#include "varargs.h" #include "decl.h" /* All the functions in this file will be called by the parser. */ extern char *strindex(); static struct Op_info { char *name, *type} op_info[ MAX_OPERANDS] = { { 0, 0}}; static int n_ops = 0; /* Number of opertands of current * assembly instruction. */ static char *assem_instr = 0; /* Name of the current assembly instr */ static Bool restriction = FALSE; /* Is there a restriction on the * current operand? */ File *outfile; save_instr( instr, len) char *instr; int len; { assem_instr = Salloc( instr, len + 1); } save_name( name, len) char *name; int len; { op_info[ n_ops].name = Salloc( name, len + 1); } save_type( type, len) char *type; int len; { op_info[ n_ops].type = Salloc( type, len + 1); restriction = TRUE; } pr_header() { out( "%s_instr", assem_instr); param_list(); out( "{\n"); save_mnem( assem_instr); } param_list() { int i; out( "("); if ( n_ops > 0) { out( " %s", op_info[0].name); for ( i = 1; i < n_ops; i++) out( ", %s", op_info[i].name); } out( ")\n"); if ( n_ops > 0) { out( "struct t_operand *%s", op_info[0].name); for ( i = 1; i < n_ops; i++) out( ", *%s", op_info[i].name); out( ";\n"); } } pr_restriction() { int i; Bool more = FALSE; if ( !restriction) return; out( "if ( "); for ( i = 0; i < n_ops; i++) if ( op_info[i].type != 0) { if ( more) out( " &&"); out( " %s( %s)", op_info[i].type, op_info[i].name); more = TRUE; } out( ") "); } pr_warning() { if ( restriction) out( "else\nerror( \"No match for %s\");\n", assem_instr); restriction = FALSE; } clear_restriction() { restriction = FALSE; } char *skip_string( str) char *str; /* returns position after the first '"'-charcter, look out for '\' escape * sequence */ { for ( str++; *str != '"' || *(str-1) == '\\'; str++); return( str + 1); } pr_subroutine( str) char *str; { out( "%s;\n", str); } #include <ctype.h> pr_call( str) char *str; /* Ouput 'str', but keep track of the number of bytes and take care of * conversions like %$. */ { if ( strncmp( "text", str, 4) == 0 && isdigit( *(str+4))) out( "cur_pos += %d;\n", *(str+4) - '0'); else if ( strncmp( "reloc", str, 5) == 0 && isdigit( *(str+5))) out( "cur_pos += %d;\n", *(str+5) - '0'); pr_text_with_conversions( str); out( "fprint( outfile, \";\");"); } pr_end() { out( "fprint( outfile, \"}\\n\");"); } pr_els() { out( "fprint( outfile, \"else\\n\");"); } pr_else() { out( "fprint( outfile, \"else {\\n\");"); } pr_question( quest) char *quest; { out( "fprint( outfile, \"if\");"); pr_text_with_conversions( quest); out( "fprint( outfile, \"{\\n\");"); } init_table() { outfile = STDOUT; out( "#include \"as.h\"\n"); out( "#include \"as_parser.h\"\n"); } clean() /* Free space, allocated during the parsing of an entry in 'as_table'. */ { int i; if ( assem_instr != 0) { free( assem_instr); assem_instr = 0; } for ( i = 0; i < n_ops; i++) { free( op_info[i].name); op_info[i].name = 0; if ( op_info[i].type != 0) { free( op_info[i].type); op_info[i].type = 0; } } n_ops = 0; } operand_clean() /* Free space for the operands */ { int i; for ( i = 0; i < n_ops; i++) { free( op_info[i].name); op_info[i].name = 0; if ( op_info[i].type != 0) { free( op_info[i].type); op_info[i].type = 0; } } n_ops = 0; } /*VARARGS*/ out(va_alist) va_dcl { va_list pvar; char *fmt; va_start(pvar); fmt = va_arg(pvar, char *); doprnt( outfile, fmt, pvar); va_end(pvar); } extern int nerrors; /*VARARGS*/ error(va_alist) va_dcl { char *fmt; va_list pvar; nerrors++; va_start(pvar); fmt = va_arg(pvar, char *); fprint( STDERR, "!! ERROR : "); doprnt( STDERR, fmt, pvar); fprint( STDERR, " !!\n"); va_end(pvar); } inc_ops() { n_ops++; } /**********************************/ char *mnemonic[ MAX_MNEMONICS]; int n_mnems = 0; save_mnem( mnem) char *mnem; { if ( n_mnems == MAX_MNEMONICS) error( "too many assembler instructions!! MAX_MNEMONICS = %d", MAX_MNEMONICS); else mnemonic[ n_mnems++] = Salloc( mnem, strlen( mnem) + 1); } end_table() /* Flush information in the array 'mnemonic' */ { int i; quicksort( 0, n_mnems - 1); out( "char *mnemonic[] = {\n"); for ( i = 0; i < n_mnems - 1; i++) out( "\t\"%s\",\n", mnemonic[i]); out( "\t\"%s\"};\n\n", mnemonic[ n_mnems-1]); out( "int (*instruction[])() = {\n"); for ( i = 0; i < n_mnems - 1; i++) out( "\t%s_instr,\n", mnemonic[i]); out( "\t%s_instr};\n\n", mnemonic[ n_mnems-1]); out( "int n_mnems = %d;\n", n_mnems); } quicksort( lower, upper) int lower, upper; /* Sort the array 'mnemonic'. */ { char *key, *tmp; int index1, index2; if ( lower >= upper) return; key = mnemonic[lower]; index1 = lower; index2 = upper+1; while ( index1 < index2) { do index1++; while (index1 <= upper && strcmp( mnemonic[index1], key) < 0 ); do index2--; while ( strcmp( mnemonic[index2], key) > 0); if ( index1 < index2) { tmp = mnemonic[index2]; mnemonic[index2] = mnemonic[index1]; mnemonic[index1] = tmp; } } mnemonic[lower] = mnemonic[index2]; mnemonic[index2] = key; quicksort( lower, index2-1); quicksort( index2+1, upper); }