Fri Feb 15 12:15:05 MET 1985 ***** ctconv acc conv.c conv.c "conv.c", line 48: warning: Overflow in constant expression running conv.cem comparing conv ***** ctdecl acc decl.c decl.c running decl.cem comparing decl ***** ctdivers acc ops.c ops.c running ops.cem comparing ops ***** cterr acc bugs.c bugs.c "bugs.c", line 98: warning: Overflow in constant expression running bugs.cem comparing bugs ***** ctest1 acc test.c test.c running test.cem comparing test ***** ctest2 acc t7.c t7.c "t7.c", line 163: warning: statement not reached "t7.c", line 180: warning: statement not reached "t7.c", line 184: warning: statement not reached "t7.c", line 188: warning: statement not reached "t7.c", line 192: warning: statement not reached "t7.c", line 196: warning: statement not reached "t7.c", line 200: warning: statement not reached "t7.c", line 207: warning: statement not reached "t7.c", line 209: warning: statement not reached "t7.c", line 213: warning: statement not reached "t7.c", line 215: warning: statement not reached "t7.c", line 289: warning: statement not reached "t7.c", line 296: warning: statement not reached "t7.c", line 302: warning: statement not reached "t7.c", line 309: warning: statement not reached "t7.c", line 345: warning: statement not reached "t7.c", line 346: warning: statement not reached "t7.c", line 347: warning: statement not reached "t7.c", line 348: warning: statement not reached "t7.c", line 350: warning: statement not reached "t7.c", line 454: warning: statement not reached "t7.c", line 563: warning: statement not reached "t7.c", line 591: warning: statement not reached running t7.cem comparing t7 ***** ctest3 acc test2.c test2.c running test2.cem comparing test2 ***** ctest5 acc test1.c test1.c "test1.c", line 386: warning: illegal pointer combination "test1.c", line 387: warning: illegal pointer combination "test1.c", line 388: warning: illegal pointer combination "test1.c", line 400: warning: illegal pointer combination "test1.c", line 423: warning: illegal pointer combination "test1.c", line 424: warning: illegal pointer combination "test1.c", line 425: warning: illegal pointer combination "test1.c", line 437: warning: illegal pointer combination running test1.cem comparing test1 ***** ctgen sed -f bf.sed <OPS >bf.c acc bf.c bf.c running bf.cem comparing bf sed -f cel.sed <OPS >cel.c acc cel.c cel.c running cel.cem comparing cel sed -f clu.sed <OPS >clu.c acc clu.c clu.c "clu.c", line 60: warning: Overflow in constant expression "clu.c", line 66: warning: Overflow in constant expression running clu.cem comparing clu sed -f ec.sed <OPS >ec.c acc ec.c ec.c "ec.c", line 58: warning: Overflow in constant expression "ec.c", line 64: warning: Overflow in constant expression running ec.cem comparing ec sed -f ef.sed <OPS >ef.c acc ef.c ef.c running ef.cem comparing ef sed -f ei.sed <OPS >ei.c acc ei.c ei.c "ei.c", line 22: warning: Overflow in constant expression "ei.c", line 65: warning: Overflow in constant expression "ei.c", line 108: warning: Overflow in constant expression running ei.cem comparing ei sed -f el.sed <OPS >el.c acc el.c el.c running el.cem comparing el sed -f eu.sed <OPS >eu.c acc eu.c eu.c "eu.c", line 58: warning: Overflow in constant expression "eu.c", line 64: warning: Overflow in constant expression running eu.cem comparing eu sed -f id.sed <OPS >id.c acc id.c id.c running id.cem comparing id sed -f lc.sed <OPS >lc.c acc lc.c lc.c "lc.c", line 60: warning: Overflow in constant expression "lc.c", line 66: warning: Overflow in constant expression running lc.cem comparing lc sed -f ld.sed <OPS >ld.c acc ld.c ld.c running ld.cem comparing ld sed -f lf.sed <OPS >lf.c acc lf.c lf.c running lf.cem comparing lf sed -f li.sed <OPS >li.c acc li.c li.c "li.c", line 22: warning: Overflow in constant expression "li.c", line 67: warning: Overflow in constant expression "li.c", line 112: warning: Overflow in constant expression running li.cem comparing li sed -f ll.sed <OPS >ll.c acc ll.c ll.c running ll.cem comparing ll sed -f lu.sed <OPS >lu.c acc lu.c lu.c running lu.cem comparing lu ***** ctill ----- All program(s) in this directory should fail to compile. acc noarg.c noarg.c "noarg.c", line 10: declared argument name is missing *** Error code 1 `gen' not remade because of errors ***** ctinit acc init.c init.c "init.c", line 183: warning: Overflow in constant expression (U-) running init.cem comparing init ***** ctmargt acc margt.c margt.c running margt.cem comparing margt 5,$c5,$ < BELL= < BIN=/usr/em/bin < CDPATH=:/usr/em/util:/usr/em/mach:/usr/em/lang < DIT=/usr/em/ditroff/troff/a.out < HOME=/usr/em < MAILHEADER=To: botter!vu44!mcvax!%t < Subject: Re: %S < Newsgroups: %n < In-Reply-To: %i < %(%[references]!=^$?References\: %[references] < )Organization: %o < Cc: < Bcc: < < < PATH=:/usr/em/bin:/usr/local:/usr/ucb:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/em/bin:/usr/new < SHELL=/usr/local/dsh < TERM=d80 < USER=keie --- > HOME=/other/keie > PATH=:/other/keie/bin:/bin:/usr/bin > TERM=MiniBee ***** ctprof test profiling procentry.c acc tp.c procentry.k tp.c procentry.k running tp comparing tp ***** ctstruct acc str.c str.c running str.cem comparing str ***** ctsys acc tfork.c tfork.c running tfork.cem comparing tfork 1,$c1,$ < childno 1928 < Child 1928, status 0x800 < fork/wait ok --- > childno N > Child N, status 0x800 > fork/wait ok Fri Feb 15 13:29:05 MET 1985