30-Sep-91  Ceriel Jacobs (ceriel) at dekschuit
	Adapted for ACK distribution

28-Oct-88  Dick Grune (dick) at dick
	The names of UNIX lint library files start with llib-l..., where the
	-l is the -l from -lc and -lm, a hack if there ever was one.  Our
	(ACK) lint library files now end in .llb.

 2-Sep-88  Dick Grune (dick) at dick
	Guided by lint itself, many functions have been declared PRIVATE.

 7-Aug-88  Dick Grune (dick) at dick
	About the class of an inpdef, often set-like questions are asked.
	To speed up answering these questions, a mapping has been created
	of the values of `class' onto answers to these questions.  See

 5-Aug-88  Dick Grune (dick) at dick
	Streamlined the program by rearranging the input sequence:
		- library
		- external defs
		- external decls
		- external usage
		- static defs
		- static usage
	This change to a much more natural order has been made possible by the
	introduction of the static file number.  Many pieces of code could
	now be taken together and the program is much cleaner now.

 8-Jul-88  Dick Grune (dick) at dick
	Added a special meta-type (also in lpass1) for non-negative
	constant actual arguments, because these may match both the signed
	and unsigned versions of the type.

 4-Jul-88  Dick Grune (dick) at dick
	Added a scope number, to avoid problems with static object defined
	in a .h file and used in the main file.  These should match but
	they didn't, since scope was checked by comparing file names.

28-Jun-88  Dick Grune (dick) at dick
	Do not print messages that originate from files whose names start
	with a /.

24-Jun-88  Dick Grune (dick) at dick
	Introduced a format %L to print location indications like
	"aap.c", line 31. report() does a printf-like analysis now.

18-Jun-88  Dick Grune (dick) at dick
	Rewrote messages (originals were copies of lint).

13-Jun-88  Dick Grune (dick) at dick
	Moved the file name to the end of the intermediate records, to
	avoid problems with files with : in their names.

11-May-88  Dick Grune (dick) at dick
	Received sources from Frans Kunst.

 * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
 * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright".
/* $Id$ */