/* O V E R A L L S T R U C T U R E */ { static char *RcsId = "$Header$"; #include #include #include #include "main.h" #include "idf.h" #include "LLlex.h" #include "scope.h" #include "def.h" #include "type.h" #include "node.h" #include "debug.h" static int DEFofIMPL = 0; /* Flag indicating that we are currently parsing the definition module of the implementation module currently being compiled */ } /* The grammar as given by Wirth is already almost LL(1); the main problem is that the full form of a qualified designator may be: [ module_ident '.' ]* IDENT [ '.' field_ident ]* which is quite confusing to an LL(1) parser. Rather than resorting to context-sensitive techniques, I have decided to render this as: IDENT [ '.' IDENT ]* on the grounds that it is quite natural to consider the first IDENT to be the name of the object and regard the others as field identifiers. */ %lexical LLlex; %start CompUnit, CompilationUnit; %start DefModule, DefinitionModule; ModuleDeclaration { struct idf *id; register struct def *df; extern int proclevel; static int modulecount = 0; char buf[256]; extern char *sprint(), *Malloc(), *strcpy(); } : MODULE IDENT { id = dot.TOK_IDF; df = define(id, CurrentScope, D_MODULE); if (!df->mod_scope) { open_scope(CLOSEDSCOPE); df->mod_scope = CurrentScope; } else CurrentScope = df->mod_scope; df->df_type = standard_type(T_RECORD, 0, (arith) 0); df->df_type->rec_scope = df->mod_scope; df->mod_number = ++modulecount; sprint(buf, "__%d%s", df->mod_number, id->id_text); CurrentScope->sc_name = Malloc((unsigned) (strlen(buf) + 1)); strcpy(CurrentScope->sc_name, buf); C_ina_dnam(&buf[1]); C_inp(buf); } priority(&(df->mod_priority))? ';' import(1)* export(0)? block(&(df->mod_body)) IDENT { close_scope(SC_CHKFORW|SC_CHKPROC); match_id(id, dot.TOK_IDF); } ; priority(arith *pprio;) { struct node *nd; } : '[' ConstExpression(&nd) ']' { if (!(nd->nd_type->tp_fund & T_INTORCARD)) { node_error(nd, "Illegal priority"); } *pprio = nd->nd_INT; FreeNode(nd); } ; export(int def;) { struct node *ExportList; int QUALflag = 0; } : EXPORT [ QUALIFIED { QUALflag = 1; } ]? IdentList(&ExportList) ';' { if (!def) { Export(ExportList, QUALflag); } else { node_warning(ExportList, "export list in definition module ignored"); FreeNode(ExportList); } } ; import(int local;) { struct node *ImportList; struct node *id = 0; } : [ FROM IDENT { id = MkNode(Value, NULLNODE, NULLNODE, &dot); } ]? IMPORT IdentList(&ImportList) ';' /* When parsing a global module, this is the place where we must read already compiled definition modules. If the FROM clause is present, the identifier in it is a module name, otherwise the names in the import list are module names. */ { Import(ImportList, id, local); } ; DefinitionModule { register struct def *df; struct idf *id; } : DEFINITION MODULE IDENT { id = dot.TOK_IDF; df = define(id, GlobalScope, D_MODULE); if (!SYSTEMModule) open_scope(CLOSEDSCOPE); if (!Defined) Defined = df; df->mod_scope = CurrentScope; df->mod_number = 0; CurrentScope->sc_name = id->id_text; df->df_type = standard_type(T_RECORD, 0, (arith) 0); df->df_type->rec_scope = df->mod_scope; DefinitionModule++; DO_DEBUG(1, debug("Definition module \"%s\" %d", id->id_text, DefinitionModule)); } ';' import(0)* export(1)? /* New Modula-2 does not have export lists in definition modules. For the time being, we ignore export lists here, and a warning is issued. */ definition* END IDENT { if (DEFofIMPL) { /* Just read the definition module of the implementation module being compiled */ RemImports(&(CurrentScope->sc_def)); } df = CurrentScope->sc_def; while (df) { /* Make all definitions "QUALIFIED EXPORT" */ df->df_flags |= D_QEXPORTED; df = df->df_nextinscope; } if (!SYSTEMModule) close_scope(SC_CHKFORW); DefinitionModule--; match_id(id, dot.TOK_IDF); } '.' ; definition { struct def *df; } : CONST [ ConstantDeclaration Semicolon ]* | TYPE [ IDENT { df = define(dot.TOK_IDF, CurrentScope, D_TYPE); } [ '=' type(&(df->df_type)) | /* empty */ /* Here, the exported type has a hidden implementation. The export is said to be opaque. It is restricted to pointer types. */ { df->df_kind = D_HIDDEN; } ] Semicolon ]* | VAR [ VariableDeclaration Semicolon ]* | ProcedureHeading(&df, D_PROCHEAD) Semicolon ; Semicolon: ';' | { warning("; expected"); } ; ProgramModule(int state;) { struct idf *id; struct def *GetDefinitionModule(); register struct def *df; } : MODULE IDENT { id = dot.TOK_IDF; if (state == IMPLEMENTATION) { DEFofIMPL = 1; df = GetDefinitionModule(id); CurrentScope = df->mod_scope; DEFofIMPL = 0; } else { df = define(id, CurrentScope, D_MODULE); Defined = df; open_scope(CLOSEDSCOPE); df->mod_scope = CurrentScope; df->mod_number = 0; } } priority(&(df->mod_priority))? ';' import(0)* block(&(df->mod_body)) IDENT { close_scope(SC_CHKFORW|SC_CHKPROC); match_id(id, dot.TOK_IDF); } '.' ; Module { int state = PROGRAM; } : DefinitionModule | [ IMPLEMENTATION { state = IMPLEMENTATION; } ]? ProgramModule(state) ; CompilationUnit: Module ;