#ifndef lint static char rcsid[] = "$Header$"; #endif /* * led - linkage editor for ACK assemblers output format */ #include #include "../../h/out.h" #include "const.h" #include "debug.h" #include "defs.h" #include "memory.h" #include "orig.h" extern bool incore; main(argc, argv) int argc; char **argv; { initializations(argc, argv); first_pass(argv); freeze_core(); evaluate(); beginoutput(); second_pass(argv); endoutput(); exit(0); } char *progname; /* Name this program was invoked with. */ int passnumber; /* Pass we are in. */ struct outhead outhead; /* Header of final output file. */ struct outsect outsect[MAXSECT];/* Its section table. */ /* ARGSUSED */ static initializations(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { /* * Avoid malloc()s. */ setbuf(stdin, (char *)NULL); setbuf(stdout, (char *)NULL); setbuf(stderr, (char *)NULL); progname = argv[0]; passnumber = FIRST; determine_ordering(); init_core(); init_symboltable(); outhead.oh_magic = O_MAGIC; outhead.oh_stamp = O_STAMP; } /* ------------------------ ROUTINES OF FIRST PASS ------------------------- */ int flagword = 0; /* To store command-line options. */ char *outputname = "a.out"; /* Name of the resulting object file. */ /* * Scan the arguments. * If the argument starts with a '-', it's a flag, else it is either * a plain file to be loaded, or an archive. */ static first_pass(argv) register char **argv; { register char *argp; int sectno; int h; extern int atoi(); extern long number(); extern char *index(); extern int hash(); extern struct outname *searchname(); extern struct outname *makename(); while (*++argv) { argp = *argv; if (*argp != '-') { pass1(argp); continue; } /* It's a flag. */ switch (*++argp) { case 'a': /* * The rest of the argument must be of the form * `
:', where *
and are numbers. * will be the alignment in the machine of * section
. */ sectno = atoi(++argp); if ((argp = index(argp, ':')) == (char *)0) fatal("usage: -a
:"); setlign(sectno, number(++argp)); break; case 'b': /* * The rest of the argument must be of the form * `
:', where
* and base are decimal numbers. will be * the base address in the machine of section *
. */ sectno = atoi(++argp); if ((argp = index(argp, ':')) == (char *)0) fatal("usage: -b
:"); setbase(sectno, number(++argp)); break; case 'o': /* * The `name' argument after -o is used as name * of the led output file, instead of "a.out". */ if ((outputname = *++argv) == (char *)0) fatal("-o needs filename"); break; case 'r': /* * Generate relocation information in the output file * so that it can be the subject of another led run. * This flag also prevents final definitions from being * given to common symbols, and suppresses the * `Undefined:' diagnostic. */ if (flagword & SFLAG) warning("-r contradicts -s: -s ignored"); flagword |= RFLAG; break; case 's': /* * `Strip' the output, that is, remove the symbol table * and relocation table to save space (but impair the * usefullness of the debuggers). This information can * also be removed by astrip(1). */ if (flagword & RFLAG) warning("-s contradicts -r: -s ignored"); else flagword |= SFLAG; break; case 'u': /* * Take the following argument as a symbol and enter it * as undefined in the symbol table. This is useful for * loading wholly from a library, since initially the * symbol table is empty and an unresolved reference is * needed to force the loading of the first routine. */ if (*++argv == (char *)0) fatal("-u needs symbol name"); h = hash(*argv); if (searchname(*argv, h) == (struct outname *)0) entername(makename(*argv), h); break; default: fatal("bad flag letter %c", *argp); break; } } } /* * If `s' starts with 0x/0X, it's hexadecimal, * else if it starts with 0b/0B, it's binary, * else if it starts with 0, it's octal, * else it's decimal. */ static long number(s) register char *s; { register int digit; register long value = 0; register int radix = 10; if (*s == '0') { radix = 8; s++; if (*s == 'x' || *s == 'X') { radix = 16; s++; } else if (*s == 'b' || *s == 'B') { radix = 2; s++; } } while (digit = *s++) { if (digit >= 'A' && digit <= 'F') digit -= 'A' + 10; else if (digit >= 'a' && digit <= 'f') digit -= 'a' + 10; else if (digit >= '0' && digit <= '9') digit -= '0'; else fatal("wrong digit %c", digit); if (digit >= radix) fatal("digit %c exceeds radix %d", digit, radix); value = radix * value + digit; } return value; } /* * We use one bit per section to indicate whether a base was already given or * not. Only one base may be given. The same applies for alignments. */ static char basemap[MAXSECT / WIDTH]; static long sect_base[MAXSECT]; static char lignmap[MAXSECT / WIDTH]; static long sect_lign[MAXSECT]; /* /* * Set the alignment of section `sectno' to `lign', if this doesn't * conflict with earlier alignment. */ static setlign(sectno, lign) register int sectno; register long lign; { extern bool setbit(); if (setbit(sectno, lignmap) && sect_lign[sectno] != lign) fatal("section has different alignments"); if (lign == (long)0) fatal("alignment cannot be zero"); sect_lign[sectno] = lign; } /* * Set the base of section `sectno' to `base', if no other base has been * given yet. */ static setbase(sectno, base) register int sectno; register long base; { extern bool setbit(); if (setbit(sectno, basemap) && sect_base[sectno] != base) fatal("section has different bases"); sect_base[sectno] = base; } static struct outname * makename(string) char *string; { static struct outname namebuf; namebuf.on_mptr = string; namebuf.on_type = S_UND + S_EXT; namebuf.on_valu = (long)0; return &namebuf; } /* * If `file' is a plain file, symboltable information and section sizes are * extracted. If it is an archive it is examined to see if it defines any * undefined symbols. */ static pass1(file) char *file; { if (getfile(file) == PLAIN) { debug("%s: plain file\n", file, 0, 0, 0); extract(); } else { /* It must be an archive. */ debug("%s: archive\n", file, 0, 0, 0); arch(); } closefile(file); } /* ---------------- ROUTINES BETWEEN FIRST AND SECOND PASS ----------------- */ /* * After pass 1 we know the sizes of all commons so we can give each common * name an address within its section and we can compute the sizes of all * sections in the machine. After this we can compute the bases of all * sections. We then add the section bases to the values of names in * corresponding sections. */ static evaluate() { if (!(flagword & RFLAG)) norm_commons(); complete_sections(); if (!(flagword & RFLAG)) change_names(); } extern ushort NGlobals, NLocals; /* * Sect_comm[N] is the number of common bytes in section N. * It is computed after pass 1. */ static long sect_comm[MAXSECT]; /* * If there are undefined names, we print them and we set a flag so that * the output can be subject to another led run and we return. * We now know how much space each common name needs. We change the value * of the common name from the size to the address within its section, * just like "normal" names. We also count the total size of common names * within each section to be able to compute the final size in the machine. */ static norm_commons() { register struct outname *name; register int cnt; register int und = FALSE; name = (struct outname *)address(ALLOGLOB, (ind_t)0); cnt = NGlobals; while (cnt-- > 0) { if (ISUNDEFINED(name)) { if (!und) { und = TRUE; outhead.oh_flags |= HF_LINK; flagword = (flagword & ~SFLAG) | RFLAG; fprintf(stderr, "Undefined:\n"); } fprintf(stderr, "\t%s\n", address(ALLOGCHR, (ind_t)name->on_foff) ); } name++; } if (flagword & RFLAG) return; /* * RFLAG is off, so we need not produce relocatable output. * We can now assign an address to common names. * It also means that there are no undefined names. */ name = (struct outname *)address(ALLOGLOB, (ind_t)0); cnt = NGlobals; while (cnt-- > 0) { if (!ISABSOLUTE(name) && ISCOMMON(name)) { register long size; register int sectindex; size = name->on_valu; /* XXX rounding? */ sectindex = (name->on_type & S_TYP) - S_MIN; name->on_valu = outsect[sectindex].os_size + sect_comm[sectindex]; sect_comm[sectindex] += size; name->on_type &= ~S_COM; } name++; } } struct orig relorig[MAXSECT]; /* * Compute the offsets in file and machine that the sections will have. * Also set the origins to 0. */ static complete_sections() { register long base = 0; register long foff; register int sectindex; extern bool tstbit(); foff = SZ_HEAD + outhead.oh_nsect * SZ_SECT; for (sectindex = 0; sectindex < outhead.oh_nsect; sectindex++) { relorig[sectindex].org_flen = (long)0; relorig[sectindex].org_zero = (long)0; outsect[sectindex].os_foff = foff; foff += outsect[sectindex].os_flen; if (flagword & RFLAG) continue; outsect[sectindex].os_size += sect_comm[sectindex]; outsect[sectindex].os_lign = tstbit(sectindex, lignmap) ? sect_lign[sectindex] : 1; if (tstbit(sectindex, basemap)) { base = sect_base[sectindex]; if (base % outsect[sectindex].os_lign) fatal("base not aligned"); } else { base += outsect[sectindex].os_lign - 1; base -= base % outsect[sectindex].os_lign; } outsect[sectindex].os_base = base; base += outsect[sectindex].os_size; } } /* * For each name we add the base of its section to its value, unless * the output has to be able to be linked again, as indicated by RFLAG. */ static change_names() { register int cnt; register struct outname *name; name = (struct outname *)address(ALLOGLOB, (ind_t)0); cnt = NGlobals; while (cnt-- > 0) { addbase(name); name++; } if (!incore) return; /* * Do the same with the local names. */ name = (struct outname *)address(ALLOLOCL, (ind_t)0); cnt = NLocals; while (cnt-- > 0) { addbase(name); name++; } } #define BIT 0x01 /* * This function sets a bit with index `indx' in string. * It returns whether it was already set. */ bool setbit(indx, string) int indx; char string[]; { register int byte_index, bit_index; register int byte; byte_index = indx / WIDTH; /* Index of byte with bit we need. */ bit_index = indx % WIDTH; /* Index of bit we need. */ byte = string[byte_index]; byte >>= bit_index; if (byte & BIT) return TRUE; byte = BIT; byte <<= bit_index; string[byte_index] |= byte; return FALSE; } /* * This function returns whether the bit given by `indx' is set in `string'. */ static bool tstbit(indx, string) int indx; char string[]; { register int byte_index, bit_index; register int byte; byte_index = indx / WIDTH; /* Index of byte with bit we need. */ bit_index = indx % WIDTH; /* Index of bit we need. */ byte = string[byte_index]; byte >>= bit_index; return byte & BIT; } /* * Add the base of the section of a name to its value. For a name in the zero * part, the size of the normal part is also a "base". */ addbase(name) struct outname *name; { register int type = name->on_type & S_TYP; register int sectindex = type - S_MIN; if (type == S_UND || type == S_ABS) return; if (name->on_type & S_COM) return; if (name->on_type & S_ZER) { name->on_valu += outsect[sectindex].os_flen; name->on_type &= ~S_ZER; } name->on_valu += outsect[sectindex].os_base; debug( "%s: type 0x%x, value %ld\n", address((name->on_type & S_EXT) ? ALLOGCHR : ALLOLCHR, (ind_t)name->on_foff ), name->on_type, name->on_valu, 0 ); } /* ------------------------ ROUTINES OF SECOND PASS ------------------------ */ /* * Flags have already been processed, so we ignore them here. */ static second_pass(argv) char **argv; { passnumber = SECOND; while (*++argv) { if ((*argv)[0] != '-') { pass2(*argv); continue; } switch ((*argv)[1]) { case 'o': case 'u': ++argv; break; default: break; } } } static pass2(file) char *file; { if (getfile(file) == PLAIN) { debug("%s: plain file\n", file, 0, 0, 0); finish(); } else { /* It must be an archive. */ debug("%s: archive\n", file, 0, 0, 0); arch2(); } closefile(file); }