If your system lacks onexit() and you are not using an ANSI C
compiler, then you should compile main.c with NO_ONEXIT defined.
See the comments about onexit in the makefile.

If your system has a double drem() function such that drem(a,b)
is the IEEE remainder function (with double a, b), then you may
wish to compile r_mod.c and d_mod.c with IEEE_drem defined.

To check for transmission errors, issue the command
	make check
This assumes you have the xsum program whose source, xsum.c,
is distributed as part of "all from f2c/src".  If you do not
have xsum, you can obtain xsum.c by sending the following E-mail
message to netlib@research.att.com
	send xsum.c from f2c/src

The makefile assumes you have installed f2c.h in a standard
place (and does not cause recompilation when f2c.h is changed);
f2c.h comes with "all from f2c" (the source for f2c) and is
available separately ("f2c.h from f2c").