/* $Header$ */ /* * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright". */ /* I N L I N E S U B S T I T U T I O N */ #include <stdio.h> #include <em_path.h> #include <em_mnem.h> #include <em_pseu.h> #include "../share/types.h" #include "il.h" #include "../share/debug.h" #include "../share/alloc.h" #include "../share/global.h" #include "../share/lset.h" #include "../share/files.h" #include "../share/map.h" #include "il_aux.h" #include "il1_anal.h" #include "il2_aux.h" #include "il3_subst.h" #include "../share/get.h" #include "../share/put.h" #include "../share/go.h" int calnr; int complete_program; calcnt_p cchead; /* call-count info of current proc */ STATIC long space = 0; STATIC long total_size = 0; STATIC char cname[128] = TMP_DIR; STATIC char ccname[128] = TMP_DIR; /* For debugging only */ STATIC char sname[128] = TMP_DIR; STATIC int kp_temps = 0; int Ssubst; #ifdef VERBOSE int Senv,Srecursive,Slocals,Sinstrlab,Sparsefails,Spremoved,Scals; int Sbig_caller,Sdispensable,Schangedcallee,Sbigcallee,Sspace,Szeroratio; #endif /* P A S S 1 * * Pass 1 reads and analyses the EM text and the CFG. * It determines for every procedure if it may be expanded * in line and how it uses its formal parameters. * It also collects all calls appearing in the program and * recognizes the actual parameters of every call. * The call descriptors are put in a file (calfile). */ pass1(lnam,bnam,cnam) char *lnam, *bnam, *cnam; { FILE *f, *gf, *cf, *ccf; /* The EM input, the basic block graph, * the call-list file and the calcnt file. */ long laddr; bblock_p g; short kind; line_p l; f = openfile(lnam,"r"); gf = openfile(bnam,"r"); cf = openfile(cnam,"w"); ccf = openfile(ccname,"w"); mesregs = Lempty_set(); apriori(fproc); /* use information from the procedure table to * see which calls certainly cannot be expanded. */ while(TRUE) { laddr = ftell(f); if (!getunit(gf,f,&kind,&g,&l,&curproc,TRUE)) break; /* Read the control flow graph and EM text of * one procedure and analyze it. */ if (kind == LDATA) { remunit(LDATA,(proc_p) 0,l); continue; } /* OUTTRACE("flow graph of proc %d read",curproc->p_id); */ assert(INSTR(g->b_start) == ps_pro); curproc->p_start = g; curproc->P_LADDR = laddr; /* address of em text in em-file */ /* address of graph in basic block file */ curproc->P_SIZE = proclength(curproc); /* #instructions */ total_size += curproc->P_SIZE; if (BIG_PROC(curproc)) { /* curproc is too large to be expanded in line */ UNSUITABLE(curproc); } calnr = 0; anal_proc(curproc,cf,ccf); /* OUTTRACE("proc %d processed",curproc->p_id); */ remunit(LTEXT,curproc,(line_p) 0); /* remove control flow graph + text */ /* OUTTRACE("graph of proc %d removed",curproc->p_id); */ Ldeleteset(mesregs); mesregs = Lempty_set(); } fclose(f); fclose(gf); fclose(cf); fclose(ccf); } /* P A S S 2 * * Pass 2 reads the calfile and determines which calls should * be expanded in line. It does not use the EM text. */ STATIC char cname2[128] = TMP_DIR; pass2(cnam,space) char *cnam; long space; { FILE *cf, *cf2, *ccf; call_p c,a; cf = openfile(cnam,"r"); cf2 = openfile(cname2,"w"); ccf = openfile(ccname,"r"); while ((c = getcall(cf)) != (call_p) 0) { /* process all calls */ if (SUITABLE(c->cl_proc) && anal_params(c)) { /* called proc. may be put in line */ /* see which parameters may be put in line */ assign_ratio(c); /* assign a rank */ a = abstract(c); /* abstract essential info */ append_abstract(a,a->cl_caller); /* put it in call-list of calling proc. */ putcall(c,cf2,(short) 0); } else { rem_call(c); } } select_calls(fproc,ccf,space); fclose(cf); if (! kp_temps) unlink(cnam); fclose(cf2); fclose(ccf); if (! kp_temps) unlink(ccname); cf2 = openfile(cname2,"r"); add_actuals(fproc,cf2); cleancals(fproc); /* remove calls that were not selected */ /* add actual parameters to each selected call */ fclose(cf2); if (! kp_temps) unlink(cname2); } /* P A S S 3 * * pass 3 reads the substitution file and performs all * substitutions described in that file. It reads the * original EM text and produced a new (optimized) * EM textfile. */ pass3(lnam,lnam2) char *lnam,*lnam2; { bool verbose = TRUE; FILE *lfile, *lfilerand, *lfile2, *sfile; call_p c,next; line_p l,startscan,cal; short lastcid; /* last call-id seen */ lfile = openfile(lnam, "r"); lfilerand = openfile(lnam, "r"); lfile2 = openfile(lnam2,"w"); if (verbose) { sfile = openfile(sname,"w"); } mesregs = Lempty_set(); while ((l = get_text(lfile,&curproc)) != (line_p) 0) { if (curproc == (proc_p) 0) { /* Just a data-unit; no real instructions */ putlines(l->l_next,lfile2); oldline(l); continue; } if (IS_DISPENSABLE(curproc)) { liquidate(curproc,l->l_next); } else { startscan = l->l_next; lastcid = 0; for (c = curproc->P_CALS; c != (call_p) 0; c = next) { next = c->cl_cdr; cal = scan_to_cal(startscan,c->cl_id - lastcid); assert (cal != (line_p) 0); startscan = scan_to_cal(cal->l_next,1); /* next CAL */ lastcid = c->cl_id; /* next CAL after current one */ substitute(lfilerand,c,cal,l->l_next); if (verbose) { putcall(c,sfile,0); } else { rem_call(c); } } } putlines(l->l_next,lfile2); Ldeleteset(mesregs); mesregs = Lempty_set(); oldline(l); } fclose(lfile); fclose(lfile2); if (verbose) { fclose(sfile); if (! kp_temps) unlink(sname); } } STATIC il_extptab(ptab) proc_p ptab; { /* Allocate space for extension of proctable entries. * Also, initialise some of the fields just allocated. */ register proc_p p; for (p = ptab; p != (proc_p) 0; p = p->p_next) { p->p_extend = newilpx(); p->P_ORGLABELS = p->p_nrlabels; p->P_ORGLOCALS = p->p_localbytes; } } STATIC il_cleanptab(ptab) proc_p ptab; { /* De-allocate space for extensions */ register proc_p p; for (p = ptab; p != (proc_p) 0; p = p->p_next) { oldilpx(p->p_extend); } } #ifdef VERBOSE Sdiagnostics() { /* print statictical information */ fprintf(stderr,"STATISTICS:\n"); fprintf(stderr,"Info about procedures:\n"); fprintf(stderr,"environment accessed: %d\n",Senv); fprintf(stderr,"recursive: %d\n",Srecursive); fprintf(stderr,"too many locals: %d\n",Slocals); fprintf(stderr,"instr. lab in data block: %d\n",Sinstrlab); fprintf(stderr,"procedures removed: %d\n",Spremoved); fprintf(stderr,"\nInfo about calls:\n"); fprintf(stderr,"total number of calls: %d\n",Scals); fprintf(stderr,"total number of calls substituted: %d\n",Ssubst); fprintf(stderr,"parser failed: %d\n",Sparsefails); fprintf(stderr,"caller too big: %d\n",Sbig_caller); fprintf(stderr,"caller dispensable: %d\n",Sdispensable); fprintf(stderr,"callee is changed: %d\n",Schangedcallee); fprintf(stderr,"callee too big: %d\n",Sbigcallee); fprintf(stderr,"no space available: %d\n",Sspace); fprintf(stderr,"zero ratio: %d\n",Szeroratio); } #endif il_flags(p) char *p; { switch(*p++) { case 's': while (*p != '\0') { space = 10*space +*p++ -'0'; } break; case 'a': complete_program = 1; break; case 't': strcpy(cname, "."); strcpy(ccname, "."); strcpy(sname, "."); strcpy(cname2, "."); kp_temps = 1; break; } } main(argc,argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { FILE *f; go(argc,argv,no_action,no_action,no_action,il_flags); il_extptab(fproc); /* add extended data structures */ strcat(cname, "/ego.i1.XXXXXX"); strcat(ccname, "/ego.i2.XXXXXX"); strcat(sname, "/ego.i3.XXXXXX"); strcat(cname2, "/ego.i4.XXXXXX"); mktemp(cname); mktemp(ccname); mktemp(sname); mktemp(cname2); pass1(lname,bname,cname); /* grep calls, analyse procedures */ space = total_size * space / 100 ; pass2(cname,space); /* select calls to be expanded */ pass3(lname,lname2); /* do substitutions */ f = openfile(dname2,"w"); il_cleanptab(fproc); /* remove extended data structures */ putdtable(fdblock,f); f = openfile(pname2,"w"); putptable(fproc,f,FALSE); report("inline substitutions",Ssubst); #ifdef VERBOSE if (verbose_flag) { Sdiagnostics(); } #endif #ifdef DEBUG core_usage(); #endif exit(0); }