(*$R-*) IMPLEMENTATION MODULE CSP; (* From "A Modula-2 Implementation of CSP", M. Collado, R. Morales, J.J. Moreno, SIGPlan Notices, Volume 22, Number 6, June 1987. See this article for an explanation of the use of this module. *) FROM random IMPORT Uniform; FROM SYSTEM IMPORT BYTE, TSIZE, ADDRESS, ADR, NEWPROCESS, TRANSFER; FROM Storage IMPORT ALLOCATE, DEALLOCATE; IMPORT Traps; CONST WorkSpaceSize = 1000; TYPE ByteAddress = POINTER TO BYTE; Channel = POINTER TO ChannelDescriptor; ProcessType = POINTER TO ProcessDescriptor; ProcessDescriptor = RECORD next: ProcessType; father: ProcessType; cor: ADDRESS; wsp: ADDRESS; guardindex: INTEGER; guardno: CARDINAL; guardcount: CARDINAL; opened: Channel; sons: CARDINAL; msgadr: ADDRESS; msglen: CARDINAL; END; Queue = RECORD head, tail: ProcessType; END; ChannelDescriptor = RECORD senders: Queue; owner: ProcessType; guardindex: INTEGER; next: Channel; END; VAR cp: ProcessType; free, ready: Queue; (* ------------ Private modules and procedures ------------- *) MODULE ProcessQueue; IMPORT ProcessType, Queue; EXPORT Push, Pop, InitQueue, IsEmpty; PROCEDURE InitQueue(VAR q: Queue); BEGIN WITH q DO head := NIL; tail := NIL END END InitQueue; PROCEDURE Push(p: ProcessType; VAR q: Queue); BEGIN p^.next := NIL; WITH q DO IF head = NIL THEN tail := p ELSE head^.next := p END; head := p END END Push; PROCEDURE Pop(VAR q: Queue; VAR p: ProcessType); BEGIN WITH q DO p := tail; IF p # NIL THEN tail := tail^.next; IF head = p THEN head := NIL END END END END Pop; PROCEDURE IsEmpty(q: Queue): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN q.head = NIL END IsEmpty; END ProcessQueue; PROCEDURE DoTransfer; VAR aux: ProcessType; BEGIN aux := cp; Pop(ready, cp); IF cp = NIL THEN HALT ELSE TRANSFER(aux^.cor, cp^.cor) END END DoTransfer; PROCEDURE OpenChannel(ch: Channel; n: INTEGER); BEGIN WITH ch^ DO IF guardindex = 0 THEN guardindex := n; next := cp^.opened; cp^.opened := ch END END END OpenChannel; PROCEDURE CloseChannels(p: ProcessType); BEGIN WITH p^ DO WHILE opened # NIL DO opened^.guardindex := 0; opened := opened^.next END END END CloseChannels; PROCEDURE ThereAreOpenChannels(): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN cp^.opened # NIL; END ThereAreOpenChannels; PROCEDURE Sending(ch: Channel): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN NOT IsEmpty(ch^.senders) END Sending; (* -------------- Public Procedures ----------------- *) PROCEDURE COBEGIN; (* Beginning of a COBEGIN .. COEND structure *) BEGIN END COBEGIN; PROCEDURE COEND; (* End of a COBEGIN .. COEND structure *) (* VAR aux: ProcessType; *) BEGIN IF cp^.sons > 0 THEN DoTransfer END END COEND; PROCEDURE StartProcess(P: PROC); (* Start an anonimous process that executes the procedure P *) VAR newprocess: ProcessType; BEGIN Pop(free, newprocess); IF newprocess = NIL THEN ALLOCATE(newprocess,SIZE(ProcessDescriptor)); ALLOCATE(newprocess^.wsp, WorkSpaceSize) END; WITH newprocess^ DO father := cp; sons := 0; msglen := 0; NEWPROCESS(P, wsp, WorkSpaceSize, cor) END; cp^.sons := cp^.sons + 1; Push(newprocess, ready) END StartProcess; PROCEDURE StopProcess; (* Terminate a Process (itself) *) VAR aux: ProcessType; BEGIN aux := cp^.father; aux^.sons := aux^.sons - 1; IF aux^.sons = 0 THEN Push(aux, ready) END; aux := cp; Push(aux, free); Pop(ready, cp); IF cp = NIL THEN HALT ELSE TRANSFER(aux^.cor, cp^.cor) END END StopProcess; PROCEDURE InitChannel(VAR ch: Channel); (* Initialize the channel ch *) BEGIN ALLOCATE(ch, SIZE(ChannelDescriptor)); WITH ch^ DO InitQueue(senders); owner := NIL; next := NIL; guardindex := 0 END END InitChannel; PROCEDURE GetChannel(ch: Channel); (* Assign the channel ch to the process that gets it *) BEGIN WITH ch^ DO IF owner # NIL THEN Traps.Message("Channel already has an owner"); HALT END; owner := cp END END GetChannel; PROCEDURE Send(data: ARRAY OF BYTE; VAR ch: Channel); (* Send a message with the data to the cvhannel ch *) VAR m: ByteAddress; (* aux: ProcessType; *) i: CARDINAL; BEGIN WITH ch^ DO Push(cp, senders); ALLOCATE(cp^.msgadr, SIZE(data)); m := cp^.msgadr; cp^.msglen := HIGH(data); FOR i := 0 TO HIGH(data) DO m^ := data[i]; m := ADDRESS(m) + 1 END; IF guardindex # 0 THEN owner^.guardindex := guardindex; CloseChannels(owner); Push(owner, ready) END END; DoTransfer END Send; PROCEDURE Receive(VAR ch: Channel; VAR dest: ARRAY OF BYTE); (* Receive a message from the channel ch into the dest variable *) VAR aux: ProcessType; m: ByteAddress; i: CARDINAL; BEGIN WITH ch^ DO IF cp # owner THEN Traps.Message("Only owner of channel can receive from it"); HALT END; IF Sending(ch) THEN Pop(senders, aux); m := aux^.msgadr; FOR i := 0 TO aux^.msglen DO dest[i] := m^; m := ADDRESS(m) + 1 END; Push(aux, ready); Push(cp, ready); CloseChannels(cp) ELSE OpenChannel(ch, -1); DoTransfer; Pop(senders, aux); m := aux^.msgadr; FOR i := 0 TO aux^.msglen DO dest[i] := m^; m := ADDRESS(m) + 1 END; Push(cp, ready); Push(aux, ready) END; DEALLOCATE(aux^.msgadr, aux^.msglen+1); DoTransfer END END Receive; PROCEDURE SELECT(n: CARDINAL); (* Beginning of a SELECT structure with n guards *) BEGIN cp^.guardindex := Uniform(1,n); cp^.guardno := n; cp^.guardcount := n END SELECT; PROCEDURE NEXTGUARD(): CARDINAL; (* Returns an index to the next guard to be evaluated in a SELECT *) BEGIN RETURN cp^.guardindex END NEXTGUARD; PROCEDURE GUARD(cond: BOOLEAN; ch: Channel; VAR dest: ARRAY OF BYTE): BOOLEAN; (* Evaluates a guard, including reception management *) (* VAR aux: ProcessType; *) BEGIN IF NOT cond THEN RETURN FALSE ELSIF ch = NIL THEN CloseChannels(cp); cp^.guardindex := 0; RETURN TRUE ELSIF Sending(ch) THEN Receive(ch, dest); cp^.guardindex := 0; RETURN TRUE ELSE OpenChannel(ch, cp^.guardindex); RETURN FALSE END END GUARD; PROCEDURE ENDSELECT(): BOOLEAN; (* End of a SELECT structure *) BEGIN WITH cp^ DO IF guardindex <= 0 THEN RETURN TRUE END; guardcount := guardcount - 1; IF guardcount # 0 THEN guardindex := (guardindex MOD INTEGER(guardno)) + 1 ELSIF ThereAreOpenChannels() THEN DoTransfer ELSE guardindex := 0 END END; RETURN FALSE END ENDSELECT; BEGIN InitQueue(free); InitQueue(ready); ALLOCATE(cp,SIZE(ProcessDescriptor)); WITH cp^ DO sons := 0; father := NIL END END CSP.