# mes 2, 4, 4 exp $_m_a_i_n pro $_m_a_i_n, 0 /* Test non-existent bit */ .1 rom 0I1, 0I1, 0I1, 0I1 loe .1 loc 1 /* bit number */ inn 4 zeq *1 loc __LINE__ cal $fail ass 4 1 /* Test existent bit */ .2 rom 2I1, 0I1, 0I1, 0I1 loe .2 loc 1 /* bit number */ inn 4 zne *2 loc __LINE__ cal $fail ass 4 2 /* Test non-existent high bit */ .3 rom 0I1, 0I1, 0I1, 0I1 rom 0I1, 0I1, 0I1, 0I1 .31 rom 33 /* to defeat constant folding */ lae .3 loi 8 loe .31 /* bit number */ inn 8 zeq *3 loc __LINE__ cal $fail ass 4 3 /* Test existent high bit */ .4 rom 0I1, 0I1, 0I1, 0I1 rom 2I1, 0I1, 0I1, 0I1 .41 rom 33 /* to defeat constant folding */ lae .4 loi 8 loe .41 /* bit number */ inn 8 zne *4 loc __LINE__ cal $fail ass 4 4 cal $finished ret 0 end