/* $Header$ */ /* * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright". */ extern bool anal_params(); /* (call_p c) * See which parameters of the call * may be expanded in line. * If the formals and actuals do not * match, return FALSE */ extern assign_ratio(); /* (call_p c) * Assigna ratio number to the call, * indicating how desirable it is to * expand the call in line. */ extern call_p abstract(); /* (call_p c) * Abstract essential information from * the call. */ extern select_calls(); /* (call_p alist; FILE *ccf;short space) * Select the best calls to be expanded. * Every procedure gets a list of * selected calls appearing in it. * space is the amount of space that the * program is allowed to grow * (expressed in number of EM instructions). */ extern cleancals(); /* (proc_p plist) * Remove all calls that were not selected. */ extern add_actuals(); /* (proc_p plist; FILE *cfile) * Add the actual parameters to the descriptor abstracts * of the selected calls. * the calfile contains the full descriptors of all * calls. * These two are combined to yield a file of full * descriptors of the selected calls. */ extern append_abstract(); /* (call_p a; proc_p p) * Put the call-descriptor abstract in the p_cals * list of p. */