/* $Header$ */ /* This file contains the expression evaluator. It exports four routines: - int eval_cond(p_tree p) This routine evaluates the conditional expression indicated by p and returns 1 if it evaluates to TRUE, or 0 if it could not be evaluated for some reason or if it evalutes to FALSE. If the expression cannot be evaluated, an error message is given. - int eval_desig(p_tree p, t_addr *pbuf, long **psize, p_type *ptp) This routine evaluates the expression indicated by p, which should result in a designator. The result of the expression is an address which is to be found in *pbuf. *psize will contain the size of the designated object, and *ptp its type. If the expression cannot be evaluated or does not result in a designator, 0 is returned and an error message is given. Otherwise, 1 is returned. - int eval_expr(p_tree p, char **pbuf, long **psize, p_type *ptp) This routine evaluates the expression indicated by p. The result of the expression is left in *pbuf. *psize will contain the size of the value, and *ptp its type. If the expression cannot be evaluated, 0 is returned and an error message is given. Otherwise, 1 is returned. - int convert(char **pbuf, long *psize, p_type *ptp, p_type tp, long size) This routine tries to convert the value in pbuf of size psize and type ptp to type tp with size size. It returns 0 if this fails, while producing an error message. Otherwise, it returns 1 and the resulting value, type and size are left in pbuf, ptp, and psize, respectively. */ #include #include #include #include "position.h" #include "operator.h" #include "tree.h" #include "expr.h" #include "symbol.h" #include "type.h" #include "langdep.h" extern FILE *db_out; /* buffer to integer and vice versa routines */ static long get_int(buf, size, class) char *buf; long size; { long l; switch((int)size) { case sizeof(char): l = *buf; if (class == T_INTEGER && l >= 0x7F) l -= 256; else if (class != T_INTEGER && l < 0) l += 256; break; case sizeof(short): l = *((short *) buf); if (class == T_INTEGER && l >= 0x7FFF) l -= 65536; else if (class != T_INTEGER && l < 0) l += 65536; break; default: l = *((long *) buf); } return l; } static put_int(buf, size, value) char *buf; long size; long value; { switch((int)size) { case sizeof(char): *buf = value; break; case sizeof(short): *((short *) buf) = value; break; default: *((long *) buf) = value; break; } /*NOTREACHED*/ } /* buffer to real and vice versa routines */ static double get_real(buf, size) char *buf; long size; { switch((int) size) { case sizeof(float): return *((float *) buf); default: return *((double *) buf); } /*NOTREACHED*/ } static put_real(buf, size, value) char *buf; long size; double value; { switch((int)size) { case sizeof(float): *((float *) buf) = value; break; default: *((double *) buf) = value; break; } /* NOTREACHED */ } int convert(pbuf, psize, ptp, tp, size) char **pbuf; long *psize; p_type *ptp; p_type tp; long size; { /* Convert the value in pbuf, of size psize and type ptp, to type tp and leave the resulting value in pbuf, the resulting size in psize, and the resulting type in ptp. */ long l; double d; if (*ptp == tp) return 1; if (size > *psize) { *pbuf = Realloc(*pbuf, (unsigned int) size); } if ((*ptp)->ty_class == T_SUBRANGE) *ptp = (*ptp)->ty_base; switch((*ptp)->ty_class) { case T_INTEGER: case T_UNSIGNED: case T_POINTER: case T_ENUM: l = get_int(*pbuf, *psize, (*ptp)->ty_class); if (tp == bool_type) l = l != 0; switch(tp->ty_class) { case T_SUBRANGE: case T_INTEGER: case T_UNSIGNED: case T_POINTER: case T_ENUM: put_int(*pbuf, size, l); *psize = size; *ptp = tp; return 1; case T_REAL: put_real(*pbuf, size, (*ptp)->ty_class == T_INTEGER ? (double) l : (double) (unsigned long) l); *psize = size; *ptp = tp; return 1; default: break; } break; case T_REAL: d = get_real(*pbuf, *psize); switch(tp->ty_class) { case T_ENUM: case T_SUBRANGE: case T_INTEGER: case T_UNSIGNED: case T_POINTER: if (tp == bool_type) put_int(*pbuf, size, (long) (d != 0)); else put_int(*pbuf, size, (long) d); *psize = size; *ptp = tp; return 1; case T_REAL: put_real(*pbuf, size, d); *psize = size; *ptp = tp; return 1; default: break; } break; default: break; } error("illegal conversion"); return 0; } int eval_cond(p) p_tree p; { char *buf; long size; p_type tp; long val; p_type target_tp = currlang->has_bool_type ? bool_type : int_type; if (eval_expr(p, &buf, &size, &tp)) { if (convert(&buf, &size, &tp, target_tp, target_tp->ty_size)) { val = get_int(buf, size, T_UNSIGNED); if (buf) free(buf); return (int) (val != 0); } if (buf) free(buf); } return 0; } /* one routine for each unary operator */ static int do_not(p, pbuf, psize, ptp) p_tree p; char **pbuf; long *psize; p_type *ptp; { p_type target_tp = currlang->has_bool_type ? bool_type : int_type; if (eval_expr(p->t_args[0], pbuf, psize, ptp) && convert(pbuf, psize, ptp, target_tp, target_tp->ty_size)) { put_int(*pbuf, *psize, (long) !get_int(*pbuf, *psize, T_UNSIGNED)); return 1; } return 0; } static int do_bnot(p, pbuf, psize, ptp) p_tree p; char **pbuf; long *psize; p_type *ptp; { if (eval_expr(p->t_args[0], pbuf, psize, ptp)) { switch((*ptp)->ty_class) { case T_INTEGER: case T_ENUM: case T_UNSIGNED: case T_SUBRANGE: put_int(*pbuf, *psize, ~get_int(*pbuf, *psize, T_UNSIGNED)); return 1; default: error("illegal operand type(s)"); break; } } return 0; } static int ptr_addr(p, paddr, psize, ptp) p_tree p; t_addr *paddr; long *psize; p_type *ptp; { char *buf; if (eval_expr(p->t_args[0], &buf, psize, ptp)) { switch((*ptp)->ty_class) { case T_POINTER: *ptp = (*ptp)->ty_ptrto; *psize = (*ptp)->ty_size; *paddr = get_int(buf, pointer_size, T_UNSIGNED); free(buf); return 1; default: error("illegal operand of DEREF"); break; } } return 0; } static int do_deref(p, pbuf, psize, ptp) p_tree p; char **pbuf; long *psize; p_type *ptp; { t_addr addr; if (ptr_addr(p, &addr, psize, ptp)) { *pbuf = Malloc((unsigned) *psize); if (! get_bytes(*psize, addr, *pbuf)) { error("could not get value"); } return 1; } return 0; } static int do_unmin(p, pbuf, psize, ptp) p_tree p; char **pbuf; long *psize; p_type *ptp; { if (eval_expr(p->t_args[0], pbuf, psize, ptp)) { switch((*ptp)->ty_class) { case T_SUBRANGE: case T_INTEGER: case T_ENUM: case T_UNSIGNED: put_int(*pbuf, *psize, -get_int(*pbuf, *psize, (*ptp)->ty_class)); return 1; case T_REAL: put_real(*pbuf, *psize, -get_real(*pbuf, *psize)); return 1; default: error("illegal operand of unary -"); break; } } return 0; } static int do_unplus(p, pbuf, psize, ptp) p_tree p; char **pbuf; long *psize; p_type *ptp; { if (eval_expr(p->t_args[0], pbuf, psize, ptp)) { switch((*ptp)->ty_class) { case T_SUBRANGE: case T_INTEGER: case T_ENUM: case T_UNSIGNED: case T_REAL: return 1; default: error("illegal operand of unary +"); break; } } return 0; } static int (*un_op[])() = { 0, do_not, do_deref, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, do_unplus, do_unmin, do_deref, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, do_bnot, 0, 0 }; static p_type balance(tp1, tp2) p_type tp1, tp2; { if (tp1->ty_class == T_SUBRANGE) tp1 = tp1->ty_base; if (tp2->ty_class == T_SUBRANGE) tp2 = tp2->ty_base; if (tp1 == tp2) return tp2; if (tp2->ty_class == T_REAL) { p_type tmp = tp1; tp1 = tp2; tp2 = tmp; } if (tp1->ty_class == T_REAL) { switch(tp2->ty_class) { case T_INTEGER: case T_UNSIGNED: case T_ENUM: return tp1; case T_REAL: return tp1->ty_size > tp2->ty_size ? tp1 : tp2; default: error("illegal type combination"); return 0; } } if (tp2->ty_class == T_POINTER) { p_type tmp = tp1; tp1 = tp2; tp2 = tmp; } if (tp1->ty_class == T_POINTER) { switch(tp2->ty_class) { case T_INTEGER: case T_UNSIGNED: case T_POINTER: case T_ENUM: return tp1; default: error("illegal type combination"); return 0; } } if (tp2->ty_class == T_UNSIGNED) { p_type tmp = tp1; tp1 = tp2; tp2 = tmp; } if (tp1->ty_class == T_UNSIGNED) { switch(tp2->ty_class) { case T_INTEGER: case T_UNSIGNED: if (tp1->ty_size >= tp2->ty_size) return tp1; return tp2; case T_ENUM: return tp1; default: error("illegal type combination"); return 0; } } if (tp2->ty_class == T_INTEGER) { p_type tmp = tp1; tp1 = tp2; tp2 = tmp; } if (tp1->ty_class == T_INTEGER) { switch(tp2->ty_class) { case T_INTEGER: if (tp1->ty_size >= tp2->ty_size) return tp1; return tp2; case T_ENUM: return tp1; default: error("illegal type combination"); return 0; } } error("illegal type combination"); return 0; } static int do_andor(p, pbuf, psize, ptp) p_tree p; char **pbuf; long *psize; p_type *ptp; { long l1, l2; char *buf; long size; p_type tp; p_type target_tp = currlang->has_bool_type ? bool_type : int_type; if (eval_expr(p->t_args[0], pbuf, psize, ptp) && convert(pbuf, psize, ptp, target_tp, target_tp->ty_size) && eval_expr(p->t_args[1], &buf, &size, &tp) && convert(&buf, &size, &tp, target_tp, target_tp->ty_size)) { l1 = get_int(*pbuf, *psize, T_UNSIGNED); l2 = get_int(buf, size, T_UNSIGNED); put_int(*pbuf, *psize, p->t_whichoper == E_AND ? (long)(l1 && l2) : (long)(l1 || l2)); free(buf); return 1; } free(buf); return 0; } static int do_arith(p, pbuf, psize, ptp) p_tree p; char **pbuf; long *psize; p_type *ptp; { long l1, l2; double d1, d2; char *buf = 0; long size; p_type tp, balance_tp; if (eval_expr(p->t_args[0], pbuf, psize, ptp) && eval_expr(p->t_args[1], &buf, &size, &tp) && (balance_tp = balance(*ptp, tp)) && convert(pbuf, psize, ptp, balance_tp, balance_tp->ty_size) && convert(&buf, &size, &tp, balance_tp, balance_tp->ty_size)) { switch(balance_tp->ty_class) { case T_INTEGER: case T_ENUM: case T_UNSIGNED: l1 = get_int(*pbuf, *psize, balance_tp->ty_class); l2 = get_int(buf, size, balance_tp->ty_class); free(buf); buf = 0; switch(p->t_whichoper) { case E_BAND: l1 &= l2; break; case E_BOR: l1 |= l2; break; case E_BXOR: l1 ^= l2; break; case E_PLUS: l1 += l2; break; case E_MIN: l1 -= l2; break; case E_MUL: l1 *= l2; break; case E_DIV: case E_ZDIV: if (! l2) { error("division by 0"); return 0; } if (balance_tp->ty_class == T_INTEGER) { if ((l1 < 0) != (l2 < 0)) { if (l1 < 0) l1 = - l1; else l2 = -l2; if (p->t_whichoper == E_DIV) { l1 = -((l1+l2-1)/l2); } else { l1 = -(l1/l2); } } else l1 /= l2; } else l1 = (unsigned long) l1 / (unsigned long) l2; break; case E_MOD: case E_ZMOD: if (! l2) { error("modulo by 0"); return 0; } if (balance_tp->ty_class == T_INTEGER) { if ((l1 < 0) != (l2 < 0)) { if (l1 < 0) l1 = - l1; else l2 = -l2; if (p->t_whichoper == E_MOD) { l1 = ((l1+l2-1)/l2)*l2 - l1; } else { l1 = (l1/l2)*l2 - l1; } } else l1 %= l2; } else l1 = (unsigned long) l1 % (unsigned long) l2; break; } put_int(*pbuf, *psize, l1); break; case T_REAL: d1 = get_real(*pbuf, *psize); d2 = get_real(buf, size); free(buf); buf = 0; switch(p->t_whichoper) { case E_DIV: case E_ZDIV: if (d2 == 0.0) { error("division by 0.0"); return 0; } d1 /= d2; break; case E_PLUS: d1 += d2; break; case E_MIN: d1 -= d2; break; case E_MUL: d1 *= d2; break; } put_real(*pbuf, *psize, d1); break; default: error("illegal operand type(s)"); free(buf); return 0; } return 1; } if (buf) free(buf); return 0; } static int do_sft(p, pbuf, psize, ptp) p_tree p; char **pbuf; long *psize; p_type *ptp; { long l1, l2; char *buf = 0; long size; p_type tp; if (eval_expr(p->t_args[0], pbuf, psize, ptp) && eval_expr(p->t_args[1], &buf, &size, &tp) && convert(&buf, &size, &tp, int_type, int_size)) { tp = *ptp; if (tp->ty_class == T_SUBRANGE) { tp = tp->ty_base; } switch(tp->ty_class) { case T_INTEGER: case T_ENUM: case T_UNSIGNED: l1 = get_int(*pbuf, *psize, tp->ty_class); l2 = get_int(buf, size, T_INTEGER); free(buf); buf = 0; switch(p->t_whichoper) { case E_LSFT: l1 <<= (int) l2; break; case E_RSFT: if (tp->ty_class == T_INTEGER) l1 >>= (int) l2; else l1 = (unsigned long) l1 >> (int) l2; break; } break; default: error("illegal operand type(s)"); free(buf); return 0; } return 1; } if (buf) free(buf); return 0; } static int do_cmp(p, pbuf, psize, ptp) p_tree p; char **pbuf; long *psize; p_type *ptp; { long l1, l2; double d1, d2; char *buf = 0; long size; p_type tp, balance_tp; if (eval_expr(p->t_args[0], pbuf, psize, ptp) && eval_expr(p->t_args[1], &buf, &size, &tp) && (balance_tp = balance(*ptp, tp)) && convert(pbuf, psize, ptp, balance_tp, balance_tp->ty_size) && convert(&buf, &size, &tp, balance_tp, balance_tp->ty_size)) { switch(balance_tp->ty_class) { case T_INTEGER: case T_ENUM: case T_UNSIGNED: case T_POINTER: l1 = get_int(*pbuf, *psize, balance_tp->ty_class); l2 = get_int(buf, size, balance_tp->ty_class); free(buf); buf = 0; switch(p->t_whichoper) { case E_EQUAL: l1 = l1 == l2; break; case E_NOTEQUAL: l1 = l1 != l2; break; case E_LTEQUAL: if (balance_tp->ty_class == T_INTEGER) { l1 = l1 <= l2; } else l1 = (unsigned long) l1 <= (unsigned long) l2; break; case E_LT: if (balance_tp->ty_class == T_INTEGER) { l1 = l1 < l2; } else l1 = (unsigned long) l1 < (unsigned long) l2; break; case E_GTEQUAL: if (balance_tp->ty_class == T_INTEGER) { l1 = l1 >= l2; } else l1 = (unsigned long) l1 >= (unsigned long) l2; break; case E_GT: if (balance_tp->ty_class == T_INTEGER) { l1 = l1 > l2; } else l1 = (unsigned long) l1 > (unsigned long) l2; break; } break; case T_REAL: d1 = get_real(*pbuf, *psize); d2 = get_real(buf, size); free(buf); buf = 0; switch(p->t_whichoper) { case E_EQUAL: l1 = d1 == d2; break; case E_NOTEQUAL: l1 = d1 != d2; break; case E_LTEQUAL: l1 = d1 <= d2; break; case E_LT: l1 = d1 < d2; break; case E_GTEQUAL: l1 = d1 >= d2; break; case E_GT: l1 = d1 > d2; break; } break; } if (*psize < int_size) { *psize = int_size; free(*pbuf); *pbuf = Malloc((unsigned int) int_size); } else *psize = int_size; if (currlang->has_bool_type) { *ptp = bool_type; } else *ptp = int_type; put_int(*pbuf, *psize, l1); return 1; } if (buf) free(buf); return 0; } static int do_in(p, pbuf, psize, ptp) p_tree p; char **pbuf; long *psize; p_type *ptp; { long l; char *buf = 0; long size; p_type tp; int sft = int_size == 2 ? 4 : 5; if (eval_expr(p->t_args[0], pbuf, psize, ptp) && eval_expr(p->t_args[1], &buf, &size, &tp)) { if (tp->ty_class != T_SET) { error("right-hand side of IN not a set"); free(buf); return 0; } if (! convert(pbuf, psize, ptp, tp->ty_setbase, int_size)) { free(buf); return 0; } l = get_int(*pbuf, *psize, (*ptp)->ty_class) - tp->ty_setlow; l = l >= 0 && l <= (size << 3) && (((int *) buf)[(int)(l>>sft)] & (1 << (l & ((1 << sft)-1)))); free(buf); *pbuf = Realloc(*pbuf, (unsigned) int_size); *psize = int_size; *ptp = currlang->has_bool_type ? bool_type : int_type; put_int(*pbuf, *psize, l); return 1; } return 0; } static int array_addr(p, paddr, psize, ptp) p_tree p; t_addr *paddr; long *psize; p_type *ptp; { long l; char *buf = 0; long size; p_type tp; if (eval_desig(p->t_args[0], paddr, psize, ptp) && eval_expr(p->t_args[1], &buf, &size, &tp)) { if ((*ptp)->ty_class != T_ARRAY && (*ptp)->ty_class != T_POINTER) { error("illegal left-hand side of ["); free(buf); return 0; } if (! convert(&buf, &size, &tp, int_type, int_size)) { free(buf); return 0; } l = get_int(buf, size, T_INTEGER); free(buf); buf = 0; if ((*ptp)->ty_class == T_ARRAY) { if (l < (*ptp)->ty_lb || l > (*ptp)->ty_hb) { error("array bound error"); return 0; } l -= (*ptp)->ty_lb; *ptp = (*ptp)->ty_elements; l *= (*currlang->arrayelsize)((*ptp)->ty_size); } else { *ptp = (*ptp)->ty_ptrto; l *= (*ptp)->ty_size; } *psize = (*ptp)->ty_size; *paddr += l; return 1; } return 0; } static int do_array(p, pbuf, psize, ptp) p_tree p; char **pbuf; long *psize; p_type *ptp; { t_addr a; if (array_addr(p, &a, psize, ptp)) { *pbuf = Malloc((unsigned int) *psize); if (! get_bytes(*psize, a, *pbuf)) { return 0; } return 1; } return 0; } static int select_addr(p, paddr, psize, ptp) p_tree p; t_addr *paddr; long *psize; p_type *ptp; { register p_type tp; register struct fields *f; register int nf; if (eval_desig(p->t_args[0], paddr, psize, ptp)) { tp = *ptp; if (tp->ty_class != T_STRUCT && tp->ty_class != T_UNION) { error("SELECT on non-struct"); return 0; } if (p->t_args[1]->t_oper != OP_NAME) { error("right-hand side of SELECT not a name"); return 0; } for (nf = tp->ty_nfields, f = tp->ty_fields; nf; nf--, f++) { if (! strcmp(f->fld_name, p->t_args[1]->t_str)) break; } if (! nf) { error("'%s' not found", p->t_args[1]->t_str); return 0; } /* ??? this needs some work for bitfields ??? */ *paddr += f->fld_pos>>3; *psize = f->fld_bitsize >> 3; *ptp = f->fld_type; return 1; } return 0; } static int do_select(p, pbuf, psize, ptp) p_tree p; char **pbuf; long *psize; p_type *ptp; { t_addr a; if (select_addr(p, &a, psize, ptp)) { *pbuf = Malloc((unsigned int) *psize); if (! get_bytes(*psize, a, *pbuf)) { return 0; } return 1; } return 0; } static int (*bin_op[])() = { 0, 0, 0, do_andor, do_andor, do_arith, do_arith, do_arith, do_arith, do_in, do_array, do_arith, do_arith, do_arith, do_cmp, do_cmp, do_cmp, do_cmp, do_cmp, do_cmp, do_select, do_arith, do_arith, do_arith, 0, do_sft, do_sft }; int eval_expr(p, pbuf, psize, ptp) p_tree p; char **pbuf; long *psize; p_type *ptp; { register p_symbol sym; int retval = 0; switch(p->t_oper) { case OP_NAME: case OP_SELECT: sym = identify(p, VAR|REGVAR|LOCVAR|VARPAR|CONST); if (! sym) return 0; if (! get_value(sym, pbuf, psize)) { print_node(p, 0); fputs(" currently not available\n", db_out); break; } *ptp = sym->sy_type; retval = 1; break; case OP_INTEGER: *pbuf = Malloc(sizeof(long)); *psize = sizeof(long); *ptp = long_type; *((long *) (*pbuf)) = p->t_ival; retval = 1; break; case OP_REAL: *pbuf = Malloc(sizeof(double)); *psize = sizeof(double); *ptp = double_type; *((double *) (*pbuf)) = p->t_fval; retval = 1; break; case OP_STRING: *pbuf = Malloc(sizeof(char *)); *psize = sizeof(char *); *ptp = string_type; *((char **) (*pbuf)) = p->t_sval; retval = 1; break; case OP_UNOP: retval = (*un_op[p->t_whichoper])(p, pbuf, psize, ptp); break; case OP_BINOP: retval = (*bin_op[p->t_whichoper])(p, pbuf, psize, ptp); break; default: assert(0); break; } if (! retval) { if (*pbuf) { free(*pbuf); *pbuf = 0; } *psize = 0; } return retval; } extern t_addr get_addr(); int eval_desig(p, paddr, psize, ptp) p_tree p; t_addr *paddr; long *psize; p_type *ptp; { register p_symbol sym; int retval = 0; t_addr a; switch(p->t_oper) { case OP_NAME: case OP_SELECT: sym = identify(p, VAR|REGVAR|LOCVAR|VARPAR); if (! sym) return 0; if (! (a = get_addr(sym, psize))) { print_node(p, 0); fputs(" currently not available\n", db_out); break; } *paddr = a; *ptp = sym->sy_type; retval = 1; break; case OP_UNOP: switch(p->t_whichoper) { case E_DEREF: if (ptr_addr(p, paddr, psize, ptp)) { retval = 1; } break; default: print_node(p, 0); fputs(" not a designator\n", db_out); break; } break; case OP_BINOP: switch(p->t_whichoper) { case E_ARRAY: if (array_addr(p, paddr, psize, ptp)) { retval = 1; } break; case E_SELECT: if (select_addr(p, paddr, psize, ptp)) { retval = 1; } break; default: print_node(p, 0); fputs(" not a designator\n", db_out); break; } break; default: assert(0); break; } if (! retval) { *psize = 0; } return retval; }