/* lfr ret should little endian */ #define const13(x) ((x) > -4096 && (x) < 4096) #define NULL 0 #include "mach_em.h" define(`RETH_LD',`reg_o1') define(`RETL_LD',`reg_o0') define(`RETH_ST',`reg_i1') define(`RETL_ST',`reg_i0') define(`LIN_NO',`%g6') define(`FIL_NAM',`%g7') define(`BP_OFFSET',`'WINDOWSIZE) define(`'`EM_BSIZE',EM_BSIZE) define(STACK_CLICK,4) #if RESOLV_debug define(Comment0) define(Comment) define(Comment2) #else define(Comment0,; `'`)' ; `'`/* */'" ! $1" ; code_combiner`'`(' ) define(Comment, ; `'`)' ; `'`/* */'" ! $1 $2" ; code_combiner`'`(' ) define(Comment2,; `'`)' ; `'`/* */'" ! $1 $2 $3" ; code_combiner`'`(' ) #endif define(MAX_INT, 0x7fffffff) define(E_EM_CUF, 100) define(E_EM_CFF, 101) define(E_EM_CFI, 102) define(E_EM_CFU, 103) #define MAX_UNROLL 16 #undef FAST_LIN_LNI_FIL define( narg4, C_$1_narg ==> ` { reg_t a; int n; Comment0( $1_narg ); if (type_of_tos() == T_cst) { n= pop_const(NULL); C_$1 (n); } else { a= pop_reg(); force_alloc_output(); "cmp $a, 4"; "be 1f"; "set EILLINS, $reg_o0"; "call trp"; "nop"; "1:"; free_reg(a); free_output(); C_$1 (4); } }. ' ) /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Group 1 : Load instructions */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ /* %fp : frame pointer * %sp : stack pointer * RETH_XX: High part of return value * RETL_XX: Low part of return value * LIN_NO : lin_no * FIL_NAM: Fil_nam */ C_loc ==> Comment( loc , $1 ); push_const($1). C_lol ==> Comment( lol , $1 ); { reg_t S1; if (S1 = find_local($1, NULL)) { soft_alloc_reg(S1); push_reg(S1); } else { soft_alloc_reg(reg_lb); push_reg(reg_lb); inc_tos($1); push_const(4); C_los(EM_WSIZE); } }. C_loe.. ==> Comment2( loe.. , $1, $2 ); { #ifdef FAST_LIN_LNI_FIL if ((int*)($1) == (int*)"hol0") if ($2 == 0) push_reg(reg_lin); else if ($2 == 4) push_reg(reg_fil); else arg_error("loe.. hol0+", $2); else { #endif push_ext($1); inc_tos($2); push_const(4); C_los(EM_WSIZE); #ifdef FAST_LIN_LNI_FIL } #endif } . C_lil ==> Comment( lil , $1 ); { reg_t S1; reg_t S2; if (S1 = find_local($1, NULL)) { S2 = alloc_reg(); "ld [$S1], $S2"; push_reg(S2); } else { soft_alloc_reg(reg_lb); push_reg(reg_lb); inc_tos($1); push_const(4); C_los(EM_WSIZE); push_const(4); C_los(EM_WSIZE); } }. C_lof ==> Comment( lof , $1 ); inc_tos($1); push_const(4); C_los(EM_WSIZE). C_lal ==> Comment( lal , $1 ); soft_alloc_reg(reg_lb); push_reg(reg_lb); inc_tos($1). C_lae.. ==> Comment2( lae.. , $1, $2 ); push_ext($1); inc_tos($2). C_lxl $1 == 0 ==> Comment( lxl , $1 ); soft_alloc_reg(reg_lb); push_reg(reg_lb). $1 == 1 ==> Comment( lxl , $1 ); soft_alloc_reg(reg_lb); push_reg(reg_lb); inc_tos(EM_BSIZE); push_const(4); C_los(EM_WSIZE). default ==> Comment( lxl , $1 ); { reg_t a; reg_t b; reg_t c; const_str_t n_str; a = alloc_reg(); b = alloc_reg(); c = alloc_reg(); sprint(n_str, "%d", $1); "set $n_str, $a"; "mov $reg_lb, $b"; "1: ld [$b + EM_BSIZE], $c"; "deccc $a"; "bnz 1b"; "mov $c, $b"; push_reg(b); free_reg(a); free_reg(c); }. C_lxa ==> C_lxl($1); inc_tos(EM_BSIZE). C_loi ( $1 == 1 ) || ( $1 == 2 ) || ( $1 % 4 == 0 ) ==> Comment( loi , $1 ); push_const($1); C_los(EM_WSIZE). default ==> arg_error( "loi", $1). C_los $1 == 4 ==> { reg_t a; reg_t b; reg_t c; int i; char *LD; arith size; const_str_t n; const_str_t size_str; Comment( los, $1); if (type_of_tos() == T_cst && top_const() <= MAX_UNROLL) { size = pop_const(size_str); if (size <= 4) { switch (size) { case 1: LD = "ldub"; break; case 2: LD = "lduh"; break; case 4: LD = "ld"; break; default: arg_error("C_los", size); } b = alloc_reg(); if (type_of_tos() & T_reg2) { a= pop_reg_reg(&c); "$LD [$a+$c], $b"; free_reg(a); free_reg(c); } else { a = pop_reg_c13(n); "$LD [$a+$n], $b"; free_reg(a); } push_reg(b); } else if (size <= MAX_UNROLL) { /* SUB-OPTIMAL */ inc_tos(size-4); for (i = 0; i < size; i += 4) { b = alloc_reg(); if (type_of_tos() & T_reg2) { a= pop_reg_reg(&c); "ld [$a+$c], $b"; push_reg(b); push_reg(a); inc_tos_reg(c); } else { a = pop_reg_c13(n); "ld [$a+$n], $b"; push_reg(b); if (n[0] == '-' || isdigit(n[0])) { push_reg(a); inc_tos(atoi(n)); } else { b= alloc_reg(); "add $a, $n, $b"; push_reg(b); free_reg(a); } } inc_tos(-4); } pop_nop(1); } else arg_error ("loi", size); } else { a = alloc_reg(); /* count */ pop_reg_as(a); b = pop_reg(); /* addr */ c = alloc_reg(); flush_cache(); "sub $reg_sp, $a, $reg_sp" /* HACK */ "1: deccc 4, $a" "ld [$b+$a], $c" "bnz 1b" "st $c, [$reg_sp+$a]" /* delay */ free_reg(a); free_reg(b); free_reg(c); } }. default ==> arg_error("C_los", $1). narg4(los) C_ldl ==> Comment( ldl , $1 ); { reg_t S1; reg_t S2; if (S1 = find_local($1, &S2)) { soft_alloc_reg(S1); soft_alloc_reg(S2); push_double_reg(S1); } else { soft_alloc_reg(reg_lb); push_reg(reg_lb); inc_tos($1); push_const(8); C_los(EM_WSIZE); } }. C_lde.. ==> Comment2( lde.. , $1, $2 ); push_ext($1); inc_tos($2); push_const(8); C_los(EM_WSIZE). C_ldf ==> Comment( ldf , $1 ); inc_tos($1); push_const(8); C_los(EM_WSIZE). C_lpi ==> Comment( lpi , $1 ); push_ext($1). /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Group 2 : Store instructions */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ C_stl ==> Comment( stl , $1 ); { reg_t S1; if ((S1 = find_local($1, NULL))) { pop_reg_as(S1); } else { soft_alloc_reg(reg_lb); push_reg(reg_lb); inc_tos($1); push_const(4); C_sts(EM_WSIZE); } }. C_ste.. ==> Comment2( ste.. , $1, $2 ); push_ext($1); inc_tos($2); push_const(4); C_sts(EM_WSIZE). C_sil ==> Comment( sil , $1 ); { reg_t S1; reg_t S2; if (S1 = find_local($1, NULL)) { S2 = pop_reg(); "st $S2, [$S1]"; free_reg(S2); } else { soft_alloc_reg(reg_lb); push_reg(reg_lb); inc_tos($1); push_const(4); C_los(EM_WSIZE); push_const(4); C_sts(EM_WSIZE); } }. C_stf ==> Comment( stf , $1 ); inc_tos($1); push_const(4); C_sts(EM_WSIZE). C_sti ( $1 == 1) || ( $1 == 2) || ( $1 % 4 == 0 ) ==> Comment( sti, $1 ); push_const($1); C_sts(EM_WSIZE). default ==> arg_error( "sti", $1). C_sts $1 == 4 ==> { reg_t a; reg_t b; reg_t c; reg_t d; arith size; const_str_t n; const_str_t size_str; int i; char *ST; Comment( sts, $1); if (type_of_tos() == T_cst && top_const() <= MAX_UNROLL) { size = pop_const(size_str); if (size <= 4) { switch (size) { case 1: ST = "stb"; break; case 2: ST = "sth"; break; case 4: ST = "st"; break; default: arg_error("C_sti", size); } c= NULL; if (type_of_tos() & T_reg2) a= pop_reg_reg(&c); else a = pop_reg_c13(n); if (type_of_tos() == T_float) { b= pop_float(); if (size < 4) { "st $b,[%fp+64]"; free_reg(b); b= alloc_reg(); "ld [%fp+64],$b"; } } else b = pop_reg(); if (c) { "$ST $b, [$a+$c]"; free_reg(c); } else "$ST $b, [$a+$n]"; free_reg(a); free_reg(b); } else if (size <= MAX_UNROLL) { for (i = 0; i < size; i+=4) { c= NULL; if (type_of_tos() & T_reg2) a= pop_reg_reg(&c); else a = pop_reg_c13(n); if (type_of_tos() == T_float) b= pop_float(); else b = pop_reg(); if (c) "st $b, [$a+$c]"; else "st $b, [$a+$n]"; free_reg(b); if (c) { push_reg(a); inc_tos_reg(c); } else if (n[0] == '-' || isdigit(n[0])) { push_reg(a); inc_tos(atoi(n)); } else { b= alloc_reg(); "add $a, $n, $b"; push_reg(b); free_reg(a); } inc_tos(4); } pop_nop(1); } else arg_error ("sti", size); } else { force_alloc_output(); d = pop_reg(); /* size */ a = pop_reg(); /* address */ flush_cache(); b = alloc_reg(); c = alloc_reg(); "cmp $d, 4"; "bg,a 8f"; "andcc $d, 3, %g0"; /* delay slot */ "be,a 4f"; "ld [$reg_sp], $b"; /* delay slot */ "cmp $d, 1"; "be,a 1f"; "ld [$reg_sp], $b"; /* delay slot */ "bl 0f"; "cmp $d, 2"; "be 2f"; "ld [$reg_sp], $b"; /* delay slot */ "3: set EILLINS, %o0"; "call trp"; "nop"; "b 0f"; "nop"; "1:"; "inc STACK_CLICK, $reg_sp"; "b 0f"; "stb $b, [$a]"; /* delay slot */ "2:"; "inc STACK_CLICK, $reg_sp"; "b 0f"; "sth $b, [$a]"; /* delay slot */ "4:"; "inc STACK_CLICK, $reg_sp"; "b 0f"; "st $b, [$a]"; /* delay slot */ "8:"; "bne 3b"; "nop"; "mov $d, $b"; "9: deccc 4, $b"; "ld [$reg_sp+$b], $c"; "bnz 9b"; "st $c, [$a+$b]"; /* delay slot */ "add $reg_sp, $d, $reg_sp" /* HACK */ "0:" free_reg(a); free_reg(b); free_reg(c); free_reg(d); free_output(); } }. default ==> arg_error( "sts", $1). narg4(sts) C_sdl ==> Comment( sdl , $1 ); { reg_t S1; reg_t S2; S1 = find_local($1, NULL); if (S1) pop_double_reg_as(S1); else { soft_alloc_reg(reg_lb); push_reg(reg_lb); inc_tos($1); push_const(8); C_sts(EM_WSIZE); } }. C_sde.. ==> Comment2( sde.. , $1, $2 ); push_ext($1); inc_tos($2); push_const(8); C_sts(EM_WSIZE). C_sdf ==> Comment( sdf , $1 ); inc_tos($1); push_const(8); C_sts(EM_WSIZE). /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Group 3 : Integer arithmetic */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ C_adi $1 == 4 ==> Comment( adi , $1 ); if ((type_of_tos()) == T_cst) { arith n; n = pop_const(NULL); inc_tos(n); } else { reg_t a; reg_t b; reg_t c; a = pop_reg(); inc_tos_reg(a); }. default ==> arg_error( "adi", $1). narg4(adi) C_sbi $1 == 4 ==> Comment( sbi , $1 ); if ((type_of_tos()) == T_cst) { arith n; n = pop_const(NULL); inc_tos(-n); } else { reg_t a; reg_t b; reg_t c; a = pop_reg(); b = pop_reg(); c = alloc_reg(); "sub $b, $a, $c"; free_reg(a); free_reg(b); push_reg(c); }. default ==> arg_error( "sbi", $1). narg4(sbi) C_mli $1 == 4 ==> { unsigned int n0; unsigned int n1; reg_t orig; reg_t a; reg_t b; reg_t c; unsigned int n; const_str_t n_str; Comment( mli , $1 ); if (type_of_tos() == T_cst) { n = pop_const(NULL); orig = pop_reg(); c = reg_g0; while (n) { for (n0 = 0; !(n & 1); n>>=1) ++n0; for (n1 = 0; n & 1; n>>=1) ++n1; if (n0) { a = alloc_reg(); sprint(n_str, "%d", n0); "sll $orig, $n_str, $a"; free_reg(orig); orig = a; } if (n1 == 1) { if (c == reg_g0) { soft_alloc_reg(orig); c = orig; } else { a = alloc_reg(); "add $c, $orig, $a"; free_reg(c); c = a; } n <<= n1; } else { a = alloc_reg(); sprint(n_str, "%d", n1); "sll $orig, $n_str, $a"; b = alloc_reg(); "sub $a, $orig, $b"; free_reg(orig); orig = a; if (c == reg_g0) c = b; else { a = alloc_reg(); "add $c, $b, $a"; free_reg(b); free_reg(c); c = a; } } } push_reg(c); free_reg(orig); } else { force_alloc_output(); pop_reg_as(reg_o0); pop_reg_as(reg_o1); "call mli4"; "nop" /* delay */ free_output(); forced_alloc_reg(reg_o0); push_reg(reg_o0); } }. default ==> arg_error( "mli", $1). narg4(mli) C_dvi $1 == 4 ==> { reg_t a; reg_t b; int n; int n_exp; const_str_t n_exp_str; Comment( dvi , $1 ); #if MATH_DIVIDE if (type_of_tos() == T_cst && power_of_2(top_const(), &n_exp)) { sprint (n_exp_str, "%d", n_exp); n= pop_const(NULL); a= pop_reg(); b= alloc_reg(); "sra $a, $n_exp_str, $b"; free_reg(a); push_reg(b); } else #endif { force_alloc_output(); pop_reg_as(reg_o1); /* denominator */ pop_reg_as(reg_o0); /* numerator */ #if MATH_DIVIDE "call mathdvi4"; #else "call dvi4"; #endif "nop" free_output(); forced_alloc_reg(reg_o0); push_reg(reg_o0); } }. default ==> arg_error( "dvi", $1). narg4(dvi) C_rmi $1 == 4 ==> Comment( rmi , $1 ); { force_alloc_output(); pop_reg_as(reg_o1); /* denominator */ pop_reg_as(reg_o0); /* numerator */ #if MATH_DIVIDE "call mathdvi4"; #else "call dvi4"; #endif "nop" free_output(); forced_alloc_reg(reg_o1); push_reg(reg_o1); }. default ==> arg_error( "rmi", $1). narg4(rmi) C_ngi $1 == 4 ==> Comment( ngi , $1 ); { reg_t a; reg_t b; a = pop_reg(); b = alloc_reg(); "sub %g0, $a, $b"; push_reg(b); free_reg(a); }. default ==> arg_error( "ngi", $1). narg4(ngi) C_sli $1 == 4 ==> Comment( sli , $1 ); { reg_t a; reg_t b; reg_t c; b = alloc_reg(); if ((type_of_tos() == T_cst) && (const13(top_const()))) { const_str_t n; pop_const(n); a = pop_reg(); "sll $a, $n, $b"; } else { c = pop_reg(); a = pop_reg(); "sll $a, $c, $b"; free_reg(c); } free_reg(a); push_reg(b); }. default ==> arg_error( "sli", $1). narg4(sli) C_sri $1 == 4 ==> Comment( sri , $1 ); { reg_t a; reg_t b; reg_t c; b = alloc_reg(); if ((type_of_tos() == T_cst) && (const13(top_const()))) { const_str_t n; pop_const(n); a = pop_reg(); "sra $a, $n, $b"; } else { c = pop_reg(); a = pop_reg(); "sra $a, $c, $b"; free_reg(c); } free_reg(a); push_reg(b); }. default ==> arg_error( "sri", $1). narg4(sri) /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Group 4 : Unsigned arithmetic */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ C_adu ==> Comment( adu , $1 ); C_adi( w). narg4(adu) C_sbu ==> Comment( sbu , $1 ); C_sbi( w). narg4(sbu) C_mlu $1 == 4 ==> Comment( mlu , $1 ); C_mli($1). /* { force_alloc_output(); pop_reg_as(reg_o0); pop_reg_as(reg_o1); "call mlu4"; "nop" free_output(); forced_alloc_reg(reg_o0); push_reg(reg_o0); }. */ default ==> arg_error( "mlu", $1). narg4(mlu) C_dvu $1 == 4 ==> { reg_t a; reg_t b; unsigned n; int n_exp; const_str_t n_exp_str; Comment( dvu , $1 ); if (type_of_tos() == T_cst && uns_power_of_2(top_const(), &n_exp)) { sprint (n_exp_str, "%d", n_exp); n= pop_const(NULL); a= pop_reg(); b= alloc_reg(); "srl $a, $n_exp_str, $b"; free_reg(a); push_reg(b); } else { force_alloc_output(); pop_reg_as(reg_o1); /* denominator */ pop_reg_as(reg_o0); /* numerator */ "call dvu4"; "nop" free_output(); forced_alloc_reg(reg_o0); push_reg(reg_o0); } }. default ==> arg_error( "dvu", $1). narg4(dvu) C_rmu $1 == 4 ==> Comment( rmu , $1 ); { force_alloc_output(); pop_reg_as(reg_o1); pop_reg_as(reg_o0); "call dvu4"; "nop" free_output(); forced_alloc_reg(reg_o1); push_reg(reg_o1); }. default ==> arg_error( "rmu", $1). narg4(rmu) C_slu ==> Comment( slu , $1 ); C_sli($1). narg4(slu) C_sru $1 == 4 ==> { reg_t a; reg_t b; reg_t c; Comment( sru , $1 ); b = alloc_reg(); if ((type_of_tos() == T_cst) && (const13(top_const()))) { const_str_t n; pop_const(n); a = pop_reg(); "srl $a, $n, $b"; } else { c = pop_reg(); a = pop_reg(); "srl $a, $c, $b"; free_reg(c); } free_reg(a); push_reg(b); }. default ==> arg_error( "sru", $1). narg4(sru) /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Group 5 : Floating point arithmetic */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ C_adf ==> { Comment( adf, $1); push_const($1); C_adf_narg(); }. C_adf_narg ==> { reg_t f1; reg_t f2; reg_t f3; int n; Comment0( adf_narg); if (type_of_tos() == T_cst) { n= pop_const(NULL); if (n == EM_WSIZE) { f1= pop_float(); f2= pop_float(); f3= alloc_float(); "fadds $f2, $f1, $f3"; free_reg(f1); free_reg(f2); push_reg(f3); } else if (n == EM_DSIZE) { f1= pop_double(NULL); f2= pop_double(NULL); f3= alloc_double(NULL); "faddd $f1, $f2, $f3"; free_double_reg(f1); free_double_reg(f2); push_double_reg(f3); } else arg_error ("unimp adf", n); } else not_implemented ("adf_narg"); }. C_sbf ==> { Comment( sbf, $1); push_const($1); C_sbf_narg(); }. C_sbf_narg ==> { reg_t f1; reg_t f2; reg_t f3; int n; Comment0( sbf_narg); if (type_of_tos() == T_cst) { n= pop_const(NULL); if (n == EM_WSIZE) { f1= pop_float(); f2= pop_float(); f3= alloc_float(); "fsubs $f2, $f1, $f3"; free_reg(f1); free_reg(f2); push_reg(f3); } else if (n == EM_DSIZE) { f1= pop_double(NULL); f2= pop_double(NULL); f3= alloc_double(NULL); "fsubd $f2, $f1, $f3"; free_double_reg(f1); free_double_reg(f2); push_double_reg(f3); } else arg_error ("unimp sbf", n); } else not_implemented ("sbf_narg"); }. C_mlf ==> { Comment( mlf, $1); push_const($1); C_mlf_narg(); }. C_mlf_narg ==> { reg_t f1; reg_t f2; reg_t f3; int n; Comment0( mlf_narg); if (type_of_tos() == T_cst) { n= pop_const(NULL); if (n == EM_WSIZE) { f1= pop_float(); f2= pop_float(); f3= alloc_float(); "fmuls $f2, $f1, $f3"; free_reg(f1); free_reg(f2); push_reg(f3); } else if (n == EM_DSIZE) { f1= pop_double(NULL); f2= pop_double(NULL); f3= alloc_double(NULL); "fmuld $f2, $f1, $f3"; free_double_reg(f1); free_double_reg(f2); push_double_reg(f3); } else arg_error ("unimp mlf", n); } else not_implemented ("mlf_narg"); }. C_dvf ==> { Comment( dvf, $1); push_const($1); C_dvf_narg(); }. C_dvf_narg ==> { reg_t f1; reg_t f2; reg_t f3; int n; Comment0( dvf_narg); if (type_of_tos() == T_cst) { n= pop_const(NULL); if (n == EM_WSIZE) { f1= pop_float(); f2= pop_float(); f3= alloc_float(); "fdivs $f2, $f1, $f3"; free_reg(f1); free_reg(f2); push_reg(f3); } else if (n == EM_DSIZE) { f1= pop_double(NULL); f2= pop_double(NULL); f3= alloc_double(NULL); "fdivd $f2, $f1, $f3"; free_double_reg(f1); free_double_reg(f2); push_double_reg(f3); } else arg_error ("unimp dvf", n); } else not_implemented ("dvf_narg"); }. C_ngf ==> { Comment( ngf, $1); push_const($1); C_ngf_narg(); }. C_ngf_narg ==> { reg_t f1; reg_t f2; int n; Comment0( ngf_narg); if (type_of_tos() == T_cst) { n= pop_const(NULL); if (n == EM_WSIZE || n == EM_DSIZE) { f1= pop_float(); f2= alloc_float(); "fnegs $f1, $f2"; free_reg(f1); push_reg(f2); } else arg_error ("unimp ngf", n); } else not_implemented ("ngf_narg"); }. C_fif ==> Comment( fif, $1); push_const($1); C_fif_narg(). C_fif_narg ==> { int n; reg_t a; reg_t b; reg_t c; reg_t d; Comment0( fif_narg ); if (type_of_tos() == T_cst) { n= pop_const(NULL); if (n==4) { "! unimplemented fif 4"; "st %g0, [%g0]"; /* unimp */ } else if (n==8) { flush_cache(); "call fif8"; "nop"; } else arg_error ("fif", n); } else { a= alloc_reg(); flush_cache(); force_alloc_output(); b= alloc_reg(); c= alloc_reg(); d= pop_reg(); "cmp 8, $d"; "be 8f"; "nop"; "cmp 4, $d"; "bne 0f"; "nop"; "4:"; "! unimplemented fif 4"; "st %g0, [%g0]"; "b 1f"; "0:"; "set EILLINS, $reg_o0"; "call trp"; "nop"; "b 1f"; "8:"; "call fif8"; "nop"; "1:"; free_reg(a); free_reg(b); free_reg(c); free_reg(d); free_output(); } }. C_fef ==> Comment( fef, $1); push_const($1); C_fef_narg(). C_fef_narg ==> { int n; reg_t a; reg_t b; reg_t c; reg_t d; reg_t e; Comment0( fef_narg ); if (type_of_tos() == T_cst) { n= pop_const(NULL); if (n==4) { "! unimplemented fef 4"; "st %g0, [%g0]"; /* unimp */ } else if (n==8) { flush_cache(); "call fef8"; "nop"; } else arg_error ("fef", n); } else { a= alloc_reg(); flush_cache(); force_alloc_output(); b= alloc_reg(); c= alloc_reg(); d= pop_reg(); "cmp 8, $d"; "be 8f"; "nop"; "cmp 4, $d"; "bne 0f"; "nop"; "4:"; "! unimplemented fef 4"; "st %g0, [%g0]"; "b 1f"; "0:"; "set EILLINS, $reg_o0"; "call trp"; "nop"; "b 1f"; "8:"; "call fef8"; "nop"; "1:"; free_reg(a); free_reg(b); free_reg(c); free_reg(d); free_output(); } }. /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Group 6 : Pointer arithmetic */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ C_adp ==> Comment( adp , $1 ); inc_tos($1). C_ads $1 == 4 ==> Comment( ads , $1 ); if ((type_of_tos()) == T_cst) { arith n; n = pop_const(NULL); inc_tos(n); } else { reg_t a; reg_t b; reg_t c; a = pop_reg(); inc_tos_reg(a); }. default ==> arg_error( "ads", $1). narg4(ads) C_sbs $1 == 4 ==> Comment( sbs , $1 ); if ((type_of_tos()) == T_cst) { arith n; n = pop_const(NULL); inc_tos(-n); } else { reg_t a; reg_t b; reg_t c; a = pop_reg(); b = pop_reg(); c = alloc_reg(); "sub $b, $a, $c"; free_reg(a); free_reg(b); push_reg(c); }. default ==> arg_error( "sbs", $1). narg4(sbs) /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Group 7 : Increment/decrement/zero */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ C_inc ==> Comment0( inc ); inc_tos(1). C_inl ==> Comment( inl , $1 ); { reg_t S1; if (S1 = find_local($1, NULL)) { change_reg(S1); "inc 1, $S1"; } else { soft_alloc_reg(reg_lb); push_reg(reg_lb); inc_tos($1); C_loi(4); C_inc(); soft_alloc_reg(reg_lb); push_reg(reg_lb); inc_tos($1); C_sti(4); } }. C_ine.. ==> { char *ename; const_str_t evalue; reg_t a; reg_t b; Comment2( ine.. , $1, $2 ); a= alloc_reg(); b= alloc_reg(); ename= $1; sprint(evalue, "%d", $2); "sethi %hi($ename+$evalue), $a"; "ld [$a+%lo($ename+$evalue)], $b"; "inc $b"; "st $b, [$a+%lo($ename+$evalue)]" free_reg(a); free_reg(b); }. C_dec ==> Comment0( dec ); inc_tos(-1). C_del ==> Comment( del , $1 ); { reg_t S1; if (S1 = find_local($1, NULL)) { change_reg(S1); "dec 1, $S1"; } else { soft_alloc_reg(reg_lb); push_reg(reg_lb); inc_tos($1); C_loi(4); C_dec(); soft_alloc_reg(reg_lb); push_reg(reg_lb); inc_tos($1); C_sti(4); } }. C_dee.. ==> { char *ename; const_str_t evalue; reg_t a; reg_t b; Comment2( dee.. , $1, $2 ); a= alloc_reg(); b= alloc_reg(); ename= $1; sprint(evalue, "%d", $2); "sethi %hi($ename+$evalue), $a"; "ld [$a+%lo($ename+$evalue)], $b"; "dec $b"; "st $b, [$a+%lo($ename+$evalue)]" free_reg(a); free_reg(b); }. C_zrl ==> Comment( zrl , $1 ); { reg_t S1; if (S1 = find_local($1, NULL)) { change_reg(S1); "mov 0, $S1"; } else { push_const(0); soft_alloc_reg(reg_lb); push_reg(reg_lb); inc_tos($1); C_sti(4); } }. C_zre.. ==> { char *ename; const_str_t evalue; reg_t a; Comment2( zre.. , $1, $2 ); a= alloc_reg(); ename= $1; sprint(evalue, "%d", $2); "sethi %hi($ename+$evalue), $a"; "st %g0, [$a+%lo($ename+$evalue)]" free_reg(a); }. C_zrf ==> Comment( zrf , $1 ); push_const($1); C_zrf_narg(). C_zrf_narg ==> Comment0( zrf_narg ); C_zer_narg(). C_zer ==> Comment( zer, $1); push_const($1); C_zer_narg(). C_zer_narg ==> { reg_t a; int n; const_str_t n_str; Comment0( zer_narg); if (type_of_tos() == T_cst && top_const() <= 8) { n= pop_const(n_str); if (n == 4) push_const(0); else if (n == 8) { push_const(0); push_const(0); } else arg_error ("zer", n); } else { a= alloc_reg(); pop_reg_as(a); flush_cache(); "sub $reg_sp, $a, $reg_sp"; "1:" "deccc 4, $a"; /* hack */ "st %g0, [$reg_sp+$a]"; "bne 1b"; "nop"; free_reg(a); } }. /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Group 8 : Convert */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ /* cii, ciu, cuu, cui are assumed to be called with legal arguments only */ C_cii ==> { reg_t a; /* target obj size */ reg_t b; /* src obj size */ int n1; /* target obj size */ int n2; /* src obj size */ const_str_t n1_str; Comment0( cii ); a= NULL; b= NULL; if (type_of_tos() != T_cst) { a= alloc_reg(); pop_reg_as(a); b= pop_reg(); } else { n1= pop_const(n1_str); if (type_of_tos() != T_cst) { a= alloc_reg(); "set $n1_str, $a"; b= pop_reg(); } else n2= pop_const(NULL); } if (!a) { a = pop_reg(); if (n1 > EM_WSIZE) arg_error ("unimp cii", n1); if (n2 > EM_WSIZE) arg_error ("unimp cii", n2); if (n2 < EM_WSIZE) { b = alloc_reg(); if (n2 == 1) { "sll $a, 24, $b"; "sra $b, 24, $b"; } else if (n2 == 2) { "sll $a, 16, $b"; "sra $b, 16, $b"; } free_reg(a); push_reg(b); } else push_reg(a); } else { flush_cache(); "cmp $a, $b"; "ble 4f"; "nop"; /* delay slot */ "cmp $b, 1"; "bne 2f"; "nop"; /* delay slot */ "1:"; "b 3f"; "ldsb [$reg_sp+3], $a"; /* delay slot */ "2:" "ldsh [$reg_sp+2], $a"; "3:"; "st $a, [$reg_sp]"; "4:"; free_reg(a); free_reg(b); } }. C_cuu ==> Comment0( cuu ); pop_nop(2). C_ciu ==> Comment0( ciu ); pop_nop(2). C_cui ==> Comment0( cui ); pop_nop(2). C_cfi ==> { reg_t a; /* target (int) size */ reg_t b; /* src (float) size */ reg_t s1; reg_t s2; reg_t d1; reg_t d2; int n1; /* target (int) size */ int n2; /* src (float) size */ const_str_t n1_str; Comment0( cfi ); a= NULL; b= NULL; if (type_of_tos() != T_cst) { a= pop_reg(); b= pop_reg(); } else { n1= pop_const (n1_str); if (type_of_tos() != T_cst) { a= alloc_reg(); "set $n1_str, $a"; b= pop_reg(); } else n2= pop_const(NULL); } if (!a) { if (n1 != EM_WSIZE) arg_error ("unimp cfi", n1); if (n2 == EM_WSIZE) { s1= pop_float(); d1= alloc_float(); "fstoi $s1, $d1"; free_reg(s1); push_reg(d1); } else if (n2 == EM_DSIZE) { s1= pop_double(NULL); d1= alloc_float(); "fdtoi $s1, $d1"; free_double_reg(s1); push_reg(d1); } else arg_error ("unimp cfi", n2); } else { d1= alloc_float(); flush_cache(); force_alloc_output(); "cmp $a, 4"; "bne 0f"; "nop"; "cmp $b, 4"; "be 4f"; "nop"; "cmp $b, 8"; "bne 0f"; "nop"; "8:"; "ld [$reg_sp], %f0"; "ld [$reg_sp+STACK_CLICK], %f1"; "fdtoi %f0, $d1"; "b 1f"; "inc 2*STACK_CLICK, $reg_sp"; /* delay slot */ "4:"; "ld [$reg_sp+2*STACK_CLICK], %f0"; "fstoi %f0, $d1"; "b 1f"; "inc STACK_CLICK, $reg_sp"; /* delay slot */ "0:"; "set E_EM_CFI, %o0"; "call trp"; "nop"; "1:"; free_reg(a); free_reg(b); push_reg(d1); free_output(); } }. C_cfu ==> { reg_t a; /* target (int) size */ reg_t b; /* src (float) size */ int n1; /* target (int) size */ int n2; /* src (float) size */ const_str_t n1_str; Comment0( cfu ); a= NULL; b= NULL; if (type_of_tos() != T_cst) { a= pop_reg(); b= pop_reg(); } else { n1= pop_const (n1_str); if (type_of_tos() != T_cst) { a= alloc_reg(); "set $n1_str, $a"; b= pop_reg(); } else n2= pop_const(NULL); } if (!a) { if (n1 != EM_WSIZE) arg_error ("unimp cfu", n1); force_alloc_output(); flush_cache(); if (n2 == EM_WSIZE) { "call cfu4"; "nop"; } else if (n2 == EM_DSIZE) { "call cfu8"; "nop"; } else arg_error ("unimp cfu", n2); soft_alloc_reg(reg_o0); free_output(); push_reg(reg_o0); } else { flush_cache(); force_alloc_output(); "cmp $a, 4"; "bne 0f"; "nop"; "cmp $b, 4"; "be 4f"; "nop"; "cmp $b, 8"; "bne 0f"; "nop"; "8:"; "call cfu8"; "nop"; "b 1f"; "4:"; "call cfu4"; "nop"; "b 1f"; "0:"; "set E_EM_CFU, %o0"; "call trp"; "nop"; "1:"; free_reg(a); free_reg(b); soft_alloc_reg(reg_o0); free_output(); push_reg(reg_o0); } }. C_cff ==> { reg_t a; /* target (int) size */ reg_t b; /* src (float) size */ int n1; /* target (int) size */ int n2; /* src (float) size */ const_str_t n1_str; Comment0( cff ); a= NULL; b= NULL; if (type_of_tos() != T_cst) { a= pop_reg(); b= pop_reg(); } else { n1= pop_const (n1_str); if (type_of_tos() != T_cst) { a= alloc_reg(); "set $n1_str, $a"; b= pop_reg(); } else n2= pop_const(NULL); } if (!a) { if (n1 == EM_WSIZE) { if (n2 == EM_DSIZE) { a= pop_double(NULL); b= alloc_float(); "fdtos $a, $b"; free_double_reg(a); push_reg(b); } else if (n2 != EM_WSIZE) arg_error ("unimp cff", n2); } else if (n1 == EM_DSIZE) { if (n2 == EM_WSIZE) { a= pop_float(); b= alloc_double(NULL); "fstod $a, $b"; free_reg(a); push_double_reg(b); } else if (n2 != EM_DSIZE) arg_error ("unimp cff", n2); } else arg_error ("unimp cff", n1); } else { flush_cache(); force_alloc_output(); "cmp $b, $a"; "be 1f"; "nop"; /* delay slot */ "cmp $b, 4"; "be 4f"; "nop"; "cmp $b, 8"; "be 8f"; "nop"; "0:" "set E_EM_CFF, %o0"; "call trp"; "nop"; "4:"; "cmp $a, 8"; "bne 0b"; "nop"; "ld [$reg_sp], %f0"; "fstod %f0, %f2"; "dec STACK_CLICK, $reg_sp"; "st %f2, [$reg_sp]"; "st %f3, [$reg_sp+STACK_CLICK]"; "b 1f"; "nop"; "8:"; "cmp $a, 4"; "bne 0b"; "nop"; "ld [$reg_sp], %f0"; "ld [$reg_sp+STACK_CLICK], %f1"; "fdtos %f0, %f2"; "inc STACK_CLICK, $reg_sp"; "st %f2, [$reg_sp]"; "1:"; free_reg(a); free_reg(b); free_output(); } }. C_cif ==> { reg_t a; /* target (float) size */ reg_t b; /* src (int) size */ int n1; /* target (float) size */ int n2; /* src (int) size */ reg_t r1; reg_t f1; const_str_t n1_str; Comment0( cif ); a= NULL; b= NULL; if (type_of_tos() != T_cst) { a= pop_reg(); b= pop_reg(); } else { n1= pop_const (n1_str); if (type_of_tos() != T_cst) { a= alloc_reg(); "set $n1_str, $a"; b= pop_reg(); } else n2= pop_const(NULL); } if (!a) { if (n2 != EM_WSIZE) arg_error ("unimp cif", n2); else { if (n1 == EM_WSIZE) { r1= pop_float(); f1= alloc_float(); "fitos $r1, $f1"; free_reg(r1); push_reg(f1); } else if (n1 == EM_DSIZE) { r1= pop_float(); f1= alloc_double(NULL); "fitod $r1, $f1"; free_reg(r1); push_double_reg(f1); } else arg_error ("unimp cif", n1); } } else { flush_cache(); force_alloc_output(); "cmp $a, 4"; "be 4f"; "nop"; /* delay slot */ "cmp $a, 8"; "be 8f"; "nop"; /* delay slot */ "1:" "set E_EM_CUF, %o0"; "call trp"; "nop"; "4:"; "cmp $b, 4"; "bne 1b"; "nop"; /* delay slot */ "ld [$reg_sp], %f0"; "fitos %f0, %f1"; "b 0f"; "st %f1, [$reg_sp]"; /* delay slot */ "8:"; "dec STACK_CLICK, $reg_sp"; "cmp $b, 4"; "bne 1b"; "nop"; /* delay slot */ "ld [$reg_sp+STACK_CLICK], %f0"; "fitod %f0, %f2"; "st %f2, [$reg_sp]"; "b 0f"; "st %f3, [$reg_sp+STACK_CLICK]"; /* delay slot */ "0:"; free_reg(a); free_reg(b); free_output(); } }. C_cuf ==> { reg_t a; /* target (float) size */ reg_t b; /* src (int) size */ reg_t c; reg_t fs1; reg_t fs2; reg_t fd1; reg_t fd2; int n1; /* target (float) size */ int n2; /* src (int) size */ const_str_t n1_str; Comment0( cuf ); a= NULL; b= NULL; if (type_of_tos() != T_cst) { a= pop_reg(); b= pop_reg(); } else { n1= pop_const (n1_str); if (type_of_tos() != T_cst) { a= alloc_reg(); "set $n1_str, $a"; b= pop_reg(); } else n2= pop_const(NULL); } if (!a) { if (n2 != EM_WSIZE) arg_error ("unimp cuf", n2); else { if (n1 == EM_WSIZE) { fs1= pop_float(); fs2= alloc_float(); a= alloc_reg(); "fitos $fs1, $fs2"; "sethi %hi(Fs0), $a"; "ld [$a+%lo(Fs0)], $fs1"; "fcmpes $fs2, $fs1"; "nop"; "fbge 0f"; "nop"; "sethi %hi(Fs80000000), $a"; "ld [$a+%lo(Fs80000000)], $fs1"; "fadds $fs1, $fs2, $fs2"; "0:"; push_reg(fs2); free_reg(fs1); free_reg(a); } else if (n1 == EM_DSIZE) { fs1= pop_float(); fd1= alloc_double(NULL); fd2= alloc_double(NULL); a= alloc_reg(); "fitod $fs1, $fd2"; "sethi %hi(Fd0), $a"; "ldd [$a+%lo(Fd0)], $fd1"; "fcmped $fd2, $fd1"; "nop"; "fbge 0f"; "nop"; "sethi %hi(Fd80000000), $a"; "ldd [$a+%lo(Fd80000000)], $fd1"; "faddd $fd1, $fd2, $fd2"; "0:"; free_reg(fs1); free_double_reg(fd1); push_double_reg(fd2); free_reg(a); } else arg_error ("unimp cuf", n1); } } else { #if 0 flush_cache(); "cmp $a, 4"; "be 4f"; "nop"; /* delay slot */ "cmp $a, 8"; "be 8f"; "nop"; /* delay slot */ "1:" "set E_EM_CUF, %o0"; "set fatal, %g1"; "jmp %g1"; "nop"; "4:"; "cmp $b, 4"; "bne 1b"; "nop"; /* delay slot */ "ld [$reg_sp], $c"; "tst $c"; "bl 5f"; "nop"; /* delay slot */ "ld [$reg_sp], %f0"; "fitos %f0, %f1"; "b 0f"; "st %f1, [$reg_sp]"; /* delay slot */ "5:"; "set MAX_INT, $b"; "sub $c, $b, $a"; "st $a, [$reg_sp]"; "ld [$reg_sp], %f0"; "st $b, [$reg_sp]"; "ld [$reg_sp], %f1"; "fitos %f0, %f2"; "fitos %f1, %f3"; "fadds %f2, %f3, %f0"; "b 0f"; "st %f0, [$reg_sp]"; /* delay slot */ "8:"; "dec STACK_CLICK, $reg_sp"; "cmp $b, 4"; "bne 1b"; "nop"; /* delay slot */ "ld [$reg_sp+STACK_CLICK], $c"; "tst $c"; "bl 9f"; "nop"; /* delay slot */ "ld [$reg_sp+STACK_CLICK], %f0"; "fitod %f0, %f2"; "st %f2, [$reg_sp]"; "b 0f"; "st %f3, [$reg_sp+STACK_CLICK]"; /* delay slot */ "9:"; "set MAX_INT, $b"; "sub $c, $b, $a"; "st $a, [$reg_sp+STACK_CLICK]"; "ld [$reg_sp+STACK_CLICK], %f0"; "st $b, [$reg_sp+STACK_CLICK]"; "ld [$reg_sp+STACK_CLICK], %f1"; "fitod %f0, %f2"; "fitod %f1, %f4"; "fadds %f2, %f4, %f0"; "st %f0, [$reg_sp]"; "b 0f"; "st %f1, [$reg_sp+STACK_CLICK]"; /* delay slot */ "0:"; free_reg(a); free_reg(b); free_reg(c); #else not_implemented ("cuf"); #endif } }. /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Group 9 : Logical */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ C_and ==> Comment( and, $1); push_const($1); C_and_narg(). C_and_narg ==> { reg_t a; reg_t b; reg_t c; reg_t d; reg_t e; reg_t f; const_str_t a_cst_str; const_str_t b_cst_str; const_str_t c_cst_str; const_str_t d_cst_str; int n; const_str_t n_str; Comment0( and_narg ); if (type_of_tos() == T_cst) { n= pop_const(n_str); if (n == EM_WSIZE) { if (type_of_tos() == T_cst && const13(top_const())) { a= NULL; pop_const (a_cst_str); } else a= pop_reg(); if (type_of_tos() == T_cst && const13(top_const())) { b= NULL; pop_const (b_cst_str); } else b= pop_reg(); if (!a && !b) { a= alloc_reg(); "mov $a_cst_str, $a"; } c= alloc_reg(); if (a) if (b) "and $a, $b, $c"; else "and $a, $b_cst_str, $c"; else "and $b, $a_cst_str, $c"; free_reg(a); free_reg(b); push_reg(c); } else if (n == EM_DSIZE) { if (type_of_tos() == T_cst && const13(top_const())) { a= NULL; pop_const (a_cst_str); } else a= pop_reg(); if (type_of_tos() == T_cst && const13(top_const())) { b= NULL; pop_const (b_cst_str); } else b= pop_reg(); if (type_of_tos() == T_cst && const13(top_const())) { c= NULL; pop_const (c_cst_str); } else c= pop_reg(); if (type_of_tos() == T_cst && const13(top_const())) { d= NULL; pop_const (d_cst_str); } else d= pop_reg(); if (!b && !d) { b= alloc_reg(); "mov $b_cst_str, $b"; } e= alloc_reg(); if (b) if (d) "and $b, $d, $e"; else "and $b, $d_cst_str, $e"; else "and $d, $b_cst_str, $e"; free_reg(b); free_reg(d); push_reg(e); if (!a && !c) { a= alloc_reg(); "mov $a_cst_str, $a"; } e= alloc_reg(); if (a) if (c) "and $a, $c, $e"; else "and $a, $c_cst_str, $e"; else "and $c, $a_cst_str, $e"; free_reg(a); free_reg(c); push_reg(e); } else if (!(n % EM_WSIZE)) { a= alloc_reg(); b= alloc_reg(); c= alloc_reg(); d= alloc_reg(); e= alloc_reg(); f= alloc_reg(); flush_cache(); "set $n_str, $a"; "add $reg_sp, $a, $b"; "mov $a, $c"; "1:"; "deccc 4, $c"; "ld [$reg_sp+$c], $d"; "ld [$b+$c], $e"; "and $d, $e, $f"; "bnz 1b"; "st $f, [$b+$c]"; /* delay slot */ "add $reg_sp, $a, $reg_sp"; free_reg(a); free_reg(b); free_reg(c); free_reg(d); free_reg(e); free_reg(f); } else arg_error ("unimp and", n); } else { a= pop_reg(); b= alloc_reg(); c= alloc_reg(); d= alloc_reg(); e= alloc_reg(); f= alloc_reg(); flush_cache(); "add $reg_sp, $a, $b"; "mov $a, $c"; "1:"; "deccc 4, $c"; "ld [$reg_sp+$c], $d"; "ld [$b+$c], $e"; "and $d, $e, $f"; "bnz 1b"; "st $f, [$b+$c]"; /* delay slot */ "add $reg_sp, $a, $reg_sp"; free_reg(a); free_reg(b); free_reg(c); free_reg(d); free_reg(e); free_reg(f); } }. C_ior ==> Comment( ior, $1); push_const($1); C_ior_narg(). C_ior_narg ==> { reg_t a; reg_t b; reg_t c; reg_t d; reg_t e; reg_t f; const_str_t a_cst_str; const_str_t b_cst_str; const_str_t c_cst_str; const_str_t d_cst_str; int n; const_str_t n_str; Comment0( ior_narg ); if (type_of_tos() == T_cst) { n= pop_const(n_str); if (n == EM_WSIZE) { if (type_of_tos() == T_cst && const13(top_const())) { a= NULL; pop_const (a_cst_str); } else a= pop_reg(); if (type_of_tos() == T_cst && const13(top_const())) { b= NULL; pop_const (b_cst_str); } else b= pop_reg(); if (!a && !b) { a= alloc_reg(); "mov $a_cst_str, $a"; } c= alloc_reg(); if (a) if (b) "or $a, $b, $c"; else "or $a, $b_cst_str, $c"; else "or $b, $a_cst_str, $c"; free_reg(a); free_reg(b); push_reg(c); } else if (n == EM_DSIZE) { if (type_of_tos() == T_cst && const13(top_const())) { a= NULL; pop_const (a_cst_str); } else a= pop_reg(); if (type_of_tos() == T_cst && const13(top_const())) { b= NULL; pop_const (b_cst_str); } else b= pop_reg(); if (type_of_tos() == T_cst && const13(top_const())) { c= NULL; pop_const (c_cst_str); } else c= pop_reg(); if (type_of_tos() == T_cst && const13(top_const())) { d= NULL; pop_const (d_cst_str); } else d= pop_reg(); if (!b && !d) { b= alloc_reg(); "mov $b_cst_str, $b"; } e= alloc_reg(); if (b) if (d) "or $b, $d, $e"; else "or $b, $d_cst_str, $e"; else "or $d, $b_cst_str, $e"; free_reg(b); free_reg(d); push_reg(e); if (!a && !c) { a= alloc_reg(); "mov $a_cst_str, $a"; } e= alloc_reg(); if (a) if (c) "or $a, $c, $e"; else "or $a, $c_cst_str, $e"; else "or $c, $a_cst_str, $e"; free_reg(a); free_reg(c); push_reg(e); } else if (!(n % EM_WSIZE)) { a= alloc_reg(); b= alloc_reg(); c= alloc_reg(); d= alloc_reg(); e= alloc_reg(); f= alloc_reg(); flush_cache(); "set $n_str, $a"; "add $reg_sp, $a, $b"; "mov $a, $c"; "1:"; "deccc 4, $c"; "ld [$reg_sp+$c], $d"; "ld [$b+$c], $e"; "or $d, $e, $f"; "bnz 1b"; "st $f, [$b+$c]"; /* delay slot */ "add $reg_sp, $a, $reg_sp"; free_reg(a); free_reg(b); free_reg(c); free_reg(d); free_reg(e); free_reg(f); } else arg_error ("unimp ior", n); } else { a= pop_reg(); b= alloc_reg(); c= alloc_reg(); d= alloc_reg(); e= alloc_reg(); f= alloc_reg(); flush_cache(); "add $reg_sp, $a, $b"; "mov $a, $c"; "1:"; "deccc 4, $c"; "ld [$reg_sp+$c], $d"; "ld [$b+$c], $e"; "or $d, $e, $f"; "bnz 1b"; "st $f, [$b+$c]"; /* delay slot */ "add $reg_sp, $a, $reg_sp"; free_reg(a); free_reg(b); free_reg(c); free_reg(d); free_reg(e); free_reg(f); } }. C_xor ==> Comment( xor, $1); push_const($1); C_xor_narg(). C_xor_narg ==> { reg_t a; reg_t b; reg_t c; reg_t d; reg_t e; reg_t f; const_str_t a_cst_str; const_str_t b_cst_str; const_str_t c_cst_str; const_str_t d_cst_str; int n; const_str_t n_str; Comment0( xor_narg ); if (type_of_tos() == T_cst) { n= pop_const(n_str); if (n == EM_WSIZE) { if (type_of_tos() == T_cst && const13(top_const())) { a= NULL; pop_const (a_cst_str); } else a= pop_reg(); if (type_of_tos() == T_cst && const13(top_const())) { b= NULL; pop_const (b_cst_str); } else b= pop_reg(); if (!a && !b) { a= alloc_reg(); "mov $a_cst_str, $a"; } c= alloc_reg(); if (a) if (b) "xor $a, $b, $c"; else "xor $a, $b_cst_str, $c"; else "xor $b, $a_cst_str, $c"; free_reg(a); free_reg(b); push_reg(c); } else if (n == EM_DSIZE) { if (type_of_tos() == T_cst && const13(top_const())) { a= NULL; pop_const (a_cst_str); } else a= pop_reg(); if (type_of_tos() == T_cst && const13(top_const())) { b= NULL; pop_const (b_cst_str); } else b= pop_reg(); if (type_of_tos() == T_cst && const13(top_const())) { c= NULL; pop_const (c_cst_str); } else c= pop_reg(); if (type_of_tos() == T_cst && const13(top_const())) { d= NULL; pop_const (d_cst_str); } else d= pop_reg(); if (!b && !d) { b= alloc_reg(); "mov $b_cst_str, $b"; } e= alloc_reg(); if (b) if (d) "xor $b, $d, $e"; else "xor $b, $d_cst_str, $e"; else "xor $d, $b_cst_str, $e"; free_reg(b); free_reg(d); push_reg(e); if (!a && !c) { a= alloc_reg(); "mov $a_cst_str, $a"; } e= alloc_reg(); if (a) if (c) "xor $a, $c, $e"; else "xor $a, $c_cst_str, $e"; else "xor $c, $a_cst_str, $e"; free_reg(a); free_reg(c); push_reg(e); } else if (!(n % EM_WSIZE)) { a= alloc_reg(); b= alloc_reg(); c= alloc_reg(); d= alloc_reg(); e= alloc_reg(); f= alloc_reg(); flush_cache(); "set $n_str, $a"; "add $reg_sp, $a, $b"; "mov $a, $c"; "1:"; "deccc 4, $c"; "ld [$reg_sp+$c], $d"; "ld [$b+$c], $e"; "xor $d, $e, $f"; "bnz 1b"; "st $f, [$b+$c]"; /* delay slot */ "add $reg_sp, $a, $reg_sp"; free_reg(a); free_reg(b); free_reg(c); free_reg(d); free_reg(e); free_reg(f); } else arg_error ("unimp xor", n); } else { a= pop_reg(); b= alloc_reg(); c= alloc_reg(); d= alloc_reg(); e= alloc_reg(); f= alloc_reg(); flush_cache(); "add $reg_sp, $a, $b"; "mov $a, $c"; "1:"; "deccc 4, $c"; "ld [$reg_sp+$c], $d"; "ld [$b+$c], $e"; "xor $d, $e, $f"; "bnz 1b"; "st $f, [$b+$c]"; /* delay slot */ "add $reg_sp, $a, $reg_sp"; free_reg(a); free_reg(b); free_reg(c); free_reg(d); free_reg(e); free_reg(f); } }. C_com ==> Comment( com, $1); push_const($1); C_com_narg(). C_com_narg ==> { reg_t a; reg_t b; reg_t c; reg_t d; int n; int i; const_str_t i_str; Comment0( com_narg ); if (type_of_tos() == T_cst && top_const() <= MAX_UNROLL) { n= pop_const(NULL); if (n == 4) { a= pop_reg(); b= alloc_reg(); "not $a, $b"; free_reg(a); push_reg(b); } else if (n == 8) { a= pop_reg(); b= pop_reg(); c= alloc_reg(); d= alloc_reg(); "not $a, $c"; "not $b, $d"; push_reg(d); push_reg(c); free_reg(b); free_reg(a); } else if (n>0 && !(n % 4)) { flush_cache(); a= alloc_reg(); b= alloc_reg(); for (i= 0; i< n; i += 4) { sprint(i_str, "%d", i); "ld [$reg_sp+$i_str], $a"; "not $a, $b"; "st $b, [$reg_sp+$i_str]"; } free_reg(b); free_reg(a); } else arg_error ("com", n); } else { a= alloc_reg(); pop_reg_as(a); b= alloc_reg(); c= alloc_reg(); flush_cache(); "1:"; "deccc 4, $a"; "ld [$reg_sp+$a], $b"; "not $a, $c"; "bnz 1b"; "st $c, [$reg_sp+$a]"; free_reg(a); free_reg(b); free_reg(c); } }. C_rol $1 == 4 ==> { reg_t a; reg_t b; reg_t c; reg_t d; int n; const_str_t n_str; Comment( rol, $1); if (type_of_tos() == T_cst) { n= pop_const(NULL); if (n<0) arg_error("rol 4:", n); else { n= n % 32; if (n) { a= pop_reg(); b= alloc_reg(); c= alloc_reg(); sprint(n_str, "%d", n); "sll $a, $n_str, $b"; sprint(n_str, "%d", 32-n); "srl $a, $n_str, $c"; "or $b, $c, $c"; free_reg(a); free_reg(b); push_reg(c); } } } else { a= pop_reg(); b= pop_reg(); c= alloc_reg(); d= alloc_reg(); "and $a, 31, $c"; "mov 32, $d"; "sub $d, $c, $d"; "sll $b, $c, $c"; "srl $b, $d, $d"; "or $c, $d, $d"; free_reg(a); free_reg(b); free_reg(c); push_reg(d); } }. default ==> arg_error( "rol", $1). narg4(rol) C_ror $1 == 4 ==> { reg_t a; reg_t b; reg_t c; reg_t d; int n; const_str_t n_str; Comment( ror, $1); if (type_of_tos() == T_cst) { n= pop_const(NULL); if (n<0) arg_error("ror 4:", n); else { n= n % 32; if (n) { a= pop_reg(); b= alloc_reg(); c= alloc_reg(); sprint(n_str, "%d", n); "srl $a, $n_str, $b"; sprint(n_str, "%d", 32-n); "sll $a, $n_str, $c"; "or $b, $c, $c"; free_reg(a); free_reg(b); push_reg(c); } } } else { a= pop_reg(); b= pop_reg(); c= alloc_reg(); d= alloc_reg(); "and $a, 31, $c"; "mov 32, $d"; "sub $d, $c, $d"; "srl $b, $c, $c"; "sll $b, $d, $d"; "or $c, $d, $d"; free_reg(a); free_reg(b); free_reg(c); push_reg(d); } }. default ==> arg_error( "ror", $1). narg4(ror) /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Group 10 : Sets */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ C_inn ==> Comment( inn, $1); push_const($1); C_inn_narg(). C_inn_narg ==> { reg_t a; reg_t b; reg_t c; reg_t d; int i; int n; const_str_t i_str; const_str_t n_str; Comment0(inn_narg); if (type_of_tos() == T_cst && const13(top_const())) { n= pop_const(n_str); if (n == EM_WSIZE) { if (type_of_tos() == T_cst) { i= pop_const (i_str); if (i >= n*8) push_const(0); else { a= pop_reg(); b= alloc_reg(); "srl $a, $i_str, $b"; "and $b, 1, $b"; free_reg(a); push_reg(b); } } else { a= pop_reg(); b= pop_reg(); c= alloc_reg(); "srl $b, $a, $c"; "and $c, 1, $c"; push_reg(c); free_reg(b); free_reg(a); } } else if (n == 2*EM_WSIZE) { if (type_of_tos() == T_cst) { i= pop_const (i_str); if (i >= n*8) push_const(0); else { if (i>= EM_WSIZE*8) { i -= EM_WSIZE*8; pop_nop(1); a= pop_reg(); } else { a= pop_reg(); pop_nop(1); } b= alloc_reg(); c= alloc_reg(); "srl $a, $i_str, $b"; "and $b, 1, $c"; free_reg(a); free_reg(b); push_reg(c); } } else { a= pop_reg(); flush_cache(); b= alloc_reg(); c= alloc_reg(); d= alloc_reg(); flush_cache(); "andn $a, 31, $b"; "and $a, 31, $c"; "srl $b, 3, $d"; "ld [$reg_sp+$d], $b"; "inc $n_str, $reg_sp"; "srl $b, $c, $d"; "and $d, 1, $b"; free_reg(a); push_reg(b); free_reg(c); free_reg(d); } } else if (n % EM_WSIZE) arg_error ("inn", n); else { a= pop_reg(); flush_cache(); b= alloc_reg(); c= alloc_reg(); d= alloc_reg(); flush_cache(); "andn $a, 31, $b"; "and $a, 31, $c"; "srl $b, 3, $d"; "ld [$reg_sp+$d], $b"; "inc $n_str, $reg_sp"; "srl $b, $c, $d"; "and $d, 1, $b"; free_reg(a); push_reg(b); free_reg(c); free_reg(d); } } else not_implemented ("inn_narg"); }. C_set ==> Comment( set, $1); push_const($1); C_set_narg(). C_set_narg ==> { reg_t a; reg_t b; reg_t c; reg_t d; int n; const_str_t n_str; Comment0( set_narg ); if (type_of_tos() == T_cst) { n = pop_const(n_str); if (n == EM_WSIZE) { b = alloc_reg(); c = alloc_reg(); a = pop_reg(); "set 1, $c"; "sll $c, $a, $b"; free_reg(a); free_reg(c); push_reg(b); } else { a= alloc_reg(); b= pop_reg(); c= alloc_reg(); d= alloc_reg(); flush_cache(); sprint(n_str, "%d", n); "set $n_str, $a"; "sub $reg_sp, $a, $reg_sp"; "1:"; "deccc 4, $a"; "bnz 1b"; "st %g0, [$reg_sp+$a]"; /* HACK delay */ "andn $b, 31, $c"; "and $b, 31, $d"; "srl $c, 3, $c"; "set 1, $a"; "sll $a, $d, $d"; "st $d, [$reg_sp+$c]"; free_reg(a); free_reg(b); free_reg(c); free_reg(d); } } else { a= alloc_reg(); pop_reg_as(a); b= pop_reg(); flush_cache(); c= alloc_reg(); d= alloc_reg(); "sub $reg_sp, $a, $reg_sp"; "1:"; "deccc 4, $a"; "bnz 1b"; "st %g0, [$reg_sp+$a]"; /* HACK delay */ "andn $b, 31, $c"; "and $b, 31, $d"; "srl $c, 3, $c"; "set 1, $a"; "sll $a, $d, $d"; "st $d, [$reg_sp+$c]"; free_reg(a); free_reg(b); free_reg(c); free_reg(d); } }. /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Group 11 : Array */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ C_lar ($1 == 4) ==> Comment(lar, $1); force_alloc_output(); pop_reg_as(reg_o0); pop_reg_as(reg_o1); pop_reg_as(reg_o2); flush_cache(); "call lar"; "nop"; free_output(). default ==> arg_error ("arg error lar", $1). narg4(lar) C_sar ($1 == 4) ==> Comment( sar , $1 ); force_alloc_output(); pop_reg_as(reg_o0); pop_reg_as(reg_o1); pop_reg_as(reg_o2); flush_cache(); "call sar"; "nop" free_output(). default ==> arg_error ("arg error sar", $1). narg4(sar) C_aar ($1 == 4) ==> Comment(aar, $1); force_alloc_output(); pop_reg_as(reg_o0); pop_reg_as(reg_o1); pop_reg_as(reg_o2); flush_cache(); "call aar"; "nop"; soft_alloc_reg(reg_o0); free_output(); push_reg(reg_o0). default ==> arg_error ("arg error aar", $1). narg4(aar) /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Group 12 : Compare */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ C_cmi $1 == 4 ==> { reg_t a; reg_t b; reg_t c; const_str_t d; Comment( cmi, $1 ); if (type_of_tos() == T_cst && const13(top_const())) { pop_const(d); a= pop_reg(); b= alloc_reg(); "cmp $a, $d"; "be,a 1f"; "mov 0, $b"; /* delay slot */ "bg,a 1f"; "mov 1, $b"; /* delay slot */ "mov -1, $b"; "1:"; free_reg(a); push_reg(b); } else { a= pop_reg(); b= NULL; c= alloc_reg(); if (type_of_tos() == T_cst) { pop_const(d); "cmp $a, $d"; } else { b= pop_reg(); "cmp $a, $b"; } "be,a 1f"; "mov 0, $c"; /* delay slot */ "bg,a 1f"; "mov -1, $c"; /* delay slot */ "mov 1, $c"; "1:"; free_reg(a); if (b) free_reg(b); push_reg(c); } }. default ==> arg_error ("unimp cmi", $1). narg4(cmi) C_cmu ==> Comment( cmu, $1 ); push_const($1); C_cmu_narg(). C_cmu_narg ==> { int n; reg_t a; reg_t b; reg_t c; const_str_t d; Comment0( cmu_narg ); if (type_of_tos() == T_cst) { n= pop_const(NULL); if (n != EM_WSIZE) arg_error ("unimp cmu", n); else { if (type_of_tos() == T_cst && const13(top_const())) { pop_const(d); a= pop_reg(); b= alloc_reg(); "cmp $a, $d"; "be,a 1f"; "mov 0, $b"; /* delay slot */ "bgu,a 1f"; "mov 1, $b"; /* delay slot */ "mov -1, $b"; "1:"; free_reg(a); push_reg(b); } else { a= pop_reg(); b= NULL; c= alloc_reg(); if (type_of_tos() == T_cst && const13(top_const())) { pop_const(d); "cmp $a, $d"; } else { b= pop_reg(); "cmp $a, $b"; } "be,a 1f"; "mov 0, $c"; /* delay slot */ "bgu,a 1f"; "mov -1, $c"; /* delay slot */ "mov 1, $c"; "1:"; free_reg(a); if (b) free_reg(b); push_reg(c); } } } else not_implemented ("cmu_narg"); }. C_cms ==> Comment( cms, $1 ); push_const($1); C_cms_narg(). C_cms_narg ==> { int n; reg_t a; reg_t b; reg_t c; reg_t d; reg_t e; const_str_t b_str; const_str_t n_str; Comment0( cms_narg ); if (type_of_tos() == T_cst && top_const() <= EM_WSIZE) { n= pop_const(n_str); if (n == EM_WSIZE) { b= NULL; c= alloc_reg(); if (type_of_tos() == T_cst && const13(top_const())) { pop_const(b_str); a= pop_reg(); "cmp $a, $b_str"; } else { a= pop_reg(); b= pop_reg(); "cmp $a, $b"; } "be,a 1f"; "mov 0, $c"; "mov 1, $c"; "1:"; free_reg(a); if (b) free_reg(b); push_reg(c); } else if (n % EM_WSIZE) arg_error ("unimp cms", n); } else { a= pop_reg(); flush_cache(); b= alloc_reg(); c= alloc_reg(); d= alloc_reg(); "add $reg_sp, $a, $b"; "dec 4, $b"; "1:"; "ld [$b], $c"; "ld [$b+$a], $d"; "cmp $d, $c"; "bne,a 2f"; "mov 1, $b"; /* delay slot */ "cmp $b, $reg_sp"; "bg 1b"; "dec 4, $b"; /* delay slot */ "mov 0, $b"; "2:"; "add $reg_sp, $a, $reg_sp"; "add $reg_sp, $a, $reg_sp"; free_reg(a); push_reg(b); free_reg(c); free_reg(d); } }. C_cmp ==> Comment0( cmp ); C_cmu( (arith)4). C_tlt ==> Comment0( tlt ); { reg_t a; reg_t b; a = pop_reg(); b= alloc_reg(); " tst $a"; " bl,a 1f"; " mov 1, $b"; /* delay slot */ " set 0, $b"; "1:"; free_reg(a); push_reg(b); }. C_tle ==> Comment0( tle ); { reg_t a; reg_t b; a = pop_reg(); b= alloc_reg(); "tst $a"; "ble,a 1f"; "mov 1, $b"; /* delay slot */ "set 0, $b"; "1:"; free_reg(a); push_reg(b); }. C_tge ==> Comment0( tge ); { reg_t a; reg_t b; a = pop_reg(); b = alloc_reg(); " tst $a"; " bge,a 1f"; " mov 1, $b"; /* delay slot */ " set 0, $b"; "1:"; free_reg(a); push_reg(b); }. C_tgt ==> Comment0( tgt ); { reg_t a; reg_t b; a = pop_reg(); b = alloc_reg(); " tst $a"; " bg,a 1f"; " mov 1, $b"; /* delay slot */ " set 0, $b"; "1:"; free_reg(a); push_reg(b); }. C_tne ==> Comment0( tne ); { reg_t a; reg_t b; a = pop_reg(); b = alloc_reg(); " tst $a"; " bne,a 1f"; " mov 1, $b"; /* delay slot */ " set 0, $b"; /* sup optimal */ "1:"; free_reg(a); push_reg(b); }. C_teq ==> Comment0( teq ); { reg_t a; reg_t b; a = pop_reg(); b = alloc_reg(); " tst $a"; " be,a 1f"; " mov 1, $b"; /* delay slot */ " set 0, $b"; "1:"; free_reg(a); push_reg(b); }. C_cmf ==> Comment( cmf, $1); push_const($1); C_cmf_narg(). C_cmf_narg ==> { reg_t a; reg_t b; reg_t c; int n; Comment0( cmf_narg); if (type_of_tos() == T_cst) { n= pop_const(NULL); if (n == EM_FSIZE) { a= pop_float(); b= pop_float(); c= alloc_reg(); "fcmpes $b, $a"; "nop"; "fbe,a 1f"; "mov 0, $c"; "fbl,a 1f"; "mov -1, $c"; "mov 1, $c"; "1:"; free_reg(a); free_reg(b); push_reg(c); } else if (n == EM_DSIZE) { a= pop_double(NULL); b= pop_double(NULL); c= alloc_reg(); "fcmped $b, $a"; "nop"; "fbe,a 1f"; "mov 0, $c"; "fbl,a 1f"; "mov -1, $c"; "mov 1, $c"; "1:"; free_double_reg(a); free_double_reg(b); push_reg(c); } else arg_error ("cmf", n); } else not_implemented ("cmf_narg"); }. /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Group 13 : Branch */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ C_bra ==> Comment( bra , $1 ); { char *lbl; flush_cache(); lbl = $1; "b $lbl"; "nop"; /* delay slot */ }. C_bge ==> Comment( bge , $1 ); { char *lbl = $1; reg_t a; reg_t b; const_str_t n_str; a= NULL; if (type_of_tos() == T_cst && const13(top_const())) pop_const(n_str); else a = pop_reg(); b = pop_reg(); flush_cache(); if (a) "cmp $b, $a"; else "cmp $b, $n_str"; "bge $lbl"; "nop" /* delay slot */ free_reg(a); free_reg(b); }. C_bne ==> Comment( bne , $1 ); { char *lbl = $1; reg_t a; reg_t b; const_str_t n_str; a= NULL; if (type_of_tos() == T_cst && const13(top_const())) pop_const(n_str); else a = pop_reg(); b = pop_reg(); flush_cache(); if (a) "cmp $b, $a"; else "cmp $b, $n_str"; "bne $lbl"; "nop" /* delay slot */ free_reg(a); free_reg(b); }. C_beq ==> Comment( beq , $1 ); { char *lbl = $1; reg_t a; reg_t b; const_str_t n_str; a= NULL; if (type_of_tos() == T_cst && const13(top_const())) pop_const(n_str); else a = pop_reg(); b = pop_reg(); flush_cache(); if (a) "cmp $b, $a"; else "cmp $b, $n_str"; "beq $lbl"; "nop" /* delay slot */ free_reg(a); free_reg(b); }. C_ble ==> Comment( ble , $1 ); { char *lbl = $1; reg_t a; reg_t b; const_str_t n_str; a= NULL; if (type_of_tos() == T_cst && const13(top_const())) pop_const(n_str); else a = pop_reg(); b = pop_reg(); flush_cache(); if (a) "cmp $b, $a"; else "cmp $b, $n_str"; "ble $lbl"; "nop" /* delay slot */ free_reg(a); free_reg(b); }. C_blt ==> Comment( blt , $1 ); { char *lbl = $1; reg_t a; reg_t b; const_str_t n_str; a= NULL; if (type_of_tos() == T_cst && const13(top_const())) pop_const(n_str); else a = pop_reg(); b = pop_reg(); flush_cache(); if (a) "cmp $b, $a"; else "cmp $b, $n_str"; "bl $lbl"; "nop" /* delay slot */ free_reg(a); free_reg(b); }. C_bgt ==> Comment( bgt , $1 ); { char *lbl = $1; reg_t a; reg_t b; const_str_t n_str; a= NULL; if (type_of_tos() == T_cst && const13(top_const())) pop_const(n_str); else a = pop_reg(); b = pop_reg(); flush_cache(); if (a) "cmp $b, $a"; else "cmp $b, $n_str"; "bg $lbl"; "nop" /* delay slot */ free_reg(a); free_reg(b); }. C_zlt ==> Comment( zlt , $1 ); { char *lbl = $1; reg_t a; a = pop_reg(); flush_cache(); "tst $a"; "bl $lbl"; "nop"; /* delay slot */ free_reg(a); } . C_zle ==> Comment( zle , $1 ); { char *lbl = $1; reg_t a; a = pop_reg(); flush_cache(); "tst $a"; "ble $lbl"; "nop"; /* delay slot */ free_reg(a); } . C_zeq ==> Comment( zeq , $1 ); { char *lbl = $1; reg_t a; a = pop_reg(); flush_cache(); "tst $a"; "be $lbl"; "nop"; /* delay slot */ free_reg(a); } . C_zne ==> Comment( zne , $1 ); { char *lbl = $1; reg_t a; a = pop_reg(); flush_cache(); "tst $a"; "bne $lbl"; "nop"; /* delay slot */ free_reg(a); } . C_zge ==> Comment( zge , $1 ); { char *lbl = $1; reg_t a; a = pop_reg(); flush_cache(); "tst $a"; "bge $lbl"; "nop"; /* delay slot */ free_reg(a); } . C_zgt ==> Comment( zgt , $1 ); { char *lbl = $1; reg_t a; a = pop_reg(); flush_cache(); "tst $a"; "bg $lbl"; "nop"; /* delay slot */ free_reg(a); } . /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Group 14 : Procedure call instructions */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ C_cai ==> Comment0( cai ); { reg_t a; a= pop_reg(); flush_cache(); "call $a"; "nop"; /* delay slot */ free_reg(a); }. C_cal ==> Comment( cal , $1 ); { char *lbl = $1; flush_cache(); "call $lbl"; "nop"; /* delay slot */ }. C_lfr $1 == 4 ==> { Comment( lfr , $1 ); forced_alloc_reg(RETL_LD); push_reg(RETL_LD); }. $1 == 8 ==> { Comment( lfr , $1 ); forced_alloc_reg(RETL_LD); forced_alloc_reg(RETH_LD); push_reg(RETH_LD); push_reg(RETL_LD); }. default ==> arg_error( "lfr", $1). C_ret $1 == 0 ==> { Comment( ret , $1 ); load_float_regs(); if (debug) free_all_reg_vars(); "restore"; "retl"; "add %sp, $reg_gap, %sp"; if (debug) alloc_all_reg_vars(); }. $1 == 4 ==> { Comment( ret , $1 ); soft_alloc_reg(RETL_ST); pop_reg_as(RETL_ST); free_reg(RETL_ST); load_float_regs(); if (debug) free_all_reg_vars(); "restore"; "retl"; "add %sp, $reg_gap, %sp"; if (debug) alloc_all_reg_vars(); }. $1 == 8 ==> { Comment( ret , $1 ); soft_alloc_reg(RETL_ST); soft_alloc_reg(RETH_ST); pop_reg_as(RETL_ST); pop_reg_as(RETH_ST); free_reg(RETL_ST); free_reg(RETH_ST); load_float_regs(); if (debug) free_all_reg_vars(); "restore"; "retl"; "add %sp, $reg_gap, %sp"; if (debug) alloc_all_reg_vars(); }. default ==> arg_error( "ret", $1). /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Group 15 : Miscellaneous instructions */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ C_asp ==> Comment( asp , $1 ); push_const($1); C_ass(EM_WSIZE). C_ass $1 == 4 ==> { int n; const_str_t n_str; reg_t a; if (type_of_tos() == T_cst) { n= pop_const(n_str); if (n % EM_WSIZE) arg_error ("asp", n); else if (n>=0) pop_nop (n/4); else { flush_cache(); if (const13(n)) "inc $n_str, $reg_sp"; else { a= alloc_reg(); "set $n_str, $a" "add $reg_sp, $a, $reg_sp"; free_reg(a); } } } else { a= pop_reg(); flush_cache(); "add $reg_sp, $a, $reg_sp"; free_reg(a); } }. default ==> arg_error( "ass", $1). narg4(ass) C_blm ==> Comment( blm, $1); push_const($1); C_bls (EM_WSIZE). C_bls $1 == 4 ==> { reg_t a; reg_t b; reg_t c; reg_t d; reg_t e; reg_t ao_reg; reg_t bo_reg; int n; int i; const_str_t n_str; const_str_t ac_str; const_str_t bc_str; Comment( bls , $1 ); if (type_of_tos() == T_cst) { n= pop_const(n_str); if (n % EM_WSIZE) arg_error ("blm", n); else if (n <= MAX_UNROLL) { c= alloc_reg(); for (i=0; i<n; i += EM_WSIZE) { if (type_of_tos() & T_reg2) /* dest */ a= pop_reg_reg (&ao_reg); else { ao_reg= NULL; a= pop_reg_c13(ac_str); } if (type_of_tos() & T_reg2) /* src */ b= pop_reg_reg (&bo_reg); else { bo_reg= NULL; b= pop_reg_c13(bc_str); } if (bo_reg) "ld [$b+$bo_reg], $c"; else "ld [$b+$bc_str], $c"; if (ao_reg) "st $c, [$a+$ao_reg]"; else "st $c, [$a+$ac_str]"; if (bo_reg) { push_reg(b); inc_tos_reg(bo_reg); } else if (bc_str[0] == '-' || isdigit(bc_str[0])) { push_reg(b); inc_tos(atoi(bc_str)); } else { "add $b, $bc_str, $c"; push_reg(c); free_reg(b); c= alloc_reg(); } inc_tos(4); if (ao_reg) { push_reg(a); inc_tos_reg(ao_reg); } else if (ac_str[0] == '-' || isdigit(ac_str[0])) { push_reg(a); inc_tos(atoi(ac_str)); } else { "add $a, $ac_str, $c"; push_reg(c); free_reg(a); c= alloc_reg(); } inc_tos(4); } pop_nop(2); free_reg(c); } else { a= pop_reg(); /* dest */ b= pop_reg(); /* src */ c= alloc_reg(); d= alloc_reg(); e = alloc_reg(); "set $n_str-4, $c"; "set -4, $e"; "1:"; "inc 4, $e"; "ld [$b+$e], $d"; "cmp $e,$c"; "bnz 1b"; "st $d, [$a+$e]"; free_reg(a); free_reg(b); free_reg(c); free_reg(d); free_reg(e); } } else { c= alloc_reg(); /* size */ pop_reg_as(c); a= pop_reg(); /* dest */ b= pop_reg(); /* src */ d= alloc_reg(); e= alloc_reg(); "ba 2f"; "clr $e"; "1:"; "st $d, [$a+$e]"; "inc 4, $e"; "2:"; "cmp $e, $c" "bnz 1b"; "ld [$b+$e], $d"; free_reg(a); free_reg(b); free_reg(c); free_reg(d); free_reg(e); } }. default ==> arg_error( "bls", $1). narg4(bls) C_csa $1 == 4 ==> Comment( csa , $1 ); { force_alloc_output(); pop_reg_as(reg_o0); pop_reg_as(reg_o1); flush_cache(); free_output(); "set csa, $reg_tmp"; "jmp $reg_tmp"; "nop"; }. default ==> arg_error( "csa", $1). narg4(csa) C_csb $1 == 4 ==> Comment( csb , $1 ); { force_alloc_output(); pop_reg_as(reg_o0); pop_reg_as(reg_o1); flush_cache(); free_output(); "set csb, $reg_tmp"; "jmp $reg_tmp"; "nop"; }. default ==> arg_error( "csb", $1). narg4(csb) C_dch ==> { reg_t a; reg_t b; reg_t c; Comment0( dch ); a= pop_reg(); /* some LB */ b= alloc_reg(); c= alloc_reg(); "ta 3"; /* flush register windows */ "add $a, 7, $b"; "andn $b, 7, $c"; /* and it's %fp */ "ld [$c+4], $b"; /* the previous LB */ free_reg(a); push_reg(b); free_reg(c); }. C_dup ==> Comment( dup, $1); push_const($1); C_dus(EM_WSIZE). C_dus $1 == 4 ==> { int n; int i; const_str_t n_str; const_str_t i_str; reg_t a; reg_t b; reg_t c; Comment( dus, $1); if (type_of_tos() == T_cst && top_const() <= MAX_UNROLL) { n= pop_const(n_str); if (n == 4 || n == 8 || n<=32) dup_tos(n/4); else if (n<0 || n % 4) arg_error ("dup", n); else { flush_cache(); a= alloc_reg(); "sub $reg_sp, $n_str, $reg_sp"; for (i=0; i<n; i += 4) { sprint(i_str, "%d", i); "ld [$reg_sp+$i_str+$n_str], $a"; "st $a, [$reg_sp+$i_str]"; } free_reg(a); } } else { a= pop_reg(); flush_cache(); b= alloc_reg(); c= alloc_reg(); "mov $a, $b"; "1:"; "dec STACK_CLICK, $reg_sp"; "ld [$reg_sp+ $a], $c"; "deccc 4, $b"; "bne 1b"; "st $c, [$reg_sp+ $a]"; /* delay slot */ free_reg(a); free_reg(b); free_reg(c); } }. default ==> arg_error( "dus", $1). narg4(dus) C_exg ==> Comment( exg, $1 ); push_const($1); C_exg_narg(). C_exg_narg ==> { reg_t a; reg_t b; reg_t c; reg_t d; int n; int i; const_str_t i_str; const_str_t in_str; Comment0( exg_narg ); if (type_of_tos() == T_cst && top_const() <= MAX_UNROLL) { n= pop_const(NULL); if (n==4) { a= pop_reg(); b= pop_reg(); push_reg(a); push_reg(b); } else if (n==8) { a= pop_reg(); b= pop_reg(); c= pop_reg(); d= pop_reg(); push_reg(b); push_reg(a); push_reg(d); push_reg(c); } else if (n>0 && !(n % 4)) { a= alloc_reg(); b= alloc_reg(); flush_cache(); for (i=0; i<n; i += 4) { sprint(i_str, "%d", i); sprint(in_str, "%d", i+n); "ld [$reg_sp+$i_str], $a"; "ld [$reg_sp+$in_str], $b"; "st $b, [$reg_sp+$i_str]"; "st $a, [$reg_sp+$in_str]"; } free_reg(a); free_reg(b); } else arg_error ("exg", n); } else { a= pop_reg(); flush_cache(); b= alloc_reg(); c= alloc_reg(); d= alloc_reg(); "add $reg_sp, $a, $b"; "1:"; "dec 4, $b"; "cmp $reg_sp, $b"; "ld [$b], $c"; "ld [$b+$a], $d"; "st $d, [$b]"; "bne 1b"; "st $c, [$b+$a]"; /* delay slot */ free_reg(a); free_reg(b); free_reg(c); free_reg(d); } }. C_fil.. ==> Comment2( fil , $1 , $2); #ifdef FAST_LIN_LNI_FIL { char *lbl = $1; int n = $2; "set $lbl+$n, $reg_fil" }. #else push_ext($1); inc_tos($2); push_ext("filn"); push_const(4); C_sts(EM_WSIZE). #endif C_gto.. ==> { char *ext; reg_t a; reg_t b; reg_t c; reg_t d; Comment2( gto , $1 , $2 ); flush_cache(); a= reg_g1; b= reg_g2; c= reg_g3; d= reg_g5; forced_alloc_reg(a); forced_alloc_reg(b); forced_alloc_reg(c); forced_alloc_reg(d); ext= $1; push_ext(ext); inc_tos($2); pop_reg_as(a); "ld [$a+8], $b"; "mov $reg_o0, $c"; "mov $reg_o1, $d"; "1:"; "cmp $b, $reg_lb"; "bne,a 1b"; "restore"; "ld [$a+4], $reg_sp"; "ld [$a], $b"; "mov $c, $reg_o0"; "jmp $b"; "mov $d, $reg_o1"; /* delay slot */ free_reg(a); free_reg(b); free_reg(c); free_reg(d); }. C_lim ==> Comment0( lim ); push_ext("trpim"); C_loi(4). C_lin ==> Comment( lin , $1 ); #ifdef FAST_LIN_LNI_FIL { const_str_t n_str; sprint(n_str, "%d", $1); "set $n_str, $reg_fil"; }. #else push_const($1); push_ext("lino"); push_const(4); C_sts(EM_WSIZE). #endif C_lni ==> #ifdef FAST_LIN_LNI_FIL Comment0( lni ); "inc $reg_fil". #else { reg_t a; reg_t b; Comment0( lni ); a = alloc_reg(); b = alloc_reg(); "sethi %hi(lino), $a"; "ld [$a+%lo(lino)], $b"; "inc $b"; "st $b, [$a+%lo(lino)]" free_reg(a); free_reg(b); }. #endif C_lor $1 == 0 ==> Comment( lor , $1 ); soft_alloc_reg(reg_lb); push_reg(reg_lb). $1 == 1 ==> { reg_t a; Comment( lor , $1 ); a= alloc_reg(); flush_cache(); "mov $reg_sp, $a"; push_reg(a); }. $1 == 2 ==> Comment( lor , $1 ); { reg_t a; reg_t b; a= alloc_reg(); b= alloc_reg(); "set reghp, $a"; "ld [$a], $b"; push_reg(b); free_reg(a); }. default ==> arg_error( "lor", $1). C_lpb ==> Comment0( lpb ); C_adp( (arith)EM_BSIZE). C_mon ==> Comment0( mon ); force_alloc_output(); pop_reg_as(reg_o0); "call mon"; "nop"; free_output(). C_nop ==> Comment0( nop ); flush_cache(); . C_rck $1 == 4 ==> { reg_t a; reg_t b; reg_t c; Comment( rck , $1 ); force_alloc_output(); a= pop_reg(); b= pop_reg(); soft_alloc_reg(b); push_reg(b); c= alloc_reg(); "ld [$a], $c"; "cmp $b, $c"; "bl 1f"; "ld [$a+4], $c"; "cmp $b, $c"; "ble 2f"; "nop"; "1:"; "set ERANGE, $reg_o0"; "call trp"; "nop"; "2:"; free_reg(a); free_reg(b); free_reg(c); free_output(); }. default ==> arg_error( "rck", $1). narg4(rck) C_rtt ==> Comment0( rtt ); C_ret( (arith)0). C_sig ==> Comment0( sig ); { reg_t a; reg_t b; reg_t c; a= pop_reg(); b= alloc_reg(); c= alloc_reg(); "set trppc, $b"; "ld [$b], $c"; "st $a, [$b]"; free_reg(a); free_reg(b); push_reg(c); }. C_sim ==> Comment0( sim ); { reg_t a; reg_t b; a= pop_reg(); b= alloc_reg(); "set trpim, $b"; "st $a, [$b]"; free_reg(a); free_reg(b); }. C_str $1 == 0 ==> Comment( str , $1 ); flush_cache(); "ld [$reg_sp], $reg_lb"; "add $reg_lb, 4, %fp"; "and %fp, -8, %fp"; "inc STACK_CLICK, $reg_sp" . $1 == 1 ==> { Comment( str , $1 ); flush_cache(); "ld [$reg_sp], $reg_sp"; }. $1 == 2 ==> { Comment( str , $1 ); force_alloc_output(); pop_reg_as(reg_o0); "call strhp"; "nop"; free_output(); }. default ==> arg_error( "str", $1). C_trp ==> Comment0( trp ); force_alloc_output(); pop_reg_as(reg_o0); flush_cache(); "call trp"; "nop"; free_output(). /*****************************************************************************/ ..icon $2 == 1 ==> Comment( ..icon , $1 ); gen1( (ONE_BYTE) atoi( $1)). $2 == 2 ==> Comment( ..icon , $1 ); gen2( (TWO_BYTES) atoi( $1)). $2 == 4 ==> Comment( ..icon , $1 ); gen4( (FOUR_BYTES) atol( $1)). default ==> arg_error( "icon", $2). ..ucon $2 == 1 ==> Comment( ..ucon , $1 ); gen1( (ONE_BYTE) atoi( $1)). $2 == 2 ==> Comment( ..ucon , $1 ); gen2( (TWO_BYTES) atoi( $1)). $2 == 4 ==> Comment( ..ucon , $1 ); gen4( (FOUR_BYTES) atol( $1)). default ==> arg_error( "icon", $2). ..fcon ==> Comment( ..fcon , $1 ); con_float($1, $2). /*****************************************************************************/ C_prolog ==> Comment0( prolog ); init_cache(); "sub $reg_sp, (EM_BSIZE-4), %g1"; "and %g1, -8, %sp"; "mov $reg_sp, %g1"; "save %sp, $reg_gap, %sp"; "st %g0, [%sp+BP_OFFSET]"; "sub %g1, EM_BSIZE, $reg_lb"; init_reg_man(); forced_alloc_reg(reg_sp); forced_alloc_reg(reg_lb); forced_alloc_reg(reg_gap); #ifdef FAST_LIN_LNI_FIL reg_lin = alloc_reg(); reg_fil = alloc_reg(); #endif . C_jump ==> { char *l; Comment( jump , $1 ); l= $1; "b $l"; "nop"; /* delay slot */ }. C_locals ==> { Comment( locals , $1 ); soft_alloc_reg(reg_lb); push_reg(reg_lb); inc_tos(-($1)); pop_reg_as(reg_sp); }.