#include <em_spec.h> #include <em_pseu.h> #include <em_mnem.h> #include <em_mes.h> #include <em_reg.h> #include <pc_size.h> { (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit. Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum Wiskundig Seminarium Vrije Universiteit Postbox 7161 1007 MC Amsterdam The Netherlands } {if next line is included the compiler itself is written in standard pascal} {#define STANDARD 1} {Author: Johan Stevenson Version: 32} {$l- : no source line numbers} {$r- : no subrange checking} {$a- : no assertion checking} #ifdef STANDARD {$s+ : test conformancy to standard} #endif program pem(input,em,errors); {/* This Pascal compiler produces EM code as described in - A.S.Tanenbaum, J.W.Stevenson & H. van Staveren, "Description of a machine architecture for use with block structured languages" Informatika rapport 81. NOTE: this version is modified to produce the modified EM code of januari 1981. it is not possible, using this compiler, to generate code for machines with 1 or 4 byte wordsize. A description of Pascal is given in - K.Jensen & N.Wirth, "PASCAL user manual and report", Springer-Verlag. Several options may be given in the normal pascal way. Moreover, a positive number may be used instead of + and -. The options are: a: interpret assertions (+) c: C-type strings allowed (-) d: type long may be used (-) i: controls the number of bits in integer sets (16) l: insert code to keep track of source lines (+) o: optimize (+) r: check subranges (+) s: accept only standard pascal programs (-) t: trace procedure entry and exit (-) u: treat '_' as letter (-) */} {===================================================================} #ifdef STANDARD label 9999; #endif const {fundamental constants} MB1 = 7; MB2 = 15; {MB4 = 31} NB1 = 8; NB2 = 16; {NB4 = 32} MI1 = 127; MI2 = 32767; {MI4 = 2147483647} NI1 = 128; {NI2 = 32768} {NI4 = 2147483648} MU1 = 255; {MU2 = 65535} {MU4 = 4294967295} NU1 = 256; {NU2 = 65536} {NU4 = 4294967296} {maximal indices} idmax = 8; fnmax = 14; smax = 72; {opt values} off = 0; on = 1; {for push and pop: } global = false; local = true; {for sizeof and posaddr: } wordmult = false; wordpart = true; {ASCII characters} ascht = 9; ascnl = 10; ascvt = 11; ascff = 12; asccr = 13; {miscellaneous} maxcharord = 127; {maximal ordinal number of chars} maxargc = 13; {maximal index in argv} rwlim = 34; {number of reserved words} spaces = ' '; {-------------------------------------------------------------------} type {scalar types} symbol= (comma,semicolon,colon1,colon2,notsy,lbrack,ident, intcst,charcst,realcst,longcst,stringcst,nilcst,minsy, plussy,lparent,arrow,arraysy,recordsy,setsy,filesy, packedsy,progsy,labelsy,constsy,typesy,varsy,procsy, funcsy,beginsy,gotosy,ifsy,whilesy,repeatsy,forsy, withsy,casesy,becomes,starsy,divsy,modsy,slashsy, andsy,orsy,eqsy,nesy,gtsy,gesy,ltsy, lesy,insy,endsy,elsesy,untilsy,ofsy,dosy, downtosy,tosy,thensy,rbrack,rparent,period ); {the order is important} chartype= (lower,upper,digit,layout,tabch, quotech,dquotech,colonch,periodch,lessch, greaterch,lparentch,lbracech, {different entries} rparentch,lbrackch,rbrackch,commach,semich,arrowch, plusch,minch,slash,star,equal, {also symbols} others ); standpf= (pread,preadln,pwrite,pwriteln,pput,pget, preset,prewrite,pnew,pdispose,ppack,punpack, pmark,prelease,ppage,phalt, {all procedures} feof,feoln,fabs,fsqr,ford,fchr,fpred,fsucc,fodd, ftrunc,fround,fsin,fcos,fexp,fsqt,flog,fatn {all functions} ); {the order is important} libmnem= (ELN ,EFL ,CLS ,WDW , {input and output} OPN ,GETX,RDI ,RDC ,RDR ,RDL ,RLN , {on inputfiles} CRE ,PUTX,WRI ,WSI ,WRC ,WSC ,WRS ,WSS ,WRB , WSB ,WRR ,WSR ,WRL, WSL, WRF ,WRZ ,WSZ ,WLN ,PAG , {on outputfiles, order important} ABR ,RND ,SINX,COSX,EXPX,SQT ,LOG ,ATN , {floating point} ABI ,ABL ,BCP ,BTS ,NEWX,SAV ,RST ,INI ,HLT , ASS ,GTO ,PAC ,UNP, DIS, ASZ, MDI, MDL {miscellaneous} ); structform= (scalar,subrange,pointer,power,files,arrays,carray, records,variant,tag); {order important} structflag= (spack,withfile); identflag= (refer,used,assigned,noreg,loopvar,samesect); idclass= (types,konst,vars,field,carrbnd,proc,func); kindofpf= (standard,formal,actual,extern,varargs,forward); where= (blck,rec,wrec); attrkind= (cst,fixed,pfixed,loaded,ploaded,indexed); twostruct= (eq,subeq,ir,ri,il,li,lr,rl,es,se,noteq); {order important} {subrange types} rwrange= 0..rwlim; byte= 0..MU1; {pointer types} sp= ^structure; ip= ^identifier; lp= ^labl; bp= ^blockinfo; np= ^nameinfo; {set types} sos= set of symbol; setofids= set of idclass; formset= set of structform; sflagset= set of structflag; iflagset= set of identflag; {array types} idarr=packed array[1..idmax] of char; fnarr=packed array[1..fnmax] of char; {record types} position=record {the addr info of certain variable} ad:integer; {for locals it is the byte offset} lv:integer; {the level of the beast} end; {records of type attr are used to remember qualities of expression parts to delay the loading of them. Reasons to delay the loading of one word constants: - bound checking - set building. Reasons to delay the loading of direct accessible objects: - efficient handling of read/write - efficient handling of the with statement. } attr=record asp:sp; {type of expression} packbit:boolean; {true for part of packed structure} ak:attrkind; {access method} pos:position; {lv and ad} {If ak=cst then the value is stored in ad} end; nameinfo=record {one for each separate name space} nlink:np; {one deeper} fname:ip; {first name: root of tree} case occur:where of blck:(); rec: (); wrec:(wa:attr) {name space opened by with statement} end; blockinfo=record {all info of the current procedure} nextbp:bp; {pointer to blockinfo of surrounding proc} reglb:integer; {data location counter (from begin of proc) } minlb:integer; {keeps track of minimum of reglb} ilbno:integer; {number of last local label} forwcount:integer; {number of not yet specified forward procs} lchain:lp; {first label: header of chain} end; structure=record size:integer; {size of structure in bytes} sflag:sflagset; {flag bits} case form:structform of scalar :(scalno:integer; {number of range descriptor} fconst:ip {names of constants} ); subrange:(min,max:integer; {lower and upper bound} rangetype:sp; {type of bounds} subrno:integer {number of subr descriptor} ); pointer :(eltype:sp); {type of pointed object} power :(elset:sp); {type of set elements} files :(filtype:sp); {type of file elements} arrays,carray: (aeltype:sp; {type of array elements} inxtype:sp; {type of array index} arpos:position {position of array descriptor} ); records :(fstfld:ip; {points to first field} tagsp:sp {points to tag if present} ); variant :(varval:integer; {tag value for this variant} nxtvar:sp; {next equilevel variant} subtsp:sp {points to tag for sub-case} ); tag :(fstvar:sp; {first variant of case} tfldsp:sp {type of tag} ) end; identifier=record idtype:sp; {type of identifier} name:idarr; {name of identifier} llink,rlink:ip; {see enterid,searchid} next:ip; {used to make several chains} iflag:iflagset; {several flag bits} case klass:idclass of types :(); konst :(value:integer); {for integers the value is computed and stored in this field. For strings and reals an assembler constant is defined labeled '.1', '.2', ... This '.' number is then stored in value. For reals value may be negated to indicate that the opposite of the assembler constant is needed. } vars :(vpos:position); {position of var} field :(foffset:integer); {offset to begin of record} carrbnd :(); {idtype points to carray struct} proc,func: (case pfkind:kindofpf of standard:(key:standpf); {identification} formal,actual,forward,extern,varargs: (pfpos:position; {lv gives declaration level. ad is relevant for formal pf s and for functions (no conflict!!). for functions: ad is the result address. for formal pf s: ad is the address of the descriptor } pfno:integer; {unique pf number} maxlb:integer; {bytes of parameters} parhead:ip {head of parameter list} ) ) end; labl=record nextlp:lp; {chain of labels} seen:boolean; labval:integer; {label number given by the programmer} labname:integer; {label number given by the compiler} labdlb:integer {zero means only locally used, otherwise dlbno of label information} end; {-------------------------------------------------------------------} var {the most frequent used externals are declared first} sy:symbol; {last symbol} a:attr; {type,access method,position,value of expr} {returned by insym} ch:char; {last character} chsy:chartype; {type of ch, used by insym} val:integer; {if last symbol is an constant } ix:integer; {string length} eol:boolean; {true of current ch is a space, replacing a newline} zerostring:boolean; {true for strings in " "} id:idarr; {if last symbol is an identifier} {some counters} lino:integer; {line number on code file (1..n) } dlbno:integer; {number of last global number} holeb:integer; {size of hol-area} level:integer; {current static level} argc:integer; {index in argv} lastpfno:integer; {unique pf number counter} copt:integer; {C-type strings allowed if on} dopt:integer; {longs allowed if on} iopt:integer; {number of bits in sets with base integer} sopt:integer; {standard option} srcchno:integer; {column count for errors} srclino:integer; {source line number after preprocessing} srcorig:integer; {source line number before preprocessing} fildlb:integer; {label number of source string} {pointers pointing to standard types} realptr,intptr,textptr,nullset,boolptr:sp; charptr,nilptr,zeroptr,procptr,longptr:sp; {flags} giveline:boolean; {give source line number at next statement} including:boolean; {no LINs for included code} eofexpected:boolean; {quit without error if true (nextch) } main:boolean; {complete programme or a module} intypedec:boolean; {true if nested in typedefinition} fltused:boolean; {true if floating point instructions are used} seconddot:boolean; {indicates the second dot of '..'} {pointers} fwptr:ip; {head of chain of forward reference pointers} progp:ip; {program identifier} currproc:ip; {current procedure/function ip (see selector)} top:np; {pointer to the most recent name space} lastnp:np; {pointer to nameinfo of last searched ident } {records} b:blockinfo; {all info to be stacked at pfdeclaration} fa:attr; {attr for current file name} {arrays} sizes:array[0 .. sz_last] of integer; strbuf:array[1..smax] of char; rw:array[rwrange] of idarr; {reserved words} frw:array[0..idmax] of integer; {indices in rw} rsy:array[rwrange] of symbol; {symbol for reserved words} cs:array[char] of chartype; {chartype of a character} csy:array[rparentch..equal] of symbol; {symbol for single character symbols} lmn:array[libmnem] of packed array[1..4] of char; {mnemonics of pascal library routines} opt:array['a'..'z'] of integer; forceopt:array['a'..'z'] of boolean; {26 different options} undefip:array[idclass] of ip; {used in searchid} iop:array[boolean] of ip; {false:standard input, true:standard output} argv:array[0..maxargc] of record name:idarr; ad:integer end; {save here the external heading names} {files} em:file of byte; {the EM code} errors:text; {the compilation errors} source:fnarr; {===================================================================} procedure initpos(var p:position); begin p.lv:=level; p.ad:=0; end; procedure inita(fsp:sp; fad:integer); begin with a do begin asp:=fsp; packbit:=false; ak:=fixed; pos.ad:=fad; pos.lv:=level; end end; function newip(kl:idclass; n:idarr; idt:sp; nxt:ip):ip; var p:ip; f:iflagset; begin f:=[]; case kl of types,carrbnd: {similar structure} new(p,types); konst: begin new(p,konst); p^.value:=0 end; vars: begin new(p,vars); f:=[used,assigned]; initpos(p^.vpos) end; field: begin new(p,field); p^.foffset:=0 end; proc,func: {same structure} begin new(p,proc,actual); p^.pfkind:=actual; initpos(p^.pfpos); p^.pfno:=0; p^.maxlb:=0; p^.parhead:=nil; end end; p^.name:=n; p^.klass:=kl; p^.idtype:=idt; p^.next:=nxt; p^.llink:=nil; p^.rlink:=nil; p^.iflag:=f; newip:=p end; function newsp(sf:structform; sz:integer):sp; var p:sp; sflag:sflagset; begin sflag:=[]; case sf of scalar: begin new(p,scalar); p^.scalno:=0; p^.fconst:=nil end; subrange: new(p,subrange); pointer: begin new(p,pointer); p^.eltype:=nil end; power: new(p,power); files: begin new(p,files); sflag:=[withfile] end; arrays,carray: {same structure} new(p,arrays); records: new(p,records); variant: new(p,variant); tag: new(p,tag); end; p^.form:=sf; p^.size:=sz; p^.sflag:=sflag; newsp:=p; end; function sizeof(fsp:sp; partword:boolean):integer; var s:integer; begin if fsp=nil then s:=0 else s:=fsp^.size; if s<>0 then if partword and (s<sz_word) then while sz_word mod s <> 0 do s:=s+1 else while s mod sz_word <> 0 do s:=s+1; sizeof:=s end; function formof(fsp:sp; forms:formset):boolean; begin if fsp=nil then formof:=false else formof:=fsp^.form in forms end; {===================================================================} procedure put1(b:byte); begin write(em,b) end; procedure put2(i:integer); var i1,i2:byte; begin if i<0 then begin i:=-(i+1); i1:=MU1 - i mod NU1; i2:=MU1 - i div NU1 end else begin i1:=i mod NU1; i2:=i div NU1 end; put1(i1); put1(i2) end; procedure argend; begin put1(sp_cend) end; procedure argcst(i:integer); begin if (i >= -sp_zcst0) and (i < sp_ncst0-sp_zcst0) then put1(i + sp_zcst0 + sp_fcst0) else begin put1(sp_cst2); put2(i) end end; procedure argnil; begin put1(sp_icon); argcst(sz_addr); argcst(1); put1(ord('0')) end; procedure argilb(i:integer); begin if i<=MU1 then begin put1(sp_ilb1); put1(i) end else begin put1(sp_ilb2); put2(i) end end; procedure argdlb(i:integer); begin if i<=MU1 then begin put1(sp_dlb1); put1(i) end else begin put1(sp_dlb2); put2(i) end end; procedure argident(var a:idarr); var i,j:integer; begin i:=idmax; while (a[i]=' ') and (i>1) do i:=i-1; put1(sp_pnam); argcst(i); for j:=1 to i do put1(ord(a[j])) end; procedure genop(b:byte); begin put1(b); lino:=lino+1 end; procedure gencst(b:byte; i:integer); begin genop(b); argcst(i) end; procedure gensp(m:libmnem; s:integer); var i:integer; begin genop(op_cal); put1(sp_pnam); argcst(4); for i:=1 to 4 do put1(ord(lmn[m][i])); gencst(op_asp,s) end; procedure genpnam(b:byte; fip:ip); var n:idarr; i,j:integer; begin if fip^.pfpos.lv<=1 then n:=fip^.name else begin n:='_ '; j:=1; i:=fip^.pfno; while i<>0 do begin j:=j+1; n[j]:=chr(i mod 10 + ord('0')); i:=i div 10 end; end; genop(b); argident(n) end; procedure genasp(m:byte); begin gencst(m,sizeof(a.asp,wordmult)) end; procedure genlin; begin giveline:=false; if opt['l']<>off then if main then gencst(op_lin,srcorig) end; procedure genreg(sz,ad,regval:integer); begin gencst(ps_mes,ms_reg); argcst(ad); argcst(sz); argcst(regval); argend end; procedure laedlb(d:integer); begin genop(op_lae); argdlb(d) end; procedure exchange(l1,l2:integer); var d1,d2:integer; begin d1:=l2-l1; d2:=lino-l2; if (d1<>0) and (d2<>0) then begin gencst(ps_exc,d1); argcst(d2) end end; procedure newilb(i:integer); begin lino:=lino+1; if i<sp_nilb0 then put1(i+sp_filb0) else argilb(i) end; function newdlb:integer; begin lino:=lino+1; dlbno:=dlbno+1; argdlb(dlbno); newdlb:=dlbno end; function romstr(typ:byte; siz:integer):integer; var i:integer; begin romstr:=newdlb; genop(ps_rom); put1(typ); if typ<>sp_scon then argcst(siz); argcst(ix); for i:=1 to ix do put1(ord(strbuf[i])); argend end; {===================================================================} procedure error(err:integer); {as you will notice, all error numbers are preceded by '+' and '0' to ease their renumbering in case of new errornumbers. } begin writeln(errors,err,srclino,srcchno); if err>0 then begin gencst(ps_mes,ms_err); argend end end; procedure errid(err:integer; var id:idarr); begin write(errors,'''',id); error(err) end; procedure errint(err:integer; i:integer); begin write(errors,i:1); error(err) end; procedure errasp(err:integer); begin if a.asp<>nil then begin error(err); a.asp:=nil end end; procedure teststandard; begin if sopt<>off then error(-(+01)) end; procedure enterid(fip: ip); {enter id pointed at by fip into the name-table, which on each declaration level is organised as an unbalanced binary tree} var nam:idarr; lip,lip1:ip; lleft,again:boolean; begin nam:=fip^.name; again:=false; assert nam[1]<>' '; lip:=top^.fname; if lip=nil then top^.fname:=fip else begin repeat lip1:=lip; if lip^.name>nam then begin lip:=lip^.llink; lleft:=true end else begin if lip^.name=nam then again:=true; {name conflict} lip:=lip^.rlink; lleft:=false; end; until lip=nil; if lleft then lip1^.llink:=fip else lip1^.rlink:=fip end; fip^.llink:=nil; fip^.rlink:=nil; if again then errid(+02,nam); end; {===================================================================} procedure trace(tname:idarr; fip:ip; var namdlb:integer); var i:integer; begin if opt['t']<>off then begin if namdlb=0 then begin namdlb:=newdlb; genop(ps_rom); put1(sp_scon); argcst(8); for i:=1 to 8 do put1(ord(fip^.name[i])); argend; end; laedlb(namdlb); genop(op_cal); argident(tname); gencst(op_asp,sz_addr); end; end; procedure expandnullset(fsp:sp); var s:integer; begin s:=sizeof(fsp,wordmult)-sz_word; if s<>0 then gencst(op_zer,s); a.asp:=fsp end; procedure push(local:boolean; ad:integer; sz:integer); begin assert sz mod sz_word = 0; if sz=sz_word then if local then gencst(op_lol,ad) else gencst(op_loe,ad) else if sz=2*sz_word then if local then gencst(op_ldl,ad) else gencst(op_lde,ad) else begin if local then gencst(op_lal,ad) else gencst(op_lae,ad); gencst(op_loi,sz) end end; procedure pop(local:boolean; ad:integer; sz:integer); begin assert sz mod sz_word = 0; if sz=sz_word then if local then gencst(op_stl,ad) else gencst(op_ste,ad) else if sz=2*sz_word then if local then gencst(op_sdl,ad) else gencst(op_sde,ad) else begin if local then gencst(op_lal,ad) else gencst(op_lae,ad); gencst(op_sti,sz) end end; procedure lexaddr(lv:integer; ad:integer); begin assert level>=lv; if ad>=0 then gencst(op_lxa,level-lv) else gencst(op_lxl,level-lv); gencst(op_adp,ad) end; procedure loadpos(var p:position; sz:integer); begin with p do if lv<=0 then push(global,ad,sz) else if lv=level then push(local,ad,sz) else begin lexaddr(lv,ad); gencst(op_loi,sz) end; end; procedure descraddr(var p:position); begin if p.lv=0 then laedlb(p.ad) else loadpos(p,sz_addr) end; procedure loadaddr; begin with a,pos do begin case ak of fixed: if lv<=0 then gencst(op_lae,ad) else if lv=level then gencst(op_lal,ad) else lexaddr(lv,ad); pfixed: loadpos(pos,sz_addr); ploaded: ; indexed: gencst(op_aar,sz_word); end; {case} ak:=ploaded; end end; procedure load; var sz:integer; begin with a do begin sz:=sizeof(asp,packbit); if asp<>nil then case ak of cst: gencst(op_loc,pos.ad); {only one-word scalars} fixed: loadpos(pos,sz); pfixed: begin loadpos(pos,sz_addr); gencst(op_loi,sz) end; loaded: ; ploaded: gencst(op_loi,sz); indexed: gencst(op_lar,sz_word); end; {case} ak:=loaded; end end; procedure store; var sz:integer; begin with a,pos do begin sz:=sizeof(asp,packbit); if asp<>nil then case ak of fixed: if lv<=0 then pop(global,ad,sz) else if level=lv then pop(local,ad,sz) else begin lexaddr(lv,ad); gencst(op_sti,sz) end; pfixed: begin loadpos(pos,sz_addr); gencst(op_sti,sz) end; ploaded: gencst(op_sti,sz); indexed: gencst(op_sar,sz_word); end; {case} end end; procedure fieldaddr(off:integer); begin with a do if (ak=fixed) and not packbit then pos.ad:=pos.ad+off else begin loadaddr; gencst(op_adp,off) end end; procedure loadcheap; begin if formof(a.asp,[arrays..records]) then loadaddr else load end; {===================================================================} procedure nextch; begin eol:=eoln(input); read(input,ch); srcchno:=srcchno+1; chsy:=cs[ch]; end; procedure nextln; begin if eof(input) then begin if not eofexpected then error(+03) else if fltused then begin gencst(ps_mes,ms_flt); argend end; #ifdef STANDARD goto 9999 #else halt #endif end; srcchno:=0; srclino:=srclino+1; if not including then begin srcorig:=srcorig+1; giveline:=true end; end; procedure options(normal:boolean); var ci:char; i:integer; procedure getc; begin if normal then nextch else read(errors,ch) end; begin repeat getc; if (ch>='a') and (ch<='z') then begin ci:=ch; getc; i:=0; if ch='+' then begin i:=1; getc end else if ch='-' then getc else if cs[ch]=digit then repeat i:=i*10 + ord(ch) - ord('0'); getc; until cs[ch]<>digit else i:=-1; if i>=0 then if not normal then begin forceopt[ci]:=true; opt[ci]:=i end else if not forceopt[ci] then opt[ci]:=i; end; until ch<>','; end; procedure linedirective; var i:integer; fname:fnarr; begin repeat nextch until (ch='"') or eol; if eol then error(+04) else begin nextch; i:=0; while (ch<>'"') and not eol do begin if ch='/' then i:=0 else begin i:=i+1; if i<=fnmax then fname[i]:=ch end; nextch end; while i<fnmax do begin i:=i+1; fname[i]:=' ' end; including:=fname<>source; while not eol do nextch end; end; procedure putdig; begin ix:=ix+1; if ix<=smax then strbuf[ix]:=ch; nextch end; procedure inident; label 1; var i,k:integer; begin k:=0; id:=spaces; repeat if chsy=upper then ch:=chr(ord(ch)-ord('A')+ord('a')); if k<idmax then begin k:=k+1; id[k]:=ch end; nextch until chsy>digit; {lower=0,upper=1,digit=2. ugly but fast} for i:=frw[k-1] to frw[k] - 1 do if rw[i]=id then begin sy:=rsy[i]; goto 1 end; sy:=ident; 1: end; procedure innumber; label 1; const imax = 10; maxintstring = '0000032767'; maxlongstring = '2147483647'; var i,j:integer; is:packed array[1..imax] of char; begin ix:=0; sy:=intcst; val:=0; repeat putdig until chsy<>digit; if (ch='.') or (ch='e') or (ch='E') then begin if ch='.' then begin putdig; if ch='.' then begin seconddot:=true; ix:=ix-1; goto 1 end; if chsy<>digit then error(+05) else repeat putdig until chsy<>digit; end; if (ch='e') or (ch='E') then begin putdig; if (ch='+') or (ch='-') then putdig; if chsy<>digit then error(+06) else repeat putdig until chsy<>digit; end; if ix>smax then begin error(+07); ix:=smax end; sy:=realcst; fltused:=true; val:=romstr(sp_fcon,sz_real); end; 1:if (chsy=lower) or (chsy=upper) then teststandard; if sy=intcst then if ix>imax then error(+08) else begin is:='0000000000'; i:=ix; j:=imax; repeat is[j]:=strbuf[i]; j:=j-1; i:=i-1 until i=0; if is<=maxintstring then repeat j:=j+1; val:=val*10 - ord('0') + ord(is[j]) until j=imax else if (is<=maxlongstring) and (dopt<>off) then begin sy:=longcst; val:=romstr(sp_icon,sz_long) end else error(+09) end end; procedure instring(qc:char); begin ix:=0; zerostring:=qc='"'; repeat repeat nextch; ix:=ix+1; if ix<=smax then strbuf[ix]:=ch; until (ch=qc) or eol; if ch=qc then nextch else error(+010); until ch<>qc; if not zerostring then begin ix:=ix-1; if ix=0 then error(+011) end else begin strbuf[ix]:=chr(0); if copt=off then error(+012) end; if (ix=1) and not zerostring then begin sy:=charcst; val:=ord(strbuf[1]) end else begin if ix>smax then begin error(+013); ix:=smax end; sy:=stringcst; val:=romstr(sp_scon,0); end end; procedure incomment; var stopc:char; begin nextch; stopc:='}'; if ch='$' then options(true); while (ch<>'}') and (ch<>stopc) do begin stopc:='}'; if ch='*' then stopc:=')'; if eol then nextln; nextch end; if ch<>'}' then teststandard; nextch end; procedure insym; {read next basic symbol of source program and return its description in the global variables sy, op, id, val and ix} label 1; begin 1:case chsy of tabch: begin srcchno:=srcchno - srcchno mod 8 + 8; nextch; goto 1 end; layout: begin if eol then nextln; nextch; goto 1 end; lower,upper: inident; digit: innumber; quotech,dquotech: instring(ch); colonch: begin nextch; if ch='=' then begin sy:=becomes; nextch end else sy:=colon1 end; periodch: begin nextch; if seconddot then begin seconddot:=false; sy:=colon2 end else if ch='.' then begin sy:=colon2; nextch end else sy:=period end; lessch: begin nextch; if ch='=' then begin sy:=lesy; nextch end else if ch='>' then begin sy:=nesy; nextch end else sy:=ltsy end; greaterch: begin nextch; if ch='=' then begin sy:=gesy; nextch end else sy:=gtsy end; lparentch: begin nextch; if ch<>'*' then sy:=lparent else begin teststandard; incomment; goto 1 end; end; lbracech: begin incomment; goto 1 end; rparentch,lbrackch,rbrackch,commach,semich,arrowch, plusch,minch,slash,star,equal: begin sy:=csy[chsy]; nextch end; others: begin if (ch='#') and (srcchno=1) then linedirective else begin error(+014); nextch end; goto 1 end; end {case} end; procedure nextif(fsy:symbol; err:integer); begin if sy=fsy then insym else error(-err) end; function find1(sys1,sys2:sos; err:integer):boolean; {symbol of sys1 expected. return true if sy in sys1} begin if not (sy in sys1) then begin error(err); while not (sy in sys1+sys2) do insym end; find1:=sy in sys1 end; function find2(sys1,sys2:sos; err:integer):boolean; {symbol of sys1+sys2 expected. return true if sy in sys1} begin if not (sy in sys1+sys2) then begin error(err); repeat insym until sy in sys1+sys2 end; find2:=sy in sys1 end; function find3(sy1:symbol; sys2:sos; err:integer):boolean; {symbol sy1 or one of sys2 expected. return true if sy1 found and skip it} begin find3:=true; if not (sy in [sy1]+sys2) then begin error(err); repeat insym until sy in [sy1]+sys2 end; if sy=sy1 then insym else find3:=false end; function endofloop(sys1,sys2:sos; sy3:symbol; err:integer):boolean; begin endofloop:=false; if find2(sys2+[sy3],sys1,err) then nextif(sy3,err+1) else endofloop:=true; end; function lastsemicolon(sys1,sys2:sos; err:integer):boolean; begin lastsemicolon:=true; if not endofloop(sys1,sys2,semicolon,err) then if find2(sys2,sys1,err+2) then lastsemicolon:=false end; {===================================================================} function searchid(fidcls: setofids):ip; {search for current identifier symbol in the name table} label 1; var lip:ip; ic:idclass; begin lastnp:=top; while lastnp<>nil do begin lip:=lastnp^.fname; while lip<>nil do if lip^.name=id then if lip^.klass in fidcls then begin if lip^.klass=vars then if lip^.vpos.lv<>level then lip^.iflag:=lip^.iflag+[noreg]; goto 1 end else lip:=lip^.rlink else if lip^.name< id then lip:=lip^.rlink else lip:=lip^.llink; lastnp:=lastnp^.nlink; end; errid(+015,id); if types in fidcls then ic:=types else if vars in fidcls then ic:=vars else if konst in fidcls then ic:=konst else if proc in fidcls then ic:=proc else if func in fidcls then ic:=func else ic:=field; lip:=undefip[ic]; 1: searchid:=lip end; function searchsection(fip: ip):ip; {to find record fields and forward declared procedure identifiers -->procedure pfdeclaration -->procedure selector} label 1; begin while fip<>nil do if fip^.name=id then goto 1 else if fip^.name< id then fip:=fip^.rlink else fip:=fip^.llink; 1: searchsection:=fip end; function searchlab(flp:lp; val:integer):lp; label 1; begin while flp<>nil do if flp^.labval=val then goto 1 else flp:=flp^.nextlp; 1:searchlab:=flp end; procedure opconvert(ts:twostruct); var op:integer; begin with a do begin genasp(op_loc); case ts of ir, lr: begin asp:=realptr; op:=op_cif; fltused:=true end; ri: begin asp:=intptr ; op:=op_cfi; fltused:=true end; rl: begin asp:=longptr; op:=op_cfi; fltused:=true end; li: begin asp:=intptr ; op:=op_cii end; il: begin asp:=longptr; op:=op_cii end; end; genasp(op_loc); genop(op) end end; procedure negate; begin if a.asp=realptr then genasp(op_ngf) else genasp(op_ngi) end; function desub(fsp:sp):sp; begin if formof(fsp,[subrange]) then fsp:=fsp^.rangetype; desub:=fsp end; function nicescalar(fsp:sp):boolean; begin if fsp=nil then nicescalar:=true else nicescalar:=(fsp^.form=scalar) and (fsp<>realptr) and (fsp<>longptr) end; function bounded(fsp:sp):boolean; begin bounded:=false; if fsp<>nil then if fsp^.form=subrange then bounded:=true else if fsp^.form=scalar then bounded:=fsp^.fconst<>nil end; procedure bounds(fsp:sp; var fmin,fmax:integer); begin if fsp=nil then begin fmin:=0; fmax:=0 end else case fsp^.form of subrange: begin fmin:=fsp^.min; fmax:=fsp^.max end; scalar: begin fmin:=0; fmax:=fsp^.fconst^.value end end end; procedure genrck(fsp:sp); var min,max,sno:integer; begin if opt['r']<>off then if bounded(fsp) then begin if fsp^.form=scalar then sno:=fsp^.scalno else sno:=fsp^.subrno; if sno=0 then begin bounds(fsp,min,max); sno:=newdlb; gencst(ps_rom,min); argcst(max); argend; if fsp^.form=scalar then fsp^.scalno:=sno else fsp^.subrno:=sno end; laedlb(sno); gencst(op_rck,sz_word); end end; procedure checkbnds(fsp:sp); var min1,max1,min2,max2:integer; begin if bounded(fsp) then if not bounded(a.asp) then genrck(fsp) else begin bounds(fsp,min1,max1); bounds(a.asp,min2,max2); if (min2<min1) or (max2>max1) then genrck(fsp); end; a.asp:=fsp; end; function eqstruct(p,q:sp):boolean; begin eqstruct:=(p=q) or (p=nil) or (q=nil) end; function string(fsp:sp):boolean; var lsp:sp; begin string:=false; if formof(fsp,[arrays]) then if eqstruct(fsp^.aeltype,charptr) then if spack in fsp^.sflag then begin lsp:=fsp^.inxtype; if lsp=nil then string:=true else if lsp^.form=subrange then if lsp^.rangetype=intptr then if lsp^.min=1 then string:=true end end; function compat(p,q:sp):twostruct; begin compat:=noteq; if eqstruct(p,q) then compat:=eq else begin p:=desub(p); q:=desub(q); if eqstruct(p,q) then compat:=subeq else if p^.form=q^.form then case p^.form of scalar: if (p=intptr) and (q=realptr) then compat:=ir else if (p=realptr) and (q=intptr) then compat:=ri else if (p=intptr) and (q=longptr) then compat:=il else if (p=longptr) and (q=intptr) then compat:=li else if (p=longptr) and (q=realptr) then compat:=lr else if (p=realptr) and (q=longptr) then compat:=rl else ; pointer: if (p=nilptr) or (q=nilptr) then compat:=eq; power: if p=nullset then compat:=es else if q=nullset then compat:=se else if compat(p^.elset,q^.elset) <= subeq then if p^.sflag=q^.sflag then compat:=eq; arrays: if string(p) and string(q) and (p^.size=q^.size) then compat:=eq; files,carray,records: ; end; end end; procedure checkasp(fsp:sp; err:integer); var ts:twostruct; begin ts:=compat(a.asp,fsp); case ts of eq: if fsp<>nil then if withfile in fsp^.sflag then errasp(err); subeq: checkbnds(fsp); li: begin opconvert(ts); checkasp(fsp,err) end; il,rl,lr,ir: opconvert(ts); es: expandnullset(fsp); noteq,ri,se: errasp(err); end end; procedure force(fsp:sp; err:integer); begin load; checkasp(fsp,err) end; function newident(kl:idclass; idt:sp; nxt:ip; err:integer):ip; begin newident:=nil; if sy<>ident then error(err) else begin newident:=newip(kl,id,idt,nxt); insym end end; function stringstruct:sp; var lsp:sp; begin {only used when ix and zerostring are still valid} if zerostring then lsp:=zeroptr else begin lsp:=newsp(arrays,ix*sz_char); lsp^.sflag:=[spack]; lsp^.aeltype:=charptr; lsp^.inxtype:=nil; end; stringstruct:=lsp; end; function posaddr(var lb:integer; fsp:sp; partword:boolean):integer; var sz:integer; begin sz:=sizeof(fsp,partword); if lb >= MI2-sz then begin error(+016); lb:=0 end; if not partword or (sz>=sz_word) then while lb mod sz_word <> 0 do lb:=lb+1; posaddr:=lb; lb:=lb+sz end; function negaddr(fsp:sp):integer; var sz:integer; begin with b do begin sz:=sizeof(fsp,wordmult); if reglb <= -MI2+sz then begin error(+017); reglb:=0 end; reglb:=reglb-sz; while reglb mod sz_word <> 0 do reglb:=reglb-1; if reglb < minlb then minlb:=reglb; negaddr:=reglb end end; procedure temporary(fsp:sp;r:integer); begin inita(fsp,negaddr(fsp)); if r>=0 then genreg(sizeof(fsp,wordmult),a.pos.ad,r) end; procedure genhol; begin gencst(ps_hol,posaddr(holeb,nil,false)); argcst(-MI2-1); argcst(0); level:=1 end; function arraysize(fsp:sp; pack:boolean):integer; var sz,min,max,tot,n:integer; begin sz:=sizeof(fsp^.aeltype,pack); bounds(fsp^.inxtype,min,max); fsp^.arpos.lv:=0; fsp^.arpos.ad:=newdlb; gencst(ps_rom,min); argcst(max-min); argcst(sz); argend; n:=max-min+1; tot:=sz*n; if sz<>0 then if tot div sz <> n then begin error(+018); tot:=0 end; arraysize:=tot end; procedure treewalk(fip:ip); var lsp:sp; i,sz:integer; begin if fip<>nil then begin treewalk(fip^.llink); treewalk(fip^.rlink); if fip^.klass=vars then begin if not (used in fip^.iflag) then errid(-(+019),fip^.name); if not (assigned in fip^.iflag) then errid(-(+020),fip^.name); lsp:=fip^.idtype; if level<>1 then if (refer in fip^.iflag) or not (noreg in fip^.iflag) then if (refer in fip^.iflag) or formof(lsp,[pointer]) then genreg(sz_addr,fip^.vpos.ad,reg_pointer) else begin sz:=sizeof(lsp,wordmult); if loopvar in fip^.iflag then genreg(sz,fip^.vpos.ad,reg_loop) else if lsp=realptr then genreg(sz,fip^.vpos.ad,reg_float) else genreg(sz,fip^.vpos.ad,reg_any); end; if lsp<>nil then if withfile in lsp^.sflag then if lsp^.form=files then if level=1 then begin for i:=2 to argc do with argv[i] do if name=fip^.name then ad:=fip^.vpos.ad end else begin if not (refer in fip^.iflag) then begin gencst(op_lal,fip^.vpos.ad); gensp(CLS,sz_addr) end end else if level<>1 then errid(-(+021),fip^.name) end end end; procedure constant(fsys:sos; var fsp:sp; var fval:integer); var signed,min:boolean; lip:ip; begin signed:=(sy=plussy) or (sy=minsy); if signed then begin min:=sy=minsy; insym end else min:=false; if find1([ident..stringcst],fsys,+022) then begin fval:=val; case sy of stringcst: fsp:=stringstruct; charcst: fsp:=charptr; intcst: fsp:=intptr; realcst: fsp:=realptr; longcst: fsp:=longptr; ident: begin lip:=searchid([konst]); fsp:=lip^.idtype; fval:=lip^.value; end end; {case} if signed then if (fsp<>intptr) and (fsp<>realptr) and (fsp<>longptr) then error(+023) else if min then fval:= -fval; {note: negating the v-number for reals and longs} insym; end else begin fsp:=nil; fval:=0 end; end; function cstinteger(fsys:sos; fsp:sp; err:integer):integer; var lsp:sp; lval,min,max:integer; begin constant(fsys,lsp,lval); if fsp<>lsp then if not eqstruct(desub(fsp),lsp) then begin error(err); lval:=0 end else if bounded(fsp) then begin bounds(fsp,min,max); if (lval<min) or (lval>max) then error(+024) end; cstinteger:=lval end; {===================================================================} function typid(err:integer):sp; var lip:ip; lsp:sp; begin lsp:=nil; if sy<>ident then error(err) else begin lip:=searchid([types]); lsp:=lip^.idtype; insym end; typid:=lsp end; function simpletyp(fsys:sos):sp; var lsp,lsp1:sp; lip,hip:ip; min,max:integer; lnp:np; newsubrange:boolean; begin lsp:=nil; if find1([ident..lparent],fsys,+025) then if sy=lparent then begin insym; lnp:=top; {decl. consts local to innermost block} while top^.occur<>blck do top:=top^.nlink; lsp:=newsp(scalar,sz_word); hip:=nil; max:=0; repeat lip:=newident(konst,lsp,hip,+026); if lip<>nil then begin enterid(lip); hip:=lip; lip^.value:=max; max:=max+1 end; until endofloop(fsys+[rparent],[ident],comma,+027); {+028} if max<=MU1 then lsp^.size:=sz_byte; lsp^.fconst:=hip; top:=lnp; nextif(rparent,+029); end else begin newsubrange:=true; if sy=ident then begin lip:=searchid([types,konst]); insym; if lip^.klass=types then begin lsp:=lip^.idtype; newsubrange:=false end else begin lsp1:=lip^.idtype; min:=lip^.value end end else constant(fsys+[colon2,ident..plussy],lsp1,min); if newsubrange then begin lsp:=newsp(subrange,sz_word); lsp^.subrno:=0; if not nicescalar(lsp1) then begin error(+030); lsp1:=nil; min:=0 end; lsp^.rangetype:=lsp1; nextif(colon2,+031); max:=cstinteger(fsys,lsp1,+032); if min>max then begin error(+033); max:=min end; if (min>=0) and (max<=MU1) then lsp^.size:=sz_byte; lsp^.min:=min; lsp^.max:=max end end; simpletyp:=lsp end; function arraytyp(fsys:sos; artyp:structform; sflag:sflagset; function element(fsys:sos):sp ):sp; var lsp,lsp1,hsp:sp; ok:boolean; sepsy:symbol; lip:ip; oksys:sos; begin insym; nextif(lbrack,+034); hsp:=nil; repeat lsp:=newsp(artyp,0); initpos(lsp^.arpos); lsp^.aeltype:=hsp; hsp:=lsp; {link reversed} if artyp=carray then begin sepsy:=semicolon; oksys:=[ident]; lip:=newident(carrbnd,lsp,nil,+035); if lip<>nil then enterid(lip); nextif(colon2,+036); lip:=newident(carrbnd,lsp,lip,+037); if lip<>nil then enterid(lip); nextif(colon1,+038); lsp1:=typid(+039); ok:=nicescalar(desub(lsp1)); end else begin sepsy:=comma; oksys:=[ident..lparent]; lsp1:=simpletyp(fsys+[comma,rbrack,ofsy,ident..packedsy]); ok:=bounded(lsp1) end; if not ok then begin error(+040); lsp1:=nil end; lsp^.inxtype:=lsp1 until endofloop(fsys+[rbrack,ofsy,ident..packedsy],oksys, sepsy,+041); {+042} nextif(rbrack,+043); nextif(ofsy,+044); lsp:=element(fsys); if lsp<>nil then sflag:=sflag + lsp^.sflag * [withfile]; repeat {reverse links and compute size} lsp1:=hsp^.aeltype; hsp^.aeltype:=lsp; hsp^.sflag:=sflag; if artyp=arrays then hsp^.size:=arraysize(hsp,spack in sflag); lsp:=hsp; hsp:=lsp1 until hsp=nil; {lsp points to array with highest dimension} arraytyp:=lsp end; function typ(fsys:sos):sp; var lsp,lsp1:sp; off,sz,min,errno:integer; sflag:sflagset; lnp:np; function fldlist(fsys:sos):sp; {level 2: << typ} var fip,hip,lip:ip; lsp:sp; function varpart(fsys:sos):sp; {level 3: << fldlist << typ} var tip,lip:ip; lsp,headsp,hsp,vsp,tsp,tsp1,tfsp:sp; minoff,maxoff,int,nvar:integer; lid:idarr; begin insym; tip:=nil; lip:=nil; tsp:=newsp(tag,0); if sy<>ident then error(+045) else begin lid:=id; insym; if sy=colon1 then begin tip:=newip(field,lid,nil,nil); enterid(tip); insym; if sy<>ident then error(+046) else begin lid:=id; insym end; end; if sy=ofsy then {otherwise you may destroy id} begin id:=lid; lip:=searchid([types]) end; end; if lip=nil then tfsp:=nil else tfsp:=lip^.idtype; if bounded(tfsp) then begin bounds(tfsp,int,nvar); nvar:=nvar-int+1 end else begin nvar:=0; if tfsp<>nil then begin error(+047); tfsp:=nil end end; tsp^.tfldsp:=tfsp; if tip<>nil then {explicit tag} begin tip^.idtype:=tfsp; tip^.foffset:=posaddr(off,tfsp,spack in sflag) end; nextif(ofsy,+048); minoff:=off; maxoff:=minoff; headsp:=nil; repeat hsp:=nil; {for each caselabel list} repeat nvar:=nvar-1; int:=cstinteger(fsys+[ident..plussy,comma,colon1,lparent, semicolon,casesy,rparent],tfsp,+049); lsp:=headsp; {each label may occur only once} while lsp<>nil do begin if lsp^.varval=int then error(+050); lsp:=lsp^.nxtvar end; vsp:=newsp(variant,0); vsp^.varval:=int; vsp^.nxtvar:=headsp; headsp:=vsp; {chain of case labels} vsp^.subtsp:=hsp; hsp:=vsp; {use this field to link labels with same variant} until endofloop(fsys+[colon1,lparent,semicolon,casesy,rparent], [ident..plussy],comma,+051); {+052} nextif(colon1,+053); nextif(lparent,+054); tsp1:=fldlist(fsys+[rparent,semicolon,ident..plussy]); if off>maxoff then maxoff:=off; while vsp<>nil do begin vsp^.size:=off; hsp:=vsp^.subtsp; vsp^.subtsp:=tsp1; vsp:=hsp end; nextif(rparent,+055); off:=minoff; until lastsemicolon(fsys,[ident..plussy],+056); {+057 +058} if nvar>0 then error(-(+059)); tsp^.fstvar:=headsp; tsp^.size:=minoff; off:=maxoff; varpart:=tsp; end; begin {fldlist} if find2([ident],fsys+[casesy],+060) then repeat lip:=nil; hip:=nil; repeat fip:=newident(field,nil,nil,+061); if fip<>nil then begin enterid(fip); if lip=nil then hip:=fip else lip^.next:=fip; lip:=fip; end; until endofloop(fsys+[colon1,ident..packedsy,semicolon,casesy], [ident],comma,+062); {+063} nextif(colon1,+064); lsp:=typ(fsys+[casesy,semicolon]); if lsp<>nil then if withfile in lsp^.sflag then sflag:=sflag+[withfile]; while hip<>nil do begin hip^.idtype:=lsp; hip^.foffset:=posaddr(off,lsp,spack in sflag); hip:=hip^.next end; until lastsemicolon(fsys+[casesy],[ident],+065); {+066 +067} if sy=casesy then fldlist:=varpart(fsys) else fldlist:=nil; end; begin {typ} sflag:=[]; lsp:=nil; if sy=packedsy then begin sflag:=[spack]; insym end; if find1([ident..filesy],fsys,+068) then if sy in [ident..arrow] then begin if spack in sflag then error(+069); if sy=arrow then begin lsp:=newsp(pointer,sz_addr); insym; if not intypedec then lsp^.eltype:=typid(+070) else if sy<>ident then error(+071) else begin fwptr:=newip(types,id,lsp,fwptr); insym end end else lsp:=simpletyp(fsys); end else case sy of {<<<<<<<<<<<<} arraysy: lsp:=arraytyp(fsys,arrays,sflag,typ); recordsy: begin insym; new(lnp,rec); lnp^.occur:=rec; lnp^.nlink:=top; lnp^.fname:=nil; top:=lnp; off:=0; lsp1:=fldlist(fsys+[endsy]); {fldlist updates off} lsp:=newsp(records,off); lsp^.tagsp:=lsp1; lsp^.fstfld:=top^.fname; lsp^.sflag:=sflag; top:=top^.nlink; nextif(endsy,+072) end; setsy: begin insym; nextif(ofsy,+073); lsp:=simpletyp(fsys); lsp1:=desub(lsp); errno:=0; if bounded(lsp1) then begin bounds(lsp1,min,sz); if sz div NB1>=sz_mset then errno:=+074 end else if bounded(lsp) then {subrange of integer} begin bounds(lsp,min,sz); if (min<0) or (sz>=iopt) then errno:=+075; sz:=iopt-1 end else if lsp=intptr then begin sz:=iopt-1; errno:=-(+076) end else errno:=+077; if errno<>0 then begin error(errno); if errno>0 then begin lsp1:=nil; sz:=0 end end; lsp:=newsp(power,sz div NB1 +1); lsp^.elset:=lsp1; end; filesy: begin insym; nextif(ofsy,+078); lsp1:=typ(fsys); if lsp1<>nil then if withfile in lsp1^.sflag then error(-(+079)); sz:=sizeof(lsp1,wordpart); if sz<sz_buff then sz:=sz_buff; lsp:=newsp(files,sz+sz_head); lsp^.filtype:=lsp1; end; {>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; {case} typ:=lsp; end; function vpartyp(fsys:sos):sp; begin if find2([arraysy],fsys+[ident],+080) then vpartyp:=arraytyp(fsys,carray,[],vpartyp) else vpartyp:=typid(+081) end; {===================================================================} procedure block(fsys:sos; fip:ip); forward; {pfdeclaration calls block. With a more obscure lexical structure this forward declaration can be avoided} procedure labeldeclaration(fsys:sos); var llp:lp; begin with b do begin repeat if sy<>intcst then error(+082) else begin if searchlab(lchain,val)<>nil then errint(+083,val) else begin new(llp); llp^.labval:=val; if val>9999 then teststandard; ilbno:=ilbno+1; llp^.labname:=ilbno; llp^.labdlb:=0; llp^.seen:=false; llp^.nextlp:=lchain; lchain:=llp; end; insym end until endofloop(fsys+[semicolon],[intcst],comma,+084); {+085} nextif(semicolon,+086) end end; procedure constdefinition(fsys:sos); var lip:ip; begin repeat lip:=newident(konst,nil,nil,+087); if lip<>nil then begin nextif(eqsy,+088); constant(fsys+[semicolon,ident],lip^.idtype,lip^.value); nextif(semicolon,+089); enterid(lip); end; until not find2([ident],fsys,+090); end; procedure typedefinition(fsys:sos); var lip:ip; begin fwptr:=nil; intypedec:=true; repeat lip:=newident(types,nil,nil,+091); if lip<>nil then begin nextif(eqsy,+092); lip^.idtype:=typ(fsys+[semicolon,ident]); nextif(semicolon,+093); enterid(lip); end; until not find2([ident],fsys,+094); while fwptr<>nil do begin assert sy<>ident; id:=fwptr^.name; lip:=searchid([types]); fwptr^.idtype^.eltype:=lip^.idtype; fwptr:=fwptr^.next end; intypedec:=false; end; procedure vardeclaration(fsys:sos); var lip,hip,vip:ip; lsp:sp; begin with b do begin repeat hip:=nil; lip:=nil; repeat vip:=newident(vars,nil,nil,+095); if vip<>nil then begin enterid(vip); vip^.iflag:=[]; if lip=nil then hip:=vip else lip^.next:=vip; lip:=vip; end; until endofloop(fsys+[colon1,ident..packedsy],[ident],comma,+096); {+097} nextif(colon1,+098); lsp:=typ(fsys+[semicolon,ident]); while hip<>nil do begin hip^.idtype:=lsp; if level<=1 then hip^.vpos.ad:=posaddr(holeb,lsp,false) else hip^.vpos.ad:=negaddr(lsp); hip:=hip^.next end; nextif(semicolon,+099); until not find2([ident],fsys,+0100); end end; procedure pfhead(fsys:sos;var fip:ip;var again:boolean;param:boolean); forward; procedure parlist(fsys:sos; slink:boolean; var tip:ip; var maxlb:integer); var lastip,hip,lip,pip:ip; lsp,tsp:sp; iflag:iflagset; again:boolean; begin tip:=nil; lastip:=nil; maxlb:=0; if slink then maxlb:=sz_addr; repeat {once for each formal-parameter-section} if find1([ident,varsy,procsy,funcsy],fsys+[semicolon],+0101) then begin if (sy=procsy) or (sy=funcsy) then begin pfhead(fsys+[semicolon,ident,varsy,procsy,funcsy],hip,again,true); hip^.pfpos.ad:=posaddr(maxlb,procptr,false); hip^.pfkind:=formal; lip:=hip; top:=top^.nlink; level:=level-1 end else begin hip:=nil; lip:=nil; iflag:=[assigned]; if sy=varsy then begin iflag:=[refer,assigned,used]; insym end; repeat pip:=newident(vars,nil,nil,+0102); if pip<>nil then begin enterid(pip); pip^.iflag:=iflag; if lip=nil then hip:=pip else lip^.next:=pip; lip:=pip; end; iflag:=iflag+[samesect]; until endofloop(fsys+[semicolon,colon1],[ident],comma,+0103); {+0104} nextif(colon1,+0105); if refer in iflag then begin lsp:=vpartyp(fsys+[semicolon]); tsp:=lsp; while formof(tsp,[carray]) do begin tsp^.arpos.ad:=posaddr(maxlb,nilptr,false); tsp:=tsp^.aeltype end; tsp:=nilptr; end else begin lsp:=typid(+0106); tsp:=lsp end; pip:=hip; while pip<>nil do begin pip^.vpos.ad:=posaddr(maxlb,tsp,false); pip^.idtype:=lsp; pip:=pip^.next end; end; if lastip=nil then tip:=hip else lastip^.next:=hip; lastip:=lip; end; until endofloop(fsys,[ident,varsy,procsy,funcsy],semicolon,+0107); {+0108} end; procedure pfhead; {forward declared} var lip:ip; lsp:sp; lnp:np; kl:idclass; begin lip:=nil; again:=false; if sy=procsy then kl:=proc else begin kl:=func; fsys:=fsys+[colon1,ident] end; insym; if sy<>ident then begin error(+0109); id:=spaces end; if not param then lip:=searchsection(top^.fname); if lip<>nil then if (lip^.klass<>kl) or (lip^.pfkind<>forward) then errid(+0110,id) else begin b.forwcount:=b.forwcount-1; again:=true end; if again then insym else begin lip:=newip(kl,id,nil,nil); if sy=ident then begin enterid(lip); insym end; lastpfno:=lastpfno+1; lip^.pfno:=lastpfno; end; level:=level+1; new(lnp,blck); lnp^.occur:=blck; lnp^.nlink:=top; top:=lnp; if again then lnp^.fname:=lip^.parhead else begin lnp^.fname:=nil; if find3(lparent,fsys,+0111) then begin parlist(fsys+[rparent],lip^.pfpos.lv>1,lip^.parhead,lip^.maxlb); nextif(rparent,+0112) end; end; if (kl=func) and not again then begin nextif(colon1,+0113); lsp:=typid(+0114); if formof(lsp,[power..tag]) then begin error(+0115); lsp:=nil end; lip^.idtype:=lsp; end; fip:=lip; end; procedure pfdeclaration(fsys:sos); var lip:ip; again,headonly:boolean; markp:^integer; lbp:bp; kind:kindofpf; begin with b do begin pfhead(fsys+[ident,semicolon,labelsy..beginsy],lip,again,false); nextif(semicolon,+0116); if find1([ident,labelsy..beginsy],fsys+[semicolon],+0117) then begin headonly:=sy=ident; if headonly then begin kind:=standard; if id='forward ' then kind:=forward else if id='extern ' then kind:=extern else if id='varargs ' then kind:=varargs else errid(+0118,id); if kind<>standard then begin insym; lip^.pfkind:=kind; if kind=forward then if again then errid(+0119,lip^.name) else forwcount:=forwcount+1 else begin lip^.pfpos.lv:=1; teststandard end end; end; if not again then if lip^.pfpos.lv<=1 then genpnam(ps_exp,lip) else genpnam(ps_inp,lip); if not headonly then begin lip^.pfkind:=actual; #ifndef STANDARD mark(markp); #endif new(lbp); lbp^:=b; nextbp:=lbp; reglb:=0; minlb:=0; ilbno:=0; forwcount:=0; lchain:=nil; block(fsys+[semicolon],lip); b:=nextbp^; #ifndef STANDARD release(markp); #endif end; end; if not main then eofexpected:=forwcount=0; nextif(semicolon,+0120); level:=level-1; top:=top^.nlink; end end; {===================================================================} procedure expression(fsys:sos); forward; {this forward declaration cannot be avoided} procedure selectarrayelement(fsys:sos); var isp,lsp:sp; begin repeat loadaddr; isp:=nil; if formof(a.asp,[arrays,carray]) then isp:=a.asp^.inxtype else errasp(+0121); lsp:=a.asp; expression(fsys+[comma]); force(desub(isp),+0122); {no range check} if lsp<>nil then begin a.packbit:=spack in lsp^.sflag; descraddr(lsp^.arpos); lsp:=lsp^.aeltype end; a.asp:=lsp; a.ak:=indexed; until endofloop(fsys,[notsy..lparent],comma,+0123); {+0124} end; procedure selector(fsys: sos; fip:ip; iflag:iflagset); {selector computes the address of any kind of variable. Four possibilities: 1.for direct accessable variables (fixed), a contains offset and level, 2.for indirect accessable variables (ploaded), the address is on the stack. 3.for array elements, the top of stack gives the index (one word). The address of the array is beneath it. 4.for variables with address in direct accessible pointer variable (pfixed), the offset and level of the pointer is stored in a. If a.asp=nil then an error occurred else a.asp gives the type of the variable. } var lip:ip; begin inita(fip^.idtype,0); case fip^.klass of vars: with a do begin pos:=fip^.vpos; if refer in fip^.iflag then ak:=pfixed end; field: begin a:=lastnp^.wa; fieldaddr(fip^.foffset); a.asp:=fip^.idtype end; func: with a do if fip^.pfkind=standard then errasp(+0125) else if (fip^.pfpos.lv>=level-1) and (fip<>currproc) then error(+0126) else if fip^.pfkind<>actual then error(+0127) else begin pos:=fip^.pfpos; pos.lv:=pos.lv+1; if sy=arrow then error(+0128); end end; {case} if (sy=lbrack) or (sy=period) then iflag:=iflag+[noreg]; while find2([lbrack,period,arrow],fsys,+0129) do with a do if sy=lbrack then begin insym; selectarrayelement(fsys+[rbrack,lbrack,period,arrow]); nextif(rbrack,+0130); end else if sy=period then begin insym; if sy<>ident then error(+0131) else begin if not formof(asp,[records]) then errasp(+0132) else begin lip:=searchsection(asp^.fstfld); if lip=nil then begin errid(+0133,id); asp:=nil end else begin packbit:=spack in asp^.sflag; fieldaddr(lip^.foffset); asp:=lip^.idtype end end; insym end end else begin insym; iflag:=[used]; if asp<>nil then if asp=zeroptr then errasp(+0134) else if asp^.form=pointer then begin if ak=fixed then ak:=pfixed else begin load; ak:=ploaded end; asp:=asp^.eltype end else if asp^.form=files then begin loadaddr; gensp(WDW,sz_addr); gencst(op_lfr,sz_addr); asp:=asp^.filtype; ak:=ploaded; packbit:=true; end else errasp(+0135); end; fip^.iflag:=fip^.iflag+iflag; end; procedure variable(fsys:sos); var lip: ip; begin if sy=ident then begin lip:=searchid([vars,field]); insym; selector(fsys,lip,[used,assigned,noreg]) end else begin error(+0136); inita(nil,0) end; end; {===================================================================} function plistequal(p1,p2:ip):boolean; var ok:boolean; q1,q2:sp; begin plistequal:=eqstruct(p1^.idtype,p2^.idtype); p1:=p1^.parhead; p2:=p2^.parhead; while (p1<>nil) and (p2<>nil) do begin ok:=false; if p1^.klass=p2^.klass then if p1^.klass<>vars then ok:=plistequal(p1,p2) else begin q1:=p1^.idtype; q2:=p2^.idtype; ok:=true; while ok and formof(q1,[carray]) and formof(q2,[carray]) do begin ok:=eqstruct(q1^.inxtype,q2^.inxtype); q1:=q1^.aeltype; q2:=q2^.aeltype; end; if not (eqstruct(q1,q2) and (p1^.iflag*[refer,samesect] = p2^.iflag*[refer,samesect])) then ok:=false; end; if not ok then plistequal:=false; p1:=p1^.next; p2:=p2^.next end; if (p1<>nil) or (p2<>nil) then plistequal:=false end; procedure callnonstandard(fsys:sos; moreargs:boolean; fip:ip); var nxt,lip:ip; l0,l1,l2,l3,sz:integer; lsp,savasp:sp; begin with a do begin l0:=lino; l1:=l0; sz:=0; nxt:=fip^.parhead; while moreargs do begin if nxt=nil then begin if fip^.pfkind<>varargs then error(+0137); expression(fsys); load; sz:=sz+sizeof(asp,wordmult) end else begin lsp:=nxt^.idtype; if nxt^.klass<>vars then {proc or func} begin inita(procptr,0); sz:=sz+sz_proc; if sy<>ident then error(+0138) else begin lip:=searchid([nxt^.klass]); insym; if lip^.pfkind=standard then error(+0139) else if not plistequal(nxt,lip) then error(+0140) else begin pos:=lip^.pfpos; if lip^.pfkind=formal then load else begin if lip^.pfpos.lv<=1 then gencst(op_zer,sz_addr) else gencst(op_lxl,level-lip^.pfpos.lv); genpnam(op_lpi,lip) end end end end else if not (refer in nxt^.iflag) then {call by value} begin expression(fsys); force(lsp,+0141); sz:=sz+sizeof(asp,wordmult); end else {call by reference} begin variable(fsys); loadaddr; sz:=sz+sz_addr; if samesect in nxt^.iflag then lsp:=savasp else begin savasp:=asp; l2:=lino; while formof(lsp,[carray]) and formof(asp,[arrays,carray]) do if (compat(lsp^.inxtype,asp^.inxtype) > subeq) or (lsp^.sflag<>asp^.sflag) then errasp(+0142) else begin l3:=lino; descraddr(asp^.arpos); exchange(l2,l3); sz:=sz+sz_addr; asp:=asp^.aeltype; lsp:=lsp^.aeltype end end; if not eqstruct(asp,lsp) then errasp(+0143); if packbit then errasp(+0144); end; nxt:=nxt^.next end; exchange(l0,l1); l1:=lino; moreargs:=find3(comma,fsys,+0145) end; if nxt<>nil then error(+0146); inita(procptr,0); pos:=fip^.pfpos; if fip^.pfkind=formal then with b do begin load; ilbno:=ilbno+2; gencst(op_exg,sz_addr); gencst(op_dup,sz_addr); gencst(op_zer,sz_addr); genop(op_cmp); gencst(op_zeq,ilbno-1); gencst(op_exg,sz_addr); genop(op_cai); gencst(op_asp,sz_addr); gencst(op_bra,ilbno); newilb(ilbno-1); gencst(op_asp,sz_addr); genop(op_cai); newilb(ilbno); end else begin if pos.lv>1 then begin gencst(op_lxl,level-pos.lv); sz:=sz+sz_addr end; genpnam(op_cal,fip) end; if sz<>0 then gencst(op_asp,sz); asp:=fip^.idtype; if asp<>nil then genasp(op_lfr) end end; procedure fileaddr; var la:attr; begin la:=a; a:=fa; loadaddr; a:=la end; procedure callr(l1,l2:integer); var la:attr; m:libmnem; begin with a do begin la:=a; asp:=desub(asp); fileaddr; m:=RDI; if asp<>intptr then if asp=charptr then m:=RDC else if asp=realptr then m:=RDR else if asp=longptr then m:=RDL else errasp(+0147); gensp(m,sz_addr); genasp(op_lfr); if asp<>la.asp then checkbnds(la.asp); a:=la; exchange(l1,l2); store; end end; procedure callw(fsys:sos; l1,l2:integer); var m:libmnem; s:integer; begin with a do begin fileaddr; exchange(l1,l2); loadcheap; asp:=desub(asp); if string(asp) then begin gencst(op_loc,asp^.size); m:=WRS; s:=sz_addr+sz_word end else begin m:=WRI; s:=sizeof(asp,wordmult); if asp<>intptr then if asp=charptr then m:=WRC else if asp=realptr then m:=WRR else if asp=boolptr then m:=WRB else if asp=zeroptr then m:=WRZ else if asp=longptr then m:=WRL else errasp(+0148); end; if find3(colon1,fsys,+0149) then begin expression(fsys+[colon1]); force(intptr,+0150); m:=succ(m); s:=s+sz_int end; if find3(colon1,fsys,+0151) then begin expression(fsys); force(intptr,+0152); s:=s+sz_int; if m<>WSR then error(+0153) else m:=WRF; end; gensp(m,s+sz_addr); end end; procedure callrw(fsys:sos; lpar,w,ln:boolean); var l1,l2,errno:integer; ftype,lsp,fsp:sp; savlb:integer; m:libmnem; begin with b do begin savlb:=reglb; ftype:=textptr; inita(textptr,argv[ord(w)].ad); a.pos.lv:=0; fa:=a; if lpar then begin l1:=lino; if w then expression(fsys+[colon1]) else variable(fsys); l2:=lino; if formof(a.asp,[files]) then begin ftype:=a.asp; if (a.ak<>fixed) and (a.ak<>pfixed) then begin loadaddr; temporary(nilptr,reg_pointer); store; a.ak:=pfixed end; fa:=a; {store does not change a} if (sy<>comma) and not ln then error(+0154); end else begin if iop[w]=nil then error(+0155); if w then callw(fsys,l1,l2) else callr(l1,l2) end; while find3(comma,fsys,+0156) do with a do begin l1:=lino; if w then expression(fsys+[colon1]) else variable(fsys); l2:=lino; if ftype=textptr then if w then callw(fsys,l1,l2) else callr(l1,l2) else begin errno:=+0157; fsp:=ftype^.filtype; if w then force(fsp,errno) else begin store; lsp:=asp; l2:=lino end; fileaddr; gensp(WDW,sz_addr); gencst(op_lfr,sz_addr); ak:=ploaded; packbit:=true; asp:=fsp; if w then store else begin force(lsp,errno); exchange(l1,l2) end; fileaddr; if w then m:=PUTX else m:=GETX; gensp(m,sz_addr) end end; end else if not ln then error(+0158) else if iop[w]=nil then error(+0159); if ln then begin if ftype<>textptr then error(+0160); fileaddr; if w then m:=WLN else m:=RLN; gensp(m,sz_addr) end; reglb:=savlb end end; procedure callnd(fsys:sos); label 1; var lsp:sp; int:integer; begin with a do begin if asp=zeroptr then errasp(+0161) else asp:=asp^.eltype; while find3(comma,fsys,+0162) do begin if asp<>nil then {asp of form record or variant} if asp^.form=records then asp:=asp^.tagsp else if asp^.form=variant then asp:=asp^.subtsp else errasp(+0163); if asp=nil then constant(fsys,lsp,int) else begin assert asp^.form=tag; int:=cstinteger(fsys,asp^.tfldsp,+0164); lsp:=asp^.fstvar; while lsp<>nil do if lsp^.varval<>int then lsp:=lsp^.nxtvar else begin asp:=lsp; goto 1 end; end; 1: end; genasp(op_loc) end end; procedure call(fsys: sos; fip: ip); var lkey: standpf; lpar:boolean; lsp,sp1,sp2:sp; m:libmnem; s:integer; b:byte; begin with a do begin fsys:=fsys+[comma]; lpar:=find3(lparent,fsys,+0165); if lpar then fsys:=fsys+[rparent]; if fip^.pfkind<>standard then callnonstandard(fsys,lpar,fip) else begin lkey:=fip^.key; m:=CLS; lsp:=nil; if not lpar then if lkey in [pput..prelease,fabs..fatn] then error(+0166); if lkey in [pput..ppage,feof,feoln] then begin s:=sz_addr; if lpar then begin variable(fsys); loadaddr end else begin asp:=textptr; if iop[lkey=ppage]=nil then errasp(+0167) else gencst(op_lae,argv[ord(lkey=ppage)].ad) end; if lkey in [pput..prewrite,ppage,feof,feoln] then if not formof(asp,[files]) then begin error(+0168); asp:=textptr end; if lkey in [pnew,pdispose,pmark,prelease] then if not formof(asp,[pointer]) then begin error(+0169); asp:=nilptr end; end; case lkey of pread, preadln, pwrite, pwriteln: {0,1,2,3 resp} callrw(fsys,lpar,lkey>=pwrite,odd(ord(lkey))); pput: m:=PUTX; pget: m:=GETX; ppage: m:=PAG; preset: m:=OPN; prewrite: m:=CRE; pnew: m:=NEWX; pdispose: m:=DIS; ppack: begin sp2:=asp; nextif(comma,+0170); expression(fsys); load; lsp:=asp; nextif(comma,+0171); variable(fsys); loadaddr; sp1:=asp; asp:=lsp; m:=PAC end; punpack: begin sp1:=asp; nextif(comma,+0172); variable(fsys); loadaddr; sp2:=asp; nextif(comma,+0173); expression(fsys); load; m:=UNP end; pmark: m:=SAV; prelease: m:=RST; phalt: begin m:=HLT; teststandard; if lpar then lsp:=intptr else gencst(op_loc,0); end; feof: m:=EFL; feoln: m:=ELN; fodd, fchr: lsp:=intptr; fpred: b:=op_dec; fsucc: b:=op_inc; fround: m:=RND; fsin, fcos, fexp, fsqt, flog, fatn: lsp:=realptr; fabs, fsqr, ford, ftrunc: ; end; if lpar then if lkey in [phalt,fabs..fatn] then begin expression(fsys); force(lsp,+0174); s:=sizeof(asp,wordmult) end; if lkey in [ppack,punpack,fabs..fodd] then asp:=desub(asp); case lkey of ppage, feoln: begin if asp<>textptr then error(+0175); asp:=boolptr end; preset, prewrite: begin s:=sz_addr+sz_word; if asp=textptr then gencst(op_loc,0) else gencst(op_loc,sizeof(asp^.filtype,wordpart)); end; pnew, pdispose: begin callnd(fsys); s:=sz_addr+sz_word end; ppack, punpack: begin s:=2*sz_addr+sz_int; if formof(sp1,[arrays,carray]) and formof(sp2,[arrays,carray]) then if (spack in (sp1^.sflag - sp2^.sflag)) and eqstruct(sp1^.aeltype,sp2^.aeltype) and eqstruct(desub(sp1^.inxtype),asp) and eqstruct(desub(sp2^.inxtype),asp) then begin descraddr(sp1^.arpos); descraddr(sp2^.arpos) end else error(+0176) else error(+0177) end; pmark, prelease: teststandard; feof: asp:=boolptr; fabs: if asp=intptr then m:=ABI else if asp=longptr then m:=ABL else if asp=realptr then m:=ABR else errasp(+0178); fsqr: begin if (asp=intptr) or (asp=longptr) then b:=op_mli else if asp=realptr then begin b:=op_mlf; fltused:=true end else errasp(+0179); genasp(op_dup); genasp(b) end; ford: begin if not nicescalar(asp) then errasp(+0180); asp:=intptr end; fchr: checkbnds(charptr); fpred, fsucc: begin genop(b); if nicescalar(asp) then genrck(asp) else errasp(+0181) end; fodd: begin gencst(op_loc,1); asp:=boolptr; genasp(op_and) end; ftrunc, fround: if asp<>realptr then errasp(+0182); fsin: m:=SINX; fcos: m:=COSX; fexp: m:=EXPX; fsqt: m:=SQT; flog: m:=LOG; fatn: m:=ATN; phalt:s:=0; pread, preadln, pwrite, pwriteln, pput, pget: ; end; if m<>CLS then begin gensp(m,s); if lkey>=feof then genasp(op_lfr) end; if (lkey=fround) or (lkey=ftrunc) then opconvert(ri); end; if lpar then nextif(rparent,+0183); end end; {===================================================================} procedure convert(fsp:sp; l1:integer); {Convert tries to make the operands of some operator of the same type. The operand types are given by fsp and a.asp. The resulting type is put in a.asp. l1 gives the lino of the first instruction of the right operand. } var l2:integer; ts:twostruct; lsp:sp; begin with a do begin asp:=desub(asp); ts:=compat(asp,fsp); case ts of eq,subeq: ; il,ir,lr: opconvert(ts); es: expandnullset(fsp); li,ri,rl,se: begin l2:=lino; lsp:=asp; asp:=fsp; convert(lsp,l1); exchange(l1,l2); asp:=lsp end; noteq: errasp(+0184); end; if asp=realptr then fltused:=true end end; procedure buildset(fsys:sos); {This is a bad construct in pascal. Two objections: - expr..expr very difficult to implement on most machines - this construct makes it hard to implement sets of different size } const ncsw = 16; {tunable} type wordset = set of 0..MB2; var i,j,val1,val2,ncst,l1,l2,sz:integer; cst1,cst2,cst12,varpart:boolean; cstpart:array[1..ncsw] of wordset; procedure genwordset(s:wordset); {level 2: << buildset} var b,i,w:integer; begin i:=0; w:=0; b:=-1; repeat if i in s then w:=w-b; b:=b+b; i:=i+1 until i=MB2; if i in s then w:=w+b; gencst(op_loc,w) end; procedure setexpr(fsys:sos; var c:boolean; var v:integer); {level 2: << buildset} var min:integer; lsp:sp; begin with a do begin c:=false; v:=0; lsp:=asp; expression(fsys); asp:=desub(asp); if not eqstruct(asp,lsp^.elset) then begin error(+0185); lsp:=nullset end; if lsp=nullset then begin if bounded(asp) then bounds(asp,min,sz) else if asp=intptr then sz:=iopt-1 else begin errasp(+0186); sz:=0 end; sz:=sz div NB1 + 1; while sz mod sz_word <> 0 do sz:=sz+1; if sz>sz_mset then errasp(+0187); lsp:=newsp(power,sz); lsp^.elset:=asp end; if asp<>nil then if ak=cst then if (pos.ad<0) or (pos.ad div NB1>=sizeof(lsp,wordmult)) then error(+0188) else if sz<=ncsw*sz_word then begin c:=true; v:=pos.ad end; if not c then load; asp:=lsp end end; begin with a do begin {buildset} varpart:=false; ncst:=0; asp:=nullset; for i:=1 to ncsw do cstpart[i]:=[]; if find2([notsy..lparent],fsys,+0189) then repeat l1:=lino; setexpr(fsys+[colon2,comma],cst1,val1); cst12:=cst1; if find3(colon2,fsys+[comma,notsy..lparent],+0190) then begin setexpr(fsys+[comma,notsy..lparent],cst2,val2); cst12:=cst12 and cst2; if not cst12 then begin if cst2 then gencst(op_loc,val2); if cst1 then begin l2:=lino; gencst(op_loc,val1); exchange(l1,l2) end; l2:=lino; genasp(op_zer); exchange(l1,l2); genasp(op_loc); gensp(BTS,3*sz_word) end; end else if cst12 then val2:=val1 else genasp(op_set); if cst12 then for i:=val1 to val2 do begin j:=i div NB2 + 1; ncst:=ncst+1; cstpart[j]:=cstpart[j] + [i mod NB2] end else if varpart then genasp(op_ior) else varpart:=true; until endofloop(fsys,[notsy..lparent],comma,+0191); {+0192} ak:=loaded; if ncst>0 then begin for i:=sizeof(asp,wordmult) div sz_word downto 1 do genwordset(cstpart[i]); if varpart then genasp(op_ior); end else if not varpart then genasp(op_zer); {empty set} end end; procedure factor(fsys: sos); var lip:ip; lsp:sp; begin with a do begin asp:=nil; packbit:=false; ak:=loaded; if find1([notsy..nilcst,lparent],fsys,+0193) then case sy of ident: begin lip:=searchid([konst,vars,field,func,carrbnd]); insym; case lip^.klass of func: {call moves result to top stack} begin call(fsys,lip); ak:=loaded; packbit:=false end; konst: begin asp:=lip^.idtype; if nicescalar(asp) then {including asp=nil} begin ak:=cst; pos.ad:=lip^.value end else begin ak:=ploaded; laedlb(abs(lip^.value)); if asp^.form=scalar then begin load; if lip^.value<0 then negate end else if asp=zeroptr then ak:=loaded end end; field,vars: selector(fsys,lip,[used]); carrbnd: begin lsp:=lip^.idtype; assert formof(lsp,[carray]); descraddr(lsp^.arpos); lsp:=lsp^.inxtype; asp:=desub(lsp); if lip^.next=nil then ak:=ploaded {low bound} else begin gencst(op_loi,2*sz_int); genasp(op_adi) end; load; checkbnds(lsp); end; end {case} end; intcst: begin asp:=intptr; ak:=cst; pos.ad:=val; insym end; realcst: begin asp:=realptr; ak:=ploaded; laedlb(val); insym end; longcst: begin asp:=longptr; ak:=ploaded; laedlb(val); insym end; charcst: begin asp:=charptr; ak:=cst; pos.ad:=val; insym end; stringcst: begin asp:=stringstruct; laedlb(val); insym; if asp<>zeroptr then ak:=ploaded; end; nilcst: begin insym; asp:=nilptr; genasp(op_zer); end; lparent: begin insym; expression(fsys+[rparent]); nextif(rparent,+0194) end; notsy: begin insym; factor(fsys); load; genop(op_teq); asp:=desub(asp); if asp<>boolptr then errasp(+0195) end; lbrack: begin insym; buildset(fsys+[rbrack]); nextif(rbrack,+0196) end; end end end; procedure term(fsys:sos); var lsy:symbol; lsp:sp; l1:integer; first:boolean; begin with a,b do begin first:=true; l1:=lino; factor(fsys+[starsy..andsy]); while find2([starsy..andsy],fsys,+0197) do begin if first then begin load; first:=false end; lsy:=sy; insym; l1:=lino; lsp:=asp; factor(fsys+[starsy..andsy]); load; convert(lsp,l1); if asp<>nil then case lsy of starsy: if (asp=intptr) or (asp=longptr) then genasp(op_mli) else if asp=realptr then genasp(op_mlf) else if asp^.form=power then genasp(op_and) else errasp(+0198); slashsy: begin if (asp=intptr) or (asp=longptr) then begin lsp:=asp; convert(realptr,l1); {make real of right operand} convert(lsp,l1); {make real of left operand} end; if asp=realptr then genasp(op_dvf) else errasp(+0199); end; divsy: if (asp=intptr) or (asp=longptr) then genasp(op_dvi) else errasp(+0200); modsy: begin if asp=intptr then gensp(MDI,2*sz_int) else if asp=longptr then gensp(MDL,2*sz_long) else errasp(+0201); genasp(op_lfr); end; andsy: if asp=boolptr then genasp(op_and) else errasp(+0202); end {case} end {while} end end; procedure simpleexpression(fsys:sos); var lsy:symbol; lsp:sp; l1:integer; signed,min,first:boolean; begin with a do begin l1:=lino; first:=true; signed:=(sy=plussy) or (sy=minsy); if signed then begin min:=sy=minsy; insym end else min:=false; term(fsys + [minsy,plussy,orsy]); lsp:=desub(asp); if signed then if (lsp<>intptr) and (lsp<>realptr) and (lsp<>longptr) then errasp(+0203) else if min then begin load; first:=false; asp:=lsp; negate end; while find2([plussy,minsy,orsy],fsys,+0204) do begin if first then begin load; first:=false end; lsy:=sy; insym; l1:=lino; lsp:=asp; term(fsys+[minsy,plussy,orsy]); load; convert(lsp,l1); if asp<>nil then case lsy of plussy: if (asp=intptr) or (asp=longptr) then genasp(op_adi) else if asp=realptr then genasp(op_adf) else if asp^.form=power then genasp(op_ior) else errasp(+0205); minsy: if (asp=intptr) or (asp=longptr) then genasp(op_sbi) else if asp=realptr then genasp(op_sbf) else if asp^.form=power then begin genasp(op_com); genasp(op_and) end else errasp(+0206); orsy: if asp=boolptr then genasp(op_ior) else errasp(+0207); end {case} end {while} end end; procedure expression; { fsys:sos } var lsy:symbol; lsp:sp; l1,l2:integer; begin with a do begin l1:=lino; simpleexpression(fsys+[eqsy..insy]); if find2([eqsy..insy],fsys,+0208) then begin lsy:=sy; insym; lsp:=asp; loadcheap; l2:=lino; simpleexpression(fsys); loadcheap; if lsy=insy then begin if not formof(asp,[power]) then errasp(+0209) else if asp=nullset then genasp(op_and) else {this effectively replaces the word on top of the stack by the result of the 'in' operator: false } if not (compat(lsp,asp^.elset) <= subeq) then errasp(+0210) else begin exchange(l1,l2); genasp(op_inn) end end else begin convert(lsp,l2); if asp<>nil then case asp^.form of scalar: if asp=realptr then genasp(op_cmf) else genasp(op_cmi); pointer: if (lsy=eqsy) or (lsy=nesy) then genop(op_cmp) else errasp(+0211); power: case lsy of eqsy,nesy: genasp(op_cms); ltsy,gtsy: errasp(+0212); lesy: {'a<=b' equivalent to 'a-b=[]'} begin genasp(op_com); genasp(op_and); genasp(op_zer); genasp(op_cms); lsy:=eqsy end; gesy: {'a>=b' equivalent to 'a=a+b'} begin gencst(op_dup,2*sizeof(asp,wordmult)); genasp(op_asp); genasp(op_ior); genasp(op_cms); lsy:=eqsy end end; {case} arrays: if string(asp) then begin gencst(op_loc,asp^.size); gensp(BCP,2*sz_addr+sz_word); gencst(op_lfr,sz_word) end else errasp(+0213); records: errasp(+0214); files: errasp(+0215) end; { case } case lsy of ltsy: genop(op_tlt); lesy: genop(op_tle); gtsy: genop(op_tgt); gesy: genop(op_tge); nesy: genop(op_tne); eqsy: genop(op_teq) end end; asp:=boolptr; ak:=loaded end; end end; {===================================================================} procedure statement(fsys:sos); forward; {this forward declaration can be avoided} procedure assignment(fsys:sos; fip:ip); var la:attr; l1,l2:integer; begin l1:=lino; selector(fsys+[becomes],fip,[assigned]); l2:=lino; la:=a; nextif(becomes,+0216); expression(fsys); loadcheap; checkasp(la.asp,+0217); exchange(l1,l2); a:=la; if not formof(la.asp,[arrays..records]) then store else begin loadaddr; if la.asp^.form<>carray then genasp(op_blm) else begin descraddr(la.asp^.arpos); gensp(ASZ,2*sz_addr); gencst(op_lfr,sz_word); gencst(op_bls,sz_word) end; end; end; procedure gotostatement; {jumps into structured statements can give strange results. } label 1; var llp:lp; lbp:bp; diff:integer; begin if sy<>intcst then error(+0218) else begin llp:=searchlab(b.lchain,val); if llp<>nil then gencst(op_bra,llp^.labname) else begin lbp:=b.nextbp; diff:=1; while lbp<>nil do begin llp:=searchlab(lbp^.lchain,val); if llp<>nil then goto 1; lbp:=lbp^.nextbp; diff:=diff+1; end; 1: if llp=nil then errint(+0219,val) else begin if llp^.labdlb=0 then begin dlbno:=dlbno+1; llp^.labdlb:=dlbno; genop(ps_ina); argdlb(dlbno); {forward data reference} end; laedlb(llp^.labdlb); if diff=level-1 then gencst(op_zer,sz_addr) else gencst(op_lxl,diff); gensp(GTO,2*sz_addr); end; end; insym; end end; procedure compoundstatement(fsys:sos; err:integer); begin repeat statement(fsys+[semicolon]) until endofloop(fsys,[beginsy..casesy],semicolon,err) end; procedure ifstatement(fsys:sos); var lb1,lb2:integer; begin with b do begin expression(fsys+[thensy,elsesy]); force(boolptr,+0220); ilbno:=ilbno+1; lb1:=ilbno; gencst(op_zeq,lb1); nextif(thensy,+0221); statement(fsys+[elsesy]); if find3(elsesy,fsys,+0222) then begin ilbno:=ilbno+1; lb2:=ilbno; gencst(op_bra,lb2); newilb(lb1); statement(fsys); newilb(lb2) end else newilb(lb1); end end; procedure casestatement(fsys:sos); label 1; type cip=^caseinfo; caseinfo=record next: cip; csstart: integer; cslab: integer end; var lsp:sp; head,p,q,r:cip; l0,l1:integer; ilb1,ilb2,dlb,i,n,m,min,max:integer; begin with b do begin expression(fsys+[ofsy,semicolon,ident..plussy]); lsp:=a.asp; load; if not nicescalar(desub(lsp)) then begin error(+0223); lsp:=nil end; l0:=lino; ilbno:=ilbno+1; ilb1:=ilbno; nextif(ofsy,+0224); head:=nil; max:=-MI2; min:=MI2; n:=0; repeat ilbno:=ilbno+1; ilb2:=ilbno; {label of current case} repeat i:=cstinteger(fsys+[comma,colon1,semicolon],lsp,+0225); if i>max then max:=i; if i<min then min:=i; n:=n+1; q:=head; r:=nil; new(p); while q<>nil do begin {chain all cases in ascending order} if q^.cslab>=i then begin if q^.cslab=i then error(+0226); goto 1 end; r:=q; q:=q^.next end; 1: p^.next:=q; p^.cslab:=i; p^.csstart:=ilb2; if r=nil then head:=p else r^.next:=p; until endofloop(fsys+[colon1,semicolon],[ident..plussy],comma,+0227); {+0228} nextif(colon1,+0229); newilb(ilb2); statement(fsys+[semicolon]); gencst(op_bra,ilb1); until lastsemicolon(fsys,[ident..plussy],+0230); {+0231 +0232} assert n<>0; newilb(ilb1); l1:=lino; dlb:=newdlb; genop(ps_rom); argnil; if (max div 3) - (min div 3) < n then begin argcst(min); argcst(max-min); m:=op_csa; while head<>nil do begin while head^.cslab>min do begin argnil; min:=min+1 end; argilb(head^.csstart); min:=min+1; head:=head^.next end; end else begin argcst(n); m:=op_csb; while head<>nil do begin argcst(head^.cslab);argilb(head^.csstart);head:=head^.next end; end; argend; laedlb(dlb); gencst(m,sz_word); exchange(l0,l1) end end; procedure repeatstatement(fsys:sos); var lb1: integer; begin with b do begin ilbno:=ilbno+1; lb1:=ilbno; newilb(lb1); compoundstatement(fsys+[untilsy],+0233); {+0234} nextif(untilsy,+0235); genlin; expression(fsys); force(boolptr,+0236); gencst(op_zeq,lb1); end end; procedure whilestatement(fsys:sos); var lb1,lb2: integer; begin with b do begin ilbno:=ilbno+1; lb1:=ilbno; newilb(lb1); ilbno:=ilbno+1; lb2:=ilbno; genlin; expression(fsys+[dosy]); force(boolptr,+0237); gencst(op_zeq,lb2); nextif(dosy,+0238); statement(fsys); gencst(op_bra,lb1); newilb(lb2) end end; procedure forstatement(fsys:sos); var lip:ip; tosym:boolean; endlab,looplab,savlb:integer; av,at1,at2:attr; lsp:sp; procedure forbound(fsys:sos; var fa:attr; fsp:sp); begin expression(fsys); fa:=a; force(fsp,+0239); if fa.ak<>cst then begin temporary(fsp,reg_any); genasp(op_dup); fa:=a; store end end; begin with b do begin savlb:=reglb; tosym:=false; ilbno:=ilbno+1; looplab:=ilbno; ilbno:=ilbno+1; endlab:=ilbno; inita(nil,0); if sy<>ident then error(+0240) else begin lip:=searchid([vars]); insym; a.asp:=lip^.idtype; a.pos:=lip^.vpos; lip^.iflag:=lip^.iflag+[used,assigned,loopvar]; if level>1 then if (a.pos.ad>=0) or (a.pos.lv<>level) then error(+0241); end; lsp:=desub(a.asp); if not nicescalar(lsp) then begin errasp(+0242); lsp:=nil end; av:=a; nextif(becomes,+0243); forbound(fsys+[tosy,downtosy,notsy..lparent,dosy],at1,lsp); if find1([tosy,downtosy],fsys+[notsy..lparent,dosy],+0244) then begin tosym:=sy=tosy; insym end; forbound(fsys+[dosy],at2,lsp); if tosym then gencst(op_bgt,endlab) else gencst(op_blt,endlab); a:=at1; force(av.asp,+0245); a:=av; store; newilb(looplab); nextif(dosy,+0246); statement(fsys); a:=av; load; a:=at2; load; gencst(op_beq,endlab); a:=av; load; if tosym then genop(op_inc) else genop(op_dec); a.asp:=lsp; checkbnds(av.asp); a:=av; store; gencst(op_bra,looplab); newilb(endlab); reglb:=savlb end end; procedure withstatement(fsys:sos); var lnp,savtop:np; savlb:integer; pbit:boolean; begin with b do begin savlb:=reglb; savtop:=top; repeat variable(fsys+[comma,dosy]); if not formof(a.asp,[records]) then errasp(+0247) else begin pbit:=spack in a.asp^.sflag; new(lnp,wrec); lnp^.occur:=wrec; lnp^.fname:=a.asp^.fstfld; if a.ak<>fixed then begin loadaddr; temporary(nilptr,reg_pointer); store; a.ak:=pfixed; end; a.packbit:=pbit; lnp^.wa:=a; lnp^.nlink:=top; top:=lnp; end; until endofloop(fsys+[dosy],[ident],comma,+0248); {+0249} nextif(dosy,+0250); statement(fsys); top:=savtop; reglb:=savlb; end end; procedure assertion(fsys:sos); begin teststandard; if opt['a']=off then while not (sy in fsys) do insym else begin expression(fsys); force(boolptr,+0251); gencst(op_loc,srcorig); gensp(ASS,2*sz_word); end end; procedure statement; {fsys: sos} var lip:ip; llp:lp; lsy:symbol; begin assert [labelsy..casesy,endsy] <= fsys; assert [ident,intcst] * fsys = []; if find2([intcst],fsys+[ident],+0252) then begin llp:=searchlab(b.lchain,val); if llp=nil then errint(+0253,val) else begin if llp^.seen then errint(+0254,val) else llp^.seen:=true; newilb(llp^.labname) end; insym; nextif(colon1,+0255); end; if find2([ident,beginsy..casesy],fsys,+0256) then begin if giveline then if sy<>whilesy then genlin; if sy=ident then if id='assert ' then begin insym; assertion(fsys) end else begin lip:=searchid([vars,field,func,proc]); insym; if lip^.klass=proc then call(fsys,lip) else assignment(fsys,lip) end else begin lsy:=sy; insym; case lsy of beginsy: begin compoundstatement(fsys,+0257); {+0258} nextif(endsy,+0259) end; gotosy: gotostatement; ifsy: ifstatement(fsys); casesy: begin casestatement(fsys); nextif(endsy,+0260) end; whilesy: whilestatement(fsys); repeatsy: repeatstatement(fsys); forsy: forstatement(fsys); withsy: withstatement(fsys); end end; end end; {===================================================================} procedure body(fsys:sos; fip:ip); var i,dlb,l0,l1,ssp:integer; llp:lp; spset:boolean; begin with b do begin {produce PRO} genpnam(ps_pro,fip); argend; gencst(ps_mes,ms_par);argcst(fip^.maxlb); argend; l0:=lino; dlb:=0; trace('procentr',fip,dlb); {global labels} llp:=lchain; spset:=false; while llp<>nil do begin if llp^.labdlb<>0 then begin if not spset then begin spset:=true; gencst(ps_mes,ms_gto); argend; temporary(nilptr,-1); ssp:=a.pos.ad; gencst(op_lor,1); store end; argdlb(llp^.labdlb); lino:=lino+1; genop(ps_rom); argilb(llp^.labname); argcst(ssp); argend; end; llp:=llp^.nextlp end; {the body itself} currproc:=fip; compoundstatement(fsys,+0261); {+0262} trace('procexit',fip,dlb); {undefined labels} llp:=lchain; while llp<>nil do begin if not llp^.seen then errint(+0263,llp^.labval); llp:=llp^.nextlp end; {finish and close files} treewalk(top^.fname); if level=1 then begin l1:=lino; genop(op_fil); argdlb(fildlb); {temporarily} dlb:=newdlb; gencst(ps_con,argc+1); for i:=0 to argc do with argv[i] do begin argcst(ad); if (ad=-1) and (i>1) then errid(+0264,name) end; argend; gencst(op_lxl,0); laedlb(dlb); gencst(op_lae,0); gencst(op_lxa,0); gensp(INI,4*sz_addr); exchange(l0,l1); gencst(op_loc,0); gensp(HLT,0) end else begin inita(fip^.idtype,fip^.pfpos.ad); if fip^.klass=func then begin load; if not (assigned in fip^.iflag) then errid(-(+0265),fip^.name); end; genasp(op_ret); end; gencst(ps_end,-minlb); end end; {===================================================================} procedure block; {forward declared} begin with b do begin assert [labelsy..withsy] <= fsys; assert [ident,intcst,casesy,endsy,period] * fsys = []; if find3(labelsy,fsys,+0266) then labeldeclaration(fsys); if find3(constsy,fsys,+0267) then constdefinition(fsys); if find3(typesy,fsys,+0268) then typedefinition(fsys); if find3(varsy,fsys,+0269) then vardeclaration(fsys); if fip=progp then begin if iop[true]<>nil then begin argv[1].ad:=posaddr(holeb,textptr,false); iop[true]^.vpos.ad:=argv[1].ad end; if iop[false]<>nil then begin argv[0].ad:=posaddr(holeb,textptr,false); iop[false]^.vpos.ad:=argv[0].ad end; genhol; genpnam(ps_exp,fip); end; {externals are also extern for the main body} fip^.pfpos.ad:=negaddr(fip^.idtype); {function result area} while find2([procsy,funcsy],fsys,+0270) do pfdeclaration(fsys); if forwcount<>0 then error(+0271); {forw proc not specified} nextif(beginsy,+0272); body(fsys+[casesy,endsy],fip); nextif(endsy,+0273); end end; {===================================================================} procedure programme(fsys:sos); var stdin,stdout:boolean; p:ip; begin nextif(progsy,+0274); nextif(ident,+0275); if find3(lparent,fsys+[semicolon],+0276) then begin repeat if sy<>ident then error(+0277) else begin stdin:=id='input '; stdout:=id='output '; if stdin or stdout then begin p:=newip(vars,id,textptr,nil); enterid(p); iop[stdout]:=p; end else if argc<maxargc then begin argc:=argc+1; argv[argc].name:=id; argv[argc].ad:=-1 end; insym end until endofloop(fsys+[rparent,semicolon],[ident],comma,+0278); {+0279} if argc>maxargc then begin error(+0280); argc:=maxargc end; nextif(rparent,+0281); end; nextif(semicolon,+0282); block(fsys,progp); if opt['l']<>off then begin gencst(ps_mes,ms_src); argcst(srcorig); argend end; eofexpected:=true; nextif(period,+0283); end; procedure compile; var lsys:sos; begin lsys:=[progsy,labelsy..withsy]; repeat eofexpected:=false; main:=find2([progsy,labelsy,beginsy..withsy],lsys,+0284); if main then programme(lsys) else begin if find3(constsy,lsys,+0285) then constdefinition(lsys); if find3(typesy,lsys,+0286) then typedefinition(lsys); if find3(varsy,lsys,+0287) then vardeclaration(lsys); genhol; while find2([procsy,funcsy],lsys,+0288) do pfdeclaration(lsys); end; error(+0289); until false; { the only way out is the halt in nextln on eof } end; {===================================================================} procedure init1; var c:char; begin {reserved words} rw[ 0]:='if '; rw[ 1]:='do '; rw[ 2]:='of '; rw[ 3]:='to '; rw[ 4]:='in '; rw[ 5]:='or '; rw[ 6]:='end '; rw[ 7]:='for '; rw[ 8]:='nil '; rw[ 9]:='var '; rw[10]:='div '; rw[11]:='mod '; rw[12]:='set '; rw[13]:='and '; rw[14]:='not '; rw[15]:='then '; rw[16]:='else '; rw[17]:='with '; rw[18]:='case '; rw[19]:='type '; rw[20]:='goto '; rw[21]:='file '; rw[22]:='begin '; rw[23]:='until '; rw[24]:='while '; rw[25]:='array '; rw[26]:='const '; rw[27]:='label '; rw[28]:='repeat '; rw[29]:='record '; rw[30]:='downto '; rw[31]:='packed '; rw[32]:='program '; rw[33]:='function'; rw[34]:='procedur'; {corresponding symbols} rsy[ 0]:=ifsy; rsy[ 1]:=dosy; rsy[ 2]:=ofsy; rsy[ 3]:=tosy; rsy[ 4]:=insy; rsy[ 5]:=orsy; rsy[ 6]:=endsy; rsy[ 7]:=forsy; rsy[ 8]:=nilcst; rsy[ 9]:=varsy; rsy[10]:=divsy; rsy[11]:=modsy; rsy[12]:=setsy; rsy[13]:=andsy; rsy[14]:=notsy; rsy[15]:=thensy; rsy[16]:=elsesy; rsy[17]:=withsy; rsy[18]:=casesy; rsy[19]:=typesy; rsy[20]:=gotosy; rsy[21]:=filesy; rsy[22]:=beginsy; rsy[23]:=untilsy; rsy[24]:=whilesy; rsy[25]:=arraysy; rsy[26]:=constsy; rsy[27]:=labelsy; rsy[28]:=repeatsy; rsy[29]:=recordsy; rsy[30]:=downtosy; rsy[31]:=packedsy; rsy[32]:=progsy; rsy[33]:=funcsy; rsy[34]:=procsy; {indices into rw to find reserved words fast} frw[0]:= 0; frw[1]:= 0; frw[2]:= 6; frw[3]:=15; frw[4]:=22; frw[5]:=28; frw[6]:=32; frw[7]:=33; frw[8]:=35; {char types} for c:=chr(0) to chr(maxcharord) do cs[c]:=others; for c:='0' to '9' do cs[c]:=digit; for c:='A' to 'Z' do cs[c]:=upper; for c:='a' to 'z' do cs[c]:=lower; cs[chr(ascnl)]:=layout; cs[chr(ascvt)]:=layout; cs[chr(ascff)]:=layout; cs[chr(asccr)]:=layout; {characters with corresponding chartype in ASCII order} cs[chr(ascht)]:=tabch; cs[' ']:=layout; cs['"']:=dquotech; cs['''']:=quotech; cs['(']:=lparentch; cs[')']:=rparentch; cs['*']:=star; cs['+']:=plusch; cs[',']:=commach; cs['-']:=minch; cs['.']:=periodch; cs['/']:=slash; cs[':']:=colonch; cs[';']:=semich; cs['<']:=lessch; cs['=']:=equal; cs['>']:=greaterch; cs['[']:=lbrackch; cs[']']:=rbrackch; cs['^']:=arrowch; cs['{']:=lbracech; {single character symbols in chartype order} csy[rparentch]:=rparent; csy[lbrackch]:=lbrack; csy[rbrackch]:=rbrack; csy[commach]:=comma; csy[semich]:=semicolon; csy[arrowch]:=arrow; csy[plusch]:=plussy; csy[minch]:=minsy; csy[slash]:=slashsy; csy[star]:=starsy; csy[equal]:=eqsy; {pascal library mnemonics} lmn[ELN ]:='_eln'; lmn[EFL ]:='_efl'; lmn[CLS ]:='_cls'; lmn[WDW ]:='_wdw'; lmn[OPN ]:='_opn'; lmn[GETX]:='_get'; lmn[RDI ]:='_rdi'; lmn[RDC ]:='_rdc'; lmn[RDR ]:='_rdr'; lmn[RDL ]:='_rdl'; lmn[RLN ]:='_rln'; lmn[CRE ]:='_cre'; lmn[PUTX]:='_put'; lmn[WRI ]:='_wri'; lmn[WSI ]:='_wsi'; lmn[WRC ]:='_wrc'; lmn[WSC ]:='_wsc'; lmn[WRS ]:='_wrs'; lmn[WSS ]:='_wss'; lmn[WRB ]:='_wrb'; lmn[WSB ]:='_wsb'; lmn[WRR ]:='_wrr'; lmn[WSR ]:='_wsr'; lmn[WRL ]:='_wrl'; lmn[WSL ]:='_wsl'; lmn[WRF ]:='_wrf'; lmn[WRZ ]:='_wrz'; lmn[WSZ ]:='_wsz'; lmn[WLN ]:='_wln'; lmn[PAG ]:='_pag'; lmn[ABR ]:='_abr'; lmn[RND ]:='_rnd'; lmn[SINX]:='_sin'; lmn[COSX]:='_cos'; lmn[EXPX]:='_exp'; lmn[SQT ]:='_sqt'; lmn[LOG ]:='_log'; lmn[ATN ]:='_atn'; lmn[ABI ]:='_abi'; lmn[ABL ]:='_abl'; lmn[BCP ]:='_bcp'; lmn[BTS ]:='_bts'; lmn[NEWX]:='_new'; lmn[SAV ]:='_sav'; lmn[RST ]:='_rst'; lmn[INI ]:='_ini'; lmn[HLT ]:='_hlt'; lmn[ASS ]:='_ass'; lmn[GTO ]:='_gto'; lmn[PAC ]:='_pac'; lmn[UNP ]:='_unp'; lmn[DIS ]:='_dis'; lmn[ASZ ]:='_asz'; lmn[MDI ]:='_mdi'; lmn[MDL ]:='_mdl'; {scalar variables} b.nextbp:=nil; b.reglb:=0; b.minlb:=0; b.ilbno:=0; b.forwcount:=0; b.lchain:=nil; srcchno:=0; srclino:=1; srcorig:=1; lino:=0; dlbno:=0; holeb:=0; argc:=1; lastpfno:=0; giveline:=true; including:=false; eofexpected:=false; intypedec:=false; fltused:=false; seconddot:=false; iop[false]:=nil; iop[true]:=nil; argv[0].ad:=-1; argv[1].ad:=-1; end; procedure init2; var p:ip; k:idclass; j:standpf; pfn:array[standpf] of idarr; begin {initialize the first name space} new(top,blck); top^.occur:=blck; top^.nlink:=nil; top^.fname:=nil; level:=0; {undefined identifier pointers used by searchid} for k:=types to func do undefip[k]:=newip(k,spaces,nil,nil); {names of standard procedures/functions} pfn[pread ]:='read '; pfn[preadln ]:='readln '; pfn[pwrite ]:='write '; pfn[pwriteln ]:='writeln '; pfn[pput ]:='put '; pfn[pget ]:='get '; pfn[ppage ]:='page '; pfn[preset ]:='reset '; pfn[prewrite ]:='rewrite '; pfn[pnew ]:='new '; pfn[pdispose ]:='dispose '; pfn[ppack ]:='pack '; pfn[punpack ]:='unpack '; pfn[pmark ]:='mark '; pfn[prelease ]:='release '; pfn[phalt ]:='halt '; pfn[feof ]:='eof '; pfn[feoln ]:='eoln '; pfn[fabs ]:='abs '; pfn[fsqr ]:='sqr '; pfn[ford ]:='ord '; pfn[fchr ]:='chr '; pfn[fpred ]:='pred '; pfn[fsucc ]:='succ '; pfn[fodd ]:='odd '; pfn[ftrunc ]:='trunc '; pfn[fround ]:='round '; pfn[fsin ]:='sin '; pfn[fcos ]:='cos '; pfn[fexp ]:='exp '; pfn[fsqt ]:='sqrt '; pfn[flog ]:='ln '; pfn[fatn ]:='arctan '; {standard procedure/function identifiers} for j:=pread to phalt do begin new(p,proc,standard); p^.klass:=proc; p^.name:=pfn[j]; p^.pfkind:=standard; p^.key:=j; enterid(p); end; for j:=feof to fatn do begin new(p,func,standard); p^.klass:=func; p^.idtype:=nil; p^.name:=pfn[j]; p^.pfkind:=standard; p^.key:=j; enterid(p); end; {program identifier} progp:=newip(proc,'m_a_i_n ',nil,nil); end; procedure init3; var n:np; p,q:ip; i:integer; c:char; begin for i:=0 to sz_last do readln(errors,sizes[i]); gencst(ps_mes,ms_emx); argcst(sz_word); argcst(sz_addr); argend; ix:=1; while not eoln(errors) do begin read(errors,c); if ix<smax then begin strbuf[ix]:=c; ix:=ix+1 end end; readln(errors); strbuf[ix]:=chr(0); for i:=1 to fnmax do if i<ix then source[i]:=strbuf[i] else source[i]:=' '; fildlb:=romstr(sp_scon,0); {standard type pointers} intptr :=newsp(scalar,sz_int); realptr:=newsp(scalar,sz_real); longptr:=newsp(scalar,sz_long); charptr:=newsp(scalar,sz_char); boolptr:=newsp(scalar,sz_bool); nilptr :=newsp(pointer,sz_addr); zeroptr:=newsp(pointer,sz_addr); procptr:=newsp(records,sz_proc); nullset:=newsp(power,sz_word); nullset^.elset:=nil; textptr:=newsp(files,sz_head+sz_buff); textptr^.filtype:=charptr; {standard type names} enterid(newip(types,'integer ',intptr,nil)); enterid(newip(types,'real ',realptr,nil)); enterid(newip(types,'char ',charptr,nil)); enterid(newip(types,'boolean ',boolptr,nil)); enterid(newip(types,'text ',textptr,nil)); {standard constant names} q:=nil; p:=newip(konst,'false ',boolptr,q); enterid(p); q:=p; p:=newip(konst,'true ',boolptr,q); p^.value:=1; enterid(p); boolptr^.fconst:=p; p:=newip(konst,'maxint ',intptr,nil); p^.value:=MI2; enterid(p); p:=newip(konst,spaces,charptr,nil); p^.value:=maxcharord; charptr^.fconst:=p; {new name space for user externals} new(n,blck); n^.occur:=blck; n^.nlink:=top; n^.fname:=nil; top:=n; {options} for c:='a' to 'z' do begin opt[c]:=0; forceopt[c]:=false end; opt['a']:=on; opt['i']:=NB1*sz_iset; opt['l']:=on; opt['o']:=on; opt['r']:=on; sopt:=off; end; procedure init4; begin copt:=opt['c']; dopt:=opt['d']; iopt:=opt['i']; sopt:=opt['s']; if sopt<>off then begin copt:=off; dopt:=off end else if opt['u']<>off then cs['_']:=lower; if copt<>off then enterid(newip(types,'string ',zeroptr,nil)); if dopt<>off then enterid(newip(types,'long ',longptr,nil)); if opt['o']=off then begin gencst(ps_mes,ms_opt); argend end; if dopt<>off then fltused:=true; {temporary kludge} end; begin {main body of pcompiler} init1; {initialize tables and scalars} init2; {initialize heap objects} rewrite(em); put2(sp_magic); reset(errors); init3; {size dependent initialization} while not eof(errors) do begin options(false); readln(errors) end; rewrite(errors); if not eof(input) then begin nextch; insym; init4; {option dependent initialization} compile end; #ifdef STANDARD 9999: ; #endif end. {pcompiler}