/* * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright". * */ /* * This program converts ack.out format to XENIX 3.0 x.out format. * It uses ~em/modules/lib/libobject.a. */ #include <stdio.h> struct xexec { unsigned short x_magic; #define XMAGIC 01006 unsigned short x_ext; /* 054 */ long x_text; long x_data; long x_bss; long x_syms; long x_reloc; /* 0 */ long x_entry; /* 0 */ char x_cpu; #define XBSWAP 0x80 #define XWSWAP 0x40 #define X8086 0x04 #define X286 0x09 char x_relsym; /* 0144, not used */ unsigned short x_renv; #define XV3 0x8000 /* after Xenix version 2.3 */ #define XVERS 0xc000 /* version mask */ #define XSEG 0x0800 /* segment table present */ #define XFS 0x0008 /* fixed stack */ #define XPURE 0x0004 /* pure text */ #define XSEP 0x0002 /* separate I & D */ #define XEXEC 0x0001 /* executable */ }; struct xext { long xe_trsize, xe_drsize, xe_tbase, xe_dbase; /* 0 */ long xe_stksize; long xe_segpos; /* 0140 ??? */ long xe_segsize; /* 2 or 3 segments */ /* one for name table, one for text+data or one for text + one for data(-i) */ long xe_mdtpos, xe_mdtsize; /* 0 */ char xe_mdttype; /* 0 */ char xe_pagesize; /* 0 */ char xe_ostype; /* 1 */ char xe_osvers; /* 1 */ unsigned short xe_eseg; /* 077 ??? */ unsigned short xe_sres; /* 0 */ }; struct xseg { unsigned short xs_type; #define XTEXT 1 #define XDATA 2 #define XTSYMS 3 unsigned short xs_attr; #define XAMEM 0x8000 #define X_ABSS 0x0004 #define X_APURE 0x0010 unsigned short xs_seg; /* 077 for text, 0107 for data, 0 for sym */ unsigned short xs_sres; /* 0 */ long xs_filpos; long xs_psize; long xs_vsize; long xs_rbase; /* 0 */ long xs_lres; /* 0 */ long xs_lres2; /* 0 */ }; #include <out.h> #ifndef NORCSID static char rcs_id[] = "$Header$" ; #endif #define ENTRY 0x0L /* entry point */ /* * Header and section table of new format object file. */ struct outhead outhead; struct outsect outsect[S_MAX]; struct xexec exec; struct xext ext; struct xseg seg[3]; char *output_file; int outputfile_created; int output; char *program ; int sep_id; extern long lseek(); #define TEXTSG 0 #define ROMSG 1 #define DATASG 2 #define BSSSG 3 #define LSECT BSSSG+1 #define NSECT LSECT+1 long emit_symtab(); long align(a,b) long a,b; { a += b - 1; return a - a % b; } int follows(pa, pb) register struct outsect *pa, *pb; { /* return 1 if pa follows pb */ return pa->os_base == align(pb->os_base+pb->os_size, pa->os_lign); } main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { long stacksize = 0x1000; output = 1; program= argv[0] ; if ( argc>1 && argv[1][0]=='-' ) { if (argv[1][1] == 'F') { register char *p = &argv[1][2]; stacksize = 0; while (*p) { stacksize <<= 4; if (*p >= '0' && *p <= '9') stacksize += *p - '0'; else if (*p >= 'a' && *p <= 'f') stacksize += 10 + *p - 'a'; else if (*p >= 'A' && *p <= 'F') stacksize += 10 + *p - 'A'; else fatal("Illegal -F option\n"); p++; } } argc-- ; argv++ ; } switch (argc) { case 1: rd_fdopen(0); break; case 3: if ((output = creat(argv[2], 0644)) < 0) { fatal("Can't write %s.\n", argv[2]); } output_file = argv[2]; outputfile_created = 1; /* FALLTHROUGH */ case 2: if (! rd_open(argv[1])) fatal("Can't read %s.\n", argv[1]); break; default:fatal("Usage: %s <ACK object> <Xenix object>.\n", argv[0]); } rd_ohead(&outhead); if (BADMAGIC(outhead)) fatal("Not an ack object file.\n"); if (outhead.oh_flags & HF_LINK) fatal("Contains unresolved references.\n"); if (outhead.oh_nrelo > 0) fprintf(stderr, "Warning: relocation information present.\n"); if ( outhead.oh_nsect!=LSECT && outhead.oh_nsect!=NSECT ) fatal("Input file must have %d sections, not %ld\n", NSECT,outhead.oh_nsect) ; rd_sect(outsect, outhead.oh_nsect); /* A few checks */ if ( outsect[TEXTSG].os_base != ENTRY) fatal("text must start at 0x%lx not at 0x%lx\n", ENTRY, outsect[TEXTSG].os_base) ; if ( outsect[BSSSG].os_flen != 0 ) fatal("bss space contains initialized data\n") ; if (! follows(&outsect[BSSSG], &outsect[DATASG])) fatal("bss segment must follow data segment\n") ; if (! follows(&outsect[DATASG], &outsect[ROMSG])) fatal("bss segment must follow data segment\n") ; outsect[ROMSG].os_size = outsect[DATASG].os_base - outsect[ROMSG].os_base; outsect[DATASG].os_size = outsect[BSSSG].os_base - outsect[DATASG].os_base; exec.x_magic = XMAGIC; exec.x_ext = 054; exec.x_data = outsect[ROMSG].os_size + outsect[DATASG].os_size; exec.x_bss = outsect[BSSSG].os_size; exec.x_entry = outsect[TEXTSG].os_base; exec.x_cpu = XWSWAP | X286; exec.x_relsym = 0144; exec.x_renv = XV3 | XSEG | XFS | XEXEC; if ( outsect[ROMSG].os_base == 0x0 ) { /* Separate I/D */ outsect[TEXTSG].os_size = align(outsect[TEXTSG].os_size, 2L); sep_id = 1; exec.x_renv |= XPURE | XSEP; } else { if (! follows(&outsect[ROMSG], &outsect[TEXTSG])) fatal("bss segment must follow data segment\n") ; outsect[TEXTSG].os_size = outsect[ROMSG].os_base - outsect[TEXTSG].os_base; } exec.x_text = outsect[TEXTSG].os_size; if ( outhead.oh_nsect==NSECT ) { if (! follows(&outsect[LSECT], &outsect[BSSSG])) fatal("bss segment must follow data segment\n") ; if ( outsect[LSECT].os_size != 0 ) fatal("end segment must be empty\n") ; } ext.xe_stksize = stacksize; /* Not too big, because "brk" and "sbrk"-allocated memory resides above the stack! */ ext.xe_segpos = 0140; ext.xe_segsize = (2 + sep_id) * 040; ext.xe_ostype = 1; ext.xe_osvers = 1; ext.xe_eseg = 077; seg[0].xs_type = XDATA; seg[0].xs_attr = XAMEM | X_ABSS; seg[0].xs_seg = 0107; seg[1].xs_type = XTSYMS; seg[1].xs_attr = 1; /* ??? */ seg[1].xs_filpos = 0140 + ext.xe_segsize + outsect[TEXTSG].os_size + outsect[DATASG].os_size + outsect[ROMSG].os_size; if (sep_id) { seg[2] = seg[1]; seg[1] = seg[0]; seg[0].xs_type = XTEXT; seg[0].xs_attr = XAMEM | X_APURE; seg[0].xs_seg = 077; seg[0].xs_filpos = 0300; seg[0].xs_psize = seg[0].xs_vsize = outsect[TEXTSG].os_size; seg[1].xs_filpos = seg[0].xs_filpos + seg[0].xs_psize; seg[1].xs_psize = outsect[ROMSG].os_size + outsect[DATASG].os_size; seg[1].xs_vsize = seg[1].xs_psize + outsect[BSSSG].os_size; } else { seg[0].xs_filpos = 0240L; seg[0].xs_psize = outsect[TEXTSG].os_size + outsect[ROMSG].os_size + outsect[DATASG].os_size; seg[0].xs_vsize = seg[0].xs_psize + outsect[BSSSG].os_size; } lseek(output, seg[0].xs_filpos + outsect[TEXTSG].os_size + outsect[DATASG].os_size + outsect[ROMSG].os_size, 0); if (! (exec.x_syms = seg[1+sep_id].xs_psize = emit_symtab())) { /* not enough memory to produce symbol table, do without */ fprintf(stderr, "%s: warning: no symbol table produced\n", program); ext.xe_segsize -= 040; seg[1+sep_id].xs_type = 0; seg[0].xs_filpos -= 040; seg[1].xs_filpos -= 040; } lseek(output, seg[0].xs_filpos, 0); emits(&outsect[TEXTSG]) ; emits(&outsect[ROMSG]) ; emits(&outsect[DATASG]) ; lseek(output, 0L, 0); header(); if ( outputfile_created ) chmod(argv[2],0755); exit(0); } #define shortcvt(val, p) (*p++ = val, *p++ = val >> 8) #define longcvt(val, p) (*p++ = val, *p++ = val >> 8, *p++ = val >> 16, *p++ = val >> 24) char buf[0300]; header() { register char *p = buf; register int i; shortcvt(exec.x_magic, p); shortcvt(exec.x_ext, p); longcvt(exec.x_text, p); longcvt(exec.x_data, p); longcvt(exec.x_bss, p); longcvt(exec.x_syms, p); longcvt(exec.x_reloc, p); longcvt(exec.x_entry, p); *p++ = exec.x_cpu; *p++ = exec.x_relsym; shortcvt(exec.x_renv, p); longcvt(ext.xe_trsize, p); longcvt(ext.xe_drsize, p); longcvt(ext.xe_tbase, p); longcvt(ext.xe_dbase, p); longcvt(ext.xe_stksize, p); longcvt(ext.xe_segpos, p); longcvt(ext.xe_segsize, p); longcvt(ext.xe_mdtpos, p); longcvt(ext.xe_mdtsize, p); *p++ = ext.xe_mdttype; *p++ = ext.xe_pagesize; *p++ = ext.xe_ostype; *p++ = ext.xe_osvers; shortcvt(ext.xe_eseg, p); shortcvt(ext.xe_sres, p); p = &buf[0140]; for (i = 0; i <= 2 && seg[i].xs_type != 0; i++) { shortcvt(seg[i].xs_type, p); shortcvt(seg[i].xs_attr, p); shortcvt(seg[i].xs_seg, p); shortcvt(seg[i].xs_sres, p); longcvt(seg[i].xs_filpos, p); longcvt(seg[i].xs_psize, p); longcvt(seg[i].xs_vsize, p); longcvt(seg[i].xs_rbase, p); longcvt(seg[i].xs_lres, p); longcvt(seg[i].xs_lres2, p); } write(output, buf, 0140 + i * 040); } /* * Transfer the emitted byted from one file to another. */ emits(section) struct outsect *section ; { register long n ; register int blk; char buffer[BUFSIZ]; n= section->os_flen ; rd_outsect(section - outsect); while (n > 0) { blk = n > BUFSIZ ? BUFSIZ : n; rd_emit(buffer, (long) blk); write(output, buffer, blk); n -= blk; } if ((n = section->os_size - section->os_flen) > 0) { for (blk = BUFSIZ - 1; blk >= 0; blk--) { buffer[blk] = 0; } while (n > 0) { blk = n > BUFSIZ ? BUFSIZ : n; write(output, buffer, blk); n -= blk; } } } long emit_symtab() { register unsigned short i; struct xnm { unsigned short s_type, s_seg; long s_value; } xnm; char *chars, *xname; struct outname *names; register char *xptr; extern char *malloc(); long off = OFF_CHAR(outhead); register char *p; chars = malloc((unsigned)(outhead.oh_nchar)); if (! chars) return 0; names = (struct outname *) malloc(outhead.oh_nname * sizeof(struct outname)); if (! names) { free(chars); return 0; } xptr = malloc((unsigned)(outhead.oh_nchar) + 9 * outhead.oh_nname); if (! xptr) { free(chars); free((char *) names); return 0; } xname = xptr; rd_name(names, outhead.oh_nname); rd_string(chars,outhead.oh_nchar); for (i = 0; i < outhead.oh_nname; i++) { xnm.s_seg = 077; switch(names[i].on_type & S_ETC) { case S_FIL: case S_MOD: xnm.s_type = 0x1f; break; case S_SCT: xnm.s_type = 0x8; if ((names[i].on_type & S_TYP) != S_MIN+TEXTSG) { xnm.s_seg = 0107; } break; default: switch(names[i].on_type & S_TYP) { case S_UND: xnm.s_type = 0; break; case S_ABS: xnm.s_type = 1; xnm.s_seg = 0107; break; case S_MIN + TEXTSG: xnm.s_type = 2; break; case S_MIN + ROMSG: case S_MIN + DATASG: xnm.s_type = 3; xnm.s_seg = 0107; break; case S_MIN + BSSSG: case S_MIN + LSECT: xnm.s_type = 4; xnm.s_seg = 0107; break; default: fprintf(stderr,"warning: unknown s_type: %d\n", (int)(names[i].on_type) & S_TYP); } } if (names[i].on_type & S_EXT) xnm.s_type |= 0x20; xnm.s_value = names[i].on_valu; if (names[i].on_foff == 0) { } else { long l = names[i].on_foff - off; if (l < 0 || l >= outhead.oh_nchar) { fatal("bad on_off: %ld\n",l); } p = &chars[l]; shortcvt(xnm.s_type, xptr); shortcvt(xnm.s_seg, xptr); longcvt(xnm.s_value, xptr); do { *xptr++ = *p; } while (*p++); } } write(output, xname, xptr - xname); free(xname); free((char *) names); free(chars); return xptr - xname; } /* VARARGS1 */ fatal(s, a1, a2) char *s; { fprintf(stderr,"%s: ",program) ; fprintf(stderr, s, a1, a2); if (outputfile_created) unlink(output_file); exit(1); } rd_fatal() { fatal("read error\n"); }