/* * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright". */ /* $Header$ */ /* D E C L A R A T I O N S P E C I F I E R C H E C K I N G */ #include "nofloat.h" #include "Lpars.h" #include "decspecs.h" #include "arith.h" #include "type.h" #include "level.h" #include "def.h" #include "noRoption.h" extern char options[]; extern int level; extern char *symbol2str(); struct decspecs null_decspecs; do_decspecs(ds) register struct decspecs *ds; { /* The provisional decspecs ds as obtained from the program is turned into a legal consistent decspecs. */ register struct type *tp = ds->ds_type; if (level == L_FORMAL1) crash("do_decspecs"); if ( level == L_GLOBAL && (ds->ds_sc == AUTO || ds->ds_sc == REGISTER) ) { warning("no global %s variable allowed", symbol2str(ds->ds_sc)); ds->ds_sc = GLOBAL; } if (level == L_FORMAL2) { if (ds->ds_sc_given && ds->ds_sc != REGISTER){ error("%s formal illegal", symbol2str(ds->ds_sc)); ds->ds_sc = FORMAL; } } /* The tests concerning types require a full knowledge of the type and will have to be postponed to declare_idf. */ /* some adjustments as described in RM 8.2 */ if (tp == 0) { ds->ds_notypegiven = 1; tp = int_type; } switch (ds->ds_size) { case SHORT: if (tp == int_type) tp = short_type; else error("short with illegal type"); break; case LONG: if (tp == int_type) tp = long_type; else #ifndef NOFLOAT if (tp == float_type) tp = double_type; else #endif NOFLOAT error("long with illegal type"); break; } if (ds->ds_unsigned) { switch (tp->tp_fund) { case CHAR: #ifndef NOROPTION if (options['R']) warning("unsigned char not allowed"); #endif tp = uchar_type; break; case SHORT: #ifndef NOROPTION if (options['R']) warning("unsigned short not allowed"); #endif tp = ushort_type; break; case INT: tp = uint_type; break; case LONG: #ifndef NOROPTION if (options['R']) warning("unsigned long not allowed"); #endif tp = ulong_type; break; default: error("unsigned with illegal type"); break; } } ds->ds_type = tp; }