D := util/LLgen # Rule to build LLgen. define build-llgen-impl $(call reset) $(eval cflags += -DNON_CORRECTING -DLIBDIR=\"$(abspath $D/lib)\") $(call cfile, $D/src/main.c) $(call cfile, $D/src/gencode.c) $(call cfile, $D/src/compute.c) $(call cfile, $D/src/check.c) $(call cfile, $D/src/reach.c) $(call cfile, $D/src/global.c) $(call cfile, $D/src/name.c) $(call cfile, $D/src/sets.c) $(call cfile, $D/src/alloc.c) $(call cfile, $D/src/machdep.c) $(call cfile, $D/src/cclass.c) $(call cfile, $D/src/savegram.c) # These use pre-LLgen'd version of the files. If LLgen.g gets updated, # they need rebuilding. Use the bootstrap script to do this. $(call cfile, $D/src/LLgen.c) $(call cfile, $D/src/Lpars.c) $(call cfile, $D/src/tokens.c) $(call cprogram, $(BINDIR)/LLgen) LLGEN := $o endef $(eval $(build-llgen-impl)) # Rule to invoke to *use* LLgen. # # $1: directory to put output files # $2: input files # # Output files are compiled via cfile and queued. define llgen-impl $(eval o := $1/Lpars.c $(patsubst %.g, $(strip $1)/%.c, $(notdir $2))) $(eval CLEANABLES += $o $1/Lpars.h) $o: $1/Lpars.h $1/Lpars.h: $2 $(LLGEN) @echo LLGEN $1/Lpars.c @mkdir -p $(dir $o) $(hide) cd $(dir $o) && $(LLGEN) $(abspath $2) $(foreach f,$o,$(call cfile,$f)) endef llgen = $(eval $(call llgen-impl,$1,$2))