.\" $Header$
.TH M68K2_AS 1
m68k2_as \- assembler for Motorola 68000
/usr/em/lib/m68k2_as [options] argument ...
/usr/em/lib/m68k4_as [options] argument ...
This assembler is made with the general framework
described in \fIuni_ass\fP(6).
.IP registers
The 68000 has the following registers:
seven data-registers (d1 - d7), seven address-registers (a1 - a6, sp)
of which sp is the system stack pointer, a program counter (pc),
a status register (sr), and a condition codes register (ccr) which is actually
just the low order byte of the status register.
.IP "addressing modes"
.ta 8 16 24 32 40 48
syntax		meaning (name)

reg		contents of `reg' is operand, where `reg' is
		one of the registers mentioned above (register direct)

(areg)		contents of `areg' is address of operand, where
		`areg' is an address-register
		(address register indirect)

(areg)+		same as (areg), but after the address is used,
		`areg' is incremented by the operand length

-(areg)		same as (areg), but before the address is used,
		`areg' is decremented by the operand length

expr(pc)	`expr' + the contents of the register yields the
		address of the operand (displacement)

expr(areg, ireg)
expr(pc, ireg)	`expr' + the contents of the register + the contents
		of `ireg' yields the address of the operand. `ireg' is
		an address- or a data-register.
		`ireg' may be followed by .w or .l indicating whether
		the size of the index is a word or a long
		(displacement with index)

expr		`expr' is the address of the operand
		(absolute address)

#expr		`expr' is the operand (immediate)

Some instructions have as operand a register list. This list consists of 
one or more ranges of registers separated by '/'s. A register range consists
of either one register (e.g. d3) or two registers separated by a '-'
(e.g. a2-a4, or d4-d5). The two registers must be in the same set (address-
or data-registers) and the first must have a lower number than the second.
.IP instructions
Some instructions can have a byte, word, or longword operand.
This may be indicated by prepending the mnemonic with .b, .w, or .l
respectively. Default is .w.
MC68000 16-bit microprocessor User's manual, Motorola Inc, 1979 
.sp 2
.ta 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64
	.define	.cii
		movem.l	a0/d0/d1,.savreg
		move.l	(sp)+,a0	! return address
		move	(sp)+,d0	! destination size
		sub	(sp)+,d0	! destination - source size
		bgt	1f
		sub	d0,sp		! pop extra bytes
		bra	3f
		move	(sp),d1
		ext.l	d1
		swap	d1
		asr	#1,d0
		move.w	d1,-(sp)
		sub	#1,d0
		bgt	2b
		move.l	a0,-(sp)
		movem.l	.savreg,a0/d0/d1