/* * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright". * * Author: Ceriel J.H. Jacobs */ /* D E C L A R A T I O N S */ /* $Id$ */ { #include "debug.h" #include <em_arith.h> #include <em_label.h> #include <alloc.h> #include <assert.h> #include "strict3rd.h" #include "idf.h" #include "LLlex.h" #include "def.h" #include "type.h" #include "scope.h" #include "node.h" #include "misc.h" #include "main.h" #include "chk_expr.h" #include "warning.h" #include "nostrict.h" int proclevel = 0; /* nesting level of procedures */ int return_occurred; /* set if a return occurs in a block */ extern t_node *EmptyStatement; #define needs_static_link() (proclevel > 1) } /* inline in declaration: need space * ProcedureDeclaration * { * t_def *df; * } : * { ++proclevel; } * ProcedureHeading(&df, D_PROCEDURE) * ';' block(&(df->prc_body)) * IDENT * { EndProc(df, dot.TOK_IDF); * --proclevel; * } * ; */ ProcedureHeading(t_def **pdf; int type;) { t_type *tp = 0; arith parmaddr = needs_static_link() ? pointer_size : 0; t_param *pr = 0; } : PROCEDURE IDENT { *pdf = DeclProc(type, dot.TOK_IDF); } [ '(' [ FPSection(&pr, &parmaddr) [ ';' FPSection(&pr, &parmaddr) ]* | ] ')' [ ':' qualtype(&tp) | ] | ] { CheckWithDef(*pdf, proc_type(tp, pr, parmaddr)); #ifndef NOSTRICT if (tp && IsConstructed(tp)) { warning(W_STRICT, "procedure \"%s\" has a constructed result type", (*pdf)->df_idf->id_text); } #endif } ; block(t_node **pnd;) : [ %persistent declaration ]* { return_occurred = 0; } [ %default BEGIN StatementSequence(pnd) | { *pnd = EmptyStatement; } ] END ; declaration { t_def *df; } : CONST [ ConstantDeclaration ';' ]* | TYPE [ TypeDeclaration ';' ]* | VAR [ VariableDeclaration ';' ]* | { ++proclevel; } ProcedureHeading(&df, D_PROCEDURE) { } ';' block(&(df->prc_body)) IDENT { EndProc(df, dot.TOK_IDF); --proclevel; } ';' | ModuleDeclaration ';' ; /* inline in procedureheading: need space * FormalParameters(t_param **ppr; arith *parmaddr; t_type **ptp;): * '(' * [ * FPSection(ppr, parmaddr) * [ * ';' FPSection(ppr, parmaddr) * ]* * | * ] * ')' * [ ':' qualtype(ptp) * | * ] * ; */ FPSection(t_param **ppr; arith *parmaddr;) { t_node *FPList; t_type *tp; int VARp; } : var(&VARp) IdentList(&FPList) ':' FormalType(&tp) { EnterParamList(ppr, FPList, tp, VARp, parmaddr); } ; FormalType(t_type **ptp;) /* index type of conformant array is "CARDINAL". Recognize a conformant array by size 0. */ { register t_type *tp; } : ARRAY OF { tp = construct_type(T_ARRAY, card_type); } qualtype(&(tp->arr_elem)) { ArrayElSize(tp); *ptp = tp; } | qualtype(ptp) ; TypeDeclaration { t_def *df; t_type *tp; register t_node *nd; }: IDENT { df = define(dot.TOK_IDF, CurrentScope, D_TYPE); nd = dot2leaf(Name); } '=' type(&tp) { DeclareType(nd, df, tp); FreeNode(nd); } ; type(register t_type **ptp;): %default SimpleType(ptp) | ArrayType(ptp) | RecordType(ptp) | SetType(ptp) | PointerType(ptp) | ProcedureType(ptp) ; SimpleType(register t_type **ptp;) : qualtype(ptp) [ /* nothing */ | SubrangeType(ptp) /* The subrange type is given a base type by the qualident (this is new modula-2). */ ] | enumeration(ptp) | { *ptp = 0; /* no qualification */ } SubrangeType(ptp) ; enumeration(t_type **ptp;) { t_node *EnumList; } : '(' IdentList(&EnumList) ')' { *ptp = enum_type(EnumList); } ; IdentList(t_node **p;) { register t_node *q; } : IDENT { *p = q = dot2leaf(Select); } [ %persistent ',' IDENT { q->nd_NEXT = dot2leaf(Select); q = q->nd_NEXT; } ]* ; SubrangeType(t_type **ptp;) { t_node *nd1, *nd2; }: /* This is not exactly the rule in the new report, but see the rule for "SimpleType". */ '[' ConstExpression(&nd1) UPTO ConstExpression(&nd2) ']' { *ptp = subr_type(nd1, nd2, *ptp); FreeNode(nd1); FreeNode(nd2); } ; ArrayType(t_type **ptp;) { t_type *tp; register t_type *tp1, *tp2; } : ARRAY SimpleType(&tp) { tp1 = tp2 = construct_type(T_ARRAY, tp); } [ ',' SimpleType(&tp) { tp2->arr_elem = construct_type(T_ARRAY, tp); tp2 = tp2->arr_elem; } ]* OF type(&tp) { tp2->arr_elem = tp; ArraySizes(tp1); *ptp = tp1; } ; RecordType(t_type **ptp;) { register t_scope *scope; arith size = 0; int xalign = struct_align; } : RECORD { scope = open_and_close_scope(OPENSCOPE); } FieldListSequence(scope, &size, &xalign) { if (size == 0) { warning(W_ORDINARY, "empty record declaration"); size = 1; } *ptp = standard_type(T_RECORD, xalign, align(size, xalign)); (*ptp)->rec_scope = scope; Reverse(&(scope->sc_def)); } END ; FieldListSequence(t_scope *scope; arith *cnt; int *palign;): FieldList(scope, cnt, palign) [ ';' FieldList(scope, cnt, palign) ]* ; FieldList(t_scope *scope; arith *cnt; int *palign;) { t_node *FldList; t_type *tp; t_node *nd; register t_def *df; arith tcnt, max; } : [ IdentList(&FldList) ':' type(&tp) { *palign = lcm(*palign, tp->tp_align); EnterFieldList(FldList, tp, scope, cnt); } | CASE /* Also accept old fashioned Modula-2 syntax, but give a warning. Sorry for the complicated code. */ [ qualident(&nd) [ ':' qualtype(&tp) /* This is correct, in both kinds of Modula-2, if the first qualident is a single identifier. */ { if (nd->nd_class != Name) { error("illegal variant tag"); } else { df = define(nd->nd_IDF, scope, D_FIELD); *palign = lcm(*palign, tp->tp_align); if (!(tp->tp_fund & T_DISCRETE)) { error("illegal type in variant"); } df->df_type = tp; df->fld_off = align(*cnt, tp->tp_align); *cnt = df->fld_off + tp->tp_size; df->df_flags |= D_QEXPORTED; } FreeNode(nd); } | /* Old fashioned! the first qualident now represents the type */ { #ifndef STRICT_3RD_ED if (! options['3']) warning(W_OLDFASHIONED, "old fashioned Modula-2 syntax; ':' missing"); else #endif error("':' missing"); tp = qualified_type(&nd); } ] | ':' qualtype(&tp) /* Aha, third edition. Well done! */ ] { tcnt = *cnt; } OF variant(scope, &tcnt, tp, palign) { max = tcnt; tcnt = *cnt; } [ '|' variant(scope, &tcnt, tp, palign) { if (tcnt > max) max = tcnt; tcnt = *cnt; } ]* [ ELSE FieldListSequence(scope, &tcnt, palign) { if (tcnt > max) max = tcnt; } | ] END { *cnt = max; } | ] ; variant(t_scope *scope; arith *cnt; t_type *tp; int *palign;) { t_node *nd; } : [ CaseLabelList(&tp, &nd) { /* Ignore the cases for the time being. Maybe a checking version will be supplied later ??? */ FreeNode(nd); } ':' FieldListSequence(scope, cnt, palign) | ] /* Changed rule in new modula-2 */ ; CaseLabelList(t_type **ptp; t_node **pnd;): CaseLabels(ptp, pnd) [ { *pnd = dot2node(Link, *pnd, NULLNODE); } ',' CaseLabels(ptp, &((*pnd)->nd_RIGHT)) { pnd = &((*pnd)->nd_RIGHT); } ]* ; CaseLabels(t_type **ptp; register t_node **pnd;) { register t_node *nd; }: ConstExpression(pnd) { if (*ptp != 0) { t_type *tp = intorcard(*ptp, BaseType((*pnd)->nd_type)); if (tp) *ptp = tp; ChkCompat(pnd, *ptp, "case label"); } nd = *pnd; nd->nd_type = BaseType(nd->nd_type); /* ??? */ if (! (nd->nd_type->tp_fund & T_DISCRETE) || nd->nd_type->tp_size > word_size) { node_error(nd, "illegal type in case label"); } } [ UPTO { *pnd = nd = dot2node(Link,nd,NULLNODE); nd->nd_type = nd->nd_LEFT->nd_type; } ConstExpression(&(*pnd)->nd_RIGHT) { if (!ChkCompat(&((*pnd)->nd_RIGHT), nd->nd_type, "case label")) { nd->nd_type = error_type; } else if (! chk_bounds(nd->nd_LEFT->nd_INT, nd->nd_RIGHT->nd_INT, nd->nd_type->tp_fund)) { node_error(nd, "lower bound exceeds upper bound in case label range"); } } | ] { *ptp = nd->nd_type; } ; SetType(t_type **ptp;) { t_type *tp; } : SET OF SimpleType(&tp) { *ptp = set_type(tp); } ; /* In a pointer type definition, the type pointed at does not have to be declared yet, so be careful about identifying type-identifiers. */ PointerType(register t_type **ptp;) { register t_type *tp; } : { tp = construct_type(T_POINTER, NULLTYPE); } POINTER TO [ %if (type_or_forward(tp)) type(&(tp->tp_next)) | IDENT ] { *ptp = tp; } ; qualtype(t_type **ptp;) { t_node *nd; } : qualident(&nd) { *ptp = qualified_type(&nd); } ; ProcedureType(t_type **ptp;) { t_param *pr = 0; arith parmaddr = 0; t_type *tp = 0; } : PROCEDURE [ FormalTypeList(&pr, &parmaddr, &tp) | ] { *ptp = proc_type(tp, pr, parmaddr); } ; FormalTypeList(t_param **ppr; arith *pparmaddr; t_type **ptp;) : '(' [ VarFormalType(ppr, pparmaddr) [ ',' VarFormalType(ppr, pparmaddr) ]* | ] ')' [ ':' qualtype(ptp) | ] ; VarFormalType(t_param **ppr; arith *pparmaddr;) { t_type *tp; int isvar; } : var(&isvar) FormalType(&tp) { EnterParamList(ppr,NULLNODE,tp,isvar,pparmaddr); } ; var(int *VARp;) : [ VAR { *VARp = D_VARPAR; } | /* empty */ { *VARp = D_VALPAR; } ] ; ConstantDeclaration { t_idf *id; t_node *nd; register t_def *df; }: IDENT { id = dot.TOK_IDF; } '=' ConstExpression(&nd) { df = define(id,CurrentScope,D_CONST); df->con_const = nd->nd_token; df->df_type = nd->nd_type; FreeNode(nd); } ; VariableDeclaration { t_node *VarList; register t_node *nd; t_type *tp; } : IdentAddr(&VarList) { nd = VarList; } [ %persistent ',' IdentAddr(&(nd->nd_RIGHT)) { nd = nd->nd_RIGHT; } ]* ':' type(&tp) { EnterVarList(VarList, tp, proclevel > 0); } ; IdentAddr(t_node **pnd;) { register t_node *nd; } : IDENT { nd = dot2leaf(Name); *pnd = dot2node(Link, nd, NULLNODE); } [ '[' ConstExpression(&(nd->nd_NEXT)) ']' | ] ;