/* $Id$ */ /* * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright". */ /* P U T . C */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <em_pseu.h> #include <em_spec.h> #include "types.h" #include "global.h" #include "debug.h" #include "def.h" #include "map.h" #include "lset.h" #include "cset.h" #include "alloc.h" #include "put.h" FILE *curoutp; /* The output can be either 'typed' or 'untyped'. Typed data * consists of a value preceded by a byte specifying what kind * of value it is (e.g. 2 bytes constant, 4 bytes constant, * proc-id, lab-id, string etc.). Untyped data consists * of the value only. We use typed data for the EM text and * untyped data for all other files. */ /* putlines */ STATIC void putstr(argb_p); STATIC void outlab(lab_id); STATIC void outobject(obj_p); STATIC void putargs(arg_p ap) { while (ap != (arg_p) 0) { outbyte((byte) ap->a_type & BMASK); switch(ap->a_type) { case ARGOFF: outoff(ap->a_a.a_offset); break; case ARGINSTRLAB: outlab(ap->a_a.a_instrlab); break; case ARGOBJECT: outobject(ap->a_a.a_obj); break; case ARGPROC: outproc(ap->a_a.a_proc); break; case ARGSTRING: putstr(&ap->a_a.a_string); break; case ARGICN: case ARGUCN: case ARGFCN: outshort(ap->a_a.a_con.ac_length); putstr(&ap->a_a.a_con.ac_con); break; } ap = ap->a_next; } outbyte((byte) ARGCEND); } STATIC void putstr(argb_p abp) { argb_p tbp; int length; length = 0; tbp = abp; while (tbp!= (argb_p) 0) { length += tbp->ab_index; tbp = tbp->ab_next; } outshort(length); while (abp != (argb_p) 0) { for (length=0;length<abp->ab_index;length++) outbyte( (byte) abp->ab_contents[length] ); abp = abp->ab_next; } } void outoff(offset off) { outshort( (short) (off&0177777L) ); outshort( (short) (off>>16) ); } void outshort(short i) { outbyte( (byte) (i&BMASK) ); outbyte( (byte) (i>>8) ); } STATIC void outint(int i) { /* Write an integer to the output file. This routine is * only used when outputting a bitvector-set. We expect an * integer to be either a short or a long. */ if (sizeof(int) == sizeof(short)) { outshort(i); } else { assert (sizeof(int) == sizeof(offset)); outoff((offset) i); } } STATIC void outlab(lab_id lid) { outshort((short) lid); } STATIC void outobject(obj_p obj) { outshort((short) obj->o_id); } void outproc(proc_p p) { outshort((short) p->p_id); } short putlines(line_p l, FILE *lf) { /* Output the list of em instructions headed by l. * Return the number of instruction written. */ register line_p lnp; line_p next; short instr; short count= 0; curoutp = lf; /* Set f to the EM-text output file */ for (lnp = l; lnp != (line_p) 0; lnp = next) { VL(lnp); count++; next = lnp->l_next; instr = INSTR(lnp); outbyte((byte) instr); outbyte((byte) TYPE(lnp)); switch(TYPE(lnp)) { case OPSHORT: outshort(SHORT(lnp)); break; case OPOFFSET: outoff(OFFSET(lnp)); break; case OPINSTRLAB: outlab(INSTRLAB(lnp)); break; case OPOBJECT: outobject(OBJ(lnp)); break; case OPPROC: outproc(PROC(lnp)); break; case OPLIST: putargs(ARG(lnp)); break; } oldline(lnp); } return count; } /* putdtable */ #define outmark(m) outbyte((byte) m) STATIC void putobjects(obj_p obj) { while (obj != (obj_p) 0) { outmark(MARK_OBJ); outshort(obj->o_id); outoff(obj->o_size); outoff(obj->o_off); obj = obj->o_next; } } STATIC void putvalues(arg_p arg) { while (arg != (arg_p) 0) { assert(arg->a_type == ARGOFF); outmark(MARK_ARG); outoff(arg->a_a.a_offset); arg = arg->a_next; } } void putdtable(dblock_p head, FILE *df) { /* Write the datablock table to the data block file df. */ register dblock_p dbl; register obj_p obj; dblock_p next; register short n = 0; curoutp = df; /* set f to the data block output file */ /* Count the number of objects */ for (dbl = head; dbl != (dblock_p) 0; dbl = dbl->d_next) { for (obj = dbl->d_objlist; obj != (obj_p) 0; obj = obj->o_next) { n++; } } outshort(n); /* The table is preceded by #objects . */ for (dbl = head; dbl != (dblock_p) 0; dbl = next) { next = dbl->d_next; outmark(MARK_DBLOCK); outshort(dbl->d_id); outbyte(dbl->d_pseudo); outoff(dbl->d_size); outshort(dbl->d_fragmnr); outbyte(dbl->d_flags1); putobjects(dbl->d_objlist); putvalues(dbl->d_values); olddblock(dbl); } fclose(curoutp); if (omap != (obj_p *) 0) { oldmap((short **) omap,olength); /* release memory for omap */ } } /* putptable */ STATIC void outcset(cset s) { /* A 'compact' set is represented externally as a row of words * (its bitvector) preceded by its length. */ register short i; outshort(s->v_size); for (i = 0; i <= DIVWL(s->v_size - 1); i++) { outint(s->v_bits[i]); } } void putptable(proc_p head, FILE *pf, bool all) { register proc_p p; proc_p next; register short n = 0; /* Write the proc table */ curoutp = pf; /* Determine the number of procs */ for (p = head; p != (proc_p) 0; p = p->p_next) { n++; } outshort(n); /* The table is preceded by its length. */ outshort ((all?1:0)); /* if all=false, only some of the attributes are written. */ for (p = head; p != (proc_p) 0; p = next) { next = p->p_next; outshort(p->p_id); outbyte(p->p_flags1); if (p->p_flags1 & PF_BODYSEEN) { /* If we have no access to the EM text of the * body of a procedure, we have no information * about it whatsoever, so there is nothing * to output in that case. */ outshort(p->p_nrlabels); outoff(p->p_localbytes); outoff(p->p_nrformals); if (all) { outcset(p->p_change->c_ext); outshort(p->p_change->c_flags); outshort(p->p_use->u_flags); outcset(p->p_calling); Cdeleteset(p->p_change->c_ext); oldchange(p->p_change); olduse(p->p_use); Cdeleteset(p->p_calling); } } oldproc(p); } fclose(curoutp); if (pmap != (proc_p *) 0) { oldmap((short **) pmap,plength); /* release memory for pmap */ } } /* putunit */ STATIC void outloop(void *vp) { loop_p l = vp; outshort((short) l->lp_id); } STATIC void outblock(void *vp) { bblock_p b = vp; if (b == (bblock_p) 0) { outshort((short) 0); } else { outshort((short) b->b_id); } } STATIC void outlset(lset s, void (*p)(void *)) { /* A 'long' set is represented externally as a * a sequence of elements terminated by a 0 word. * The procedural parameter p is a routine that * prints an id (proc_id, obj_id etc.). */ register Lindex i; for (i = Lfirst(s); i != (Lindex) 0; i = Lnext(i,s)) { (*p)(Lelem(i)); } outshort((short) 0); } void putunit(short kind, proc_p p, line_p l, FILE *gf, FILE *lf) { register bblock_p b; register short n = 0; Lindex pi; bblock_p nextb; loop_p lp; curoutp = gf; if (kind == LDATA) { outshort(0); /* No basic blocks */ n = putlines(l,lf); curoutp = gf; outshort(n); return; } /* Determine the number of basic blocks */ for (b = p->p_start; b != (bblock_p) 0; b = b->b_next) { n++; } outshort(n); /* # basic blocks */ outshort(Lnrelems(p->p_loops)); /* # loops */ for (b = p->p_start; b != (bblock_p) 0; b = b->b_next) { n = putlines(b->b_start,lf); curoutp = gf; outblock(b); /* put its block_id */ outshort(n); /* #instructions of the block */ outlset(b->b_succ, outblock); /* put succ set */ outlset(b->b_pred, outblock); /* put pred set */ outblock(b->b_idom); /* put id of immediate dominator */ outlset(b->b_loops, outloop); /* put loop set */ outshort(b->b_flags); } /* The Control Flow Graph of every procedure is followed * by a description of the loops of the procedure. * Every loop contains an id, an entry block and a level. */ for (pi = Lfirst(p->p_loops); pi != (Lindex) 0; pi = Lnext(pi,p->p_loops)) { lp = (loop_p) Lelem(pi); outloop(lp); /* id */ outshort(lp->lp_level); /* nesting level */ outblock(lp->lp_entry); /* loop entry block */ outblock(lp->lp_end); oldloop(lp); } Ldeleteset(p->p_loops); /* We will now release the memory of the basic blocks. * Note that it would be incorrect to release a basic block * after it has been written, because there may be references * to it from other (later) blocks. */ for (b = p->p_start; b != (bblock_p) 0; b = nextb) { Ldeleteset(b->b_loops); Ldeleteset(b->b_succ); Ldeleteset(b->b_pred); /* Must read b->b_next before releasing b */ nextb = b->b_next; oldbblock(b); } /* Release the memory for the lmap, lbmap, bmap, lpmap tables */ if (lmap != (line_p *) 0) oldmap((short **) lmap,llength); if (lbmap != (bblock_p *) 0) oldmap((short **) lbmap,llength); if (bmap != (bblock_p *) 0) oldmap((short **) bmap,blength); if (lpmap != (loop_p *) 0) oldmap((short **) lpmap,lplength); curoutp = lf; }