/* * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright". */ /* $Header$ */ /* Lint-specific comment handling */ #include <ctype.h> #include "lint.h" #ifdef LINT #include <alloc.h> #include "arith.h" #include "l_state.h" #include "l_comment.h" extern char loptions[]; /* Since the lexical analyser does a one-token look-ahead, pseudo- comments are read too soon. This is remedied by first storing them in static variables and then moving them to the real variables one token later. */ static int notreached; static int varargsN = -1; static int argsused; static int formatN; static int formatVAR; static char *format; static char *prev_format; int LINTLIB; /* file is lint library */ int s_NOTREACHED; /* statement not reached */ int f_VARARGSn; /* function with variable # of args */ int f_ARGSUSED; /* function does not use all args */ int f_FORMATn; /* argument f_FORMATn is f_FORMAT */ char *f_FORMAT; int f_FORMATvar; /* but the formal argument may be absent because of varargs.h */ lint_init_comment() { LINTLIB = loptions['L']; } lint_comment_ahead() { s_NOTREACHED = notreached; notreached = 0; } lint_comment_function() { f_ARGSUSED = argsused | loptions['v']; argsused = 0; f_VARARGSn = varargsN; varargsN = -1; f_FORMATn = formatN; formatN = 0; f_FORMAT = format; if (format) prev_format = format; format = 0; f_FORMATvar = formatVAR; formatVAR = 0; } static char buf[1000]; static char *bufpos; /* next free position in buf */ lint_start_comment() { bufpos = &buf[0]; } lint_comment_char(c) int c; { /* This function is called with every character between /_* and *_/ */ if (bufpos - &buf[0] < sizeof(buf)-1) *bufpos++ = (char)c; } lint_end_comment() { *bufpos++ = '\0'; bufpos = &buf[0]; /* skip initial blanks */ while (*bufpos && isspace(*bufpos)) { bufpos++; } /* now test for one of the pseudo-comments */ if (strncmp(bufpos, "NOTREACHED", 10) == 0) { notreached = 1; } else if (strncmp(bufpos, "ARGSUSED", 8) == 0) { argsused = 1; } else if (strncmp(bufpos, "LINTLIBRARY", 11) == 0) { LINTLIB = 1; } else if (strncmp(bufpos, "VARARGS", 7) == 0) { bufpos += 7; varargsN = isdigit(*bufpos) ? atoi(bufpos) : 0; } else if (strncmp(bufpos, "FORMAT", 6) == 0 && isdigit(bufpos[6])) { register int argn; bufpos += 6; argn = *bufpos++ - '0'; varargsN = argn + 1; if (*bufpos == 'v') { /* something like FORMAT3v */ formatVAR = 1; bufpos++; } make_format(argn, bufpos); } } /* We use a small FSA to skip layout inside formats, but to preserve a space between letters and digits. */ #define NONE 0 #define LETGIT 1 #define LETGITSPACE 2 make_format(argn, oldf) int argn; char *oldf; { register char *newf; register int last_stat; while (*oldf && *oldf != '$') { oldf++; } if (!*oldf) { /* no format given, repeat previous format */ if (!prev_format) { warning("format missing and no previous format"); } formatN = argn; format = prev_format; return; } if (*oldf++ != '$') { warning("no format in FORMAT pseudo-comment"); format = 0; return; } /* there is a new format to be composed */ newf = Malloc(strlen(oldf)); /* certainly enough and probably not overly too much */ formatN = argn; format = newf; last_stat = NONE; while (*oldf && *oldf != '$') { register char ch = *oldf++; if (isspace(ch)) { if (last_stat == LETGIT) last_stat = LETGITSPACE; } else if (isalnum(ch)) { switch (last_stat) { case NONE: last_stat = LETGIT; break; case LETGITSPACE: *newf++ = ' '; last_stat = LETGIT; break; } *newf++ = ch; } else { last_stat = NONE; *newf++ = ch; } } if (*oldf != '$') { warning("no end of format in FORMAT pseudo-comment"); format = 0; return; } *newf++ = '\0'; } #endif LINT