/**************************************************************** Copyright 1990 by AT&T Bell Laboratories and Bellcore. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that the copyright notice and this permission notice and warranty disclaimer appear in supporting documentation, and that the names of AT&T Bell Laboratories or Bellcore or any of their entities not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. AT&T and Bellcore disclaim all warranties with regard to this software, including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness. In no event shall AT&T or Bellcore be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other tortious action, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this software. ****************************************************************/ /* * INTERMEDIATE CODE GENERATION PROCEDURES COMMON TO BOTH * JOHNSON (PORTABLE) AND RITCHIE FAMILIES OF SECOND PASSES */ #include "defs.h" #include "names.h" /* For LOCAL_CONST_NAME */ #include "pccdefs.h" #include "p1defs.h" /* Definitions for putconst() */ #define LIT_CHAR 1 #define LIT_FLOAT 2 #define LIT_INT 3 /* char *ops [ ] = { "??", "+", "-", "*", "/", "**", "-", "OR", "AND", "EQV", "NEQV", "NOT", "CONCAT", "<", "==", ">", "<=", "!=", ">=", " of ", " ofC ", " = ", " += ", " *= ", " CONV ", " << ", " % ", " , ", " ? ", " : " " abs ", " min ", " max ", " addr ", " indirect ", " bitor ", " bitand ", " bitxor ", " bitnot ", " >> ", }; */ /* Each of these values is defined in pccdefs */ int ops2 [ ] = { P2BAD, P2PLUS, P2MINUS, P2STAR, P2SLASH, P2BAD, P2NEG, P2OROR, P2ANDAND, P2EQ, P2NE, P2NOT, P2BAD, P2LT, P2EQ, P2GT, P2LE, P2NE, P2GE, P2CALL, P2CALL, P2ASSIGN, P2PLUSEQ, P2STAREQ, P2CONV, P2LSHIFT, P2MOD, P2COMOP, P2QUEST, P2COLON, 1, P2BAD, P2BAD, P2BAD, P2BAD, P2BITOR, P2BITAND, P2BITXOR, P2BITNOT, P2RSHIFT, P2BAD, P2BAD, P2BAD, P2BAD, P2BAD, P2BAD, P2BAD, P2BAD, P2BAD, P2BAD, P2BAD, P2BAD, P2BAD, 1,1,1,1,1, /* OPNEG1, OPDMIN, OPDMAX, OPASSIGNI, OPIDENTITY */ 1,1,1,1 /* OPCHARCAST, OPDABS, OPMIN2, OPMAX2 */ }; int types2 [ ] = { P2BAD, P2INT|P2PTR, P2SHORT, P2LONG, P2REAL, P2DREAL, P2REAL, P2DREAL, P2LONG, P2CHAR, P2INT, P2BAD }; setlog() { types2[TYLOGICAL] = types2[tylogical]; typesize[TYLOGICAL] = typesize[tylogical]; typealign[TYLOGICAL] = typealign[tylogical]; } void putex1(p) expptr p; { /* Write the expression to the p1 file */ p = (expptr) putx (fixtype (p)); p1_expr (p); } expptr putassign(lp, rp) expptr lp, rp; { return putx(fixexpr((Exprp)mkexpr(OPASSIGN, lp, rp))); } void puteq(lp, rp) expptr lp, rp; { putexpr(mkexpr(OPASSIGN, lp, rp) ); } /* put code for a *= b */ expptr putsteq(a, b) Addrp a, b; { return putx( fixexpr((Exprp) mkexpr(OPSTAREQ, cpexpr((expptr)a), cpexpr((expptr)b)))); } Addrp mkfield(res, f, ty) register Addrp res; char *f; int ty; { res -> vtype = ty; res -> Field = f; return res; } /* mkfield */ Addrp realpart(p) register Addrp p; { register Addrp q; expptr mkrealcon(); if (p -> uname_tag == UNAM_CONST && ISCOMPLEX (p->vtype)) { return (Addrp)mkrealcon (p -> vtype + TYREAL - TYCOMPLEX, p->user.kludge.vstg1 ? p->user.Const.cds[0] : cds(dtos(p->user.Const.cd[0]),CNULL)); } /* if p -> uname_tag */ q = (Addrp) cpexpr((expptr) p); if( ISCOMPLEX(p->vtype) ) q = mkfield (q, "r", p -> vtype + TYREAL - TYCOMPLEX); return(q); } expptr imagpart(p) register Addrp p; { register Addrp q; expptr mkrealcon(); if( ISCOMPLEX(p->vtype) ) { if (p -> uname_tag == UNAM_CONST) return mkrealcon (p -> vtype + TYREAL - TYCOMPLEX, p->user.kludge.vstg1 ? p->user.Const.cds[1] : cds(dtos(p->user.Const.cd[1]),CNULL)); q = (Addrp) cpexpr((expptr) p); q = mkfield (q, "i", p -> vtype + TYREAL - TYCOMPLEX); return( (expptr) q ); } else /* Cast an integer type onto a Double Real type */ return( mkrealcon( ISINT(p->vtype) ? TYDREAL : p->vtype , "0")); } /* ncat -- computes the number of adjacent concatenation operations */ ncat(p) register expptr p; { if(p->tag==TEXPR && p->exprblock.opcode==OPCONCAT) return( ncat(p->exprblock.leftp) + ncat(p->exprblock.rightp) ); else return(1); } /* lencat -- returns the length of the concatenated string. Each substring must have a static (i.e. compile-time) fixed length */ ftnint lencat(p) register expptr p; { if(p->tag==TEXPR && p->exprblock.opcode==OPCONCAT) return( lencat(p->exprblock.leftp) + lencat(p->exprblock.rightp) ); else if( p->headblock.vleng!=NULL && ISICON(p->headblock.vleng) ) return(p->headblock.vleng->constblock.Const.ci); else if(p->tag==TADDR && p->addrblock.varleng!=0) return(p->addrblock.varleng); else { err("impossible element in concatenation"); return(0); } } /* putconst -- Creates a new Addrp value which maps onto the input constant value. The Addrp doesn't retain the value of the constant, instead that value is copied into a table of constants (called litpool, for pool of literal values). The only way to retrieve the actual value of the constant is to look at the memno field of the Addrp result. You know that the associated literal is the one referred to by q when (q -> memno == litp -> litnum). */ Addrp putconst(p) register Constp p; { register Addrp q; struct Literal *litp, *lastlit; int k, len, type; int litflavor; double cd[2]; ftnint nblanks; char *strp; char cdsbuf0[64], cdsbuf1[64], *ds[2]; if (p->tag != TCONST) badtag("putconst", p->tag); q = ALLOC(Addrblock); q->tag = TADDR; type = p->vtype; q->vtype = ( type==TYADDR ? tyint : type ); q->vleng = (expptr) cpexpr(p->vleng); q->vstg = STGCONST; /* Create the new label for the constant. This is wasteful of labels because when the constant value already exists in the literal pool, this label gets thrown away and is never reclaimed. It might be cleaner to move this down past the first switch() statement below */ q->memno = newlabel(); q->memoffset = ICON(0); q -> uname_tag = UNAM_CONST; /* Copy the constant info into the Addrblock; do this by copying the largest storage elts */ q -> user.Const = p -> Const; q->user.kludge.vstg1 = p->vstg; /* distinguish string from binary fp */ /* check for value in literal pool, and update pool if necessary */ k = 1; switch(type) { case TYCHAR: if (halign) { strp = p->Const.ccp; nblanks = p->Const.ccp1.blanks; len = p->vleng->constblock.Const.ci; litflavor = LIT_CHAR; goto loop; } else q->memno = BAD_MEMNO; break; case TYCOMPLEX: case TYDCOMPLEX: k = 2; if (p->vstg) cd[1] = atof(ds[1] = p->Const.cds[1]); else ds[1] = cds(dtos(cd[1] = p->Const.cd[1]), cdsbuf1); case TYREAL: case TYDREAL: litflavor = LIT_FLOAT; if (p->vstg) cd[0] = atof(ds[0] = p->Const.cds[0]); else ds[0] = cds(dtos(cd[0] = p->Const.cd[0]), cdsbuf0); goto loop; case TYLOGICAL: type = tylogical; goto lit_int_flavor; case TYLONG: type = tyint; case TYSHORT: lit_int_flavor: litflavor = LIT_INT; /* Scan the literal pool for this constant value. If this same constant has been assigned before, use the same label. Note that this routine does NOT consider two differently-typed constants with the same bit pattern to be the same constant */ loop: lastlit = litpool + nliterals; for(litp = litpool ; litp<lastlit ; ++litp) /* Remove this type checking to ensure that all bit patterns are reused */ if(type == litp->littype) switch(litflavor) { case LIT_CHAR: if (len == (int)litp->litval.litival2[0] && nblanks == litp->litval.litival2[1] && !memcmp(strp, litp->cds[0], len)) { q->memno = litp->litnum; frexpr((expptr)p); return(q); } break; case LIT_FLOAT: if(cd[0] == litp->litval.litdval[0] && !strcmp(ds[0], litp->cds[0]) && (k == 1 || cd[1] == litp->litval.litdval[1] && !strcmp(ds[1], litp->cds[1]))) { ret: q->memno = litp->litnum; frexpr((expptr)p); return(q); } break; case LIT_INT: if(p->Const.ci == litp->litval.litival) goto ret; break; } /* If there's room in the literal pool, add this new value to the pool */ if(nliterals < maxliterals) { ++nliterals; /* litp now points to the next free elt */ litp->littype = type; litp->litnum = q->memno; switch(litflavor) { case LIT_CHAR: litp->litval.litival2[0] = len; litp->litval.litival2[1] = nblanks; q->user.Const.ccp = litp->cds[0] = memcpy(gmem(len,0), strp, len); break; case LIT_FLOAT: litp->litval.litdval[0] = cd[0]; litp->cds[0] = copys(ds[0]); if (k == 2) { litp->litval.litdval[1] = cd[1]; litp->cds[1] = copys(ds[1]); } break; case LIT_INT: litp->litval.litival = p->Const.ci; break; } /* switch (litflavor) */ } else many("literal constants", 'L', maxliterals); break; case TYADDR: break; default: badtype ("putconst", p -> vtype); break; } /* switch */ if (type != TYCHAR || halign) frexpr((expptr)p); return( q ); }