#ifndef NORCSID static char rcsid[]= "$Header$"; #endif #include "assert.h" #include "param.h" #include "set.h" #include <stdio.h> /* * This file implements the marriage thesis from Hall. * The thesis says that given a number, say N, of subsets from * a finite set, it is possible to create a set with cardinality N, * that contains one member for each of the subsets, * iff for each number, say M, of subsets from 2 to N the union of * each M-tuple sets has cardinality >= M. * * So what, you might say. As indeed I did. * But this is actually used here to check the possibility of each * code rule. If a code rule has a number of token_sets in the with * clause and a number of properties in the uses rule it must be * possible to do this from an empty fakestack. Hall helps. */ #define MAXHALL (TOKPATMAX+MAXALLREG) short hallsets[MAXHALL][SETSIZE]; int nhallsets= -1; int hallfreq[MAXHALL][2]; hallverbose() { register i; register max; fprintf(stderr,"Table of hall frequencies\n # pre post\n"); for (max=MAXHALL-1;hallfreq[max][0]==0 && hallfreq[max][1]==0;max--) ; for (i=0;i<=max;i++) fprintf(stderr,"%3d%6d%6d\n",i,hallfreq[i][0],hallfreq[i][1]); } inithall() { assert(nhallsets == -1); nhallsets=0; } nexthall(sp) register short *sp; { register i; assert(nhallsets>=0); for(i=0;i<SETSIZE;i++) hallsets[nhallsets][i] = sp[i]; nhallsets++; } card(sp) register short *sp; { register sum,i; sum=0; for(i=0;i<8*SETSIZE;i++) if (BIT(sp,i)) sum++; return(sum); } checkhall() { assert(nhallsets>=0); if (!hall()) error("Hall says: \"You can't have those registers\""); } hall() { register i,j,k; int ok; hallfreq[nhallsets][0]++; /* * If a set has cardinality >= nhallsets it can never be the cause * of the hall algorithm failing. So it can be thrown away. * But then nhallsets is less, so this step can be re-applied. */ do { ok = 0; for(i=0;i<nhallsets;i++) if (card(hallsets[i])>=nhallsets) { for (j=i+1;j<nhallsets;j++) for(k=0;k<SETSIZE;k++) hallsets[j-1][k] = hallsets[j][k]; nhallsets--; ok = 1; break; } } while (ok); /* * Now all sets have cardinality < nhallsets */ hallfreq[nhallsets][1]++; ok=recurhall(nhallsets,hallsets); nhallsets = -1; return(ok); } recurhall(nhallsets,hallsets) short hallsets[][SETSIZE]; { short copysets[MAXHALL][SETSIZE]; short setsum[SETSIZE]; register i,j,k,ncopys; /* * First check cardinality of union of all */ for(k=0;k<SETSIZE;k++) setsum[k]=0; for(i=0;i<nhallsets;i++) unite(hallsets[i],setsum); if (card(setsum)<nhallsets) return(0); /* * Now check the hall property of everything but one set, * for all sets */ for(i=0;i<nhallsets;i++) { ncopys=0; for(j=0;j<nhallsets;j++) if (j!=i) { for(k=0;k<SETSIZE;k++) copysets[ncopys][k] = hallsets[j][k]; ncopys++; } assert(ncopys == nhallsets-1); if (!recurhall(ncopys,copysets)) return(0); } return(1); } unite(sp,into) register short *sp,*into; { register i; for(i=0;i<SETSIZE;i++) into[i] |= sp[i]; } /* * Limerick (rot13) * * N zngurzngvpvna anzrq Unyy * Unf n urknurqebavpny onyy, * Naq gur phor bs vgf jrvtug * Gvzrf uvf crpxre'f, cyhf rvtug * Vf uvf cubar ahzore -- tvir uvz n pnyy.. */