/* $Header$ */ /* EM CODE OUTPUT ROUTINES */ #define CMODE 0644 #define MAX_ARG_CNT 32 #include "em.h" #include <system.h> #include "arith.h" #include "label.h" /* putbyte(), C_open() and C_close() are the basic routines for respectively write on, open and close the output file. The put_*() functions serve as formatting functions of the various EM language constructs. See "Description of a Machine Architecture for use with Block Structured Languages" par. 11.2 for the meaning of these names. */ /* supply a kind of buffered output */ #define flush(x) sys_write(ofp, &obuf[0], x) static char obuf[BUFSIZ]; static char *opp = &obuf[0]; File *ofp = 0; putbyte(b) /* shouldn't putbyte() be a macro ??? (EB) */ int b; { if (opp >= &obuf[BUFSIZ]) { /* flush if buffer overflows */ if (flush(BUFSIZ) == 0) sys_stop(S_ABORT); opp = &obuf[0]; } *opp++ = (char) b; } C_init(wsize, psize) arith wsize, psize; {} C_open(nm) /* open file for compact code output */ char *nm; { if (nm == 0) ofp = STDOUT; /* standard output */ else if (sys_open(nm, OP_WRITE, &ofp) == 0) return 0; return 1; } C_close() { if (flush(opp - &obuf[0]) == 0) sys_stop(S_ABORT); opp = obuf; /* reset opp */ if (ofp != STDOUT) sys_close(ofp); ofp = 0; } C_busy() { return ofp != 0; /* true if code is being generated */ } /*** the compact code generating routines ***/ #define fit16i(x) ((x) >= (long)0xFFFF8000 && (x) <= (long)0x00007FFF) #define fit8u(x) ((x) <= 0xFF) /* x is already unsigned */ put_ilb(l) label l; { if (fit8u(l)) { put8(sp_ilb1); put8((int)l); } else { put8(sp_ilb2); put16(l); } } put_dlb(l) label l; { if (fit8u(l)) { put8(sp_dlb1); put8((int)l); } else { put8(sp_dlb2); put16(l); } } put_cst(l) arith l; { if (l >= (arith) -sp_zcst0 && l < (arith) (sp_ncst0 - sp_zcst0)) { /* we can convert 'l' to an int because its value can be stored in a byte. */ put8((int) l + (sp_zcst0 + sp_fcst0)); } else if (fit16i(l)) { /* the cast from long to int causes no trouble here */ put8(sp_cst2); put16((int) l); } else { put8(sp_cst4); put32(l); } } put_doff(l, v) label l; arith v; { if (v == 0) put_dlb(l); else { put8(sp_doff); put_dlb(l); put_cst(v); } } put_noff(s, v) char *s; arith v; { if (v == 0) put_dnam(s); else { put8(sp_doff); put_dnam(s); put_cst(v); } } put_dnam(s) char *s; { put8(sp_dnam); put_str(s); } put_pnam(s) char *s; { put8(sp_pnam); put_str(s); } #ifdef ____ put_fcon(s, sz) char *s; arith sz; { put8(sp_fcon); put_cst(sz); put_str(s); } #endif ____ put_wcon(sp, v, sz) /* sp_icon, sp_ucon or sp_fcon with int repr */ int sp; char *v; arith sz; { /* how 'bout signextension int --> long ??? */ put8(sp); put_cst(sz); put_str(v); } put_str(s) char *s; { register int len; put_cst((arith) (len = strlen(s))); while (--len >= 0) put8(*s++); } put_cstr(s) char *s; { register int len = prepare_string(s); put8(sp_scon); put_cst((arith) len); while (--len >= 0) put8(*s++); }