 * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
 * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright".
 * Author: Ceriel J.H. Jacobs

/* C A S E   S T A T E M E N T   C O D E   G E N E R A T I O N */

/* $Header$ */

/*	Generation of case statements is done by first creating a
	description structure for the statement, build a list of the
	case-labels, then generating a case description in the code,
	and generating either CSA or CSB, and then generating code for the
	cases themselves.

#include	"debug.h"

#include	<em_label.h>
#include	<em_arith.h>
#include	<em_code.h>
#include	<alloc.h>
#include	<assert.h>

#include	"Lpars.h"
#include	"type.h"
#include	"LLlex.h"
#include	"node.h"
#include	"desig.h"
#include	"walk.h"
#include	"chk_expr.h"
#include	"def.h"

#include	"density.h"

struct switch_hdr	{
	label sh_break;			/* label of statement after this one */
	label sh_default;		/* label of ELSE part, or 0 */
	int sh_nrofentries;		/* number of cases */
	t_type *sh_type;		/* type of case expression */
	arith sh_lowerbd;		/* lowest case label */
	arith sh_upperbd;		/* highest case label */
	struct case_entry *sh_entries;	/* the cases with their generated

/* STATICALLOCDEF "switch_hdr" 5 */

struct case_entry	{
	struct case_entry *ce_next;	/* next in list */
	label ce_label;			/* generated label */
	arith ce_value;			/* value of case label */

/* STATICALLOCDEF "case_entry" 20 */

/* The constant DENSITY determines when CSA and when CSB instructions
   are generated. Reasonable values are: 2, 3, 4.
   On machines that have lots of address space and memory, higher values
   might also be reasonable. On these machines the density of jump tables
   may be lower.

compact(nr, low, up)
	arith low, up;
	/*	Careful! up - low might not fit in an arith. And then,
		the test "up-low < 0" might also not work to detect this
		situation! Or is this just a bug in the M68020/M68000?
	arith diff = up - low;

	return (nr != 0 && diff >= 0 && fit(diff, (int) word_size) &&
		diff / nr <= (DENSITY - 1));

CaseCode(nd, exitlabel)
	t_node *nd;
	label exitlabel;
	/*	Check the expression, stack a new case header and
		fill in the necessary fields.
		"exitlabel" is the exit-label of the closest enclosing
		LOOP-statement, or 0.
	register struct switch_hdr *sh = new_switch_hdr();
	register t_node *pnode = nd;
	register struct case_entry *ce;
	register arith val;
	label CaseDescrLab;

	assert(pnode->nd_class == Stat && pnode->nd_symb == CASE);

	if (ChkExpression(pnode->nd_left)) {
	sh->sh_type = pnode->nd_left->nd_type;
	sh->sh_break = ++text_label;

	/* Now, create case label list
	while (pnode = pnode->nd_right) {
		if (pnode->nd_class == Link && pnode->nd_symb == '|') {
			if (pnode->nd_left) {
				/* non-empty case
				pnode->nd_lab = ++text_label;
				if (! AddCases(sh, /* to descriptor */
						   /* of case labels */
						   /* and code label */
					      )) {
		else {
			/* Else part

			sh->sh_default = ++text_label;

	if (!sh->sh_nrofentries) {
		/* There were no cases, so we have to check the case-expression
		if (! (sh->sh_type->tp_fund & T_DISCRETE)) {
			node_error(nd, "illegal type in CASE-expression");

	/* Now generate code for the switch itself
	   First the part that CSA and CSB descriptions have in common.
	CaseDescrLab = ++data_label;	/* the rom must have a label	*/
	if (sh->sh_default) C_rom_ilb(sh->sh_default);
	else C_rom_ucon("0", pointer_size);
	if (compact(sh->sh_nrofentries, sh->sh_lowerbd, sh->sh_upperbd)) {
		/* CSA
		ce = sh->sh_entries;
		C_rom_cst((arith) 0);
		C_rom_cst(sh->sh_upperbd - sh->sh_lowerbd);
		for (val = sh->sh_lowerbd; val <= sh->sh_upperbd; val++) {
			if (val == ce->ce_value)	{
				ce = ce->ce_next;
			else if (sh->sh_default) C_rom_ilb(sh->sh_default);
			else C_rom_ucon("0", pointer_size);
		c_lae_dlb(CaseDescrLab);	/* perform the switch */
	else	{ 
		/* CSB
		for (ce = sh->sh_entries; ce; ce = ce->ce_next)	{
			/* generate the entries: value + prog.label
		c_lae_dlb(CaseDescrLab);	/* perform the switch */

	/* Now generate code for the cases
	pnode = nd;
	while (pnode = pnode->nd_right) {
		if (pnode->nd_class == Link && pnode->nd_symb == '|') {
			if (pnode->nd_left) {
		else {
			/* Else part
			assert(sh->sh_default != 0);

			LblWalkNode(sh->sh_default, pnode, exitlabel);


	register struct switch_hdr *sh;
	/*	 free the allocated switch structure	
	register struct case_entry *ce;

	ce = sh->sh_entries;
	while (ce)	{
		struct case_entry *tmp = ce->ce_next;

		ce = tmp;


AddCases(sh, node, lbl)
	struct switch_hdr *sh;
	register t_node *node;
	label lbl;
	/*	Add case labels to the case label list

	if (node->nd_class == Link) {
		if (node->nd_symb == UPTO) {
			assert(node->nd_left->nd_class == Value);
			assert(node->nd_right->nd_class == Value);

			node->nd_type = node->nd_left->nd_type;
			node->nd_INT = node->nd_left->nd_INT;
			for (;;) {
				if (! AddOneCase(sh, node, lbl)) return 0;
			        if (node->nd_INT == node->nd_right->nd_INT) {
			return 1;

		assert(node->nd_symb == ',');
		return	AddCases(sh, node->nd_left, lbl) &&
		    	AddCases(sh, node->nd_right, lbl);

	assert(node->nd_class == Value);
	return AddOneCase(sh, node, lbl);

AddOneCase(sh, node, lbl)
	register struct switch_hdr *sh;
	t_node *node;
	label lbl;
	register struct case_entry *ce = new_case_entry();
	register struct case_entry *c1 = sh->sh_entries, *c2 = 0;
	int fund = sh->sh_type->tp_fund;

	ce->ce_label = lbl;
	ce->ce_value = node->nd_INT;
	if (! ChkCompat(&node, sh->sh_type, "case")) {
		return 0;
	if (sh->sh_entries == 0)	{
		/* first case entry
		ce->ce_next = (struct case_entry *) 0;
		sh->sh_entries = ce;
		sh->sh_lowerbd = sh->sh_upperbd = ce->ce_value;
		sh->sh_nrofentries = 1;
	else	{
		/* second etc. case entry
		   find the proper place to put ce into the list
		if (chk_bounds(ce->ce_value, sh->sh_lowerbd, fund)) {
			sh->sh_lowerbd = ce->ce_value;
		else if (! chk_bounds(ce->ce_value, sh->sh_upperbd, fund)) {
			sh->sh_upperbd = ce->ce_value;
		while (c1 && !chk_bounds(ce->ce_value, c1->ce_value, fund)) {
			c2 = c1;
			c1 = c1->ce_next;
		/*	At this point three cases are possible:
			1: c1 != 0 && c2 != 0:
				insert ce somewhere in the middle
			2: c1 != 0 && c2 == 0:
				insert ce right after the head
			3: c1 == 0 && c2 != 0:
				append ce to last element
			The case c1 == 0 && c2 == 0 cannot occur, since
			the list is guaranteed not to be empty.
		if (c1)	{
			if (c1->ce_value == ce->ce_value)	{
node_error(node, "multiple case entry for value %ld", ce->ce_value);
				return 0;
			if (c2)	{
				ce->ce_next = c2->ce_next;
				c2->ce_next = ce;
			else	{
				ce->ce_next = sh->sh_entries;
				sh->sh_entries = ce;
		else	{

			ce->ce_next = (struct case_entry *) 0;
			c2->ce_next = ce;
	return 1;