/* * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright". */ /* $Header$ */ /* DECLARATION SYNTAX PARSER */ { #include "lint.h" #include "dbsymtab.h" #include <alloc.h> #include "nobitfield.h" #include "debug.h" #include "arith.h" #include "LLlex.h" #include "label.h" #include "code.h" #include "idf.h" #include "type.h" #include "struct.h" #include "field.h" #include "decspecs.h" #include "def.h" #include "declar.h" #include "label.h" #include "expr.h" #include "sizes.h" #include "level.h" #ifdef LINT #include "l_lint.h" #endif /* LINT */ extern char options[]; } /* 8 */ declaration {struct decspecs Ds;} : {Ds = null_decspecs;} decl_specifiers(&Ds) [%default /* missing identifier derailed parser */ init_declarator_list(&Ds) | empty ] ';' ; /* A `decl_specifiers' describes a sequence of a storage_class_specifier, an unsigned_specifier, a size_specifier and a simple type_specifier, which may occur in arbitrary order and each of which may be absent; at least one of them must be present, however, since the totally empty case has already be dealt with in `external_definition'. This means that something like: unsigned extern int short xx; is perfectly good C. On top of that, multiple occurrences of storage_class_specifiers, unsigned_specifiers and size_specifiers are errors, but a second type_specifier should end the decl_specifiers and be treated as the name to be declared (see the thin ice in RM11.1). Such a language is not easily expressed in a grammar; enumeration of the permutations is unattractive. We solve the problem by having a regular grammar for the "soft" items, handling the single occurrence of the type_specifier in the grammar (we have no choice), collecting all data in a `struct decspecs' and turning that data structure into what we want. The existence of declarations like short typedef yepp; makes all hope of writing a specific grammar for typedefs illusory. */ decl_specifiers /* non-empty */ (register struct decspecs *ds;) /* Reads a non-empty decl_specifiers and fills the struct decspecs *ds. */ : [ other_specifier(ds)+ [%if (DOT != IDENTIFIER || AHEAD == IDENTIFIER) /* the thin ice in R.M. 11.1 */ single_type_specifier(ds) other_specifier(ds)* | empty ] | single_type_specifier(ds) other_specifier(ds)* ] {do_decspecs(ds);} ; /* 8.1 */ other_specifier(register struct decspecs *ds;): [ AUTO | STATIC | EXTERN | TYPEDEF | REGISTER ] { if (ds->ds_sc_given) error("repeated storage class specifier"); ds->ds_sc_given = 1; ds->ds_sc = DOT; } | [ SHORT | LONG ] { if (ds->ds_size) error("repeated size specifier"); ds->ds_size = DOT; } | UNSIGNED { if (ds->ds_unsigned) error("unsigned specified twice"); ds->ds_unsigned = 1; } ; /* 8.2 */ type_specifier(struct type **tpp;) /* Used in struct/union declarations and in casts; only the type is relevant. */ {struct decspecs Ds; Ds = null_decspecs;} : decl_specifiers(&Ds) { if (Ds.ds_sc_given) error("storage class ignored"); if (Ds.ds_sc == REGISTER) error("register ignored"); } {*tpp = Ds.ds_type;} ; single_type_specifier(register struct decspecs *ds;): %default TYPE_IDENTIFIER /* this includes INT, CHAR, etc. */ {idf2type(dot.tk_idf, &ds->ds_type);} | IDENTIFIER { error("%s is not a type identifier", dot.tk_idf->id_text); ds->ds_type = error_type; if (dot.tk_idf->id_def) { dot.tk_idf->id_def->df_type = error_type; dot.tk_idf->id_def->df_sc = TYPEDEF; } } | struct_or_union_specifier(&ds->ds_type) | enum_specifier(&ds->ds_type) ; /* 8.3 */ init_declarator_list(struct decspecs *ds;): init_declarator(ds) [ ',' init_declarator(ds) ]* ; init_declarator(register struct decspecs *ds;) { struct declarator Dc; } : { Dc = null_declarator; } [ declarator(&Dc) { reject_params(&Dc); declare_idf(ds, &Dc, level); #ifdef LINT lint_declare_idf(Dc.dc_idf, ds->ds_sc); #endif /* LINT */ } [ initializer(Dc.dc_idf, ds->ds_sc) | { code_declaration(Dc.dc_idf, (struct expr *) 0, level, ds->ds_sc); } ] ] { #ifdef LINT add_auto(Dc.dc_idf); #endif /* LINT */ remove_declarator(&Dc); } ; /* 8.6: initializer */ initializer(struct idf *idf; int sc;) { struct expr *expr = (struct expr *) 0; int globalflag = level == L_GLOBAL || (level >= L_LOCAL && sc == STATIC); } : { if (idf->id_def->df_type->tp_fund == FUNCTION) { error("illegal initialization of function"); idf->id_def->df_type->tp_fund = ERRONEOUS; } if (level == L_FORMAL2) warning("illegal initialization of formal parameter (ignored)"); } '=' /* used to be optional because of V6 */ { #ifdef LINT lint_statement(); #endif /* LINT */ if (globalflag) { struct expr ex; code_declaration(idf, &ex, level, sc); } } initial_value(globalflag ? &(idf->id_def->df_type) : (struct type **)0, &expr) { if (! globalflag) { if (idf->id_def->df_type->tp_fund == FUNCTION) { free_expression(expr); expr = 0; } #ifdef DEBUG print_expr("initializer-expression", expr); #endif /* DEBUG */ #ifdef LINT change_state(idf, SET); #endif /* LINT */ #ifdef DBSYMTAB if (options['g'] && level >= L_LOCAL && expr) { db_line(expr->ex_file, (unsigned) expr->ex_line) ; } #endif /* DBSYMTAB */ code_declaration(idf, expr, level, sc); } #ifdef DBSYMTAB if (options['g'] && globalflag) { stb_string(idf->id_def, sc, idf->id_text); } #endif /* DBSYMTAB */ init_idf(idf); } ; /* Functions yielding pointers to functions must be declared as, e.g., int (*hehe(par1, par2))() char *par1, *par2; {} Since the function heading is read as a normal declarator, we just include the (formal) parameter list in the declarator description list dc. */ declarator(register struct declarator *dc;) { arith count; struct formal *fm = 0; } : primary_declarator(dc) [ '(' formal_list(&fm) ? /* semantic check later... */ ')' { add_decl_unary(dc, FUNCTION, (arith)0, fm); fm = 0; } | arrayer(&count) {add_decl_unary(dc, ARRAY, count, NO_PARAMS);} ]* | '*' declarator(dc) {add_decl_unary(dc, POINTER, (arith)0, NO_PARAMS);} ; primary_declarator(register struct declarator *dc;) : identifier(&dc->dc_idf) | '(' declarator(dc) ')' ; arrayer(arith *sizep;) { struct expr *expr; } : '[' [ constant_expression(&expr) { check_array_subscript(expr); *sizep = expr->VL_VALUE; free_expression(expr); } | empty { *sizep = (arith)-1; } ] ']' ; formal_list (struct formal **fmp;) : formal(fmp) [ %persistent ',' formal(fmp) ]* ; formal(struct formal **fmp;) {struct idf *idf; } : identifier(&idf) { register struct formal *new = new_formal(); new->fm_idf = idf; new->next = *fmp; *fmp = new; } ; /* Change 2 */ enum_specifier(register struct type **tpp;) { struct idf *idf; arith l = (arith)0; } : ENUM [ {declare_struct(ENUM, (struct idf *) 0, tpp);} enumerator_pack(*tpp, &l) | identifier(&idf) [ {declare_struct(ENUM, idf, tpp);} enumerator_pack(*tpp, &l) { #ifdef DBSYMTAB if (options['g']) { stb_tag(idf->id_enum, idf->id_text); } #endif /*DBSYMTAB */ } | {apply_struct(ENUM, idf, tpp);} empty ] ] ; enumerator_pack(register struct type *tp; arith *lp;) : '{' enumerator(tp, lp) [%while(AHEAD != '}') /* >>> conflict on ',' */ ',' enumerator(tp, lp) ]* ','? /* optional trailing comma */ '}' {tp->tp_size = int_size;} /* fancy implementations that put small enums in 1 byte or so should start here. */ ; enumerator(struct type *tp; arith *lp;) { struct idf *idf; struct expr *expr; } : identifier(&idf) [ '=' constant_expression(&expr) { *lp = expr->VL_VALUE; free_expression(expr); } ]? {declare_enum(tp, idf, (*lp)++);} ; /* 8.5 */ struct_or_union_specifier(register struct type **tpp;) { int fund; struct idf *idfX; register struct idf *idf; } : [ STRUCT | UNION ] {fund = DOT;} [ { declare_struct(fund, (struct idf *)0, tpp); } struct_declaration_pack(*tpp) | identifier(&idfX) { idf = idfX; } [ { declare_struct(fund, idf, tpp); (idf->id_struct->tg_busy)++; } struct_declaration_pack(*tpp) { (idf->id_struct->tg_busy)--; #ifdef DBSYMTAB if (options['g']) { stb_tag(idf->id_struct, idf->id_text); } #endif /*DBSYMTAB */ } | {apply_struct(fund, idf, tpp);} empty ] ] ; struct_declaration_pack(register struct type *stp;) { struct sdef **sdefp = &stp->tp_sdef; arith size = (arith)0; } : /* The size is only filled in after the whole struct has been read, to prevent recursive definitions. */ '{' struct_declaration(stp, &sdefp, &size)+ '}' {stp->tp_size = align(size, stp->tp_align);} ; struct_declaration(struct type *stp; struct sdef ***sdefpp; arith *szp;) {struct type *tp;} : type_specifier(&tp) struct_declarator_list(tp, stp, sdefpp, szp) [ /* in some standard UNIX compilers the semicolon is optional, would you believe! */ ';' | empty {warning("no semicolon after declarator");} ] ; struct_declarator_list(struct type *tp; struct type *stp; struct sdef ***sdefpp; arith *szp;) : struct_declarator(tp, stp, sdefpp, szp) [ ',' struct_declarator(tp, stp, sdefpp, szp) ]* ; struct_declarator(struct type *tp; struct type *stp; struct sdef ***sdefpp; arith *szp;) { struct declarator Dc; struct field *fd = 0; } : { Dc = null_declarator; } [ declarator(&Dc) {reject_params(&Dc);} bit_expression(&fd)? | {Dc.dc_idf = gen_idf();} bit_expression(&fd) ] {add_sel(stp, declare_type(tp, &Dc), Dc.dc_idf, sdefpp, szp, fd);} {remove_declarator(&Dc);} ; bit_expression(struct field **fd;) { struct expr *expr; } : { *fd = new_field(); } ':' constant_expression(&expr) { (*fd)->fd_width = expr->VL_VALUE; free_expression(expr); #ifdef NOBITFIELD error("bitfields are not implemented"); #endif /* NOBITFIELD */ } ; /* 8.7 */ cast(struct type **tpp;) {struct declarator Dc;} : {Dc = null_declarator;} '(' type_specifier(tpp) abstract_declarator(&Dc) ')' {*tpp = declare_type(*tpp, &Dc);} {remove_declarator(&Dc);} ; /* This code is an abject copy of that of 'declarator', for lack of a two-level grammar. */ abstract_declarator(register struct declarator *dc;) {arith count;} : primary_abstract_declarator(dc) [ '(' ')' {add_decl_unary(dc, FUNCTION, (arith)0, NO_PARAMS);} | arrayer(&count) {add_decl_unary(dc, ARRAY, count, NO_PARAMS);} ]* | '*' abstract_declarator(dc) {add_decl_unary(dc, POINTER, (arith)0, NO_PARAMS);} ; primary_abstract_declarator(struct declarator *dc;) : [%if (AHEAD == ')') empty | '(' abstract_declarator(dc) ')' ] ; empty: ; /* 8.8 */ /* included in the IDENTIFIER/TYPE_IDENTIFIER mechanism */