%{ #ifndef NORCSID static char rcsid[]="$Header$"; #endif /* * (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. * * This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit. * * Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be * obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to * * Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum * Wiskundig Seminarium * Vrije Universiteit * Postbox 7161 * 1007 MC Amsterdam * The Netherlands * * Author: Hans van Staveren */ #ifdef vax | vax2 | vax4 #define BIG #endif #ifdef BIG #define BORS(x,y) x #else #define BORS(x,y) y #endif /* Tunable constants */ #define MAXALLREG 5 /* Maximum number of allocates per rule */ #define MAXREGS BORS(36,32) /* Total number of registers */ #define MAXREGVARS 8 /* Maximum regvars per type */ #define MAXPROPS 16 /* Total number of register properties */ #define MAXTOKENS BORS(75,32) /* Different kind of tokens */ #define MAXSETS BORS(100,80) /* Number of tokenexpressions definable */ #define MAXEMPATLEN 25 /* Maximum length of EM-pattern/replacement */ #define TOKENSIZE 5 /* Maximum number of fields in token struct */ #define MAXINSTANCE BORS(175,120) /* Maximum number of different tokeninstances */ #define MAXSTRINGS BORS(600,400)/* Maximum number of different codestrings */ #define MAXPATTERN BORS(7000,6000) /* Maximum number of bytes in pattern[] */ #define MAXNODES BORS(450,350) /* Maximum number of expression nodes */ #define MAXMEMBERS 2 /* Maximum number of subregisters per reg */ #define NMOVES BORS(50,30) /* Maximum number of move definitions */ #define MAXC1 20 /* Maximum of coercions type 1 */ #define MAXC2 20 /* Maximum of coercions type 2 */ #define MAXC3 20 /* Maximum of coercions type 3 */ #define MAXSPLIT 4 /* Maximum degree of split */ #define MAXNSTR 40 /* Maximum consecutive strings in coderule */ /* Derived constants */ #define SETSIZE ((MAXREGS+1+MAXTOKENS+15)>>4) #define PROPSETSIZE ((MAXPROPS+15)>>4) #define BMASK 0377 #define BSHIFT 8 #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 #define MAXPATLEN 7 /* Maximum length of tokenpatterns */ typedef char byte; typedef char * string; #include #include #include #include #include #include #include typedef struct list1str { struct list1str *l1next; string l1name; } *list1; typedef struct list2str { struct list2str *l2next; list1 l2list; } *list2; typedef struct list3str { struct list3str *l3next; list2 l3list; } *list3; typedef struct reginfo { string rname; string rrepr; int rsize; int rmembers[MAXMEMBERS]; int rregvar; short rprop[PROPSETSIZE]; } *reginfo; typedef struct tokeninfo { string t_name; list2 t_struct; struct { int t_type; string t_sname; } t_fields[TOKENSIZE-1]; int t_size; cost_t t_cost; int t_format; } token_t,*token_p; typedef struct ident { struct ident *i_next; string i_name; int i_type; # define IREG 1 # define IPRP 2 # define ITOK 3 # define IEXP 4 union { int i_regno; int i_prpno; int i_tokno; int i_expno; } i_i; } ident_t,*ident_p; #define ITABSIZE 32 ident_p identtab[ITABSIZE]; #define LOOKUP 0 #define HALFWAY 1 #define ENTER 2 #define JUSTLOOKING 3 typedef struct expr { int expr_typ; # define TYPINT 1 # define TYPREG 2 # define TYPSTR 3 # define TYPBOOL 4 int expr_index; } expr_t,*expr_p; unsigned cc1=1,cc2=1,cc3=1,cc4=1; node_t nodes[MAXNODES]; node_p lastnode=nodes+1; string codestrings[MAXSTRINGS]; int ncodestrings; int strar[MAXNSTR]; int nstr; int pathash[256]; reginfo machregs[MAXREGS]; char stregclass[MAXREGS]; int nmachregs=1; int nregclasses=1; int maxmembers; struct { ident_p propname; set_t propset; } machprops[MAXPROPS]; int nprops=0; token_t machtokens[MAXTOKENS]; int nmachtokens=1; set_t machsets[MAXSETS]; int nmachsets=0; int patmnem[MAXEMPATLEN]; int empatlen; int maxempatlen; int empatexpr; int maxrule=1; int pattokexp[MAXPATLEN]; int tokpatlen; int lookident=0; /* lexical analyzer flag */ list3 structpool=0; int nallreg; int allreg[MAXALLREG]; int maxallreg; int lino=0; int nerrors=0; int curtokexp; expr_t arexp[TOKENSIZE]; int narexp; inst_t arinstance[MAXINSTANCE]; int narinstance=1; move_t machmoves[NMOVES]; int nmoves=0; byte pattern[MAXPATTERN]; int npatbytes=0; int prevind; int rulecount; /* Temporary index for ... construct */ int ncoderules=0; int codebytes=0; FILE *cfile; FILE *hfile; int maxtokensize=0; int dealflag; int emrepllen; int replmnem[MAXEMPATLEN]; int tokrepllen; int replinst[MAXPATLEN]; int replexpr[MAXPATLEN]; c1_t c1coercs[MAXC1]; c2_t c2coercs[MAXC2]; c3_t c3coercs[MAXC3]; int nc1=0,nc2=0,nc3=0; int maxsplit=0; int wsize= -1; int psize= -1; int bsize= -1; char *fmt=0; int cchandled; int ccspoiled; int ccregexpr; int ccinstanceno; int cocopropno; int cocosetno; int allexpno; int rvused; /* regvars used */ int nregvar[4]; /* # of register variables of all kinds */ int rvnumbers[4][MAXREGVARS]; /* The register numbers */ #define chktabsiz(size,maxsize,which) if(size>=maxsize) tabovf(which) #define MUST1BEINT(e) int exp1=e.expr_index;tstint(e) #define MUST2BEINT(e1,e2) int exp1=e1.expr_index,exp2=e2.expr_index;tstint(e1);tstint(e2) #define MUST1BEBOOL(e) int exp1=e.expr_index;tstbool(e) #define MUST2BEBOOL(e1,e2) int exp1=e1.expr_index,exp2=e2.expr_index;tstbool(e1);tstbool(e2) %} %union { int yy_int; int *yy_intp; string yy_string; list1 yy_list1; list2 yy_list2; expr_t yy_expr; cost_t yy_cost; set_t yy_set; ident_p yy_ident; char yy_char; inst_t yy_instance; } %type list1,structlistel %type structlist,structdecl %type expr optexpr %type optcost cost optcommacost %type optboolexpr optnocoerc mnem emargno tokargno optprop %type optcommabool optstack subreg tokenexpressionno optregvar %type tokeninstanceno code stackreplacement optslashnumber %type tokenexpression %type tokeninstance %type optformat %token IDENT TYPENAME %token RIDENT,PIDENT,TIDENT,EIDENT %token LSTRING,STRING %token NUMBER %token CIDENT %token REGISTERHEAD TOKENHEAD EXPRESSIONHEAD CODEHEAD MOVEHEAD TESTHEAD STACKHEAD %token REGVAR INREG LOOP POINTER FLOAT %token TIMEFAC SIZEFAC FORMAT RETURN %token MOVE ERASE ALLOCATE ELLIPS COST REMOVE STACK %token SEP SAMESIGN SFIT UFIT ROM DEFINED TOSTRING LOWW HIGHW %token NOCC SETCC SAMECC TEST NOCOERC %token LCASELETTER %start machinespec %left OR2 %left AND2 %left CMPEQ,CMPNE %left CMPLT,CMPLE,CMPGT,CMPGE %left RSHIFT,LSHIFT %left '+','-' %left '*','/','%' %nonassoc NOT,COMP,UMINUS %nonassoc '$' %% machinespec : rcsid constants registersection tokensection { inbetween(); } expressionsection codesection movesection testsection stacksection ; rcsid : /* empty */ | STRING { strlookup($1); } ; constants : /* empty */ | constants CIDENT '=' NUMBER { *$2 = $4; } | constants SIZEFAC '=' NUMBER optslashnumber { cc1 = $4; cc2 = $5; } | constants TIMEFAC '=' NUMBER optslashnumber { cc3 = $4; cc4 = $5; } | constants FORMAT '=' STRING { fmt = $4; } ; optslashnumber : /* empty */ { $$ = 1; } | '/' NUMBER { $$ = $2; } ; registersection : REGISTERHEAD registerdefs ; registerdefs : /* empty */ | registerdefs registerdef ; registerdef : IDENT '=' '(' STRING ',' NUMBER list1 ')' optregvar list1 '.' { register ident_p ip; register list1 l; register reginfo r; int i; r=(reginfo) myalloc(sizeof(struct reginfo)); r->rname = $1; r->rrepr = $4; r->rsize = $6; if($9>=0 && $7!=0) yyerror("No subregisters allowed in regvar"); for (i=0;irmembers[i] = 0; i=0; for (l=$7;l!=0;l=l->l1next) { ip=ilookup(l->l1name,LOOKUP); if (ip->i_type != IREG) yyerror("Bad member of set"); chktabsiz(i,MAXMEMBERS,"Member of register"); r->rmembers[i++] = ip->i_i.i_regno; } maxmembers=max(maxmembers,i); r->rregvar=$9; if ($9>=0) { rvused=1; chktabsiz(nregvar[$9],MAXREGVARS,"Regvar"); rvnumbers[$9][nregvar[$9]++] = nmachregs; } for(i=0;irprop[i] = 0; ip=ilookup($1,ENTER); ip->i_type=IREG; ip->i_i.i_regno=nmachregs; for (l = $10; l!= 0; l=l->l1next) { ip = ilookup(l->l1name,HALFWAY); if (ip->i_type) { if (ip->i_type != IPRP) yyerror("Multiple defined symbol"); else if(machprops[ip->i_i.i_prpno].propset.set_size != r->rsize) yyerror("property has more than 1 size"); } else { chktabsiz(nprops,MAXPROPS,"Property"); ip->i_type = IPRP; ip->i_i.i_prpno = nprops; machprops[nprops].propname = ip; machprops[nprops++].propset.set_size = r->rsize; } r->rprop[ip->i_i.i_prpno>>4] |= (1<<(ip->i_i.i_prpno&017)); } chktabsiz(nmachregs,MAXREGS,"Register table"); machregs[nmachregs++] = r; } | error '.' ; optregvar : /* nothing */ { $$ = -1; } | REGVAR { $$ = reg_any; } | REGVAR '(' LOOP ')' { $$ = reg_loop; } | REGVAR '(' POINTER ')' { $$ = reg_pointer; } | REGVAR '(' FLOAT ')' { $$ = reg_float; } ; tokensection : TOKENHEAD tkdefs ; tkdefs : /* empty */ | tkdefs tkdef ; tkdef : IDENT '=' structdecl NUMBER optcost optformat { register token_p tp; register ident_p ip; chktabsiz(nmachtokens,MAXTOKENS,"Token table"); tp = &machtokens[nmachtokens]; tp->t_name = $1; tp->t_struct = $3; tp->t_size = $4; tp->t_cost = $5; ip = ilookup($1,ENTER); ip->i_type = ITOK; ip->i_i.i_tokno = nmachtokens++; maxtokensize=max(maxtokensize,structsize($3)); setfields(tp,$6); } | error ; structdecl : '{' structlist '}' { $$ = lookstruct($2); } ; structlist : /* empty */ { $$=0; } | structlistel structlist { $$=(list2) myalloc(sizeof(struct list2str)); $$->l2next = $2; $$->l2list = $1; } ; structlistel : TYPENAME list1 ';' { $$=(list1) myalloc(sizeof(struct list1str)); $$->l1next = $2; $$->l1name = $1; } ; optcost : /* empty */ { $$.c_size = $$.c_time = 0; } | COST '=' '(' expr ',' expr ')' { MUST2BEINT($4,$6); $$.c_size = exp1; $$.c_time = exp2; } ; optformat : /* empty */ { $$ = 0; } | STRING ; expressionsection : /* empty */ | EXPRESSIONHEAD tokenexpressions ; tokenexpressions : tokenexpressionline | tokenexpressionline tokenexpressions ; tokenexpressionline : IDENT '=' tokenexpression { { register ident_p ip; chktabsiz(nmachsets,MAXSETS,"Expression table"); machsets[nmachsets] = $3; ip=ilookup($1,ENTER); ip->i_type = IEXP; ip->i_i.i_expno = nmachsets++; } } | error ; tokenexpression : PIDENT { $$ = machprops[$1->i_i.i_prpno].propset; } | TIDENT { register i; for(i=0;ii_i.i_tokno+nmachregs+1)>>4] |= 01<<(($1->i_i.i_tokno+nmachregs+1)&017); $$.set_size = machtokens[$1->i_i.i_tokno].t_size; } | EIDENT { $$=machsets[$1->i_i.i_expno]; } | tokenexpression '*' tokenexpression { register i; if (($$.set_size=$1.set_size)==0) $$.set_size = $3.set_size; for (i=0;i1) yyerror("Token pattern too long"); if ($8!=0) { /* stacking */ c1_p cp; chktabsiz(nc1,MAXC1,"Coerc table 1"); cp = &c1coercs[nc1++]; cp->c1_texpno = pattokexp[1]; cp->c1_prop = -1; cp->c1_codep = $6; } else if (tokrepllen>1) { /* splitting */ c2_p cp; chktabsiz(nc2,MAXC2,"Coerc table 2"); cp= &c2coercs[nc2++]; cp->c2_texpno = pattokexp[1]; cp->c2_nsplit = tokrepllen; maxsplit=max(maxsplit,tokrepllen); for (i=0;ic2_repl[i] = replinst[i]; cp->c2_codep = $6; if (nallreg>0) yyerror("No allocates allowed here"); } else { /* one to one coercion */ c3_p cp; chktabsiz(nc3,MAXC3,"Coerc table 3"); cp= &c3coercs[nc3++]; if (tokpatlen) cp->c3_texpno = pattokexp[1]; else cp->c3_texpno = 0; if (nallreg>1) yyerror("Too many allocates in coercion"); cp->c3_prop = nallreg==0 ? 0 : allreg[0]; cp->c3_repl = replinst[0]; cp->c3_codep = $6; } } } | error ; empattern : /* empty */ { empatlen=0; } | mnemlist optboolexpr { register i; empatexpr = $2; patbyte(0); patshort(prevind); prevind = npatbytes - 3; maxempatlen = max(empatlen,maxempatlen); pat(empatlen); for(i=1;i<=empatlen;i++) patbyte(patmnem[i]); pat(empatexpr); rulecount = npatbytes; patbyte(1); /* number of different rules with this pattern */ pat(codebytes); /* first rule */ } | ELLIPS { pattern[rulecount]++; maxrule= max(maxrule,pattern[rulecount]); pat(codebytes); } ; mnemlist : mnem { empatlen = 1; patmnem[empatlen] = $1; } | mnemlist mnem { chktabsiz(empatlen+1,MAXEMPATLEN,"EM pattern"); patmnem[++empatlen] = $2; } ; mnem : IDENT { if(strlen($1)!=3 || ($$=mlookup($1))==0) yyerror("not an EM-mnemonic"); } ; stackpattern : optnocoerc tokenexpressionlist optstack { register i; if (tokpatlen != 0) { outbyte(($1 ? ( $3 ? DO_XXMATCH: DO_XMATCH ) : DO_MATCH)+(tokpatlen<<5)); for(i=1;i<=tokpatlen;i++) { out(pattokexp[i]); } } if ($3 && tokpatlen==0 && empatlen==0) { outbyte(DO_COERC); } if ($3 && !$1 && empatlen!=0) { outbyte(DO_REMOVE); out(allexpno); } } ; optnocoerc : /* empty */ { $$ = 0; } | NOCOERC ':' { $$ = 1; } ; tokenexpressionlist : /* empty */ { tokpatlen = 0; } | tokenexpressionlist tokenexpressionno { chktabsiz(tokpatlen+1,MAXPATLEN,"Token pattern"); pattokexp[++tokpatlen] = $2; if (machsets[$2].set_size==0) yyerror("Various sized set in tokenpattern"); } ; tokenexpressionno : tokenexpression { $$ = exprlookup($1); } ; optstack : /* empty */ { $$ = 0; } | STACK { $$ = 1; } ; code : { $$ = codebytes; cchandled=ccspoiled=0; } initcode restcode { if (cchandled==0 && ccspoiled!=0) { outbyte(DO_ERASE); out(ccregexpr); } } ; initcode : /* empty */ | initcode remove | initcode allocate ; remove : REMOVE '(' tokenexpressionno { curtokexp = $3; } optcommabool ')' { outbyte(DO_REMOVE+ ($5!=0 ? 32 : 0)); out($3); if ($5!=0) out($5); } | REMOVE '(' expr ')' { if ($3.expr_typ != TYPREG) yyerror("Expression must be register"); outbyte(DO_RREMOVE); out($3.expr_index); } ; optcommabool : /* empty */ { $$ = 0; } | ',' expr { MUST1BEBOOL($2); $$ = exp1; } ; restcode: /* empty */ | restcode LSTRING expr { outbyte(DO_LOUTPUT); out(stringno($2)); free($2); out($3.expr_index); ccspoiled++; } | restcode stringlist { int i; for(i=0;nstr>0;i++,nstr--) { if (i%8==0) outbyte(DO_ROUTPUT+(nstr>7 ? 7 : nstr-1)*32); out(strar[i]); } ccspoiled++; } | restcode RETURN { outbyte(DO_PRETURN); } | restcode move | restcode erase | restcode NOCC { outbyte(DO_ERASE); out(ccregexpr); cchandled++; } | restcode SAMECC { cchandled++; } | restcode SETCC '(' tokeninstanceno ')' { outbyte(DO_MOVE); out(ccinstanceno); out($4); cchandled++; } | restcode TEST '(' tokeninstanceno ')' { outbyte(DO_MOVE); out($4); out(ccinstanceno); ccspoiled=0; } ; stringlist : STRING { nstr=1; strar[0]=stringno($1); free($1); } | stringlist STRING { chktabsiz(nstr,MAXNSTR,"Consecutiv strings"); strar[nstr++] = stringno($2); free($2); } ; move : MOVE '(' tokeninstanceno ',' tokeninstanceno ')' { outbyte(DO_MOVE); out($3); out($5); } ; erase : ERASE '(' expr ')' { outbyte(DO_ERASE); out($3.expr_index); if($3.expr_typ != TYPREG) yyerror("Bad argument of erase"); } ; allocate : ALLOCATE { dealflag=0; } '(' alloclist ')' { if (dealflag) outbyte(DO_REALLOCATE); } ; alloclist : allocel | alloclist optcomma allocel ; allocel : tokeninstanceno /* deallocate */ { outbyte(DO_DEALLOCATE); out($1); dealflag++; } | PIDENT { allreg[nallreg++] = $1->i_i.i_prpno; outbyte(DO_ALLOCATE); out($1->i_i.i_prpno); } | PIDENT '=' tokeninstanceno { allreg[nallreg++] = $1->i_i.i_prpno; outbyte(DO_ALLOCATE+32); out($1->i_i.i_prpno); out($3); } ; stackreplacement : /* empty */ { $$=0; } | STACK { $$=1; } | '{' STACK '}' { $$=1; } | stackrepllist { $$=0; } ; stackrepllist : tokeninstanceno { tokrepllen=1; replinst[0] = $1; } | stackrepllist tokeninstanceno { chktabsiz(tokrepllen+1,MAXPATLEN,"Stack replacement"); replinst[tokrepllen++] = $2; } ; emreplacement : /* empty, normal case */ | emrepllist ; emrepllist : mnem optexpr { emrepllen=1; replmnem[0]=$1; replexpr[0]=$2.expr_index; } | emrepllist mnem optexpr { chktabsiz(emrepllen+1,MAXEMPATLEN,"EM replacement"); replmnem[emrepllen]=$2; replexpr[emrepllen]=$3.expr_index; emrepllen++; } ; cost : /* empty */ { $$.c_size = $$.c_time = 0; } | '(' expr ',' expr ')' { MUST2BEINT($2,$4); $$.c_size = exp1; $$.c_time = exp2; } | cost '+' '%' '[' tokargno ']' { $$.c_size = lookup(1,EX_PLUS,$1.c_size, lookup(0,EX_COST,$5,0)); $$.c_time = lookup(1,EX_PLUS,$1.c_time, lookup(0,EX_COST,$5,1)); } ; movesection : MOVEHEAD movedefs ; movedefs : movedef | movedefs movedef ; movedef : '(' tokenexpressionno { curtokexp = $2; } optboolexpr ',' tokenexpressionno { curtokexp = $6; pattokexp[1] = $2; pattokexp[2] = $6; tokpatlen=2; } optboolexpr ',' code optcommacost ')' { register move_p mp; outbyte(DO_RETURN); fprintf(cfile,"\n"); chktabsiz(nmoves,NMOVES,"Move definition table"); mp = &machmoves[nmoves++]; mp->m_set1 = $2; mp->m_expr1= $4; mp->m_set2 = $6; mp->m_expr2= $8; mp->m_cindex=$10; mp->m_cost = $11; } | error ; testsection : /* empty */ | TESTHEAD testdefs ; testdefs: testdef | testdefs testdef ; testdef : '(' tokenexpressionno { curtokexp = $2; pattokexp[1] = $2; pattokexp[2] = cocosetno; tokpatlen=2; } optboolexpr ',' code optcommacost ')' { register move_p mp; outbyte(DO_RETURN); fprintf(cfile,"\n"); chktabsiz(nmoves,NMOVES,"Move definition table(tests)"); mp = &machmoves[nmoves++]; mp->m_set1 = $2; mp->m_expr1 = $4; mp->m_set2 = cocosetno; mp->m_expr2 = 0; mp->m_cindex = $6; mp->m_cost = $7; } ; stacksection : STACKHEAD stackdefs | /* empty */ ; stackdefs : stackdef | stackdefs stackdef ; stackdef : '(' tokenexpressionno { curtokexp = $2; pattokexp[1] = $2; tokpatlen=1; } optboolexpr ',' optprop ',' code optcommacost ')' { register c1_p cp; outbyte(DO_TOKREPLACE); outbyte(DO_RETURN); fprintf(cfile,"\n"); chktabsiz(nc1,MAXC1,"Stacking table"); cp = &c1coercs[nc1++]; cp->c1_texpno = $2; cp->c1_expr = $4; cp->c1_prop = $6; cp->c1_codep = $8; cp->c1_cost = $9; } ; optprop : /* empty */ { $$ = -1; } | PIDENT { $$ = $1->i_i.i_prpno; } ; optcommacost : /* empty */ { $$.c_size = 0; $$.c_time = 0;} | ',' cost { $$ = $2; } ; list1 : /* empty */ { $$ = 0; } | optcomma IDENT list1 { $$=(list1) myalloc(sizeof(struct list1str)); $$->l1next = $3; $$->l1name = $2; } ; optcomma: /* nothing */ | ',' ; emargno : NUMBER { if ($1<1 || $1>empatlen) yyerror("Number after $ out of range"); $$ = $1; } ; tokargno : NUMBER { if ($1<1 || $1>tokpatlen) yyerror("Number within %[] out of range"); $$ = $1; } ; expr : '$' emargno { $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_ARG,$2,0); $$.expr_typ = argtyp(patmnem[$2]); } | NUMBER { $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_CON,(int)($1&0177777),(int)($1>>16)); $$.expr_typ = TYPINT; } | STRING { $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_STRING,strlookup($1),0); $$.expr_typ = TYPSTR; } | RIDENT { $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_REG,$1->i_i.i_regno,0); $$.expr_typ = TYPREG; } | '%' '[' tokargno '.' IDENT ']' { $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_TOKFIELD,$3, findstructel(pattokexp[$3],$5,&$$.expr_typ)); } | '%' '[' tokargno subreg ']' { chkregexp(pattokexp[$3]); $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_SUBREG,$3,$4); $$.expr_typ = TYPREG; } | '%' '[' LCASELETTER subreg ']' { if ($3 >= 'a'+nallreg) yyerror("Bad letter in %[x] construct"); $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_ALLREG,$3-'a'+1,$4); $$.expr_typ = TYPREG; } | '%' '[' IDENT ']' { $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_TOKFIELD,0, findstructel(curtokexp,$3,&$$.expr_typ)); } | TOSTRING '(' expr ')' { MUST1BEINT($3); $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_TOSTRING,exp1,0); $$.expr_typ = TYPSTR; } | DEFINED '(' expr ')' { $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_DEFINED,$3.expr_index,0); $$.expr_typ = TYPBOOL; } | SAMESIGN '(' expr ',' expr ')' { MUST2BEINT($3,$5); $$.expr_index = lookup(1,EX_SAMESIGN,exp1,exp2); $$.expr_typ = TYPBOOL; } | SFIT '(' expr ',' expr ')' { MUST2BEINT($3,$5); $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_SFIT,exp1,exp2); $$.expr_typ = TYPBOOL; } | UFIT '(' expr ',' expr ')' { MUST2BEINT($3,$5); $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_UFIT,exp1,exp2); $$.expr_typ = TYPBOOL; } | ROM '(' emargno ',' NUMBER ')' { if ($5<1 || $5>3) yyerror("Second argument of rom must be >=1 and <=3"); $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_ROM,$3-1,$5-1); $$.expr_typ = TYPINT; } | LOWW '(' emargno ')' { $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_LOWW,$3-1,0); $$.expr_typ = TYPINT; } | HIGHW '(' emargno ')' { $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_HIGHW,$3-1,0); $$.expr_typ = TYPINT; } | '(' expr ')' { $$ = $2; } | expr CMPEQ expr { switch(commontype($1,$3)) { case TYPINT: $$.expr_index = lookup(1,EX_NCPEQ,$1.expr_index,$3.expr_index); break; case TYPSTR: $$.expr_index = lookup(1,EX_SCPEQ,$1.expr_index,$3.expr_index); break; case TYPREG: $$.expr_index = lookup(1,EX_RCPEQ,$1.expr_index,$3.expr_index); break; } $$.expr_typ = TYPBOOL; } | expr CMPNE expr { switch(commontype($1,$3)) { case TYPINT: $$.expr_index = lookup(1,EX_NCPNE,$1.expr_index,$3.expr_index); break; case TYPSTR: $$.expr_index = lookup(1,EX_SCPNE,$1.expr_index,$3.expr_index); break; case TYPREG: $$.expr_index = lookup(1,EX_RCPNE,$1.expr_index,$3.expr_index); break; } $$.expr_typ = TYPBOOL; } | expr CMPGT expr { MUST2BEINT($1,$3); $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_NCPGT,exp1,exp2); $$.expr_typ = TYPBOOL; } | expr CMPGE expr { MUST2BEINT($1,$3); $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_NCPGE,exp1,exp2); $$.expr_typ = TYPBOOL; } | expr CMPLT expr { MUST2BEINT($1,$3); $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_NCPLT,exp1,exp2); $$.expr_typ = TYPBOOL; } | expr CMPLE expr { MUST2BEINT($1,$3); $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_NCPLE,exp1,exp2); $$.expr_typ = TYPBOOL; } | expr OR2 expr { MUST2BEBOOL($1,$3); $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_OR2,exp1,exp2); $$.expr_typ = TYPBOOL; } | expr AND2 expr { MUST2BEBOOL($1,$3); $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_AND2,exp1,exp2); $$.expr_typ = TYPBOOL; } | expr '+' expr { switch(commontype($1,$3)) { case TYPINT: $$.expr_index = lookup(1,EX_PLUS,$1.expr_index,$3.expr_index); break; case TYPSTR: $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_CAT,$1.expr_index,$3.expr_index); break; default: yyerror("Bad types"); } $$.expr_typ = $1.expr_typ; } | expr '-' expr { MUST2BEINT($1,$3); $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_MINUS,exp1,exp2); $$.expr_typ = TYPINT; } | expr '*' expr { MUST2BEINT($1,$3); $$.expr_index = lookup(1,EX_TIMES,exp1,exp2); $$.expr_typ = TYPINT; } | expr '/' expr { MUST2BEINT($1,$3); $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_DIVIDE,exp1,exp2); $$.expr_typ = TYPINT; } | expr '%' expr { MUST2BEINT($1,$3); $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_MOD,exp1,exp2); $$.expr_typ = TYPINT; } | expr LSHIFT expr { MUST2BEINT($1,$3); $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_LSHIFT,exp1,exp2); $$.expr_typ = TYPINT; } | expr RSHIFT expr { MUST2BEINT($1,$3); $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_RSHIFT,exp1,exp2); $$.expr_typ = TYPINT; } | NOT expr { MUST1BEBOOL($2); $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_NOT,exp1,0); $$.expr_typ = TYPBOOL; } | COMP expr { MUST1BEINT($2); $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_COMP,exp1,0); $$.expr_typ = TYPINT; } | INREG '(' expr ')' { MUST1BEINT($3); $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_INREG,exp1,0); $$.expr_typ = TYPINT; } | REGVAR '(' expr ')' { MUST1BEINT($3); $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_REGVAR,exp1,0); $$.expr_typ = TYPREG; } /* | '-' expr %prec UMINUS { MUST1BEINT($2); $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_UMINUS,exp1,0); $$.expr_typ = TYPINT; } */ ; subreg : /* empty */ { $$=0; } | '.' NUMBER { $$=$2; } ; optboolexpr : /* empty */ { $$ = 0; } | expr { MUST1BEBOOL($1); $$=exp1; } ; optexpr : /* empty */ { $$.expr_typ=0; $$.expr_index=0; } | expr ; tokeninstanceno : tokeninstance { $$ = instno($1); } ; tokeninstance : '%' '[' tokargno subreg ']' { register i; if ($4!=0) chkregexp(pattokexp[$3]); $$.in_which = IN_COPY; $$.in_info[0] = $3; $$.in_info[1] = $4; for (i=2;ii_i.i_regno; for (i=1;i= 'a'+nallreg) yyerror("Bad letter in %[x] construct"); $$.in_which = IN_ALLOC; $$.in_info[0] = $3-'a'; $$.in_info[1] = $4; for (i=2;ii_i.i_tokno; for(i=0;ii_i.i_tokno].t_fields[i].t_type) yyerror("Attribute %d has wrong type",i+1); $$.in_info[i+1] = arexp[i].expr_index; } for (i=narexp+1;ii_i.i_tokno].t_fields[i-1].t_type!=0) yyerror("Too few attributes"); $$.in_info[i] = 0; } } ; attlist : /* empty */ { narexp = 0; } | attlist ',' expr { arexp[narexp++] = $3; } ; %% char * myalloc(n) { register char *p; p= (char*) malloc(n); if (p==0) { yyerror("Out of core"); exit(1); } return(p); } tstint(e) expr_t e; { if(e.expr_typ != TYPINT) yyerror("Must be integer expression"); } tstbool(e) expr_t e; { if(e.expr_typ != TYPBOOL) yyerror("Must be boolean expression"); } structsize(s) register list2 s; { register list1 l; register sum; sum = 0; while ( s != 0 ) { l = s->l2list->l1next; while ( l != 0 ) { sum++; l = l->l1next; } s = s->l2next; } return(sum); } list2 lookstruct(ll) list2 ll; { list3 l3; list2 l21,l22; list1 l11,l12; for (l3=structpool;l3 != 0;l3=l3->l3next) { for (l21=l3->l3list,l22=ll;l21!=0 && l22!=0; l21=l21->l2next,l22=l22->l2next) { for(l11=l21->l2list,l12=l22->l2list; l11!=0 && l12!=0 && strcmp(l11->l1name,l12->l1name)==0; l11=l11->l1next,l12=l12->l1next) ; if (l11!=0 || l12!=0) goto contin; } if(l21==0 && l22==0) return(l3->l3list); contin:; } l3 = (list3) myalloc(sizeof(struct list3str)); l3->l3next=structpool; l3->l3list=ll; structpool=l3; return(ll); } instno(inst) inst_t inst; { register i,j; for(i=1;itokpatlen) yyerror("Number within %[] out of range"); if (*s == ']') { s++; *p++ = PR_TOK; *p++ = num; } else if (*s++ != '.') yyerror("Bad character following %%[digit in codestring"); else { char field[256]; register char *f=field; int type,offset; while( *s != ']' && *s != 0) *f++ = *s++; *f++ = 0; if (*s != ']') yyerror("Unterminated %[] construction in codestring"); else s++; if (isdigit(field[0])) { chkregexp(pattokexp[num]); *p++ = PR_SUBREG; *p++ = num; *p++ = atoi(field); } else { offset = findstructel(pattokexp[num],field,&type); *p++ = PR_TOKFLD; *p++ = num; *p++ = offset; } } } else if (*s >= 'a' && *s < 'a'+nallreg) { int reg,subreg; reg = *s++ -'a'+1; if(*s == ']') subreg = 255; else { if (*s != '.') yyerror("Bad character following %%[x in codestring"); s++; if(!isdigit(*s)) yyerror("Bad character following %%[x. in codestring"); subreg = *s - '0'; s++; if(*s != ']') yyerror("Bad character following %%[x.y in codestring"); } s++; *p++ = PR_ALLREG; *p++ = reg; *p++ = subreg; } else yyerror("Bad character following %%[ in codestring"); } *p++ = 0; return(strlookup(buf)); } tabovf(tablename) string tablename; { char buf[256]; sprintf(buf,"%s overflow",tablename); yyerror(buf); exit(-1); } main(argc,argv) char *argv[]; { if (argc!=1) { fprintf(stderr,"%s is a filter, don't use arguments\n",argv[0]); exit(-1); } inithash(); initio(); inittables(); yyparse(); if (nerrors==0) { compueq(); hashpatterns(); finishio(); verbose(); } debug(); exit(nerrors); } lookup(comm,operator,lnode,rnode) { register node_p p; for (p=nodes+1;pex_operator != operator) continue; if (!(p->ex_lnode == lnode && p->ex_rnode == rnode || comm && p->ex_lnode == rnode && p->ex_rnode == lnode)) continue; return(p-nodes); } if (lastnode >= &nodes[MAXNODES]) yyerror("node table overflow"); lastnode++; p->ex_operator = operator; p->ex_lnode = lnode; p->ex_rnode = rnode; return(p-nodes); } compueq() { register i,j; for (i=1;i>4]; int member; rp1 = machregs[r1]; rp2 = machregs[r2]; for (i=0;i<((nprops+15)>>4);i++) if (rp1->rprop[i] != rp2->rprop[i]) return(0); for (i=0;i<((MAXREGS+15)>>4);i++) regbits[i] = 0; for (i=0;irmembers[i]) regbits[member>>4] |= (1<<(member&017)); } for (i=0;irmembers[i]; if (regbits[member>>4]&(1<<(member&017))) return(0); } return(1); } unsigned hash(name) register string name; { register unsigned sum; register i; for (sum=i=0;*name;i+=3) sum ^= (*name++)<<(i&07); return(sum); } ident_p ilookup(name,enterf) string name; int enterf; { register ident_p p,*pp; pp = &identtab[hash(name)%ITABSIZE]; while (*pp != 0) { if (strcmp((*pp)->i_name,name)==0) if (enterf != ENTER) return(*pp); else yyerror("Multiply defined symbol"); pp = &(*pp)->i_next; } if (enterf == LOOKUP) yyerror("Undefined symbol"); if (enterf == JUSTLOOKING) return(0); p = *pp = (ident_p) myalloc(sizeof(ident_t)); p->i_name = name; p->i_next = 0; p->i_type = 0; return(p); } initio() { if ((cfile=fopen("tables.c","w"))==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Can't create tables.c\n"); exit(-1); } if ((hfile=fopen("tables.h","w"))==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Can't create tables.h\n"); exit(-1); } fprintf(cfile,"#include \"param.h\"\n"); fprintf(cfile,"#include \"tables.h\"\n"); fprintf(cfile,"#include \"types.h\"\n"); fprintf(cfile,"#include \n"); fprintf(cfile,"#include \"data.h\"\n"); fprintf(cfile,"\nbyte coderules[] = {\n"); patbyte(0); } exprlookup(sett) set_t sett; { register i,j,ok; for(i=0;irname = "cc reg"; r->rrepr = "CC"; r->rsize = -1; r->rregvar= -1; for(i=0;irmembers[i] = 0; for(i=0;irprop[i] = 0; r->rprop[cocopropno>>4] |= (1<<(cocopropno&017)); chktabsiz(nmachregs,MAXREGS,"Register table"); machregs[nmachregs++] = r; inst.in_which = IN_RIDENT; inst.in_info[0] = nmachregs-1; for(i=1;i>4] |= (01<<(nmachregs&017)); cocosetno=exprlookup(sett); } outregs() { register i,j,k; static short rset[(MAXREGS+15)>>4]; int t,ready; fprintf(cfile,"char stregclass[] = {\n"); for (i=0;irrepr), machregs[i]->rsize); if (maxmembers!=0) { fprintf(cfile,",{"); for(j=0;jrmembers[j]); /* now compute and print set of registers * that clashes with this register. * A register clashes with al its children (and theirs) * and with all their parents. */ for (j=0;j<((MAXREGS+15)>>4);j++) rset[j]=0; rset[i>>4] |= (1<<(i&017)); do { ready=1; for (j=1;j>4]&(1<<(j&017))) for (k=0;krmembers[k])!=0) { if ((rset[t>>4]&(1<<(t&017)))==0) ready=0; rset[t>>4] |= (1<<(t&017)); } } while (!ready); do { ready=1; for (j=1;jrmembers[k])!=0) if (rset[t>>4]&(1<<(t&017))) { if (rset[j>>4]&(1<<(j&017))==0) ready=0; rset[j>>4] |= (1<<(j&017)); } } while (!ready); fprintf(cfile,"},{"); for (j=0;j<((nmachregs+15)>>4);j++) fprintf(cfile,"%d,",rset[j]); fprintf(cfile,"}"); } if (machregs[i]->rregvar>=0) fprintf(cfile,",1"); fprintf(cfile,"},\n"); } fprintf(cfile,"};\n\n"); } finishio() { register i; register node_p np; int j; int setsize; register move_p mp; fprintf(cfile,"};\n\n"); if (wsize>0) fprintf(hfile,"#define EM_WSIZE %d\n",wsize); else yyerror("Wordsize undefined"); if (psize>0) fprintf(hfile,"#define EM_PSIZE %d\n",psize); else yyerror("Pointersize undefined"); if (bsize>=0) fprintf(hfile,"#define EM_BSIZE %d\n",bsize); else fprintf(hfile,"extern int EM_BSIZE;\n"); if (fmt!=0) fprintf(hfile,"#define WRD_FMT \"%s\"\n",fmt); fprintf(hfile,"#define MAXALLREG %d\n",maxallreg); setsize = (nmachregs+1 + nmachtokens + 15)>>4; fprintf(hfile,"#define SETSIZE %d\n",setsize); fprintf(hfile,"#define NPROPS %d\n",nprops); fprintf(hfile,"#define NREGS %d\n",nmachregs); fprintf(hfile,"#define REGSETSIZE %d\n",(nmachregs+15)>>4); fprintf(hfile,"#define TOKENSIZE %d\n",maxtokensize); fprintf(hfile,"#define MAXMEMBERS %d\n",maxmembers); fprintf(hfile,"#define LONGESTPATTERN %d\n",maxempatlen); fprintf(hfile,"#define MAXRULE %d\n",maxrule); fprintf(hfile,"#define NMOVES %d\n",nmoves); fprintf(hfile,"#define NC1 %d\n",nc1); if (nc2) { assert(maxsplit!=0); fprintf(hfile,"#define NC2 %d\n",nc2); fprintf(hfile,"#define MAXSPLIT %d\n",maxsplit); } fprintf(hfile,"#define NC3 %d\n",nc3); outregs(); fprintf(cfile,"tkdef_t tokens[] = {\n"); for(i=0;iex_operator,np->ex_lnode, np->ex_rnode); fprintf(cfile,"};\n\nstring codestrings[] = {\n"); for(i=0;im_set1, mp->m_expr1, mp->m_set2, mp->m_expr2, mp->m_cindex, mp->m_cost.c_size,mp->m_cost.c_time); } fprintf(cfile,"};\n\nbyte pattern[] = {\n"); for (i=0;irregvar<0 && (machprops[i].propset.set_val[j>>4]&(1<<(j&017)))) fprintf(cfile,"\t&machregs[%d],\n",j-1); } fprintf(cfile,"\t0\n};\n"); } fprintf(cfile,"struct reginfo **reglist[] = {\n"); for (i=0;i0) fprintf(cfile,"struct regassigned ratar%d[%d];\n", i,nregvar[i]); for (i=0;i<4;i++) if (nregvar[i]>0) { fprintf(cfile,"int rvtar%d[] = {",i); for (j=0;j0) fprintf(cfile,"\trvtar%d,\n",i); else fprintf(cfile,"\t0,\n"); fprintf(cfile,"};\n\nstruct regassigned *regassigned[] = {\n"); for (i=0;i<4;i++) if (nregvar[i]>0) fprintf(cfile,"\tratar%d,\n",i); else fprintf(cfile,"\t0,\n"); fprintf(cfile,"};\n"); } verbose() { fprintf(stderr,"Codebytes %d\n",codebytes); fprintf(stderr,"Registers %d(%d)\n",nmachregs,MAXREGS); fprintf(stderr,"Properties %d(%d)\n",nprops,MAXPROPS); fprintf(stderr,"Tokens %d(%d)\n",nmachtokens,MAXTOKENS); fprintf(stderr,"Sets %d(%d)\n",nmachsets,MAXSETS); fprintf(stderr,"Tokeninstances %d(%d)\n",narinstance,MAXINSTANCE); fprintf(stderr,"Strings %d(%d)\n",ncodestrings,MAXSTRINGS); fprintf(stderr,"Enodes %d(%d)\n",lastnode-nodes,MAXNODES); fprintf(stderr,"Patbytes %d(%d)\n",npatbytes,MAXPATTERN); } inbetween() { register ident_p ip; register i,j; register move_p mp; lookident=1; /* for lexical analysis */ chktabsiz(nmachsets+1,MAXSETS,"Expressiontable"); for (i=0;ii_type=IEXP; ip->i_i.i_expno = nmachsets++; for (i=0;ii_type=IEXP; allexpno = ip->i_i.i_expno = nmachsets++; mp = &machmoves[nmoves++]; mp->m_set1 = cocosetno; mp->m_expr1 = 0; mp->m_set2 = nmachsets-1; mp->m_expr2 = 0; mp->m_cindex = 0; mp->m_cost.c_size = 0; mp->m_cost.c_time = 0; /* * Create sets of registers per property */ for (i=0;irprop[i>>4]&(1<<(i&017))) sp[j>>4] |= (1<<(j&017)); } } formconversion(p,tp) register char *p; register token_p tp; { char buf[256]; register char *q=buf; char field[256]; register char *f; int i; if (p==0) return(0); while (*p) switch(*p) { default: *q++ = *p++; continue; case '%': p++; if(*p == '%') { *q++ = *p++; continue; } if (*p == '[') p++; else yyerror("Bad character after % in format"); f=field; while (*p != 0 && *p != ']') *f++ = *p++; *f++ = 0; if (*p == ']') p++; else yyerror("Unterminated %[] construct in format"); for (i=0;it_fields[i].t_sname)==0) break; if (i==TOKENSIZE-1) yyerror("Unknown field in %[] construct in format"); *q++ = i+1; } *q++ = 0; return(strlookup(buf)); } setfields(tp,format) register token_p tp; string format; { register i; list2 ll; register list1 l; int type; for(i=0;it_fields[i].t_type = 0; i=0; for(ll=tp->t_struct;ll!=0;ll=ll->l2next) { l=ll->l2list; if(strcmp(l->l1name,"REGISTER")==0) type = TYPREG; else if (strcmp(l->l1name,"INT")==0) type = TYPINT; else type = TYPSTR; for(l=l->l1next;l!=0;l=l->l1next) { tp->t_fields[i].t_type = type; tp->t_fields[i].t_sname = l->l1name; i++; } } if (format != 0) tp->t_format = formconversion(format,tp); else tp->t_format = -1; } chkregexp(number) { register i; for(i=nmachregs+1;i>4]&(01<<(i&017))) yyerror("No tokens allowed in this set"); } findstructel(number,name,t) string name; int *t; { register i; register token_p tp; register list2 structdecl; int offset; for(i=1;i<=nmachregs;i++) if (machsets[number].set_val[i>>4]&(01<<(i&017))) yyerror("No registers allowed in this set"); structdecl = 0; for (i=nmachregs+1;i>4]&(01<<(i&017))) { if (structdecl == 0) { structdecl = machtokens[i-(nmachregs+1)].t_struct; tp = &machtokens[i-(nmachregs+1)]; } else if(structdecl != machtokens[i-(nmachregs+1)].t_struct) yyerror("Multiple structs in this set"); } } if (structdecl == 0) { yyerror("No structs in this set"); return(0); } for(offset=0;offsett_fields[offset].t_type != 0 && strcmp(tp->t_fields[offset].t_sname,name)==0) { *t = tp->t_fields[offset].t_type; return(offset+1); } yyerror("No such field in this struct"); return(0); } extern char em_flag[]; argtyp(mn) { switch(em_flag[mn-sp_fmnem]&EM_PAR) { case PAR_W: case PAR_S: case PAR_Z: case PAR_O: case PAR_N: case PAR_L: case PAR_F: case PAR_R: case PAR_C: return(TYPINT); default: return(TYPSTR); } } commontype(e1,e2) expr_t e1,e2; { if(e1.expr_typ != e2.expr_typ) yyerror("Type incompatibility"); return(e1.expr_typ); } extern char em_mnem[][4]; #define HASHSIZE (2*(sp_lmnem-sp_fmnem)) struct hashmnem { char h_name[3]; byte h_value; } hashmnem[HASHSIZE]; inithash() { register i; for(i=0;i<=sp_lmnem-sp_fmnem;i++) enter(em_mnem[i],i+sp_fmnem); } enter(name,value) char *name; { register unsigned h; h=hash(name)%HASHSIZE; while (hashmnem[h].h_name[0] != 0) h = (h+1)%HASHSIZE; strncpy(hashmnem[h].h_name,name,3); hashmnem[h].h_value = value; } int mlookup(name) char *name; { register unsigned h; h = hash(name)%HASHSIZE; while (strncmp(hashmnem[h].h_name,name,3) != 0 && hashmnem[h].h_name[0] != 0) h = (h+1)%HASHSIZE; return(hashmnem[h].h_value&BMASK); /* 0 if not found */ } hashpatterns() { short index; register byte *bp,*tp; register short i; unsigned short hashvalue; int patlen; index = prevind; while (index != 0) { bp = &pattern[index]; tp = &bp[PO_MATCH]; i = *tp++&BMASK; if (i==BMASK) { i = *tp++&BMASK; i |= (*tp++&BMASK)<>BSHIFT; hashvalue &= BMASK; bp[PO_NEXT] = pathash[hashvalue]&BMASK; bp[PO_NEXT+1] = pathash[hashvalue]>>BSHIFT; pathash[hashvalue] = i; } } debug() { register i,j; for(i=0;ii_next) printf("%-14s %1d %3d\n",ip->i_name, ip->i_type,ip->i_i.i_regno); } for(i=2;irname,rp->rrepr,rp->rsize); for(j=0;jrmembers[j] != 0) printf(", %s",machregs[rp->rmembers[j]]->rname); printf(")"); for(j=0;jrprop[j>>4]&(1<<(j&017))) printf(", %s",machprops[j].propname->i_name); printf(".\n"); } } out(n) { assert(n>=0); if (n<128) outbyte(n); else { outbyte(n/256+128); outbyte(n%256); } } outbyte(n) { fprintf(cfile,"%d, ",n&BMASK); codebytes++; } pat(n) { assert(n>=0); if (n<128) patbyte(n); else { patbyte(n/256+128); patbyte(n%256); } } patshort(n) { patbyte(n&BMASK); patbyte(n>>BSHIFT); } patbyte(n) { chktabsiz(npatbytes,MAXPATTERN,"Pattern table"); pattern[npatbytes++] = n; } max(a,b) { if (a>b) return(a); return(b); } #include "bootlex.c"