/* $Header$ */
 * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
 * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright".
#include <em_reg.h>
#include <em_mnem.h>
#include "../share/types.h"
#include "../share/alloc.h"
#include "../share/lset.h"
#include "../share/aux.h"
#include "../share/global.h"
#include "../share/debug.h"
#include "cs.h"
#include "cs_avail.h"
#include "cs_alloc.h"
#include "cs_aux.h"
#include "cs_debug.h"
#include "cs_profit.h"
#include "cs_partit.h"
#include "cs_debug.h"

STATIC dlink(l1, l2)
	line_p l1, l2;
	/* Doubly link the lines in l1 and l2. */

	if (l1 != (line_p) 0)
		l1->l_next = l2;
	if (l2 != (line_p) 0)
		l2->l_prev = l1;

STATIC remove_lines(first, last)
	line_p first, last;
	/* Throw away the lines between and including first and last.
	 * Don't worry about any pointers; the (must) have been taken care of.
	register line_p lnp, next;

	last->l_next = (line_p) 0; /* Delimit the list. */
	for (lnp = first; lnp != (line_p) 0; lnp = next) {
		next = lnp->l_next;

STATIC bool contained(ocp1, ocp2)
	occur_p ocp1, ocp2;
	/* Determine whether ocp1 is contained within ocp2. */

	register line_p lnp, next;

	for (lnp = ocp2->oc_lfirst; lnp != (line_p) 0; lnp = next) {
		next = lnp != ocp2->oc_llast ? lnp->l_next : (line_p) 0;

		if (lnp == ocp1->oc_llast) return TRUE;
	return FALSE;

STATIC delete(ocp, start)
	occur_p ocp;
	avail_p start;
	/* Delete all occurrences that are contained within ocp.
	 * They must have been entered in the list before start:
	 * if an expression is contained with an other, its operator line
	 * appears before the operator line of the other because EM-expressions
	 * are postfix.
	register avail_p ravp;
	register Lindex	i, next;

	for (ravp = start; ravp != (avail_p) 0; ravp = ravp->av_before) {
		for (i = Lfirst(ravp->av_occurs); i != (Lindex) 0; i = next) {
			next = Lnext(i, ravp->av_occurs);

			if (contained(occ_elem(i), ocp)) {
				OUTTRACE("delete contained occurrence", 0);
#				ifdef TRACE
#				endif
				Lremove(Lelem(i), &ravp->av_occurs);

STATIC complete_aar(lnp, instr, descr_vn)
	line_p lnp;
	int instr;
	valnum descr_vn;
	/* Lnp is an instruction that loads the address of an array-element.
	 * Instr tells us what effect we should achieve; load (instr is op_lar)
	 * or store (instr is op_sar) this array-element. Descr_vn is the
	 * valuenumber of the address of the descriptor of this array.
	 * We append a loi or sti of the correct number of bytes.
	register line_p lindir;

	lindir = int_line(array_elemsize(descr_vn));
	lindir->l_instr = instr == op_lar ? op_loi : op_sti;
	dlink(lindir, lnp->l_next);
	dlink(lnp, lindir);

STATIC replace(ocp, tmp, avp)
	occur_p ocp;
	offset tmp;
	avail_p avp;
	/* Replace the lines in the occurrence in ocp by a load of the
	 * temporary with offset tmp.
	register line_p lol, first, last;

	assert(avp->av_size == ws || avp->av_size == 2*ws);

	first = ocp->oc_lfirst; last = ocp->oc_llast;

	lol = int_line(tmp);
	lol->l_instr = avp->av_size == ws ? op_lol : op_ldl;
	dlink(lol, last->l_next);

	if (first->l_prev == (line_p) 0) ocp->oc_belongs->b_start = lol;
	dlink(first->l_prev, lol);

	if (avp->av_instr == (byte) op_aar) {
		/* There may actually be a LAR or a SAR instruction; in that
		 * case we have to complete the array-instruction.
		register int instr = INSTR(last);

		if (instr != op_aar) complete_aar(lol, instr, avp->av_othird);

	/* Throw away the by now useless lines. */
	remove_lines(first, last);

STATIC append(avp, tmp)
	avail_p avp;
	offset tmp;
	/* Avp->av_found points to a line with an operator in it. This 
	 * routine emits a sequence of instructions that saves the result
	 * in a local with offset tmp. In most cases we just append
	 * avp->av_found with stl/sdl tmp and lol/ldl tmp depending on
	 * avp->av_size. If however the operator is an aar contained
	 * within a lar or sar, we must first generate the aar.
	register line_p stl, lol;

	assert(avp->av_size == ws || avp->av_size == 2*ws);

	stl = int_line(tmp);
	stl->l_instr = avp->av_size == ws ? op_stl : op_sdl;
	lol = int_line(tmp);
	lol->l_instr = avp->av_size == ws ? op_lol : op_ldl;

	dlink(lol, avp->av_found->l_next);
	dlink(stl, lol);
	dlink(avp->av_found, stl);

	if (avp->av_instr == (byte) op_aar) {
		register int instr = INSTR(avp->av_found);

		if (instr != op_aar) {
			complete_aar(lol, instr, avp->av_othird);
			avp->av_found->l_instr = op_aar;

STATIC set_replace(avp, tmp)
	avail_p avp;
	offset tmp;
	/* Avp->av_occurs is now a set of occurrences, each of which will be
	 * replaced by a reference to a local.
	 * Each time we eliminate an expression, we delete from our
	 * list those expressions that are physically contained in them,
	 * because we cannot eliminate them again.
	register Lindex i;
	register lset s = avp->av_occurs;

	for (i = Lfirst(s); i != (Lindex) 0; i = Lnext(i, s)) {
		OUTVERBOSE("eliminate duplicate", 0);
		delete(occ_elem(i), avp->av_before);
		replace(occ_elem(i), tmp, avp);

STATIC int reg_score(enp)
	entity_p enp;
	/* Enp is a local that will go into a register.
	 * We return its score upto now.
	return regv_arg(enp->en_loc, 4);

STATIC line_p gen_mesreg(off, avp, pp)
	offset off;
	avail_p avp;
	proc_p pp;
	/* Generate a register message for the local that will hold the
	 * result of the expression in avp, at the appropriate place in
	 * the procedure in pp.
	register line_p reg;

	reg = reg_mes(off, (short) avp->av_size, regtype(avp->av_instr), 0);
	appnd_line(reg, pp->p_start->b_start);

	return reg;

STATIC change_score(mes, score)
	line_p mes;
	int score;
	/* Change the score in the register message in mes to score. */

	register arg_p ap = ARG(mes);

	ap = ap->a_next; /* Offset. */
	ap = ap->a_next; /* Size. */
	ap = ap->a_next; /* Type. */
	ap = ap->a_next; /* Score. */

	ap->a_a.a_offset = score;

	proc_p pp;
	/* Eliminate costly common subexpressions within procedure pp.
	 * We scan the available expressions in - with respect to time found -
	 * reverse order, to find largest first, e.g. `A + B + C' before
	 * `A + B'.
	 * We do not eliminate an expression when the size
	 * is not one of ws or 2*ws, because then we cannot use lol or ldl.
	 * Code is appended to the first occurrence of the expression
	 * to store the result into a local.
	register avail_p ravp;
	register int score;
	register offset tmp;
	register line_p mes;

	for (ravp = avails; ravp != (avail_p) 0; ravp = ravp->av_before) {

		if (ravp->av_size != ws && ravp->av_size != 2*ws) continue;

		if (ravp->av_saveloc == (entity_p) 0) {
			/* We save it ourselves. */
			score = 2; /* Stl and lol. */
		} else {
			score = reg_score(ravp->av_saveloc);
		if (desirable(ravp)) {
			score += Lnrelems(ravp->av_occurs);
			OUTTRACE("temporary local score %d", score);
			if (ravp->av_saveloc != (entity_p) 0) {
				tmp = ravp->av_saveloc->en_loc;
				mes = find_mesreg(tmp);
				OUTVERBOSE("re-using %ld(LB)", tmp);
			} else {
				tmp = tmplocal(pp,  ravp->av_size);
				mes = gen_mesreg(tmp, ravp, pp);
				append(ravp, tmp);
			change_score(mes, score);
			set_replace(ravp, tmp);