/* * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright". */ #include "bem.h" #ifndef NORSCID static char rcs_id[] = "$Id$" ; #endif /* Here we find all routines dealing with pure EM code generation */ static int emlabel=1; label err_goto_label; genlabel() { return(emlabel++); } genemlabel() { int l; l=genlabel(); C_df_dlb((label)l); return(l); } int tronoff=0; newemblock(nr) int nr; { C_df_ilb((label)currline->emlabel); C_lin((arith)nr); if ( tronoff || traceflag) { C_loc((arith)nr); C_cal("_trace"); C_asp((arith)BEMINTSIZE); } } /* Handle data statements */ List *datalist=0; datastmt() { List *l,*l1; extern long sys_filesize(); /* NOSTRICT */ l= (List *) salloc(sizeof(List)); l->linenr= currline->linenr; l->emlabel = sys_filesize(datfname); if ( datalist==0) { datalist=l; } else { l1= datalist; while (l1->nextlist) l1= l1->nextlist; l1->nextlist=l; } } datatable() { List *l; int line=0; /* called at end to generate the data seek table */ C_exa_dnam("_seektab"); C_df_dnam("_seektab"); /* VRAAGTEKEN */ l= datalist; while (l) { C_rom_cst((arith)(l->linenr)); C_rom_cst((arith)(line++)); l= l->nextlist; } C_rom_cst((arith)0); C_rom_cst((arith)0); } /* ERROR and exception handling */ exceptstmt(lab) int lab; { /* exceptions to subroutines are supported only */ extern int gosubcnt; List *l; C_loc((arith)gosubcnt); l= (List *) gosublabel(); l->emlabel= gotolabel(lab); C_cal("_trpset"); C_asp((arith)BEMINTSIZE); } errorstmt(exprtype) int exprtype; { /* convert expression to a valid error number */ /* obtain the message and print it */ C_cal("error"); C_asp((arith)typesize(exprtype)); } /* BASIC IO */ openstmt(recsize) int recsize; { C_loc((arith)recsize); C_cal("_opnchn"); C_asp((arith)(2*BEMPTRSIZE+BEMINTSIZE)); } printstmt(exprtype) int exprtype; { switch(exprtype) { case INTTYPE: C_cal("_prinum"); C_asp((arith)typestring(INTTYPE)); break; case FLOATTYPE: case DOUBLETYPE: C_cal("_prfnum"); C_asp((arith)typestring(DOUBLETYPE)); break; case STRINGTYPE: C_cal("_prstr"); C_asp((arith)BEMPTRSIZE); break; case 0: /* result of tab function etc */ break; default: error("printstmt:unexpected"); } } zone(i) int i; { if ( i) C_cal("_zone"); } writestmt(exprtype,comma) int exprtype,comma; { if ( comma) C_cal("_wrcomma"); switch(exprtype) { case INTTYPE: C_cal("_wrint"); break; case FLOATTYPE: case DOUBLETYPE: C_cal("_wrflt"); break; case STRINGTYPE: C_cal("_wrstr"); break; default: error("printstmt:unexpected"); } C_asp((arith)BEMPTRSIZE); } restore(lab) int lab; { /* save this information too */ C_loc((arith)0); C_cal("_setchan"); C_asp((arith)BEMINTSIZE); C_loc((arith)lab); C_cal("_restore"); C_asp((arith)BEMINTSIZE); } prompt(qst) int qst; { setchannel(-1); C_cal("_prstr"); C_asp((arith)BEMPTRSIZE); if (qst) C_cal("_qstmark"); } linestmt(type) int type; { if ( type!= STRINGTYPE) error("String variable expected"); C_cal("_rdline"); C_asp((arith)BEMPTRSIZE); } readelm(type) int type; { switch(type) { case INTTYPE: C_cal("_readint"); break; case FLOATTYPE: case DOUBLETYPE: C_cal("_readflt"); break; case STRINGTYPE: C_cal("_readstr"); break; default: error("readelm:unexpected type"); } C_asp((arith)BEMPTRSIZE); } /* Swap exchanges the variable values */ swapstmt(ltype,rtype) int ltype, rtype; { if ( ltype!= rtype) error("Type mismatch"); else switch(ltype) { case INTTYPE: C_cal("_intswap"); break; case FLOATTYPE: case DOUBLETYPE: C_cal("_fltswap"); break; case STRINGTYPE: C_cal("_strswap"); break; default: error("swap:unexpected"); } C_asp((arith)(2*BEMPTRSIZE)); } /* input/output handling */ setchannel(val) int val; { /* obtain file descroption */ C_loc((arith)val); C_cal("_setchan"); C_asp((arith)BEMINTSIZE); } /* The if-then-else statements */ ifstmt(type) int type; { /* This BASIC follows the True= -1 rule */ int nr; nr= genlabel(); if ( type == INTTYPE) C_zeq((label)nr); else if ( type == FLOATTYPE || type == DOUBLETYPE ) { C_lae_dnam("fltnull",(arith)0); C_loi((arith)BEMFLTSIZE); C_cmf((arith)BEMFLTSIZE); C_zeq((label)nr); } else error("Integer or Float expected"); return(nr); } thenpart( elselab) int elselab; { int nr; nr=genlabel(); C_bra((label)nr); C_df_ilb((label)elselab); return(nr); } elsepart(lab)int lab; { C_df_ilb((label)lab); } /* generate code for the for-statement */ #define MAXFORDEPTH 20 struct FORSTRUCT{ Symbol *loopvar; /* loop variable */ int initaddress; int limitaddress; int stepaddress; int fortst; /* variable limit test */ int forinc; /* variable increment code */ int forout; /* end of loop */ } fortable[MAXFORDEPTH]; int forcnt= -1; forinit(s) Symbol *s; { int type; struct FORSTRUCT *f; dcltype(s); type= s->symtype; forcnt++; if ( (type!=INTTYPE && type!=FLOATTYPE && type!=DOUBLETYPE) || s->dimensions) error("Illegal loop variable"); if ( forcnt >=MAXFORDEPTH) error("too many for statements"); else { f=fortable+forcnt; f->loopvar=s; f->fortst=genlabel(); f->forinc=genlabel(); f->forout=genlabel(); /* generate space for temporary objects */ f->initaddress= dclspace(type); f->limitaddress= dclspace(type); f->stepaddress= dclspace(type); } } forexpr(type) int type; { /* save start value of loop variable in a save place*/ /* to avoid clashing with final value and step expression */ int result; result= fortable[forcnt].loopvar->symtype; conversion(type,result); storevar(fortable[forcnt].initaddress, result); } forlimit(type) int type; { /* save the limit value too*/ int result; result= fortable[forcnt].loopvar->symtype; conversion(type,result); storevar(fortable[forcnt].limitaddress, result); } forskipped(f) struct FORSTRUCT *f; { int type; type= f->loopvar->symtype; /* evaluate lower bound times sign of step */ C_lae_dlb((label)f->initaddress,(arith)0); loadvar(type); conversion(type,DOUBLETYPE); C_lae_dlb((label)f->stepaddress,(arith)0); loadvar(type); conversion(type,DOUBLETYPE); C_cal("_forsgn"); C_asp((arith)BEMFLTSIZE); C_lfr((arith)BEMINTSIZE); conversion(INTTYPE,DOUBLETYPE); C_mlf((arith)BEMFLTSIZE); /* evaluate higher bound times sign of step */ C_lae_dlb((label)f->limitaddress,(arith)0); loadvar(type); conversion(type,DOUBLETYPE); C_lae_dlb((label)f->stepaddress,(arith)0); loadvar(type); conversion(type,DOUBLETYPE); C_cal("_forsgn"); C_asp((arith)BEMFLTSIZE); C_lfr((arith)BEMINTSIZE); conversion(INTTYPE,DOUBLETYPE); C_mlf((arith)BEMFLTSIZE); /* skip condition */ C_cmf((arith)BEMFLTSIZE); C_zgt((label)f->forout); } forstep(type) int type; { int result; int varaddress; struct FORSTRUCT *f; f= fortable+forcnt; result= f->loopvar->symtype; varaddress= f->loopvar->symalias; conversion(type,result); storevar(f->stepaddress, result); /* all information available, generate for-loop head */ /* test for ingoring loop */ forskipped(f); /* set initial value */ C_lae_dlb((label)f->initaddress,(arith)0); loadvar(result); C_lae_dlb((label)varaddress,(arith)0); C_sti((arith)typestring(result)); C_bra((label)f->fortst); /* increment loop variable */ C_df_ilb((label)f->forinc); C_lae_dlb((label)varaddress,(arith)0); loadvar(result); C_lae_dlb((label)f->stepaddress,(arith)0); loadvar(result); if (result == INTTYPE) C_adi((arith)BEMINTSIZE); else C_adf((arith)BEMFLTSIZE); C_lae_dlb((label)varaddress,(arith)0); C_sti((arith)typestring(result)); /* test boundary */ C_df_ilb((label)f->fortst); C_lae_dlb((label)varaddress,(arith)0); loadvar(result); /* Start of NEW code */ C_lae_dlb((label)f->stepaddress,(arith)0); loadvar(result); conversion(result,DOUBLETYPE); C_cal("_forsgn"); C_asp((arith)BEMFLTSIZE); C_lfr((arith)BEMINTSIZE); conversion(INTTYPE,result); if ( result == INTTYPE ) C_mli((arith)BEMINTSIZE); else C_mlf((arith)BEMFLTSIZE); /* End of NEW code */ C_lae_dlb((label)f->limitaddress,(arith)0); loadvar(result); /* Start NEW code */ C_lae_dlb((label)f->stepaddress,(arith)0); loadvar(result); conversion(result,DOUBLETYPE); C_cal("_forsgn"); C_asp((arith)BEMFLTSIZE); C_lfr((arith)BEMINTSIZE); conversion(INTTYPE,result); if ( result == INTTYPE ) C_mli((arith)BEMINTSIZE); else C_mlf((arith)BEMFLTSIZE); /* End NEW code */ if (result == INTTYPE) C_cmi((arith)BEMINTSIZE); else C_cmf((arith)BEMFLTSIZE); C_zgt((label)f->forout); } nextstmt(s) Symbol *s; { if (forcnt>MAXFORDEPTH || forcnt<0 || (s && s!= fortable[forcnt].loopvar)) error("NEXT without FOR"); else { /* address of variable is on top of stack ! */ C_bra((label)fortable[forcnt].forinc); C_df_ilb((label)fortable[forcnt].forout); forcnt--; } } pokestmt(type1,type2) int type1,type2; { conversion(type1,INTTYPE); conversion(type2,INTTYPE); C_asp((arith)(2*BEMINTSIZE)); } /* generate code for the while statement */ #define MAXDEPTH 20 int whilecnt, whilelabels[MAXDEPTH][2]; /*0=head,1=out */ whilestart() { whilecnt++; if ( whilecnt==MAXDEPTH) fatal("too many nestings"); /* gendummy label in graph */ newblock(-1); whilelabels[whilecnt][0]= currline->emlabel; whilelabels[whilecnt][1]= genlabel(); C_df_ilb((label)whilelabels[whilecnt][0]); } whiletst(exprtype) int exprtype; { /* test expression type */ conversion(exprtype,INTTYPE); C_zeq((label)whilelabels[whilecnt][1]); } wend() { if ( whilecnt<1) error("not part of while statement"); else { C_bra((label)whilelabels[whilecnt][0]); C_df_ilb((label)whilelabels[whilecnt][1]); whilecnt--; } } /* generate code for the final version */ prologcode() { /* generate the EM prolog code */ C_df_dnam("fltnull"); C_con_cst((arith)0); C_con_cst((arith)0); C_con_cst((arith)0); C_con_cst((arith)0); C_df_dnam("dummy2"); C_con_cst((arith)0); C_con_cst((arith)0); C_con_cst((arith)0); C_con_cst((arith)0); /* NEW variable we make */ C_df_dnam("dummy3"); C_bss_dnam((arith)BEMPTRSIZE,"dummy3",(arith)0,0); C_df_dnam("tronoff"); C_con_cst((arith)0); C_df_dnam("dummy1"); C_con_cst((arith)0); C_con_cst((arith)0); C_con_cst((arith)0); C_con_cst((arith)0); C_exa_dnam("_iomode"); C_df_dnam("_iomode"); C_rom_scon("O",(arith)2); C_exa_dnam("_errsym"); C_df_dnam("_errsym"); C_bss_cst((arith)BEMINTSIZE,(arith)0,1); C_exa_dnam("_erlsym"); C_df_dnam("_erlsym"); C_bss_cst((arith)BEMINTSIZE,(arith)0,1); } prolog2() { int result; label l = genlabel(), l2; err_goto_label = genlabel(); C_exp("main"); C_pro("main",(arith)0); C_ms_par((arith)0); /* Trap handling */ C_cal("_ini_trp"); l2 = genemlabel(); C_rom_ilb(l); C_lae_dlb(l2, (arith) 0); C_loi((arith) BEMPTRSIZE); C_exa_dnam("trpbuf"); C_lae_dnam("trpbuf",(arith)0); C_cal("setjmp"); C_df_ilb(l); C_asp((arith)(BEMPTRSIZE+BEMPTRSIZE)); C_lfr((arith)BEMINTSIZE); C_dup((arith)BEMINTSIZE); C_zeq((label)0); C_lae_dnam("returns",(arith)0); C_csa((arith)BEMINTSIZE); C_df_ilb((label)0); C_asp((arith)BEMINTSIZE); result= sys_open(datfname, OP_WRITE, &datfile); if ( result==0 ) fatal("improper file creation permission"); gendata(); } /* NEW */ gendata() { C_loc((arith)0); C_cal("_setchan"); C_asp((arith)BEMINTSIZE); C_df_dnam("datfname"); C_rom_scon(datfname,(arith)strlen(datfname) + 1); /* EHB */ C_df_dnam("dattyp"); C_rom_scon("i\\0",(arith)4); C_df_dnam("datfdes"); C_rom_dnam("datfname",(arith)0); C_rom_cst((arith)1); C_rom_cst((arith)(itoa(strlen(datfname)))); C_df_dnam("dattdes"); C_rom_dnam("dattyp",(arith)0); C_rom_cst((arith)1); C_rom_cst((arith)1); C_lae_dnam("dattdes",(arith)0); C_lae_dnam("datfdes",(arith)0); C_loc((arith)0); C_cal("_opnchn"); C_asp((arith)(2*BEMPTRSIZE+BEMINTSIZE)); } epilogcode() { /* finalization code */ int nr; nr= genlabel(); C_bra((label)nr); genreturns(); C_df_ilb((label)nr); datatable(); /* NEW */ C_loc((arith)0); C_cal("_hlt"); C_df_ilb(err_goto_label); C_cal("_goto_err"); C_end((arith)0); }