include("plat/build.lua") tabgen { name = "ctype_tab", srcs = { "./ctype/" } } normalrule { name = "ctype_files", ins = { "./ctype/genfiles" }, outleaves = { "isalnum.c", "isalpha.c", "isascii.c", "iscntrl.c", "isdigit.c", "isgraph.c", "islower.c", "isprint.c", "ispunct.c", "isspace.c", "isupper.c", "isxdigit.c", }, commands = { "sh %{ins[1]} %{dir}" } } for _, plat in ipairs(vars.plats) do acklibrary { name = "lib_"..plat, srcs = { "+ctype_files", "+ctype_tab", "./pure/string/*.c", "./pure/stdlib/*.c", "./ctype/*.c", "./errno/*.c", "./locale/*.c", "./malloc/*.c", "./math/*.c", -- hypot.c "./math/*.e", "./misc/environ.c", -- don't build everything here as it's all obsolete "./setjmp/*.c", "./setjmp/*.e", "./signal/*.c", "./assert/*.c", "./stdio/*.c", "./stdlib/*.c", "./string/*.c", "./time/*.c", }, hdrs = {}, -- must be empty deps = { "lang/cem/libcc.ansi/headers+pkg", "plat/"..plat.."/include+pkg", "./malloc/malloc.h", "./math/localmath.h", "./stdio/loc_incl.h", "./stdlib/ext_fmt.h", "./time/loc_time.h", }, vars = { plat = plat } } ackfile { name = "crt_"..plat, srcs = { "./head_ac.e" }, vars = { plat = plat }, deps = { "h+emheaders" } } local suffix = plat:find("^em") and "m" or "o" installable { name = "pkg_"..plat, map = { "lang/cem/libcc.ansi/headers+pkg", ["$(PLATIND)/"..plat.."/c-ansi."..suffix] = "+crt_"..plat, ["$(PLATIND)/"..plat.."/libc.a"] = "+lib_"..plat, } } end