 *	Parse a makefile
 *	$Header$

#include <stdio.h>
#include	<ctype.h>
#include "h.h"

struct name		namehead;
struct name *		firstname;

char 			str1[LZ];		/*  General store  */
char			str2[LZ];

 *	Intern a name.  Return a pointer to the name struct
struct name *
char *			name;
	register struct name *	rp;
	register struct name *	rrp;
	register char *		cp;

		rp = namehead.n_next, rrp = &namehead;
		rp = rp->n_next, rrp = rrp->n_next
		if (strcmp(name, rp->n_name) == 0)
			return rp;

	if ((rp = (struct name *)malloc(sizeof (struct name)))
				== (struct name *)0)
		fatal("No memory for name");
	rrp->n_next = rp;
	rp->n_next = (struct name *)0;
	if ((cp = malloc((unsigned)(strlen(name)+1))) == (char *)0)
		fatal("No memory for name");
	strcpy(cp, name);
	rp->n_name = cp;
	rp->n_line = (struct line *)0;
	rp->n_time = (time_t)0;
	rp->n_flag = 0;

	return rp;

 *	Add a dependant to the end of the supplied list of dependants.
 *	Return the new head pointer for that list.
struct depend *
newdep(np, dp)
struct name *		np;
struct depend *		dp;
	register struct depend *	rp;
	register struct depend *	rrp;

	if ((rp = (struct depend *)malloc(sizeof (struct depend)))
				== (struct depend *)0)
		fatal("No memory for dependant");
	rp->d_next = (struct depend *)0;
	rp->d_name = np;

	if (dp == (struct depend *)0)
		return rp;

	for (rrp = dp; rrp->d_next; rrp = rrp->d_next)

	rrp->d_next = rp;

	return dp;

 *	Add a command to the end of the supplied list of commands.
 *	Return the new head pointer for that list.
struct cmd *
newcmd(str, cp)
char *			str;
struct cmd *		cp;
	register struct cmd *	rp;
	register struct cmd *	rrp;
	register char *		rcp;

	if (rcp = rindex(str, '\n'))
		*rcp = '\0';		/*  Loose newline  */

	while (isspace(*str))

	if (*str == '\0')		/*  If nothing left, the exit  */
		return 0;

	if ((rp = (struct cmd *)malloc(sizeof (struct cmd)))
				== (struct cmd *)0)
		fatal("No memory for command");
	rp->c_next = (struct cmd *)0;
	if ((rcp = malloc((unsigned)(strlen(str)+1))) == (char *)0)
		fatal("No memory for command");
	strcpy(rcp, str);
	rp->c_cmd = rcp;

	if (cp == (struct cmd *)0)
		return rp;

	for (rrp = cp; rrp->c_next; rrp = rrp->c_next)

	rrp->c_next = rp;

	return cp;

 *	Add a new 'line' of stuff to a target.  This check to see
 *	if commands already exist for the target.  If flag is set,
 *	the line is a double colon target.
 *	Kludges:
 *	i)  If the new name begins with a '.', and there are no dependents,
 *	    then the target must cease to be a target.  This is for .SUFFIXES.
 *	ii) If the new name begins with a '.', with no dependents and has
 *	    commands, then replace the current commands.  This is for
 *	    redefining commands for a default rule.
 *	Neither of these free the space used by dependents or commands,
 *	since they could be used by another target.
newline(np, dp, cp, flag)
struct name *		np;
struct depend *		dp;
struct cmd *		cp;
	bool			hascmds = FALSE;  /*  Target has commands  */
	register struct line *	rp;
	register struct line *	rrp;

	/* Handle the .SUFFIXES case */
	if (! strcmp(np->n_name, ".SUFFIXES") && !dp && !cp)
		for (rp = np->n_line; rp; rp = rrp)
			rrp = rp->l_next;
			free((char *)rp);
		np->n_line = (struct line *)0;
		np->n_flag &= ~N_TARG;

	/* This loop must happen since rrp is used later. */
		rp = np->n_line, rrp = (struct line *)0;
		rrp = rp, rp = rp->l_next
		if (rp->l_cmd)
			hascmds = TRUE;

	if (hascmds && cp && !(np->n_flag & N_DOUBLE))
		/* Handle the implicit rules redefinition case */
		if (np->n_name[0] == '.' && dp == (struct depend *)0)
			np->n_line->l_cmd = cp;
			error("Commands defined twice for target %s", np->n_name);
	if (np->n_flag & N_TARG)
		if (!(np->n_flag & N_DOUBLE) != !flag)		/* like xor */
			error("Inconsistent rules for target %s", np->n_name);

	if ((rp = (struct line *)malloc(sizeof (struct line)))
				== (struct line *)0)
		fatal("No memory for line");
	rp->l_next = (struct line *)0;
	rp->l_dep = dp;
	rp->l_cmd = cp;

	if (rrp)
		rrp->l_next = rp;
		np->n_line = rp;

	np->n_flag |= N_TARG;
	if (flag)
		np->n_flag |= N_DOUBLE;

 *	Parse input from the makefile, and construct a tree structure
 *	of it.
FILE *			fd;
	char *			p;		/*  General  */
	char *			q;
	struct name *		np;
	struct depend *		dp;
	struct cmd *		cp;
	bool			dbl;

	if (getline(str1, fd))	/*  Read the first line  */

#ifdef os9
		if (*str1 == ' ')	/*  Rules without targets  */
		if (*str1 == '\t')	/*  Rules without targets  */
			error("Rules not allowed here");

		p = str1;

		while (isspace(*p))	/*  Find first target  */

		while (((q = index(p, '=')) != (char *)0) &&
		    (p != q) && (q[-1] == '\\'))	/*  Find value */
			register char *		a;

			a = q - 1;	/*  Del \ chr; move rest back  */
			p = q;
			while(*a++ = *q++)

		if (q != (char *)0)
			register char *		a;

			*q++ = '\0';		/*  Separate name and val  */
			while (isspace(*q))
			if (p = rindex(q, '\n'))
				*p = '\0';

			p = str1;
			if ((a = gettok(&p)) == (char *)0)
				error("No macro name");

			setmacro(a, q, 2);

			if (getline(str1, fd))

		p = str1;

		while (((q = index(p, ':')) != (char *)0) &&
		    (p != q) && (q[-1] == '\\'))	/*  Find dependents  */
			register char *		a;

			a = q - 1;	/*  Del \ chr; move rest back  */
			p = q;
			while(*a++ = *q++)

		if (q == (char *)0)
			error("No targets provided");

		*q++ = '\0';	/*  Separate targets and dependents  */

		if (*q == ':')		/* Double colon */
			dbl = 1;
			dbl = 0;

		for (dp = (struct depend *)0; ((p = gettok(&q)) != (char *)0);)
					/*  get list of dep's */
			np = newname(p);		/*  Intern name  */
			dp = newdep(np, dp);		/*  Add to dep list */

		*((q = str1) + strlen(str1) + 1) = '\0';
			/*  Need two nulls for gettok (Remember separation)  */

		cp = (struct cmd *)0;
		if (getline(str2, fd) == FALSE)		/*  Get commands  */
#ifdef os9
			while (*str2 == ' ')
			while (*str2 == '\t')
				cp = newcmd(&str2[0], cp);
				if (getline(str2, fd))

		while ((p = gettok(&q)) != (char *)0)	/* Get list of targ's */
			np = newname(p);		/*  Intern name  */
			newline(np, dp, cp, dbl);
			if (!firstname && p[0] != '.')
				firstname = np;

		if (feof(fd))				/*  EOF?  */

		strcpy(str1, str2);