 * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
 * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright".
/* $Id$ */

#include <cgg_cg.h> /* set_p, c3_p */

typedef struct cost {
	short ct_space;
	short ct_time;
} cost_t,*cost_p;

typedef struct {
	string ea_str;
	word ea_off;
} address_t;

typedef struct {
	int     t_token;        /* kind of token, -1 for register */
	union {
		word aw;	/* integer type */
		address_t aa;	/* address type */
		int ar;		/* register type */
	} t_att[TOKENSIZE];
} token_t,*token_p;

struct reginfo {
	int     r_repr;                 /* index in string table */
	int     r_size;                 /* size in bytes */
	int     r_members[MAXMEMBERS];  /* register contained within this reg */
	short	r_clash[REGSETSIZE];	/* set of clashing registers */
	int	r_iclash;		/* index in clashlist; other represen-
					   tation of r_clash
	int     r_refcount;             /* Times in use */
	token_t r_contents;             /* Current contents */
	int     r_tcount;               /* Temporary count difference */

#define clash(a,b) ((machregs[a].r_clash[(b)>>4]&(1<<((b)&017)))!=0)
#define clash(a,b) ((a)==(b))

typedef struct {
	int     t_size;                 /* size in bytes */
	cost_t  t_cost;                 /* cost in bytes and time */ 
	byte    t_type[TOKENSIZE];      /* types of attributes, TT_??? */
	int     t_format;               /* index of formatstring */
} tkdef_t,*tkdef_p;

struct emline {
	int     em_instr;
	int     em_optyp;
	string  em_soper;
	union {
		word    em_ioper;
		long	em_loper;
	} em_u;

#define OPNO 0
#define OPINT 1
#define OPSYMBOL 2

typedef struct {
	int rl_n;       /* number in list */
	int rl_list[NREGS];
} rl_t,*rl_p;

/* gencode.c */
void genstr(int);
string ad2str(address_t);
void gennl(void);
void prtoken(token_p, int);
#ifdef USE_TES
void printlabel(int);
/* move.c */
int move(token_p, token_p, int, int, unsigned);
void setcc(token_p);
int test(token_p, int, int, unsigned);
/* subr.c */
int match(token_p, set_p, int);
void instance(int, token_p);
int eqtoken(token_p, token_p);
int distance(int);
unsigned costcalc(cost_t);
int ssize(int);
int tsize(token_p);
void tref(token_p, int);
int in_stack(int);
int split(token_p, int *, int, int);
unsigned docoerc(token_p, c3_p, int, int, int);
unsigned stackupto(token_p, int, int);
c3_p findcoerc(token_p, set_p);