/* sparc desciptor table for ACK target optimizer */



/* useful addressing modes-> */

NUM,NUM1,NUM2	{is_number(VAL)			};
REG		{VAL[0] == '%'			};
A,B,X,Y,Z	{TRUE				};
REG_NO_O7	{VAL[0] == '%' && (VAL[1] != 'o' || VAL[2] != '7')};
NO_O7		{no_o7(VAL)			};


/* optimization patterns-> */
/* tricky because we cannot optimize an instruction that lives in a delay slot */

/* usage of delay slot: */

ANY X,Y,Z : st REG_NO_O7,NO_O7 : call A : nop {no_delay(ANY)}
					->	ANY X,Y,Z : call A : st REG_NO_O7,NO_O7 ;
ANY X,Y : st REG_NO_O7,NO_O7 : call A : nop {no_delay(ANY)}
					->	ANY X,Y : call A : st REG_NO_O7,NO_O7 ;
ANY X : st REG_NO_O7,NO_O7 : call A : nop {no_delay(ANY)}
					->	ANY X : call A : st REG_NO_O7,NO_O7 ;
ANY X,Y,Z : mov REG_NO_O7,NO_O7 : call A : nop {no_delay(ANY)}
					->	ANY X,Y,Z : call A : mov REG_NO_O7,NO_O7 ;
ANY X,Y : mov REG_NO_O7,NO_O7 : call A : nop {no_delay(ANY)}
					->	ANY X,Y : call A : mov REG_NO_O7,NO_O7 ;
ANY X : mov REG_NO_O7,NO_O7 : call A : nop {no_delay(ANY)}
					->	ANY X : call A : mov REG_NO_O7,NO_O7 ;
ANY X,Y,Z : st REG,B : b A : nop {no_delay(ANY)}
					->	ANY X,Y,Z : b A : st REG,B ;
ANY X,Y : st REG,B : b A : nop {no_delay(ANY)}
					->	ANY X,Y : b A : st REG,B ;
ANY X : st REG,B : b A : nop {no_delay(ANY)}
					->	ANY X : b A : st REG,B ;

/* inc/dec: */

ANY X,Y,Z : inc NUM,REG : dec NUM,REG {no_delay(ANY)}
					->	ANY X,Y,Z ;
ANY X,Y : inc NUM,REG : dec NUM,REG {no_delay(ANY)}
					->	ANY X,Y ;
ANY X : inc NUM,REG : dec NUM,REG {no_delay(ANY)}
					->	ANY X ;
ANY X,Y,Z : inc 0,REG {no_delay(ANY)}	->	ANY X,Y,Z ;
ANY X,Y : inc 0,REG {no_delay(ANY)}	->	ANY X,Y ;
ANY X : inc 0,REG {no_delay(ANY)}	->	ANY X ;
ANY X,Y,Z : inc NUM,REG : dec NUM1,REG {no_delay(ANY) && bigger(NUM,NUM1,NUM2)}
					->	ANY X,Y,Z : inc NUM2,REG ;
ANY X,Y : inc NUM,REG : dec NUM1,REG {no_delay(ANY) && bigger(NUM,NUM1,NUM2)}
					->	ANY X,Y : inc NUM2,REG ;
ANY X : inc NUM,REG : dec NUM1,REG {no_delay(ANY) && bigger(NUM,NUM1,NUM2)}
					->	ANY X : inc NUM2,REG ;
ANY X,Y,Z : inc NUM,REG : dec NUM1,REG {no_delay(ANY) && smaller(NUM,NUM1,NUM2)}
					->	ANY X,Y,Z : dec NUM2,REG ;
ANY X,Y : inc NUM,REG : dec NUM1,REG {no_delay(ANY) && smaller(NUM,NUM1,NUM2)}
					->	ANY X,Y : dec NUM2,REG ;
ANY X : inc NUM,REG : dec NUM1,REG {no_delay(ANY) && smaller(NUM,NUM1,NUM2)}
					->	ANY X : dec NUM2,REG ;

/* misc: */

ANY X,Y,Z : ld A,REG : ld A,REG1 {no_delay(ANY)}
					->	ANY X,Y,Z : ld A,REG : mov REG,REG1 ;
ANY X,Y : ld A,REG : ld A,REG1 {no_delay(ANY)}
					->	ANY X,Y : ld A,REG : mov REG,REG1 ;
ANY X : ld A,REG : ld A,REG1 {no_delay(ANY)}
					->	ANY X : ld A,REG : mov REG,REG1 ;
ANY X,Y,Z : st REG,A : ld A,REG1 {no_delay(ANY)}
					->	ANY X,Y,Z : st REG,A : mov REG,REG1 ;
ANY X,Y : st REG,A : ld A,REG1 {no_delay(ANY)}
					->	ANY X,Y : st REG,A : mov REG,REG1 ;
ANY X : st REG,A : ld A,REG1 {no_delay(ANY)}
					->	ANY X : st REG,A : mov REG,REG1 ;


/* auxiliary routines: */

int is_number(s)
	register char *s;
	while (*s != '\0') {
		if (*s < '0' || *s++ > '9') return FALSE;
	return TRUE;

int bigger(s,s1,s2)
	char	*s,*s1,*s2;
	int	n = atoi(s),n1 = atoi(s1);

	if (n >= n1) {
		return TRUE;
	return FALSE;

int smaller(s,s1,s2)
	char	*s,*s1,*s2;
	int	n = atoi(s),n1 = atoi(s1);

	if (n < n1) {
		return TRUE;
	return FALSE;

int no_delay(s)
	char	*s;
	return s[0] != 'b' && s[0] != 'j' && s[0] != 'r' &&
	s[1] != 'b' && s[0] != 'c';

int no_o7(s)
	char	*s;
	for (;;) {
		while (*s && *s != '%') s++;
		if (*s) {
			if (*++s == 'o') {
				if (*++s == '7') return FALSE;
		else break;
	return TRUE;