/* $Header$ */ #include <stdio.h> fseek(iop, offset, where) FILE *iop; long offset; { int count; long lseek(); long pos; iop->_flags &= ~(IO_EOF | IO_ERR); /* Clear both the end of file and error flags */ if ( io_testflag(iop,IO_READMODE) ) { if ( where < 2 && iop->_buf && !io_testflag(iop,IO_UNBUFF) ) { count = iop->_count; pos = offset; if ( where == 0 ) pos += count - lseek(fileno(iop), 0L,1); else offset -= count; if ( count > 0 && pos <= count && pos >= iop->_buf - iop->_ptr ) { iop->_ptr += (int) pos; iop->_count -= (int) pos; return(0); } } pos = lseek(fileno(iop), offset, where); iop->_count = 0; } else if ( io_testflag(iop,IO_WRITEMODE) ) { fflush(iop); pos = lseek(fileno(iop), offset, where); } return((pos == -1) ? -1 : 0 ); }