/* $Id$ */ /* * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright". */ /* S H A R E D F I L E * * G O . C * */ #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "types.h" #include "debug.h" #include "global.h" #include "get.h" #include "put.h" #include "lset.h" #include "map.h" #include "alloc.h" #include "go.h" #include "files.h" STATIC bool report_flag = FALSE; /* report #optimizations found? */ #ifdef DEBUG STATIC bool core_flag = FALSE; /* report core usage? */ #endif STATIC void mach_init(char* machfile, void (*phase_machinit)(void *)) { /* Read target machine dependent information */ FILE* f; f = openfile(machfile, "r"); fscanf(f, "%d", &ws); fscanf(f, "%d", &ps); if (ws != ps && ps != 2 * ws) error("illegal pointer size"); (*phase_machinit)(f); fclose(f); } void go(int argc, char * const *argv, void (*initialize)(void *), void (*optimize)(void *), void (*phase_machinit)(void *), void (*proc_flag)(void *)) { struct files* files = findfiles(argc, argv); FILE* f, *gf, *f2, *gf2; /* The EM input and output and * the basic block graphs input and output */ bblock_p g; line_p l; short kind; int i; char* p; bool time_opt = TRUE; linecount = 0; opterr = 0; for (;;) { int opt = getopt(files->argc, files->argv, "STM:CQV"); if (opt == -1) break; switch (opt) { case 'S': time_opt = FALSE; break; case 'T': time_opt = TRUE; break; case 'M': mach_init(optarg, phase_machinit); break; case 'C': #ifdef DEBUG core_flag = TRUE; #endif break; case 'Q': report_flag = TRUE; break; case 'V': verbose_flag = TRUE; break; case '?': proc_flag(argv[optind - 1]); break; } } time_space_ratio = (time_opt ? 100 : 0); fproc = getptable(files->pname_in); /* proc table */ fdblock = getdtable(files->dname_in); /* data block table */ (*initialize)(NULL); if (optimize == no_action) return; f = openfile(files->lname_in, "r"); gf = openfile(files->bname_in, "r"); f2 = openfile(files->lname_out, "w"); gf2 = openfile(files->bname_out, "w"); mesregs = Lempty_set(); while (getunit(gf, f, &kind, &g, &l, &curproc, TRUE)) { /* Read the control flow graph and EM text of * one procedure and optimize it. */ if (kind == LDATA) { putunit(LDATA, (proc_p)0, l, gf2, f2); continue; } OUTTRACE("flow graph of proc %d read", curproc->p_id); curproc->p_start = g; /* The global variable curproc points to the * current procedure. It is set by getgraph */ (*optimize)(curproc); putunit(LTEXT, curproc, (line_p)0, gf2, f2); /* output control flow graph + text */ OUTTRACE("graph of proc %d outputted", curproc->p_id); Ldeleteset(mesregs); mesregs = Lempty_set(); } fclose(f); fclose(f2); fclose(gf); fclose(gf2); f = openfile(files->dname_out, "w"); putdtable(fdblock, f); /* fclose(f); done by putdtable */ f = openfile(files->pname_out, "w"); putptable(fproc, f, TRUE); /* fclose(f); done by putptable */ core_usage(); } /* ARGSUSED */ void no_action(void *vp) {} void core_usage(void) { #ifdef DEBUG if (core_flag) { coreusage(); } #endif } void report(char* s, int n) { /* Report number of optimizations found, if report_flag is set */ if (report_flag) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %d\n", s, n); } }