/* * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright". * * Author: Ceriel J.H. Jacobs */ /* S C O P E M E C H A N I S M */ /* $Header$ */ #include "debug.h" #include <assert.h> #include <alloc.h> #include <em_arith.h> #include <em_label.h> #include "LLlex.h" #include "idf.h" #include "scope.h" #include "type.h" #include "def.h" #include "node.h" t_scope *PervasiveScope; t_scopelist *CurrVis, *GlobalVis; extern int proclevel; static t_scopelist *PervVis; extern char options[]; /* STATICALLOCDEF "scope" 10 */ /* STATICALLOCDEF "scopelist" 10 */ open_scope(scopetype) { /* Open a scope that is either open (automatic imports) or closed. */ register t_scope *sc = new_scope(); register t_scopelist *ls = new_scopelist(); assert(scopetype == OPENSCOPE || scopetype == CLOSEDSCOPE); sc->sc_scopeclosed = scopetype == CLOSEDSCOPE; sc->sc_level = proclevel; ls->sc_scope = sc; ls->sc_encl = CurrVis; if (! sc->sc_scopeclosed) { ls->sc_next = ls->sc_encl; } CurrVis = ls; } t_scope * open_and_close_scope(scopetype) { t_scope *sc; open_scope(scopetype); sc = CurrentScope; close_scope(0); return sc; } InitScope() { register t_scope *sc = new_scope(); register t_scopelist *ls = new_scopelist(); sc->sc_level = proclevel; PervasiveScope = sc; ls->sc_scope = PervasiveScope; PervVis = ls; CurrVis = ls; } STATIC chk_proc(df) register t_def *df; { /* Called at scope closing. Check all definitions, and if one is a D_PROCHEAD, the procedure was not defined. Also check that hidden types are defined. */ while (df) { if (df->df_kind == D_HIDDEN) { error("hidden type \"%s\" not declared", df->df_idf->id_text); } else if (df->df_kind == D_PROCHEAD) { /* A not defined procedure */ error("procedure \"%s\" not defined", df->df_idf->id_text); FreeNode(df->for_node); } df = df->df_nextinscope; } } STATIC chk_forw(pdf) t_def **pdf; { /* Called at scope close. Look for all forward definitions and if the scope was a closed scope, give an error message for them, and otherwise move them to the enclosing scope. */ register t_def *df; while (df = *pdf) { if (df->df_kind == D_FORWTYPE) { register t_def *df1 = df; register t_node *nd = df->df_forw_node; *pdf = df->df_nextinscope; RemoveFromIdList(df); df = lookfor(nd, CurrVis, 1, 0); if (! df->df_kind & (D_ERROR|D_FTYPE|D_TYPE)) { node_error(nd, "\"%s\" is not a type", df1->df_idf->id_text); } while (nd) { nd->nd_type->tp_next = df->df_type; nd = nd->nd_right; } FreeNode(df1->df_forw_node); free_def(df1); continue; } else if (df->df_kind == D_FTYPE) { register t_node *nd = df->df_forw_node; df->df_kind = D_TYPE; while (nd) { nd->nd_type->tp_next = df->df_type; nd = nd->nd_right; } FreeNode(df->df_forw_node); } else if (df->df_kind & (D_FORWARD|D_FORWMODULE)) { /* These definitions must be found in the enclosing closed scope, which of course may be the scope that is now closed! */ if (scopeclosed(CurrentScope)) { /* Indeed, the scope was a closed scope, so give error message */ node_error(df->for_node, "identifier \"%s\" not declared", df->df_idf->id_text); FreeNode(df->for_node); } else { /* This scope was an open scope. Maybe the definitions are in the enclosing scope? */ register t_scopelist *ls = nextvisible(CurrVis); t_def *df1 = df->df_nextinscope; if (df->df_kind == D_FORWMODULE) { df->for_vis->sc_next = ls; } df->df_nextinscope = ls->sc_scope->sc_def; ls->sc_scope->sc_def = df; df->df_scope = ls->sc_scope; *pdf = df1; continue; } } pdf = &df->df_nextinscope; } } Reverse(pdf) t_def **pdf; { /* Reverse the order in the list of definitions in a scope. This is neccesary because this list is built in reverse. Also, while we're at it, remove uninteresting definitions from this list. */ register t_def *df, *df1; #define INTERESTING (D_MODULE|D_PROCEDURE|D_PROCHEAD|D_VARIABLE|D_IMPORTED|D_TYPE|D_CONST) df = 0; df1 = *pdf; while (df1) { if (df1->df_kind & INTERESTING) { t_def *prev = df; df = df1; df1 = df1->df_nextinscope; df->df_nextinscope = prev; } else df1 = df1->df_nextinscope; } *pdf = df; } close_scope(flag) register int flag; { /* Close a scope. If "flag" is set, check for forward declarations, either POINTER declarations, or EXPORTs, or forward references to MODULES */ register t_scope *sc = CurrentScope; assert(sc != 0); FreeNode(sc->sc_end); sc->sc_end = dot2leaf(Link); if (flag) { DO_DEBUG(options['S'],(print("List of definitions in currently ended scope:\n"), DumpScope(sc->sc_def))); if (flag & SC_CHKPROC) chk_proc(sc->sc_def); if (flag & SC_CHKFORW) chk_forw(&(sc->sc_def)); if (flag & SC_REVERSE) Reverse(&(sc->sc_def)); } CurrVis = enclosing(CurrVis); } #ifdef DEBUG DumpScope(df) register t_def *df; { while (df) { PrDef(df); df = df->df_nextinscope; } } #endif