-- $Source$
-- $State$

local d = ROOTDIR.."util/led/"

tool_led = cprogram {
	cfile (d.."archive.c"),
	cfile (d.."error.c"),
	cfile (d.."extract.c"),
	cfile (d.."finish.c"),
	cfile (d.."main.c"),
	cfile (d.."memory.c"),
	cfile (d.."output.c"),
	cfile (d.."read.c"),
	cfile (d.."relocate.c"),
	cfile (d.."save.c"),
	cfile (d.."scan.c"),
	cfile (d.."sym.c"),
	cfile (d.."write.c"),

	outputs = {"%U%/led"},
	install = {
		-- FIXME lib.bin in next line needs removing --- pm bug?
		pm.install(d.."ack.out.5", "%BINDIR%man/man5/ack.out.5"),
		pm.install(d.."led.6", "%BINDIR%man/man6/em_led.6"),
-- Revision history
-- $Log$
-- Revision 1.2  2006-07-22 20:52:44  dtrg
-- led now gets installed into the right place.
-- Revision 1.1  2006/07/22 20:04:41  dtrg
-- Added support for the led link editor.