/* The grammar of ISO-Pascal as given by the specification, BS6192: 1982. */ { #include <alloc.h> #include <em_arith.h> #include <em_label.h> #include <em_code.h> #include <stb.h> #include "LLlex.h" #include "def.h" #include "f_info.h" #include "idf.h" #include "main.h" #include "node.h" #include "scope.h" #include "dbsymtab.h" } %lexical LLlex; %start LLparse, Program; /* ISO section 6.10, p. 137 */ Program { struct def *df; arith dummy; }: ProgramHeading(&df) ';' Block(df) '.' { #ifdef DBSYMTAB if (options['g']) { C_ms_stb_cst(df->df_idf->id_text, N_MAIN, 0, (arith) 0); stb_string(df, D_END); } #endif /* DBSYMTAB */ } | { df = new_def(); df->df_idf = str2idf(FileName, 1); df->df_kind = D_MODULE; open_scope(); GlobalScope = CurrentScope; df->prc_vis = CurrVis; } Module(df, &dummy) ; ProgramHeading(register struct def **df;): PROGRAM IDENT { program = *df = new_def(); (*df)->df_idf = dot.TOK_IDF; (*df)->df_kind = D_PROGRAM; open_scope(); GlobalScope = CurrentScope; (*df)->prc_vis = CurrVis; #ifdef DBSYMTAB if (options['g']) stb_string(*df, D_MODULE); #endif /* DBSYMTAB */ } [ '(' ProgramParameters ')' { make_extfl(); } ]? ; ProgramParameters { struct node *Proglist; }: IdentifierList(&Proglist) { EnterProgList(Proglist); } ;