bge with REGcon GENREG STACK gen CMP %2, %1 BGE {label, $1} pat zlt with GENREG STACK gen test %1 BLT {label, $1} pat zle with GENREG STACK gen test %1 BLE {label, $1} pat zeq with GENREG STACK gen test %1 BEQ {label, $1} pat zne with GENREG STACK gen test %1 BNE {label, $1} pat zge with GENREG STACK gen test %1 BGE {label, $1} pat zgt with GENREG STACK gen test %1 BGT {label, $1} /************************************************************************ * * * GROUP XIV : Procedure Call * * * ************************************************************************/ pat cal with STACK kills ALL gen BAL_L {label, $1} pat cai leaving loc 18 trp pat lfr $1==4 yields R0 pat lfr $1==8 yields R1 R0 pat lfr $1==12 yields R2 R1 R0 pat ret $1==0 with STACK kills ALL gen move LB, SP move {autoid, SP}, LB move {autoid, SP}, PC pat ret $1==4 with address STACK kills ALL gen move %1, R0 move LB, SP move {autoid, SP}, LB move {autoid, SP}, PC with REGcon STACK kills ALL gen move %1, R0 move LB, SP move {autoid, SP}, LB move {autoid, SP}, PC pat ret $1==8 with REGcon REGcon STACK kills ALL gen move %1, R0 move %2, R1 move LB, SP move {autoid, SP}, LB move {autoid, SP}, PC pat ret $1==12 with REGcon REGcon REGcon STACK kills ALL gen move %1, R0 move %2, R1 move %3, R2 move LB, SP move {autoid, SP}, LB move {autoid, SP}, PC /************************************************************************ * * * GROUP XV : Miscellaneous * * * ************************************************************************/ pat asp with STACK gen ADD SP, SP, {const4, $1} pat ass $1==4 with REGcon STACK gen ADD SP, SP, %1 pat blm $1==0 with address+REGcon address+REGcon pat blm $1==4 with GENREG GENREG kills address uses REG gen move {regind, %2}, %a move %a, {regind, %1} pat blm $1>4 with GENREG GENREG kills address uses REG, REG={const4, $1-4} gen LABEL {label, "1:"} move {regregrel, %2, %b}, %a move %a, {regregrel, %1, %b} SUB_S %b, %b, {fitcon, 4} BGE {label,"1B"} pat bls $1==4 with GENREG GENREG GENREG kills address uses REG gen LABEL {label, "1:"} SUB_S %1, %1, {fitcon, 4} move {regregrel, %3, %1}, %a move %a, {regregrel, %2, %1} BGT {label,"1B"} pat csa pat csb pat dch leaving loi 4 pat dup $1==4 with address+REGcon yields %1 %1 pat dup $1==8 with address+REGcon address+REGcon yields %2 %1 %2 %1 pat dup $1>8 with STACK uses REG={const4,$1}, REG gen LABEL {label, "1:"} move {regrel, SP, $1-4}, %b move %b, {autoid, SP} SUB_S %a, %a, {fitcon, 4} BGT {label, "1B"} pat dus with GENREG STACK uses REG, REG gen SUB %b, %1, {fitcon, 4} LABEL {label, "1:"} move {regregrel, SP, %b}, %a move %a, {autoid, SP} SUB_S %1, %1, {fitcon, 4} BGT {label, "1B"} pat exg $1==4 with address+REGcon address+REGcon yields %1 %2 pat exg $1==8 with address+REGcon address+REGcon address+REGcon address+REGcon yields %2 %1 %4 %3 pat exg $1>8 with STACK kills ALL uses REG, REG, REG={const4, $1-4}, REG gen ADD %d, SP, {const4, $1} LABEL {label, "1:"} move {regregrel,SP,%c}, %a move {regregrel,%d,%c}, %b move %a, {regregrel,%d,%c} move %b, {regregrel,SP,%c} SUB_S %c, %c, {fitcon, 4} BGE {label, "1B"} pat fil pat gto pat lim pat lin pat lni pat lor $1==0 yields LB pat lor $1==1 with STACK yields SP pat lor $1==2 yields {absolute, ".reghp"} pat lpb leaving adp 8 pat mon pat nop pat rck with GENREG REGcon STACK uses REG gen move {regind, %1}, %a CMP %a, %2 BGT {label, "rcktrap"} move {regrel, %1, 4}, %a CMP %a, %2 BLT {label, "rcktrap"} pat rtt pat sig pat sim pat str $1==0 with address gen move %1, LB with REGcon gen move %1, LB pat str $1==1 with address gen move %1, SP with REGcon gen move %1, SP pat str $1==2 with GENREG gen move %1, {absolute, ".reghp"} pat trp /***********************************************************************/ pat lol lol adp stl loi $1==$2 && $2==$4 && $5==4 uses REG, REG gen move {LOCAL, $1}, %a move {regrelpi, %a, $3}, %b move %a, {LOCAL, $1} yields %b pat lol lol adp stl sti $1==$2 && $2==$4 && $5==4 with GENREG uses REG gen move {LOCAL,$1}, %a move %1, {regrelpi, %a, $3} move %a, {LOCAL, $1}