/* $Header$ */ /* * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright". */ /* U S E - D E F I N I T I O N A N A L Y S I S */ #include <stdio.h> #include "../share/types.h" #include "ud.h" #include "../share/debug.h" #include "../share/global.h" #include "../share/lset.h" #include "../share/cset.h" #include "../share/def.h" #include "../share/files.h" #include "../share/map.h" #include "../share/get.h" #include "../share/put.h" #include "../share/alloc.h" #include "../share/aux.h" #include "../share/init_glob.h" #include "../share/locals.h" #include "../share/go.h" #include "../../../h/em_spec.h" #include "ud_defs.h" #include "ud_const.h" #include "ud_copy.h" /* core allocation macros */ #define newudbx() (bext_p) newstruct(bext_ud) #define oldudbx(x) oldstruct(bext_ud,x) short nrglobals; short nrvars; int Svalue,Svariable; cond_p globl_cond_tab,local_cond_tab; STATIC cond_p getcondtab(f) FILE *f; { int l,i; cond_p tab; fscanf(f,"%d",&l); tab = newcondtab(l); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { fscanf(f,"%hd %hd %hd",&tab[i].mc_cond,&tab[i].mc_tval, &tab[i].mc_sval); } assert(tab[l-1].mc_cond == DEFAULT); return tab; } STATIC ud_machinit(f) FILE *f; { char s[100]; for (;;) { while(getc(f) != '\n'); fscanf(f,"%s",s); if (strcmp(s,"%%UD") == 0)break; } globl_cond_tab = getcondtab(f); local_cond_tab = getcondtab(f); } STATIC bool test_cond(cond,val) short cond; offset val; { switch(cond) { case DEFAULT: return TRUE; case FITBYTE: return val >= -128 && val < 128; } assert(FALSE); /* NOTREACHED */ } STATIC short map_value(tab,val,time) struct cond_tab tab[]; offset val; bool time; { cond_p p; for (p = &tab[0]; ; p++) { if (test_cond(p->mc_cond,val)) { return (time ? p->mc_tval : p->mc_sval); } } } STATIC init_root(root) bblock_p root; { /* Initialise the IN OUT sets of the entry block of the * current procedure. Global variables and parameters * already have a value at this point, although we do * not know which value. Therefor, implicit definitions * to all global variables and parameters are * put in IN. */ short v; for (v = 1; v <= nrglobals; v++) { Cadd(IMPLICIT_DEF(GLOB_TO_VARNR(v)), &IN(root)); } for (v = 1; v <= nrlocals; v++) { if (locals[v]->lc_off >= 0) { Cadd(IMPLICIT_DEF(LOC_TO_VARNR(v)),&IN(root)); } } /* OUT(root) = IN(root) - KILL(root) + GEN(root) */ Ccopy_set(IN(root),&OUT(root)); Csubtract(KILL(root),&OUT(root)); Cjoin(GEN(root),&OUT(root)); } STATIC unite_outs(bbset,setp) lset bbset; cset *setp; { /* Take the union of OUT(b), for all b in bbset, * and put the result in setp. */ Lindex i; Cclear_set(setp); for (i = Lfirst(bbset); i != (Lindex) 0; i = Lnext(i,bbset)) { Cjoin(OUT((bblock_p) Lelem(i)), setp); } } STATIC solve_equations(p) proc_p p; { /* Solve the data flow equations for reaching * definitions of procedure p. * These equations are: * (1) OUT(b) = IN(b) - KILL(b) + GEN(b) * (2) IN(b) = OUT(p1) + .. + OUT(pn) ; * where PRED(b) = {p1, .. , pn} * We use the iterative algorithm of Aho&Ullman to * solve the equations. */ register bblock_p b; bool change; cset newin; /* initializations */ newin = Cempty_set(nrdefs); for (b = p->p_start; b != (bblock_p) 0; b = b->b_next) { IN(b) = Cempty_set(nrdefs); OUT(b) = Cempty_set(nrdefs); Ccopy_set(GEN(b), &OUT(b)); } init_root(p->p_start); /* Global variables and parameters have already a value * at the procedure entry block. */ change = TRUE; /* main loop */ while (change) { change = FALSE; for (b = p->p_start->b_next; b != (bblock_p) 0; b = b->b_next) { unite_outs(b->b_pred, &newin); /* newin = OUT(p1) + .. + OUT(pn) */ if (!Cequal(newin,IN(b))) { change = TRUE; Ccopy_set(newin, &IN(b)); Ccopy_set(IN(b), &OUT(b)); Csubtract(KILL(b), &OUT(b)); Cjoin(GEN(b), &OUT(b)); } } } for (b = p->p_start; b != (bblock_p) 0; b = b->b_next) { Cdeleteset(KILL(b)); Cdeleteset(OUT(b)); } Cdeleteset(newin); } short global_addr_cost() { return add_timespace(map_value(globl_cond_tab,(offset) 0,TRUE), map_value(globl_cond_tab,(offset) 0,FALSE)); } short local_addr_cost(off) offset off; { return add_timespace(map_value(local_cond_tab,off,TRUE), map_value(local_cond_tab,off,FALSE)); } STATIC bool fold_is_desirable(old,new) line_p old,new; { /* See if it is desirable to replace the variable used by the * EM instruction 'old' by the variable used by 'new'. * We do not replace 'cheaply addressable variables' by 'expensively * addressable variables'. E.g. if we're optimizing object code size, * we do not replace a local variable by a global variable on a VAX, * because the former occupies 1 or 2 bytes and the latter occupies * 4 bytes. * If 2 local variables are equally expensive to address, we replace * the first one by the second only if the first one is used at * least as many times as the second one. */ local_p oldloc,newloc; short old_cost,new_cost,nr; bool ok; if (TYPE(old) == OPOBJECT) { /* old variable is a global variable */ return TYPE(new) != OPOBJECT && global_addr_cost() >= local_addr_cost(off_set(new)); } find_local(off_set(old),&nr,&ok); assert(ok); oldloc = locals[nr]; old_cost = local_addr_cost(off_set(old)); if (TYPE(new) == OPOBJECT) { return oldloc->lc_score == 2 || /* old var. can be eliminated */ old_cost > global_addr_cost(); } find_local(off_set(new),&nr,&ok); assert(ok); newloc = locals[nr]; new_cost = local_addr_cost(off_set(new)); return old_cost > new_cost || (old_cost == new_cost && oldloc->lc_score < newloc->lc_score); } #ifdef TRACE /*********** TRACING ROUTINES ***********/ pr_localtab() { short i; local_p lc; printf("LOCAL-TABLE (%d)\n\n",nrlocals); for (i = 1; i <= nrlocals; i++) { lc = locals[i]; printf("LOCAL %d\n",i); printf(" offset= %ld\n",lc->lc_off); printf(" size= %d\n",lc->lc_size); printf(" flags= %d\n",lc->lc_flags); } } pr_globals() { dblock_p d; obj_p obj; printf("GLOBALS (%d)\n\n",nrglobals); printf("ID GLOBNR\n"); for (d = fdblock; d != (dblock_p) 0; d = d->d_next) { for (obj = d->d_objlist; obj != (obj_p) 0; obj = obj->o_next) { if (obj->o_globnr != 0) { printf("%d %d\n", obj->o_id,obj->o_globnr); } } } } extern char em_mnem[]; pr_defs() { short i; line_p l; printf("DEF TABLE\n\n"); for (i = 1; i <= nrexpldefs; i++) { l = defs[i]; printf("%d %s ",EXPL_TO_DEFNR(i), &em_mnem[(INSTR(l)-sp_fmnem)*4]); switch(TYPE(l)) { case OPSHORT: printf("%d\n",SHORT(l)); break; case OPOFFSET: printf("%ld\n",OFFSET(l)); break; case OPOBJECT: printf("%d\n",OBJ(l)->o_id); break; default: assert(FALSE); } } } pr_set(name,k,s,n) char *name; cset s; short k,n; { short i; printf("%s(%d) = {",name,k); for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { if (Cis_elem(i,s)) { printf("%d ",i); } } printf ("}\n"); } pr_blocks(p) proc_p p; { bblock_p b; short n; for (b = p->p_start; b != 0; b = b->b_next) { printf ("\n"); n = b->b_id; pr_set("GEN",n,GEN(b),nrdefs); pr_set("KILL",n,KILL(b),nrdefs); pr_set("IN ",n,IN(b),nrdefs); pr_set("OUT",n,OUT(b),nrdefs); pr_set("CHGVARS",n,CHGVARS(b),nrvars); } } pr_copies() { short i; printf("\nCOPY TABLE\n\n"); for (i = 1; i <= nrdefs; i++) { if (def_to_copynr[i] != 0) { printf("%d %d\n",i,def_to_copynr[i]); } } } pr_cblocks(p) proc_p p; { bblock_p b; short n; for (b = p->p_start; b != 0; b = b->b_next) { printf ("\n"); n = b->b_id; pr_set("CGEN",n,C_GEN(b),nrcopies); pr_set("CKILL",n,C_KILL(b),nrcopies); pr_set("CIN ",n,C_IN(b),nrcopies); pr_set("COUT",n,C_OUT(b),nrcopies); } } /*********** END TRACING ********/ #endif STATIC ud_analysis(p) proc_p p; { /* Perform use-definition analysis on procedure p */ make_localtab(p); /* See for which local we'll keep ud-info */ #ifdef TRACE pr_localtab(); #endif nrvars = nrglobals + nrlocals; make_defs(p); /* Make a table of all useful definitions in p */ #ifdef TRACE pr_defs(); #endif nrdefs = nrexpldefs + nrvars; /* number of definitions */ gen_sets(p); /* compute GEN(b), for every basic block b */ kill_sets(p); /* compute KILL(b), for every basic block b */ solve_equations(p); /* solve data flow equations for p */ #ifdef TRACE pr_blocks(p); #endif } STATIC clean_maps() { local_p *p; cset *v; oldmap(defs,nrexpldefs); for (p = &locals[1]; p <= &locals[nrlocals]; p++) { oldlocal(*p); } oldmap(locals,nrlocals); for (v = &vardefs[1]; v <= &vardefs[nrvars]; v++) { Cdeleteset(*v); } oldmap(vardefs,nrvars); } STATIC bool try_optim(l,b) line_p l; bblock_p b; { /* Try copy propagation and constant propagation */ line_p def; offset val; short defnr; if (is_use(l) && (def = unique_def(l,b,&defnr)) != (line_p) 0) { if (is_copy(def)) { if (value_retained(def,defnr,l,b) && fold_is_desirable(l,PREV(def))) { fold_var(l,PREV(def),b); OUTVERBOSE("vp:variable folded in proc %d", curproc->p_id,0); Svariable++; return TRUE; } } else { if (value_known(def,&val)) { fold_const(l,b,val); OUTVERBOSE("vp:value folded in proc %d", curproc->p_id,0); Svalue++; return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; } value_propagation(p) proc_p p; { /* Apply value propagation to procedure p */ bool changes; bblock_p b; line_p l, next; changes = TRUE; /* If a statement like A := B is folded to A := constant, * new opportunities for constant folding may arise, * e.g. the value of A might be statically known too now. */ while (changes) { changes = FALSE; for (b = p->p_start; b != (bblock_p) 0; b = b->b_next) { for (l = b->b_start; l != (line_p) 0; l = next) { next = l->l_next; if (try_optim(l,b)) { changes = TRUE; } } } } oldmap(copies,nrcopies); oldtable(def_to_copynr,nrdefs); } STATIC ud_extend(p) proc_p p; { /* Allocate extended data structures for Use Definition analysis */ register bblock_p b; for (b = p->p_start; b != (bblock_p) 0; b = b->b_next) { b->b_extend = newudbx(); } } STATIC ud_cleanup(p) proc_p p; { /* Deallocate extended data structures for Use Definition analysis */ register bblock_p b; for (b = p->p_start; b != (bblock_p) 0; b = b->b_next) { Cdeleteset(GEN(b)); Cdeleteset(IN(b)); Cdeleteset(C_GEN(b)); Cdeleteset(C_KILL(b)); Cdeleteset(C_IN(b)); Cdeleteset(C_OUT(b)); Cdeleteset(CHGVARS(b)); oldudbx(b->b_extend); } } ud_optimize(p) proc_p p; { ud_extend(p); locals = (local_p *) 0; vardefs = (cset *) 0; defs = (line_p *) 0; ud_analysis(p); copy_analysis(p); #ifdef TRACE pr_copies(); pr_cblocks(p); #endif value_propagation(p); ud_cleanup(p); clean_maps(); } main(argc,argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { go(argc,argv,init_globals,ud_optimize,ud_machinit,no_action); report("values folded",Svalue); report("variables folded",Svariable); exit(0); }