.ps -2
.vs -2
boxwid = 1.5;
boxht = 0.24
box "actual parameter n-1";
box "." "." "." ht 0.6;
box "actual parameter 0";
move 0.3
box "return status block";
{arrow <- right with .w at last box.e; \
box invis wid 0.3 "LB" }
move to 2nd last box.s
move 0.1
box "local variables"
box "compiler temporaries"
move 0.1
box "register save block"
move 0.1
box "dynamic local generators"
move 0.1
box "operand"
box "operand"
move 0.1
box "parameter m-1"
box "." "." "." ht 0.6;
box "parameter 0" with .n at last box .s
{ arrow <- right with .w at last box.e; \
box invis wid 0.3 "SP" }
.ps +2
.vs +2