/* C O D E G E N E R A T I O N R O U T I N E S */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "parameters.h" #include "debug.h" #include <assert.h> #include <em.h> #include <em_reg.h> #include <em_abs.h> #include "LLlex.h" #include "Lpars.h" #include "def.h" #include "desig.h" #include "f_info.h" #include "idf.h" #include "main.h" #include "misc.h" #include "node.h" #include "required.h" #include "scope.h" #include "type.h" int fp_used; void Long2Int(); void Int2Long(); void genrck(); void CodeCall(); CodeFil() { if ( !options['L'] ) C_fil_dlb((label) 1, (arith) 0); } routine_label(df) register struct def * df; { df->prc_label = ++data_label; C_df_dlb(df->prc_label); C_rom_scon(df->df_idf->id_text, (arith)(strlen(df->df_idf->id_text) + 1)); } RomString(nd) register struct node *nd; { C_df_dlb(++data_label); /* A string of the string_type is null-terminated. */ if( nd->nd_type == string_type ) C_rom_scon(nd->nd_STR, nd->nd_SLE + 1); /* with trailing '\0' */ else C_rom_scon(nd->nd_STR, nd->nd_SLE); /* no trailing '\0' */ nd->nd_SLA = data_label; } RomReal(nd) register struct node *nd; { if (! nd->nd_RLA) { C_df_dlb(++data_label); nd->nd_RLA = data_label; C_rom_fcon(nd->nd_REL, nd->nd_type->tp_size); } } BssVar() { /* generate bss segments for global variables */ register struct def *df = GlobalScope->sc_def; while( df ) { if( df->df_kind == D_VARIABLE ) { C_df_dnam(df->var_name); /* ??? undefined value ??? */ C_bss_cst(df->df_type->tp_size, (arith) 0, 0); } df = df->df_nextinscope; } } arith CodeGtoDescr(sc) register struct scope *sc; { /* Create code for goto descriptors */ register struct node *lb = sc->sc_lablist; int first = 1; while( lb ) { if( lb->nd_def->lab_descr ) { if( first ) { /* create local for target SP */ sc->sc_off = -WA(pointer_size - sc->sc_off); C_ms_gto(); first = 0; } C_df_dlb(lb->nd_def->lab_descr); C_rom_ilb(lb->nd_def->lab_no); C_rom_cst(sc->sc_off); } lb = lb->nd_next; } if( !first ) return sc->sc_off; else return (arith) 0; } arith CodeBeginBlock(df) register struct def *df; { /* Generate code at the beginning of the main program, procedure or function. */ arith StackAdjustment = 0; arith offset = 0; /* offset to save StackPointer */ TmpOpen(df->prc_vis->sc_scope); if ( df->df_kind == D_MODULE) /* nothing */ ; else if (df->df_kind == D_PROGRAM ) { C_exp("_m_a_i_n"); C_pro_narg("_m_a_i_n"); C_ms_par((arith) 0); offset = CodeGtoDescr(df->prc_vis->sc_scope); CodeFil(); /* initialize external files */ call_ini(); /* ignore floating point underflow */ C_lim(); C_loc((arith) (1 << EFUNFL)); C_ior(int_size); C_sim(); } else if (df->df_kind & (D_PROCEDURE | D_FUNCTION)) { struct type *tp; register struct paramlist *param; C_pro_narg(df->prc_name); C_ms_par(df->df_type->prc_nbpar); offset = CodeGtoDescr(df->prc_vis->sc_scope); CodeFil(); if( options['t'] ) { C_lae_dlb(df->prc_label,(arith)0); C_cal("procentry"); C_asp(pointer_size); } /* prc_bool is the local variable that indicates if the * function result is assigned. This and can be disabled * with the -R option. The variable, however, is always * allocated and initialized. */ if( df->prc_res ) { C_zer((arith) int_size); C_stl(df->prc_bool); } for( param = ParamList(df->df_type); param; param = param->next) { if( !IsVarParam(param) ) { tp = TypeOfParam(param); if( IsConformantArray(tp) ) { /* Here, we have to make a copy of the array. We must also remember how much room is reserved for copies, because we have to adjust the stack pointer before we return. */ if( !StackAdjustment ) { /* First time we get here */ StackAdjustment = NewInt(0); C_loc((arith) 0); C_stl(StackAdjustment); } /* Address of array */ C_lol(param->par_def->var_off); /* First compute size of the array */ C_lol(tp->arr_cfdescr + word_size); C_inc(); /* gives number of elements */ C_lol(tp->arr_cfdescr + 2 * word_size); /* size of elements */ C_mli(word_size); C_loc(word_size - 1); C_adi(word_size); C_loc(word_size - 1); C_com(word_size); C_and(word_size); C_dup(word_size); C_lol(StackAdjustment); C_adi(word_size); C_stl(StackAdjustment); /* remember stack adjustments */ C_los(word_size); /* copy */ C_lor((arith) 1); /* push new address of array ... downwards ... ??? */ C_stl(param->par_def->var_off); } } } } else { crash("(CodeBeginBlock)"); /*NOTREACHED*/ } if( offset ) { /* save SP for non-local jump */ C_lor((arith) 1); C_stl(offset); } return StackAdjustment; } CodeEndBlock(df, StackAdjustment) register struct def *df; arith StackAdjustment; { if( df->df_kind == D_PROGRAM) { C_loc((arith) 0); C_cal("_hlt"); } else if (df->df_kind & (D_PROCEDURE | D_FUNCTION)) { struct type *tp; if( StackAdjustment ) { /* remove copies of conformant arrays */ C_lol(StackAdjustment); C_ass(word_size); FreeInt(StackAdjustment); } if( !options['n'] ) RegisterMessages(df->prc_vis->sc_scope->sc_def); if( options['t'] ) { C_lae_dlb(df->prc_label,(arith)0); C_cal("procexit"); C_asp(pointer_size); } if( tp = ResultType(df->df_type) ) { if( !options['R'] ) { C_lin((arith)LineNumber); C_lol(df->prc_bool); C_cal("_nfa"); C_asp(word_size); } if( tp->tp_size == word_size ) C_lol(-tp->tp_size); else if( tp->tp_size == 2 * word_size ) C_ldl(-tp->tp_size); else { C_lal(-tp->tp_size); C_loi(tp->tp_size); } C_ret(tp->tp_size); } else C_ret((arith) 0); } else { crash("(CodeEndBlock)"); /*NOTREACHED*/ } C_end(- df->prc_vis->sc_scope->sc_off); TmpClose(); } CodeExpr(nd, ds, true_label) register struct node *nd; register struct desig *ds; label true_label; { register struct type *tp = nd->nd_type; if( tp->tp_fund == T_REAL ) fp_used = 1; switch( nd->nd_class ) { case Value: switch( nd->nd_symb ) { case INTEGER: C_loc(nd->nd_INT); break; case REAL: RomReal(nd); C_lae_dlb(nd->nd_RLA, (arith) 0); C_loi(tp->tp_size); break; case STRING: if( tp->tp_fund == T_CHAR ) C_loc(nd->nd_INT); else C_lae_dlb(nd->nd_SLA, (arith) 0); break; case NIL: C_zer(pointer_size); break; default: crash("(CodeExpr Value)"); /*NOTREACHED*/ } ds->dsg_kind = DSG_LOADED; break; case Uoper: CodeUoper(nd); ds->dsg_kind = DSG_LOADED; break; case Boper: CodeBoper(nd, true_label); ds->dsg_kind = DSG_LOADED; true_label = NO_LABEL; break; case Set: { register arith *st = nd->nd_set; register int i; ds->dsg_kind = DSG_LOADED; if( !st ) { C_zer(tp->tp_size); break; } for( i = tp->tp_size / word_size, st += i; i > 0; i--) C_loc(*--st); } break; case Xset: CodeSet(nd); ds->dsg_kind = DSG_LOADED; break; case Call: CodeCall(nd); ds->dsg_kind = DSG_LOADED; break; case NameOrCall: { /* actual procedure/function parameter */ struct node *left = nd->nd_left; struct def *df = left->nd_def; if( df->df_kind & D_ROUTINE ) { int level = df->df_scope->sc_level; if( level <= 0 || (df->df_flags & D_EXTERNAL) ) C_zer(pointer_size); else C_lxl((arith) (proclevel - level)); C_lpi(df->prc_name); ds->dsg_kind = DSG_LOADED; break; } assert(df->df_kind == D_VARIABLE); assert(df->df_type->tp_fund & T_ROUTINE); CodeDesig(left, ds); break; } case Arrow: case Arrsel: case Def: case LinkDef: CodeDesig(nd, ds); break; case Cast: { /* convert integer to real */ struct node *right = nd->nd_right; CodePExpr(right); Int2Real(right->nd_type->tp_size); ds->dsg_kind = DSG_LOADED; break; } case IntCoerc: { /* convert integer to long integer */ struct node *right = nd->nd_right; CodePExpr(right); Int2Long(); ds->dsg_kind = DSG_LOADED; break; } case IntReduc: { /* convert a long to an integer */ struct node *right = nd->nd_right; CodePExpr(right); Long2Int(); ds->dsg_kind = DSG_LOADED; break; } default: crash("(CodeExpr : bad node type)"); /*NOTREACHED*/ } /* switch class */ if( true_label ) { /* Only for boolean expressions */ CodeValue(ds, tp); C_zeq(true_label); } } CodeUoper(nd) register struct node *nd; { register struct type *tp = nd->nd_type; CodePExpr(nd->nd_right); switch( nd->nd_symb ) { case '-': assert(tp->tp_fund & T_NUMERIC); if( tp->tp_fund == T_INTEGER || tp->tp_fund == T_LONG ) C_ngi(tp->tp_size); else C_ngf(tp->tp_size); break; case NOT: C_teq(); break; case '(': break; default: crash("(CodeUoper)"); /*NOTREACHED*/ } } Operands(leftop, rightop) register struct node *leftop, *rightop; { CodePExpr(leftop); CodePExpr(rightop); } CodeBoper(expr, true_label) register struct node *expr; /* the expression tree itself */ label true_label; /* label to jump to in logical exprs */ { register struct node *leftop = expr->nd_left; register struct node *rightop = expr->nd_right; register struct type *tp = expr->nd_type; switch( expr->nd_symb ) { case '+': Operands(leftop, rightop); switch( tp->tp_fund ) { case T_INTEGER: case T_LONG: C_adi(tp->tp_size); break; case T_REAL: C_adf(tp->tp_size); break; case T_SET: C_ior(tp->tp_size); break; default: crash("(CodeBoper: bad type +)"); } break; case '-': Operands(leftop, rightop); switch( tp->tp_fund ) { case T_INTEGER: case T_LONG: C_sbi(tp->tp_size); break; case T_REAL: C_sbf(tp->tp_size); break; case T_SET: C_com(tp->tp_size); C_and(tp->tp_size); break; default: crash("(CodeBoper: bad type -)"); } break; case '*': Operands(leftop, rightop); switch( tp->tp_fund ) { case T_INTEGER: case T_LONG: C_mli(tp->tp_size); break; case T_REAL: C_mlf(tp->tp_size); break; case T_SET: C_and(tp->tp_size); break; default: crash("(CodeBoper: bad type *)"); } break; case '/': Operands(leftop, rightop); if( tp->tp_fund == T_REAL ) C_dvf(tp->tp_size); else crash("(CodeBoper: bad type /)"); break; case DIV: case MOD: Operands(leftop, rightop); if( tp->tp_fund == T_INTEGER ) { C_cal(expr->nd_symb == MOD ? "_mdi" : "_dvi"); C_asp(2 * tp->tp_size); C_lfr(tp->tp_size); } else if( tp->tp_fund == T_LONG) { C_cal(expr->nd_symb == MOD ? "_mdil" : "_dvil"); C_asp(2 * tp->tp_size); C_lfr(tp->tp_size); } else crash("(CodeBoper: bad type MOD)"); break; case '<': case LESSEQUAL: case '>': case GREATEREQUAL: case '=': case NOTEQUAL: CodePExpr(leftop); CodePExpr(rightop); tp = BaseType(rightop->nd_type); switch( tp->tp_fund ) { case T_INTEGER: case T_LONG: C_cmi(tp->tp_size); break; case T_REAL: C_cmf(tp->tp_size); break; case T_ENUMERATION: case T_CHAR: C_cmu(word_size); break; case T_POINTER: C_cmp(); break; case T_SET: if( expr->nd_symb == GREATEREQUAL ) { /* A >= B is the same as A equals A + B */ C_dup(2 * tp->tp_size); C_asp(tp->tp_size); C_ior(tp->tp_size); expr->nd_symb = '='; } else if( expr->nd_symb == LESSEQUAL ) { /* A <= B is the same as A - B = [] */ C_com(tp->tp_size); C_and(tp->tp_size); C_zer(tp->tp_size); expr->nd_symb = '='; } C_cms(tp->tp_size); break; case T_STRINGCONST: case T_ARRAY: C_loc((arith) IsString(tp)); C_cal("_bcp"); C_asp(2 * pointer_size + word_size); C_lfr(word_size); break; case T_STRING: C_cmp(); break; default: crash("(CodeBoper : bad type COMPARE)"); } truthvalue(expr->nd_symb); if( true_label != NO_LABEL ) C_zeq(true_label); break; case IN: /* In this case, evaluate right hand side first! The INN instruction expects the bit number on top of the stack */ CodePExpr(rightop); CodePExpr(leftop); if( rightop->nd_type == emptyset_type ) C_and(rightop->nd_type->tp_size); else C_inn(rightop->nd_type->tp_size); if( true_label != NO_LABEL ) C_zeq(true_label); break; case AND: case OR: Operands(leftop, rightop); if( expr->nd_symb == AND ) C_and(tp->tp_size); else C_ior(tp->tp_size); if( true_label != NO_LABEL ) C_zeq(true_label); break; default: crash("(CodeBoper Bad operator %s\n)", symbol2str(expr->nd_symb)); } } /* truthvalue() serves as an auxiliary function of CodeBoper */ truthvalue(relop) { switch( relop ) { case '<': C_tlt(); break; case LESSEQUAL: C_tle(); break; case '>': C_tgt(); break; case GREATEREQUAL: C_tge(); break; case '=': C_teq(); break; case NOTEQUAL: C_tne(); break; default: crash("(truthvalue)"); /*NOTREACHED*/ } } CodeSet(nd) register struct node *nd; { register struct type *tp = nd->nd_type; C_zer(tp->tp_size); nd = nd->nd_right; while( nd ) { assert(nd->nd_class == Link && nd->nd_symb == ','); CodeEl(nd->nd_left, tp); nd = nd->nd_right; } } CodeEl(nd, tp) register struct node *nd; register struct type *tp; { if( nd->nd_class == Link && nd->nd_symb == UPTO ) { Operands(nd->nd_left, nd->nd_right); C_loc(tp->tp_size); /* push size */ C_cal("_bts"); /* library routine to fill set */ C_asp(3 * word_size); } else { CodePExpr(nd); C_set(tp->tp_size); C_ior(tp->tp_size); } } struct type * CodeParameters(param, arg) struct paramlist *param; struct node *arg; { register struct type *tp, *left_tp, *last_tp = (struct type *) 0; struct node *left; struct desig ds; assert(param && arg); if( param->next ) last_tp = CodeParameters(param->next, arg->nd_right); tp = TypeOfParam(param); left = arg->nd_left; left_tp = left->nd_type; if( IsConformantArray(tp) ) { if( last_tp != tp ) /* push descriptors only once */ CodeConfDescr(tp, left_tp); CodeDAddress(left); return tp; } if( IsVarParam(param) ) { CodeDAddress(left); return tp; } if( left_tp->tp_fund == T_STRINGCONST ) { CodePString(left, tp); return tp; } ds = InitDesig; CodeExpr(left, &ds, NO_LABEL); CodeValue(&ds, left_tp); RangeCheck(tp, left_tp); if( tp == real_type && BaseType(left_tp) == int_type ) Int2Real(int_size); return tp; } CodeConfDescr(ftp, atp) register struct type *ftp, *atp; { struct type *elemtp = ftp->arr_elem; if( IsConformantArray(elemtp) ) CodeConfDescr(elemtp, atp->arr_elem); if( atp->tp_fund == T_STRINGCONST ) { C_loc((arith) 1); C_loc(atp->tp_psize - 1); C_loc((arith) 1); } else if( IsConformantArray(atp) ) { if( atp->arr_sclevel < proclevel ) { C_lxa((arith) proclevel - atp->arr_sclevel); C_adp(atp->arr_cfdescr); } else C_lal(atp->arr_cfdescr); C_loi(3 * word_size); } else { /* normal array */ assert(atp->tp_fund == T_ARRAY); assert(!IsConformantArray(atp)); C_lae_dlb(atp->arr_ardescr, (arith) 0); C_loi( 3 * word_size); } } CodePString(nd, tp) struct node *nd; struct type *tp; { /* no null padding */ C_lae_dlb(nd->nd_SLA, (arith) 0); C_loi(tp->tp_size); } void CodeCall(nd) register struct node *nd; { /* Generate code for a procedure call. Checking of parameters and result is already done. */ register struct node *left = nd->nd_left; register struct node *right = nd->nd_right; register struct def *df = left->nd_def; register struct type *result_tp; assert(IsProcCall(left)); if( left->nd_type == std_type ) { CodeStd(nd); return; } if( right ) (void) CodeParameters(ParamList(left->nd_type), right); assert(left->nd_class == Def); if( df->df_kind & D_ROUTINE ) { int level = df->df_scope->sc_level; if( level > 0 && !(df->df_flags & D_EXTERNAL) ) C_lxl((arith) (proclevel - level)); C_cal(df->prc_name); C_asp(left->nd_type->prc_nbpar); } else { label l1 = ++text_label; label l2 = ++text_label; assert(df->df_kind == D_VARIABLE); /* Push value of procedure/function parameter */ CodePExpr(left); /* Test if value is a global or local procedure/function */ C_exg(pointer_size); C_dup(pointer_size); C_zer(pointer_size); C_cmp(); C_zeq(l1); /* At this point, on top of the stack the LB */ C_exg(pointer_size); /* Now, the name of the procedure/function */ C_cai(); C_asp(pointer_size + left->nd_type->prc_nbpar); C_bra(l2); /* value is a global procedure/function */ C_df_ilb(l1); C_asp(pointer_size); /* no LB needed */ C_cai(); C_asp(left->nd_type->prc_nbpar); C_df_ilb(l2); } if( result_tp = ResultType(left->nd_type) ) C_lfr(result_tp->tp_size); } CodeStd(nd) struct node *nd; { register struct node *arg = nd->nd_right; register struct node *left = arg->nd_left; register struct type *tp = BaseType(left->nd_type); int req = nd->nd_left->nd_def->df_value.df_reqname; assert(arg->nd_class == Link && arg->nd_symb == ','); switch( req ) { case R_ABS: CodePExpr(left); if( tp == int_type ) C_cal("_abi"); else if ( tp == long_type ) C_cal("_abl"); else C_cal("_abr"); C_asp(tp->tp_size); C_lfr(tp->tp_size); break; case R_SQR: CodePExpr(left); C_dup(tp->tp_size); if( tp == int_type || tp == long_type ) C_mli(tp->tp_size); else C_mlf(real_size); break; case R_SIN: case R_COS: case R_EXP: case R_LN: case R_SQRT: case R_ARCTAN: assert(tp == real_type); CodePExpr(left); switch( req ) { case R_SIN: C_cal("_sin"); break; case R_COS: C_cal("_cos"); break; case R_EXP: C_cal("_exp"); break; case R_LN: C_cal("_log"); break; case R_SQRT: C_cal("_sqt"); break; case R_ARCTAN: C_cal("_atn"); break; default: crash("(CodeStd)"); /*NOTREACHED*/ } C_asp(real_size); C_lfr(real_size); break; case R_TRUNC: assert(tp == real_type); CodePExpr(left); Real2Int(); break; case R_ROUND: assert(tp == real_type); CodePExpr(left); C_cal("_rnd"); C_asp(real_size); C_lfr(real_size); Real2Int(); break; case R_ORD: CodePExpr(left); break; case R_CHR: CodePExpr(left); genrck(char_type); break; case R_SUCC: case R_PRED: CodePExpr(left); C_loc((arith)1); if( tp == long_type) Int2Long(); if( req == R_SUCC ) C_adi(tp->tp_size); else C_sbi(tp->tp_size); if( bounded(left->nd_type) ) genrck(left->nd_type); break; case R_ODD: CodePExpr(left); C_loc((arith) 1); if( tp == long_type ) Int2Long(); C_and(tp->tp_size); if( tp == long_type ) Long2Int(); /* bool_size == int_size */ break; case R_EOF: case R_EOLN: CodeDAddress(left); if( req == R_EOF ) C_cal("_efl"); else C_cal("_eln"); C_asp(pointer_size); C_lfr(word_size); break; case R_REWRITE: case R_RESET: CodeDAddress(left); if( tp == text_type ) C_loc((arith) 0); else C_loc(tp->next->tp_psize); /* ??? elements of packed size ??? */ if( req == R_REWRITE ) C_cal("_cre"); else C_cal("_opn"); C_asp(pointer_size + word_size); break; case R_PUT: case R_GET: CodeDAddress(left); if( req == R_PUT ) C_cal("_put"); else C_cal("_get"); C_asp(pointer_size); break; case R_PAGE: CodeDAddress(left); C_cal("_pag"); C_asp(pointer_size); break; case R_PACK: { label lba = tp->arr_ardescr; CodeDAddress(left); arg = arg->nd_right; left = arg->nd_left; CodePExpr(left); arg = arg->nd_right; left = arg->nd_left; CodeDAddress(left); C_lae_dlb(left->nd_type->arr_ardescr, (arith) 0); C_lae_dlb(lba, (arith) 0); C_cal("_pac"); C_asp(4 * pointer_size + word_size); break; } case R_UNPACK: { /* change sequence of arguments of the library routine _unp to merge code of R_PACK and R_UNPACK. */ label lba, lbz = tp->arr_ardescr; tp = tp->arr_elem; if (tp->tp_fund == T_SUBRANGE && tp->sub_lb >= 0) { C_loc((arith) 1); } else C_loc((arith) 0); CodeDAddress(left); arg = arg->nd_right; left = arg->nd_left; CodeDAddress(left); lba = left->nd_type->arr_ardescr; arg = arg->nd_right; left = arg->nd_left; CodePExpr(left); C_lae_dlb(lbz, (arith) 0); C_lae_dlb(lba, (arith) 0); C_cal("_unp"); C_asp(4 * pointer_size + 2 * word_size); break; } case R_NEW: case R_DISPOSE: CodeDAddress(left); C_loc(PointedtoType(tp)->tp_size); if( req == R_NEW ) C_cal("_new"); else C_cal("_dis"); C_asp(pointer_size + word_size); break; case R_HALT: if( left ) CodePExpr(left); else C_zer(int_size); C_cal("_hlt"); /* can't return */ C_asp(int_size); /* help the optimizer(s) */ break; default: crash("(CodeStd)"); /*NOTREACHED*/ } } void Long2Int() { /* convert a long to integer */ if (int_size == long_size) return; C_loc(long_size); C_loc(int_size); C_cii(); } void Int2Long() { /* convert integer to long */ if (int_size == long_size) return; C_loc(int_size); C_loc(long_size); C_cii(); } Int2Real(size) /* size is different for integers and longs */ arith size; { /* convert integer to real */ C_loc(size); C_loc(real_size); C_cif(); } Real2Int() { /* convert real to integer */ C_loc(real_size); C_loc(int_size); C_cfi(); } RangeCheck(tpl, tpr) register struct type *tpl, *tpr; { /* Generate a range check if neccessary */ arith llo, lhi, rlo, rhi; if( bounded(tpl) ) { /* in this case we might need a range check */ if( !bounded(tpr) ) /* yes, we need one */ genrck(tpl); else { /* both types are restricted. check the bounds to see whether we need a range check. We don't need one if the range of values of the right hand side is a subset of the range of values of the left hand side. */ getbounds(tpl, &llo, &lhi); getbounds(tpr, &rlo, &rhi); if( llo > rlo || lhi < rhi ) genrck(tpl); } } } void genrck(tp) register struct type *tp; { /* Generate a range check descriptor for type "tp" when necessary. Return its label. */ arith lb, ub; register label o1; int newlabel = 0; if( options['R'] ) return; getbounds(tp, &lb, &ub); if( tp->tp_fund == T_SUBRANGE ) { if( !(o1 = tp->sub_rck) ) { tp->sub_rck = o1 = ++data_label; newlabel = 1; } } else if( !(o1 = tp->enm_rck) ) { tp->enm_rck = o1 = ++data_label; newlabel = 1; } if( newlabel ) { C_df_dlb(o1); C_rom_cst(lb); C_rom_cst(ub); } C_lae_dlb(o1, (arith) 0); C_rck(word_size); } CodePExpr(nd) register struct node *nd; { /* Generate code to push the value of the expression "nd" on the stack. */ struct desig designator; struct type *tp = BaseType(nd->nd_type); designator = InitDesig; CodeExpr(nd, &designator, NO_LABEL); if( tp->tp_fund & (T_ARRAY | T_RECORD) ) CodeAddress(&designator); else CodeValue(&designator, nd->nd_type); } CodeDAddress(nd) struct node *nd; { /* Generate code to push the address of the designator "nd" on the stack. */ struct desig designator; designator = InitDesig; CodeDesig(nd, &designator); CodeAddress(&designator); } CodeDStore(nd) register struct node *nd; { /* Generate code to store the expression on the stack into the designator "nd". */ struct desig designator; designator = InitDesig; CodeDesig(nd, &designator); CodeStore(&designator, nd->nd_type); } RegisterMessages(df) register struct def *df; { register struct type *tp; for( ; df; df = df->df_nextinscope ) { if( df->df_kind == D_VARIABLE && !(df->df_flags & D_NOREG) ) { /* Examine type and size */ tp = BaseType(df->df_type); if( df->df_flags & D_VARPAR || tp->tp_fund & T_POINTER ) C_ms_reg(df->var_off, pointer_size, reg_pointer, 0); else if( df->df_flags & D_LOOPVAR ) C_ms_reg(df->var_off, tp->tp_size, reg_loop,2); else if( tp->tp_fund & T_NUMERIC ) C_ms_reg(df->var_off, tp->tp_size, tp->tp_fund == T_REAL ? reg_float : reg_any, 0); } } }