#include <minix/const.h> #include <minix/type.h> #include <minix/callnr.h> #include <minix/com.h> #include <errno.h> #define FS FS_PROC_NR #define MM MMPROCNR extern message M; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Messages to systask (special calls) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef ATARI_ST PUBLIC sys_xit(parent, proc, basep, sizep) phys_clicks *basep, *sizep; #else PUBLIC sys_xit(parent, proc) #endif int parent; /* parent of exiting proc. */ int proc; /* which proc has exited */ { /* A proc has exited. Tell the kernel. */ callm1(SYSTASK, SYS_XIT, parent, proc, 0, NIL_PTR, NIL_PTR, NIL_PTR); #ifdef ATARI_ST *basep = (phys_clicks)M.m1_i1; *sizep = (phys_clicks)M.m1_i2; #endif } PUBLIC sys_getsp(proc, newsp) int proc; /* which proc has enabled signals */ vir_bytes *newsp; /* place to put sp read from kernel */ { /* Ask the kernel what the sp is. */ callm1(SYSTASK, SYS_GETSP, proc, 0, 0, NIL_PTR, NIL_PTR, NIL_PTR); *newsp = (vir_bytes) M.STACK_PTR; } PUBLIC sys_sig(proc, sig, sighandler) int proc; /* which proc has exited */ int sig; /* signal number: 1 - 16 */ int (*sighandler)(); /* pointer to signal handler in user space */ { /* A proc has to be signaled. Tell the kernel. */ M.m6_i1 = proc; M.m6_i2 = sig; M.m6_f1 = sighandler; callx(SYSTASK, SYS_SIG); } #ifdef ATARI_ST PUBLIC sys_fork(parent, child, pid, shadow) #ifdef ALCYON_C_BUG_FIXED phys_clicks shadow; /* memory allocated for shadow */ #endif #else PUBLIC sys_fork(parent, child, pid) #endif int parent; /* proc doing the fork */ int child; /* which proc has been created by the fork */ int pid; /* process id assigned by MM */ { /* A proc has forked. Tell the kernel. */ #ifdef ATARI_ST callm1(SYSTASK, SYS_FORK, parent, child, pid, (char *)shadow, NIL_PTR, NIL_PTR); #else callm1(SYSTASK, SYS_FORK, parent, child, pid, NIL_PTR, NIL_PTR, NIL_PTR); #endif } PUBLIC sys_exec(proc, ptr) int proc; /* proc that did exec */ char *ptr; /* new stack pointer */ { /* A proc has exec'd. Tell the kernel. */ callm1(SYSTASK, SYS_EXEC, proc, 0, 0, ptr, NIL_PTR, NIL_PTR); } PUBLIC sys_newmap(proc, ptr) int proc; /* proc whose map is to be changed */ char *ptr; /* pointer to new map */ { /* A proc has been assigned a new memory map. Tell the kernel. */ callm1(SYSTASK, SYS_NEWMAP, proc, 0, 0, ptr, NIL_PTR, NIL_PTR); } PUBLIC sys_copy(mptr) message *mptr; /* pointer to message */ { /* A proc wants to use local copy. */ /* Make this routine better. Also check other guys' error handling -DEBUG */ mptr->m_type = SYS_COPY; if (sendrec(SYSTASK, mptr) != OK) panic("sys_copy can't send", NO_NUM); } PUBLIC sys_times(proc, ptr) int proc; /* proc whose times are needed */ real_time ptr[4]; /* pointer to time buffer */ { /* Fetch the accounting info for a proc. */ callm1(SYSTASK, SYS_TIMES, proc, 0, 0, ptr, NIL_PTR, NIL_PTR); ptr[0] = M.USER_TIME; ptr[1] = M.SYSTEM_TIME; ptr[2] = M.CHILD_UTIME; ptr[3] = M.CHILD_STIME; } PUBLIC sys_abort() { /* Something awful has happened. Abandon ship. */ callm1(SYSTASK, SYS_ABORT, 0, 0, 0, NIL_PTR, NIL_PTR, NIL_PTR); } #ifdef ATARI_ST PUBLIC sys_fresh(proc, ptr, dc, basep, sizep) int proc; /* proc whose map is to be changed */ char *ptr; /* pointer to new map */ phys_clicks dc; /* size of initialized data */ phys_clicks *basep, *sizep; /* base and size for free_mem() */ { /* Create a fresh process image for exec(). Tell the kernel. */ callm1(SYSTASK, SYS_FRESH, proc, (int)dc, 0, ptr, NIL_PTR, NIL_PTR); *basep = (phys_clicks)M.m1_i1; *sizep = (phys_clicks)M.m1_i2; } #endif PUBLIC int tell_fs(what, p1, p2, p3) int what, p1, p2, p3; { /* This routine is only used by MM to inform FS of certain events: * tell_fs(CHDIR, slot, dir, 0) * tell_fs(EXIT, proc, 0, 0) * tell_fs(FORK, parent, child, pid) * tell_fs(SETGID, proc, realgid, effgid) * tell_fs(SETUID, proc, realuid, effuid) * tell_fs(SYNC, 0, 0, 0) * tell_fs(UNPAUSE, proc, signr, 0) * tell_fs(SETPGRP, proc, 0, 0) */ callm1(FS, what, p1, p2, p3, NIL_PTR, NIL_PTR, NIL_PTR); }