#ifndef lint static char rcsid[] = "$Header$"; #endif /* * You can choose between two strategies: * - Open the output file several times, once for each logical part, and * write to it in multiple places. * - Open the output file once and seek back and forth to each logical * part. In this case #define OUTSEEK. */ #include <stdio.h> #include "../../h/out.h" #include "const.h" #include "assert.h" #include "memory.h" #include "orig.h" static openoutput(); static wrt_head(); static wrt_sect(); extern long lseek(); #define WRITE 1 /* Argument to open(). */ /* * Parts of the output file. */ #define PARTEMIT 0 #define PARTRELO 1 #define PARTNAME 2 #define PARTCHAR 3 #ifdef SYMDBUG #define PARTDBUG 4 #else SYMDBUG #define PARTDBUG PARTCHAR #endif SYMDBUG #define NPARTS (PARTDBUG + 1) /* * Call OUTPART() with the part you want to write on as argument, before * you call OUTWRITE(). */ static int outpart = NPARTS; #ifdef OUTSEEK static int outfile; static long outseek[NPARTS]; #define OUTPART(p) \ { if (outpart != (p)) {\ outpart = (p);\ lseek(outfile, outseek[(p)], 0);\ }\ } #define OUTSECT(i) \ { outpart = NPARTS;\ outseek[PARTEMIT] =\ outsect[(i)].os_foff + relorig[(i)].org_flen;\ } #define OUTWRITE(b, n) \ { if (write(outfile, (b), (n)) != (n))\ fatal("write error");\ outseek[outpart] += (n);\ } #define BEGINSEEK(p, o) \ { outseek[(p)] = (o);\ } #else OUTSEEK static int outfile[NPARTS]; #define OUTPART(p) \ { outpart = (p);\ } #define OUTSECT(i) \ { lseek( outfile[PARTEMIT],\ outsect[(i)].os_foff + relorig[(i)].org_flen,\ 0\ );\ } #define OUTWRITE(b, n) \ { if (write(outfile[outpart], (b), (n)) != (n))\ fatal("write error");\ } #define BEGINSEEK(p, o) \ { lseek(outfile[(p)], (o), 0);\ } #endif OUTSEEK extern struct outhead outhead; extern struct outsect outsect[]; extern int flagword; extern struct orig relorig[]; extern bool bytes_reversed, words_reversed; extern bool incore; static long offchar; /* * Open the output file according to the chosen strategy. * Write away the header and section table: they will not change anymore. */ begin_write() { register long off; openoutput(); BEGINSEEK(PARTEMIT, (long)0); wrt_head(&outhead); wrt_sect(outsect, outhead.oh_nsect); off = SZ_HEAD + (long)outhead.oh_nsect * SZ_SECT + outhead.oh_nemit; if (flagword & RFLAG) { /* A relocation table will be produced. */ BEGINSEEK(PARTRELO, off); off += (long)outhead.oh_nrelo * SZ_RELO; } if (flagword & SFLAG) return; /* A name table will be produced. */ BEGINSEEK(PARTNAME, off); off += (long)outhead.oh_nname * SZ_NAME; BEGINSEEK(PARTCHAR, off); offchar = off; /* See wrt_name(). */ #ifdef SYMDBUG off += outhead.oh_nchar; BEGINSEEK(PARTDBUG, off); #endif SYMDBUG } static openoutput() { #ifndef OUTSEEK register int *fdp; #endif OUTSEEK extern char *outputname; close(creat(outputname, 0666)); #ifdef OUTSEEK if ((outfile = open(outputname, WRITE)) < 0) fatal("can't write %s", outputname); #else OUTSEEK for (fdp = &outfile[PARTEMIT]; fdp < &outfile[NPARTS]; fdp++) if ((*fdp = open(outputname, WRITE)) < 0) fatal("can't write %s", outputname); #endif OUTSEEK } static struct outname * sectname(sectindex) int sectindex; { static struct outname namebuf; namebuf.on_foff = (long)0; /* No string name. */ namebuf.on_type = (S_MIN + sectindex) | S_SCT; namebuf.on_desc = 0; namebuf.on_valu = outsect[sectindex].os_base; return &namebuf; } /* * Write out the symbol table and the section names. */ end_write() { register ushort cnt; register struct outname *name; register int sectindex; extern ushort NGlobals; assert(!incore); assert(!(flagword & SFLAG)); cnt = NGlobals; name = (struct outname *)address(ALLOGLOB, (ind_t)0); while (cnt--) { if (name->on_foff != (long)0) { name->on_mptr = address(ALLOGCHR, (ind_t)name->on_foff); } else { name->on_mptr = (char *)0; } wrt_name(name); name++; } for (sectindex = 0; sectindex < outhead.oh_nsect; sectindex++) wrt_name(sectname(sectindex)); } static wrt_head(head) register struct outhead *head; { assert(!incore); OUTPART(PARTEMIT); if (bytes_reversed || words_reversed) swap((char *)head, SF_HEAD); OUTWRITE((char *)head, SZ_HEAD); /* * Swap back because we will need it again. */ if (bytes_reversed || words_reversed) swap((char *)head, SF_HEAD); } static wrt_sect(sect, cnt) register struct outsect *sect; register ushort cnt; { assert(!incore); OUTPART(PARTEMIT); while (cnt--) { if (bytes_reversed || words_reversed) swap((char *)sect, SF_SECT); OUTWRITE((char *)sect, SZ_SECT); /* * Swap back because we will need it again. */ if (bytes_reversed || words_reversed) swap((char *)sect, SF_SECT); sect++; } } /* * We don't have to worry about byte order here. */ wrt_emit(emit, sectindex, cnt) register char *emit; int sectindex; register long cnt; { register int n; assert(!incore); OUTPART(PARTEMIT); OUTSECT(sectindex); while (cnt) { n = cnt >= BUFSIZ ? BUFSIZ : cnt; OUTWRITE(emit, n); emit += n; cnt -= n; } } wrt_relo(relo) register struct outrelo *relo; { assert(!incore); assert(flagword & RFLAG); OUTPART(PARTRELO); if (bytes_reversed || words_reversed) swap((char *)relo, SF_RELO); OUTWRITE((char *)relo, SZ_RELO); } wrt_name(name) register struct outname *name; { assert(!incore); assert(!(flagword & SFLAG)); if (name->on_mptr != (char *)0) { register int len = strlen(name->on_mptr) + 1; OUTPART(PARTCHAR); OUTWRITE(name->on_mptr, len); name->on_foff = offchar; offchar += len; } else { name->on_foff = (long)0; } OUTPART(PARTNAME); if (bytes_reversed || words_reversed) swap((char *)name, SF_NAME); OUTWRITE((char *)name, SZ_NAME); } #ifdef SYMDBUG wrt_dbug(buf, size) char *buf; int size; { assert(!incore); assert(!(flagword & SFLAG)); OUTPART(PARTDBUG); OUTWRITE((char *)buf, size); } #endif SYMDBUG