/* $Header$ */ /* Implementation of the do_ routines */ #include #include #include #include "operator.h" #include "position.h" #include "tree.h" #include "idf.h" #include "Lpars.h" #include "type.h" #include "expr.h" #include "symbol.h" #include "scope.h" #include "file.h" #include "message.h" extern FILE *db_out; extern t_lineno listline, currline; extern int stop_reason; extern int interrupted; p_tree print_command; /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* implementation of the help command */ do_help(p) p_tree p; { p = p->t_args[0]; if (p && p->t_idf) switch(p->t_idf->id_reserved) { case HELP: fputs("help [ ]\n", db_out); fputs("? [ ]\n", db_out); fputs(" Print a command summary, or some more help on .\n", db_out); return; case LIST: fputs("list [ | ] [ , | - [ ] ]\n", db_out); fputs("l [ | ] [ , | - [ ] ]\n", db_out); fputs(" List lines from the current source file, starting with either\n", db_out); fputs(" line or some lines before the first statement of or\n", db_out); fputs(" the current line. Either list lines or lines,\n", db_out); fputs(" except when a range is given.\n", db_out); fputs(" is the last given, or 10.\n", db_out); return; case XFILE: fputs("file [ ]\n", db_out); fputs(" Print the name of the current source file, or change the\n", db_out); fputs(" current source file to .\n", db_out); return; case RUN: fputs("run [ ] [ < ] [ > ]\n", db_out); fputs(" Start executing debuggee with command line arguments and\n", db_out); fputs(" possible redirection of standard input and/or standard output.\n", db_out); return; case RERUN: fputs("rerun\n", db_out); fputs(" repeats the last run command.\n", db_out); return; case STOP: fputs("stop [ ] [ if ]\n", db_out); fputs(" Stop execution when position is reached, and then when\n", db_out); fputs(" becomes true. If no is given, stop when \n", db_out); fputs(" becomes true. If no is given, stop when is reached.\n", db_out); fputs(" Either a position or a condition (or both) must be given.\n", db_out); return; case WHEN: fputs("when [ ] [ if ] { [ ; ] ... } \n", db_out); fputs(" Execute the s when position is reached, and then when\n", db_out); fputs(" becomes true. If no is given, do this when \n", db_out); fputs(" becomes true. If no is given, do this when is reached.\n", db_out); fputs(" Either a position or a condition (or both) must be given.\n", db_out); return; case CONT: fputs("cont [ ] [ at ]\n", db_out); fputs("c [ ] [ at ]\n", db_out); fputs(" Continue execution, skipping or 1 breakpoints;a\n", db_out); fputs(" if is given, continue at .\n", db_out); return; case STEP: case NEXT: fputs("step [ ]\n", db_out); fputs("s [ ]\n", db_out); fputs("next [ ]\n", db_out); fputs("n [ ]\n", db_out); fputs(" Execute the next or 1 source line(s).\n", db_out); fputs(" Step (s) steps into function-calls.\n", db_out); fputs(" Next (n) steps past function-calls.\n", db_out); return; case WHERE: fputs("where [ ]\n", db_out); fputs("w [ ]\n", db_out); fputs(" List all, or the top or the bottom - active functions.\n", db_out); return; case STATUS: fputs("status\n", db_out); fputs(" display active traces, stops, whens, displays, and dumps.\n", db_out); return; case DELETE: fputs("delete [ [ , ] ... ]\n", db_out); fputs("d [ [ , ] ...] \n", db_out); fputs(" Remove the command(s) corresponding to (as displayed by 'status').\n", db_out); fputs(" If no is given, remove the current stopping point.\n", db_out); return; case SET: fputs("set to \n", db_out); fputs(" Assign the value of to .\n", db_out); return; case PRINT: fputs("print [ , ] ...\n", db_out); fputs("p [ , ] ...\n", db_out); fputs(" Print the value of each .\n", db_out); return; case DISPLAY: fputs("display [ , ] ...\n", db_out); fputs(" Print the value of each whenever the debuggee stops.\n", db_out); return; case DUMP: fputs("dump\n", db_out); fputs(" Saves the state of the debuggee; it can be restored with the restore command.\n", db_out); return; case RESTORE: fputs("restore [ ]\n", db_out); fputs("r [ ]\n", db_out); fputs(" Restore the state of the dump associated with ,\n", db_out); fputs(" or restore the state of the last dump.\n", db_out); return; case TRACE: fputs("trace [ on ] [ ] [ if ]\n", db_out); fputs("t [ on ] [ ] [ if ]\n", db_out); fputs(" Without args, display each source line before execution.\n", db_out); fputs(" In addition, display in the on-clause.\n", db_out); fputs(" If is given and indicates a function, only display\n", db_out); fputs(" tracing information while executing this function.\n", db_out); fputs(" If it indicates a line number, only display tracing information\n", db_out); fputs(" whenever the source line is reached.\n", db_out); fputs(" If is given, only display tracing info when it evaluates to non-zero.\n", db_out); return; case FIND: fputs("find \n", db_out); fputs(" Prints the fully qualified name of all symbols matching .\n", db_out); return; case WHICH: fputs("which \n", db_out); fputs(" Prints the fully qualified name of .\n", db_out); return; case DISABLE: fputs("disable [ [ , ] ... ]\n", db_out); fputs(" Disable the command(s) corresponding to (as displayed by 'status').\n", db_out); fputs(" If no is given, disable the current stopping point.\n", db_out); return; case ENABLE: fputs("enable [ [ , ] ... ]\n", db_out); fputs(" Enable the command(s) corresponding to (as displayed by 'status'.)\n", db_out); fputs(" If no is given, enable the current stopping point (not effective).\n", db_out); return; } fputs("cont [ ] [ at ]\n", db_out); fputs("delete [ [ , ] ... ]\n", db_out); fputs("disable [ [ , ] ... ]\n", db_out); fputs("display [ , ] ...\n", db_out); fputs("dump\n", db_out); fputs("enable [ [ , ] ... ]\n", db_out); fputs("file [ ]\n", db_out); fputs("find \n", db_out); fputs("help [ ]\n", db_out); fputs("list [ | ] [ , | - [ ] ]\n", db_out); fputs("next [ ]\n", db_out); fputs("print [ , ] ...\n", db_out); fputs("rerun\n", db_out); fputs("restore \n", db_out); fputs("run [ ] [ < ] [ > ]\n", db_out); fputs("set to \n", db_out); fputs("status\n", db_out); fputs("step [ ]\n", db_out); fputs("stop [ ] [ if ]\n", db_out); fputs("trace [ on ] [ ] [ if ]\n", db_out); fputs("when [ ] [ if ] { [ ; ] ... } \n", db_out); fputs("where [ ]\n", db_out); fputs("which \n", db_out); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* implementation of dump/restore commands */ extern long pointer_size; extern p_tree get_from_item_list(); struct dump { char *globals, *stack; struct message_hdr mglobal, mstack; struct dump *next; }; static struct dump *last_dump; do_dump(p) p_tree p; { struct dump *d = (struct dump *) malloc(sizeof(struct dump)); if (! d) { error("could not allocate enough memory"); return; } if (! get_dump(&d->mglobal, &d->globals, &d->mstack, &d->stack)) { free((char *) d); return; } p->t_args[0] = (struct tree *) d; p->t_address = (t_addr) get_int(d->mglobal.m_buf+PC_OFF*pointer_size, pointer_size, T_UNSIGNED); add_to_item_list(p); d->next = last_dump; last_dump = d; } do_restore(p) p_tree p; { struct dump *d; if (p->t_args[0]) { p = get_from_item_list((int) p->t_args[0]->t_ival); if (!p || p->t_oper != OP_DUMP) { error("no such dump"); return; } d = (struct dump *) p->t_args[0]; } else d = last_dump; if (! d) { error("no dumps"); return; } if (! put_dump(&d->mglobal, d->globals, &d->mstack, d->stack)) { } perform_items(); } free_dump(p) p_tree p; { struct dump *d = (struct dump *) p->t_args[0]; free(d->globals); free(d->stack); if (d == last_dump) last_dump = d->next; else { register struct dump *d1 = last_dump; while (d1->next != d) d1 = d1->next; d1->next = d->next; } free((char *) d); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* implementation of the find command */ do_find(p) p_tree p; { /* Print all identifications of p->t_args[0]. */ register p_symbol s; p_tree arg; p = p->t_args[0]; switch(p->t_oper) { case OP_NAME: s = p->t_idf->id_def; while (s) { pr_sym(s); s = s->sy_next; } break; case OP_SELECT: arg = p->t_args[1]; assert(arg->t_oper == OP_NAME); s = arg->t_idf->id_def; while (s) { if (consistent(p, s->sy_scope)) { pr_sym(s); } s = s->sy_next; } break; default: assert(0); } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* implementation of the which command */ do_which(p) p_tree p; { p_symbol sym = identify(p->t_args[0], 0xffff); if ( sym) pr_sym(sym); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* implementation of the list command */ extern t_addr get_addr_from_node(); do_list(p) p_tree p; { int l1, l2; static int wsize = 10; if (p->t_args[1]) { l2 = p->t_args[1]->t_ival; if (l2 >= 0) { if (l2 == 0) l2 = 1; wsize = l2; } } else l2 = wsize; if (! p->t_args[0]) { l1 = listline; if (! l1) { listline = currline - (wsize/2); l1 = listline; } } else { if (p->t_args[0]->t_oper == OP_AT) { l1 = p->t_args[0]->t_lino; if (p->t_args[0]->t_filename) { newfile(str2idf(p->t_args[0]->t_filename, 0)); } } else { t_addr a = get_addr_from_node(p->t_args[0]); p_position pos; p_symbol oldlistfile = listfile; if (a == ILL_ADDR) { return; } pos = get_position_from_addr(a); newfile(str2idf(pos->filename, 1)); if (listfile != oldlistfile) { warning("switching to file %s", listfile->sy_idf->id_text); } l1 = pos->lineno - (l2 > 0 ? l2 : wsize)/2; if (l1 < 1) l1 = 1; } } if (listfile) { if (l2 < 0) { l2 = -l2; if (l1 > l2) l2 = 1; else l2 -= l1 - 1; } lines(listfile->sy_file, l1, l2); listline = l1 + l2; } else error("no current file"); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* implementation of the file command */ do_file(p) p_tree p; { FILE *f; if (p->t_args[0]) { if (! strcmp(p->t_args[0]->t_str, "?")) { register p_symbol sym = PervasiveScope->sc_symbs; while (sym) { if (sym->sy_class == FILESYM) { fprintf(db_out, "%s\n", sym->sy_idf->id_text); } sym = sym->sy_prev_sc; } return; } if ((f = fopen(p->t_args[0]->t_str, "r")) == NULL) { error("could not open %s", p->t_args[0]->t_str); return; } fclose(f); newfile(p->t_args[0]->t_idf); } else if (listfile) fprintf(db_out, "%s\n", listfile->sy_idf->id_text); else error("no current file"); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* implementation of stop/when command */ setstop(p, kind) p_tree p; int kind; { t_addr a = get_addr_from_node(p->t_args[0]); if (a == ILL_ADDR) return 0; p->t_address = a; if (a != NO_ADDR) { if (! set_or_clear_breakpoint(a, kind)) { return 0; } } return 1; } do_stop(p) p_tree p; { if (! setstop(p, M_SETBP)) { return; } add_to_item_list(p); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* implementation of the trace command */ settrace(p, kind) p_tree p; int kind; { t_addr a, e; a = get_addr_from_node(p->t_args[0]); if (a == NO_ADDR) return 1; if (a == ILL_ADDR) return 0; if (p->t_args[0]->t_oper == OP_AT) { e = a; p->t_address = a; } else { p_scope sc = get_next_scope_from_addr(a+1); if (sc) e = sc->sc_start - 1; else e = 0xffffffff; } return set_or_clear_trace(a, e, kind); } do_trace(p) p_tree p; { p->t_address = NO_ADDR; if (! settrace(p, M_SETTRACE)) { return; } add_to_item_list(p); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* implementation of the enable/disable commands */ static able(p, kind) p_tree p; int kind; { if (!p) { if (stop_reason) { able_item(stop_reason, kind); } else { error("no current stopping point"); } return; } switch(p->t_oper) { case OP_LINK: able(p->t_args[0], kind); able(p->t_args[1], kind); break; case OP_INTEGER: able_item((int)p->t_ival, kind); break; default: assert(0); } } do_enable(p) p_tree p; { able(p->t_args[0], 0); } do_disable(p) p_tree p; { able(p->t_args[0], 1); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* implementation of the cont command */ do_continue(p) p_tree p; { int count; if (p) { count = p->t_args[0]->t_ival; if (p->t_args[1]) { t_addr a = get_addr_from_position(&(p->t_args[1]->t_pos)); p_scope sc = get_scope_from_addr(a); if (a == ILL_ADDR || base_scope(sc) != base_scope(CurrentScope)) { error("cannot continue at line %d", p->t_args[1]->t_lino); return; } if (! set_pc(a)) { return; } } } else count = 1; while (count--) { if (! send_cont(count==0)) { break; } } if (count > 0) { fprintf(db_out, "Only %d breakpoints skipped\n", p->t_args[0]->t_ival - count); } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* implementation of the step command */ do_step(p) p_tree p; { p = p->t_args[0]; if (! singlestep(M_SETSS, p ? p->t_ival : 1L)) { } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* implementation of the next command */ do_next(p) p_tree p; { p = p->t_args[0]; if (! singlestep(M_SETSSF, p? p->t_ival : 1L)) { } } extern t_addr *get_EM_regs(); /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* implementation of the regs command (temporarily) */ do_regs(p) p_tree p; { t_addr *buf; int n = 0; p = p->t_args[0]; if (p) n = p->t_ival; if (! (buf = get_EM_regs(n))) { return; } fprintf(db_out, "EM registers %d levels back:\n", n); fprintf(db_out, "\tLocalBase =\t0x%lx\n\tArgumentBase =\t0x%lx\n", (long) buf[LB_OFF], (long) buf[AB_OFF]); fprintf(db_out, "\tProgramCounter=\t0x%lx\n\tHeapPointer = \t0x%lx\n", (long) buf[PC_OFF], (long) buf[HP_OFF]); fprintf(db_out, "\tStackPointer =\t0x%lx\n", (long) buf[SP_OFF]); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* implementation of the where command */ /*ARGSUSED*/ do_where(p) p_tree p; { int i = 0; unsigned int cnt; unsigned int maxcnt = 0xffff; p_scope sc; t_addr *buf; t_addr PC; p = p->t_args[0]; if (p && p->t_ival < 0) { for (;;) { buf = get_EM_regs(i++); if (! buf || ! buf[AB_OFF]) break; PC = buf[PC_OFF]; sc = base_scope(get_scope_from_addr(PC)); if (! sc || sc->sc_start > PC) break; if (interrupted) return; } i--; maxcnt = - p->t_ival; i -= maxcnt; if (i < 0) i = 0; } else if (p) maxcnt = p->t_ival; for (cnt = maxcnt; cnt != 0; cnt--) { t_addr AB; if (interrupted) return; if (! (buf = get_EM_regs(i++))) break; AB = buf[AB_OFF]; PC = buf[PC_OFF]; if (! AB) break; sc = base_scope(get_scope_from_addr(PC)); if (! sc || sc->sc_start > PC) break; fprintf(db_out, "%s(", sc->sc_definedby->sy_idf->id_text); print_params(sc->sc_definedby->sy_type, AB, has_static_link(sc)); fputs(") ", db_out); print_position(PC, 0); fputs("\n", db_out); } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* implementation of the delete command */ extern p_tree remove_from_item_list(); do_delete(p) p_tree p; { switch(p->t_oper) { case OP_DELETE: if (! p->t_args[0]) { if (stop_reason) { remove_from_item_list(stop_reason); stop_reason = 0; } else { error("no current stopping point"); } } else do_delete(p->t_args[0]); break; case OP_LINK: do_delete(p->t_args[0]); do_delete(p->t_args[1]); break; case OP_INTEGER: p = remove_from_item_list((int) p->t_ival); if (p) switch(p->t_oper) { case OP_WHEN: case OP_STOP: setstop(p, M_CLRBP); break; case OP_TRACE: settrace(p, M_CLRTRACE); break; case OP_DUMP: free_dump(p); } freenode(p); break; default: assert(0); } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* implementation of the print command */ do_print(p) p_tree p; { char *buf = 0; char *format = 0; long size; p_type tp; switch(p->t_oper) { case OP_PRINT: if (p->t_args[0] == 0) { p = print_command; if (p == 0) { error("no previous print command"); break; } } else if (p != print_command) { /* freenode(print_command); No, could be in when-list */ print_command = p; } /* fall through */ case OP_DISPLAY: do_print(p->t_args[0]); break; case OP_LINK: do_print(p->t_args[0]); do_print(p->t_args[1]); break; default: if (interrupted || ! eval_expr(p, &buf, &size, &tp)) return; print_node(p, 0); fputs(" = ", db_out); if (p->t_oper == OP_FORMAT) { format = p->t_args[1]->t_str; } print_val(tp, size, buf, 0, 0, format); if (buf) free(buf); fputs("\n", db_out); break; } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* implementation of the set command */ do_set(p) p_tree p; { char *buf = 0; long size, size2; p_type tp, tp2; t_addr a; if (interrupted || ! eval_desig(p->t_args[0], &a, &size, &tp) || ! eval_expr(p->t_args[1], &buf, &size2, &tp2) || ! convert(&buf, &size2, &tp2, tp, size)) { if (buf) free(buf); return; } if (interrupted) { free(buf); return; } set_bytes(size, buf, a); free(buf); }