%{ /* $Header$ */ /* * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright". */ # include <ctype.h> # include "token.h" # include "Lpars.h" # define TAB 8 /* Size of a acsii tab (\t) in spaces */ # if (TAB&(TAB-1))!=0 # define TABSTOP(ind) ((ind)+TAB-(ind)%TAB) # else # define TABSTOP(ind) (((ind)+TAB)&(~(TAB-1))) # endif char *Malloc(), *strcpy(); struct token token; int ind=0; /* Indentation level of current line */ static int tab=0; /* First indentation found */ int included=0; /* Is current file included? */ %} %% '((\*[^\n])|([^'\n*]))*' { if ((token.t_lval=char_constant(yytext+1))== -1L) report("%s not a character constant", yytext); return CHAR_CONST; } '[^'\n]*'? { report("missing '."); token.t_lval= -1L; return CHAR_CONST; } \"((\*[^\n])|([^"\n*]))*\" { char *string(); token.t_sval=string(yytext); return STRING; } \"[^"\n]*\"? { report("missing \"."); token.t_sval=""; return STRING; } #[ \t]*"line"?[ \t]*[0-9]+[ \t]*\"[^"\n]*\" { set_line_file(yytext); tab=0; } #[A-Fa-f0-9]+ { long hex_number(); token.t_lval=hex_number(yytext+1); return NUMBER; } [0-9]+ { long number(); token.t_lval=number(yytext); return NUMBER; } [A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9.]* { register key; if ((key=keyword(yytext))==IDENTIFIER) token.t_sval=strcpy(Malloc(yyleng+1), yytext); return key; } \n[ \f\t]*/"--" {/* Line with only a comment, don't set tab */} \n[ \f\t]* { ind=indentation(yytext+1); if (tab==0) tab=ind; else if (ind%tab!=0) warning("indentation not on a %d space boundary", tab); } [ \f\t] { /* Nothing */ } [-=<>:,;+*/\[\]()?!&] return yytext[0]; "\\" return BS; ":=" return AS; "<=" return LE; ">=" return GE; "<>" return NE; "<<" return LS; ">>" return RS; "/\\" return BA; "\\/" return BO; "><" return BX; "--"[^\n]* { /* Comment is skipped */ } . { warning((' '<=yytext[0] && yytext[0]<0177) ? "%s'%c')" : "%soctal: %o)", "bad character seen (", yytext[0]&0377); } %% char *string(s) char *s; { register c; register char *p= s; char *str= s; str++; p++; while (*str != '"') { if ((c=character(&str)) != -1) *p++= c; else return ""; } *p=0; *s=p-(s+1); return s; } long number(s) register char *s; { static char max_str[]="2147483647"; int maxlen=sizeof max_str-1; long atol(); long num; while (*s=='0') { /* skip leading nulls */ *s++; yyleng--; } if (*s==0) num=0L; else { if ((yyleng>maxlen) || (yyleng==maxlen && strcmp(s, max_str)>0)) warning("integer constant overflow."); num=atol(s); } return num; } long hex_number(s) register char *s; { long number=0L; while (*s) number=(number<<4)+hextoint(*s++); return number; } int hextoint(c) register c; { register val; if (islower(c)) val=(c-'a')+10; else if (isupper(c)) val=(c-'A')+10; else val=c-'0'; return val; } int character(S) register char **S; { register char *s= *S; register c, cc; if ((c= *s++)=='*') { switch (c= *s++) { case 'c': cc='\r'; break; case 'n': cc='\n'; break; case 't': cc='\t'; break; case 's': cc=' '; break; case '#': if (isxdigit(c= *s++) && isxdigit(*s)) { cc= (hextoint(c)<<4)+hextoint(*s++); break; } else { report("two digit hexadecimal const expected."); return -1; } default: cc=c; break; } } else cc=c; *S=s; return cc; } int char_constant(s) char *s; { register cc; cc=character(&s); return (*s=='\'' && cc!= -1) ? cc : -1; } int indentation(s) register char *s; { register in=0, c; while (c= *s++) { if (c=='\t') in=TABSTOP(in); else if (c=='\f') in=0; else in++; } return in; } int tabulated(oind, ind) register oind, ind; { if (tab>0 && ind>oind+tab) warning("process' indentation too large (changed to %d tab%s)", oind/tab+1, oind>=tab ? "s" : ""); return ind>oind; } int rep_tk=0; struct token rep_token; void repeat_token(tk) { rep_tk=tk; rep_token=token; } scanner() { register tk; if (rep_tk>0) { tk=rep_tk;; rep_tk=0; token=rep_token; return tk; } else return yylex(); } char *tokenname(tk, inst) register tk, inst; { if (tk<0400) { static char c[7]; if (' '<tk && tk<='~') sprint(c, "'%c'", tk); else sprint(c, "'*#%02x'", tk); return c; } else { switch (tk) { char *keyname(); char fake_id[1+sizeof(int)*3+1]; static fake_cnt=0; default: return keyname(tk); case IDENTIFIER: if (inst) { sprint(fake_id, "_%d", ++fake_cnt); token.t_sval=strcpy(Malloc(strlen(fake_id)+1), fake_id); return "IDENTIFIER"; } else return token.t_sval; case NUMBER: case CHAR_CONST: token.t_lval=0L; return "NUMBER"; case STRING: if (inst) { token.t_sval=Malloc(1); token.t_sval[0]=0; } else free(token.t_sval); return "STRING"; case AS: case LE: case GE: case NE: case LS: case RS: case BA: case BO: case BX: case BS: { static int op[]= { AS, LE, GE, NE, LS, RS, BA, BO, BX, BS }; static char *opc[]= { ":=", "<=", ">=", "<>", "<<", ">>", "/\\", "\\/", "><", "\\" }; register i; static char qopc[5]; for (i=0; op[i]!=tk; i++) ; sprint(qopc, "'%s'", opc[i]); return qopc; } } } } set_line_file(l) register char *l; { register char *file; while (*l<'0' || *l>'9') l++; yylineno=0; while ('0'<=*l && *l<='9') yylineno=yylineno*10+(*l++ - '0'); yylineno--; while (*l++!='"'); file=l; while (*l++!='"'); *--l=0; included=set_file(file); }