/* $Id$ */ /* Driver program for the global optimizer. It might even become the global optimizer itself one day ... */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <signal.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #include <string.h> #include "em_path.h" #include "system.h" #include "print.h" enum { NONE = 0, IC, CF, IL, CS, SR, UD, LV, RA, SP, BO, CJ, CA }; static const struct { const char* name; bool needsdescr; } phase_data[] = { {}, { "ic" }, { "cf" }, { "il" }, { "cs", true }, { "sr" }, { "ud", true }, { "lv" }, { "ra" }, { "sp" }, { "bo" }, { "cj" }, { "ca" }, }; #define MAXUPHASES 64 /* max # of phases to be run */ #define MAXARGS 1024 /* mar # of args */ #define NTEMPS 4 /* # of temporary files; not tunable */ static char tmpbase[] = TMP_DIR "/ego.XXXXXX"; static char ddump[128] = TMP_DIR; /* data label dump file */ static char pdump[128] = TMP_DIR; /* procedure name dump file */ static char tmpbufs[NTEMPS * 2][128] = { TMP_DIR }; static int O2phases[] = { /* Passes for -O2 */ CJ, BO, SP, 0 }; static int O3phases[] = { /* Passes for -O3 */ CS, SR, CJ, BO, SP, UD, LV, RA, 0 }; static int O4phases[] = { /* Passes for -O4 */ IL, CF, CS, SR, CJ, BO, SP, UD, LV, RA, 0 }; static int* Ophase = &O2phases[0]; /* default : -O2 */ static int nuphases; /* # of phases specified by user */ static int uphases[MAXUPHASES + 1]; /* phases to be run */ static int nfiles = NTEMPS * 2 + 1; /* leave space for tempfilenames */ static char* phargs[MAXARGS + 1]; static int keeptemps = 0; static char** phase_args; static int nphase_args; static const char* descr_file; static const char* opt_dir; static const char* prog_name; static int v_flag; static void cleanup() { /* Cleanup temporaries */ if (!keeptemps) { register int i; for (i = NTEMPS * 2; i > 0; i--) { const char* f = phargs[i]; if (f != 0 && *f != '\0' && *f != '-') (void)unlink(f); } if (ddump[0] != '\0') (void)unlink(ddump); if (pdump[0] != '\0') (void)unlink(pdump); } (void)unlink(tmpbase); } /*VARARGS1*/ static void fatal(s, s2) char* s; char* s2; { /* A fatal error occurred; exit gracefully */ fprint(STDERR, "%s: ", prog_name); fprint(STDERR, s, s2); fprint(STDERR, "\n"); cleanup(); sys_stop(S_EXIT); /*NOTREACHED*/ } static void add_file(s) char* s; { /* Add an input file to the list */ if (nfiles >= MAXARGS) fatal("too many files"); phargs[nfiles++] = s; } static void add_uphase(p) int p; { /* Add an optimizer phase to the list of phases to run */ if (nuphases >= MAXUPHASES) fatal("too many phases"); uphases[nuphases++] = p; } static void catch () { /* Catch interrupts and exit gracefully */ cleanup(); sys_stop(S_EXIT); } static void old_infiles() { /* Remove old input files unless we have to keep them around. */ register int i; if (phargs[1] == pdump || keeptemps) return; for (i = 1; i <= NTEMPS; i++) (void)unlink(phargs[i]); } static void get_infiles() { /* Make output temps from previous phase input temps of next phase. */ register int i; char** dst = &phargs[1]; char** src = &phargs[NTEMPS + 1]; for (i = 1; i <= NTEMPS; i++) { *dst++ = *src++; } } static void new_outfiles() { static int tmpindex = 0; static int Bindex = 0; static char dig1 = '1'; static char dig2 = '0'; register int i; char** dst = &phargs[NTEMPS + 1]; if (!Bindex) Bindex = strlen(tmpbufs[0]) - 2; for (i = 1; i <= NTEMPS; i++) { *dst = tmpbufs[tmpindex]; (*dst)[Bindex - 1] = dig2; (*dst)[Bindex] = dig1; tmpindex++; dst++; } if (tmpindex >= 2 * NTEMPS) tmpindex = 0; if (++dig1 > '9') { ++dig2; dig1 = '0'; } } static void run_phase(phase) int phase; { /* Run one phase of the global optimizer; special cases are IC and CA. */ static int flags_added; register int argc; register int i; char buf[256]; int pid, status; /* Skip this phase if it requires a descr file and one hasn't been * provided. */ if (phase_data[phase].needsdescr && !descr_file) return; phargs[0] = buf; (void)strcpy(buf, opt_dir); (void)strcat(buf, "/"); (void)strcat(buf, phase_data[phase].name); switch (phase) { case IC: /* always first */ phargs[1] = pdump; phargs[2] = ddump; for (i = 3; i <= NTEMPS; i++) phargs[i] = "-"; new_outfiles(); argc = nfiles; phargs[argc] = 0; break; case CA: /* always last */ old_infiles(); get_infiles(); phargs[NTEMPS + 1] = pdump; phargs[NTEMPS + 2] = ddump; for (i = NTEMPS + 3; i <= 2 * NTEMPS; i++) phargs[i] = "-"; argc = 2 * NTEMPS + 1; phargs[argc] = 0; break; default: { old_infiles(); get_infiles(); new_outfiles(); argc = 2 * NTEMPS + 1; if (descr_file) { phargs[argc++] = "-M"; phargs[argc++] = descr_file; } for (i=0; i<nphase_args; i++) phargs[argc++] = phase_args[i]; phargs[argc] = NULL; break; } } if ((pid = fork()) < 0) { fatal("Could not fork"); } else if (pid == 0) { if (v_flag) { register int i = 0; while (phargs[i]) { fprint(STDERR, "%s ", phargs[i]); i++; } fprint(STDERR, "\n"); } (void)execv(phargs[0], phargs); fatal("Could not exec %s", phargs[0]); sys_stop(S_EXIT); } else { while (wait(&status) != pid) /* nothing */ ; if ((status & 0177) != 0) { fatal("%s got a unix signal", phargs[0]); } if (((status >> 8) & 0377) != 0) { cleanup(); sys_stop(S_EXIT); } } } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int opt; int i; if (signal(SIGHUP, catch) == SIG_IGN) (void)signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN); if (signal(SIGQUIT, catch) == SIG_IGN) (void)signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN); if (signal(SIGINT, catch) == SIG_IGN) (void)signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); prog_name = argv[0]; nphase_args = 0; phase_args = &argv[1]; opterr = 0; for (;;) { int opt = getopt(argc, argv, "-M:P:O:vt"); if (opt == -1) break; switch (opt) { case 'M': descr_file = optarg; break; case 'P': opt_dir = optarg; break; case 'O': { int o = atoi(optarg); if (o <= 2) break; if (o <= 3) Ophase = &O3phases[0]; Ophase = &O4phases[0]; break; } case 1: add_file(optarg); break; case 't': keeptemps = 1; goto addopt; case 'v': v_flag = 1; goto addopt; case '?': addopt: phase_args[nphase_args++] = argv[optind - 1]; break; } } phase_args[nphase_args] = 0; if (nuphases) Ophase = uphases; if (nfiles == 2 * NTEMPS + 1) { /* 2*NTEMPS+1 was the starting value; nothing to do */ sys_stop(S_END); } if (!opt_dir) { fatal("no correct -P flag given"); } close(mkstemp(tmpbase)); strcpy(ddump, tmpbase); strcpy(pdump, tmpbase); strcpy(tmpbufs[0], tmpbase); if (keeptemps) { (void)strcpy(ddump, "."); (void)strcpy(pdump, "."); (void)strcpy(tmpbufs[0], "."); } (void)strcat(ddump, "dd"); (void)strcat(pdump, "pd"); (void)strcat(tmpbufs[0], "A.BB"); for (i=1; i<(2 * NTEMPS); i++) (void)strcpy(tmpbufs[i], tmpbufs[0]); i = strlen(tmpbufs[0]) - 4; tmpbufs[0][i] = 'p'; tmpbufs[NTEMPS + 0][i] = 'p'; tmpbufs[1][i] = 'd'; tmpbufs[NTEMPS + 1][i] = 'd'; tmpbufs[2][i] = 'l'; tmpbufs[NTEMPS + 2][i] = 'l'; tmpbufs[3][i] = 'b'; tmpbufs[NTEMPS + 3][i] = 'b'; run_phase(IC); run_phase(CF); while (*Ophase) { run_phase(*Ophase++); } run_phase(CA); cleanup(); sys_stop(S_END); /*NOTREACHED*/ }