exec: iffable | SDO end_spec intonlyon label intonlyoff opt_comma dospecw { if($4->labdefined) execerr("no backward DO loops", CNULL); $4->blklevel = blklevel+1; exdo($4->labelno, NPNULL, $7); } | SDO end_spec opt_comma dospecw { exdo((int)(ctls - ctlstack - 2), NPNULL, $4); NOEXT("DO without label"); } | SENDDO { exenddo(NPNULL); } | logif iffable { exendif(); thiswasbranch = NO; } | logif STHEN | SELSEIF end_spec SLPAR expr SRPAR STHEN { exelif($4); lastwasbranch = NO; } | SELSE end_spec { exelse(); lastwasbranch = NO; } | SENDIF end_spec { exendif(); lastwasbranch = NO; } ; logif: SLOGIF end_spec SLPAR expr SRPAR { exif($4); } ; dospec: name SEQUALS exprlist { $$ = mkchain((char *)$1, $3); } ; dospecw: dospec | SWHILE SLPAR expr SRPAR { $$ = mkchain(CNULL, (chainp)$3); } ; iffable: let lhs SEQUALS expr { exequals((struct Primblock *)$2, $4); } | SASSIGN end_spec assignlabel STO name { exassign($5, $3); } | SCONTINUE end_spec | goto | io { inioctl = NO; } | SARITHIF end_spec SLPAR expr SRPAR label SCOMMA label SCOMMA label { exarif($4, $6, $8, $10); thiswasbranch = YES; } | call { excall($1, LBNULL, 0, labarray); } | call SLPAR SRPAR { excall($1, LBNULL, 0, labarray); } | call SLPAR callarglist SRPAR { if(nstars < MAXLABLIST) excall($1, mklist(revchain($3)), nstars, labarray); else err("too many alternate returns"); } | SRETURN end_spec opt_expr { exreturn($3); thiswasbranch = YES; } | stop end_spec opt_expr { exstop($1, $3); thiswasbranch = $1; } ; assignlabel: SICON { $$ = mklabel( convci(toklen, token) ); } ; let: SLET { if(parstate == OUTSIDE) { newproc(); startproc(ESNULL, CLMAIN); } } ; goto: SGOTO end_spec label { exgoto($3); thiswasbranch = YES; } | SASGOTO end_spec name { exasgoto($3); thiswasbranch = YES; } | SASGOTO end_spec name opt_comma SLPAR labellist SRPAR { exasgoto($3); thiswasbranch = YES; } | SCOMPGOTO end_spec SLPAR labellist SRPAR opt_comma expr { if(nstars < MAXLABLIST) putcmgo(putx(fixtype($7)), nstars, labarray); else err("computed GOTO list too long"); } ; opt_comma: | SCOMMA ; call: SCALL end_spec name { nstars = 0; $$ = $3; } ; callarglist: callarg { $$ = $1 ? mkchain((char *)$1,CHNULL) : CHNULL; } | callarglist SCOMMA callarg { $$ = $3 ? mkchain((char *)$3, $1) : $1; } ; callarg: expr | SSTAR label { if(nstars<MAXLABLIST) labarray[nstars++] = $2; $$ = 0; } ; stop: SPAUSE { $$ = 0; } | SSTOP { $$ = 1; } ; exprlist: expr { $$ = mkchain((char *)$1, CHNULL); } | exprlist SCOMMA expr { $$ = hookup($1, mkchain((char *)$3,CHNULL) ); } ; end_spec: { if(parstate == OUTSIDE) { newproc(); startproc(ESNULL, CLMAIN); } /* This next statement depends on the ordering of the state table encoding */ if(parstate < INDATA) enddcl(); } ; intonlyon: { intonly = YES; } ; intonlyoff: { intonly = NO; } ;