/* $Id$ */ /* * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright". */ #include <stdio.h> #include <em_spec.h> #include <em_pseu.h> #include <em_mnem.h> #include <em_flag.h> #include <em_mes.h> #include "../share/types.h" #include "ca.h" #include "../share/debug.h" #include "../share/def.h" #include "../share/map.h" #include "../share/alloc.h" #define outbyte(b) putc(b,outfile) FILE *outfile; STATIC proc_p thispro; STATIC outinst(m) { outbyte( (byte) m ); } STATIC coutshort(i) short i; { outbyte( (byte) (i&BMASK) ); outbyte( (byte) (i>>8) ); } STATIC coutint(i) short i; { if (i>= -sp_zcst0 && i< sp_ncst0-sp_zcst0) outbyte( (byte) (i+sp_zcst0+sp_fcst0) ); else { outbyte( (byte) sp_cst2) ; coutshort(i); } } STATIC coutoff(off) offset off; { if ((short) off == off) coutint((short) off); else { outbyte( (byte) sp_cst4) ; coutshort( (short) (off&0177777L) ); coutshort( (short) (off>>16) ); } } STATIC outsym(s,t) char *s; int t; { register byte *p; register unsigned num; if (s[0] == '.') { num = atoi(&s[1]); if (num < 256) { outbyte( (byte) sp_dlb1) ; outbyte( (byte) (num) ); } else { outbyte( (byte) sp_dlb2) ; coutshort((short) num); } } else { p= s; while (*p && p < &s[IDL]) p++; num = p - s; outbyte( (byte) t); coutint((short) num); p = s; while (num--) outbyte( (byte) *p++ ); } } STATIC outdsym(dbl) dblock_p dbl; { if (dnames[dbl->d_id]) outsym(dnames[dbl->d_id],sp_dnam); } STATIC outpsym(p) proc_p p; { outsym(pnames[p->p_id],sp_pnam); } STATIC outddef(id) short id; { dblock_p dbl; dbl = dmap[id]; dbl->d_flags2 |= DF_SYMOUT; if (dbl->d_flags1 & DF_EXTERNAL) { outinst(ps_exa); outdsym(dbl); } } STATIC outpdef(p) proc_p p; { p->p_flags2 |= PF_SYMOUT; if (p->p_flags1 & PF_EXTERNAL) { outinst(ps_exp); outpsym(p); } } STATIC outdocc(obj) obj_p obj; { dblock_p dbl; dbl = obj->o_dblock; if ((dbl->d_flags2 & DF_SYMOUT) == 0) { dbl->d_flags2 |= DF_SYMOUT; if (dnames[dbl->d_id] != 0 && (dbl->d_flags1 & DF_EXTERNAL) == 0) { outinst(ps_ina); outdsym(dbl); } } } STATIC outpocc(p) proc_p p; { if ((p->p_flags2 & PF_SYMOUT) == 0) { p->p_flags2 |= PF_SYMOUT; if ((p->p_flags1 & PF_EXTERNAL) == 0) { outinst(ps_inp); outpsym(p); } } } STATIC coutobject(obj) obj_p obj; { /* In general, an object is defined by a global data * label and an offset. There are two special cases: * the label is omitted if the object is part of the current * hol block; the offset is omitted if it is 0 and the label * was not omitted. */ if (dnames[obj->o_dblock->d_id] == 0) { coutoff(obj->o_off); } else { if (obj->o_off == 0) { outdsym(obj->o_dblock); } else { outbyte((byte) sp_doff); outdsym(obj->o_dblock); coutoff(obj->o_off); } } } STATIC cputstr(abp) register argb_p abp; { register argb_p tbp; register length; length = 0; tbp = abp; while (tbp!= (argb_p) 0) { length += tbp->ab_index; tbp = tbp->ab_next; } coutint(length); while (abp != (argb_p) 0) { for (length=0;length<abp->ab_index;length++) outbyte( (byte) abp->ab_contents[length] ); abp = abp->ab_next; } } STATIC outnum(n) int n; { if (n < 256) { outbyte((byte) sp_ilb1); outbyte((byte) n); } else { outbyte((byte) sp_ilb2); coutshort((short) n); } } STATIC numlab(n) int n; { if (n < sp_nilb0) { outbyte((byte) (n + sp_filb0)); } else { outnum(n); } } STATIC cputargs(lnp) line_p lnp; { register arg_p ap; int cnt = 0; ap = ARG(lnp); while (ap != (arg_p) 0) { switch(ap->a_type) { case ARGOFF: coutoff(ap->a_a.a_offset); break; case ARGOBJECT: coutobject(ap->a_a.a_obj); break; case ARGPROC: outpsym(ap->a_a.a_proc); break; case ARGINSTRLAB: outnum(ap->a_a.a_instrlab); break; case ARGSTRING: outbyte((byte) sp_scon); cputstr(&ap->a_a.a_string); break; case ARGICN: outbyte((byte) sp_icon); goto casecon; case ARGUCN: outbyte((byte) sp_ucon); goto casecon; case ARGFCN: outbyte((byte) sp_fcon); casecon: coutint(ap->a_a.a_con.ac_length); cputstr(&ap->a_a.a_con.ac_con); break; default: assert(FALSE); } ap = ap->a_next; /* Avoid generating extremely long CON or ROM statements */ if (cnt++ > 10 && ap != (arg_p) 0 && (INSTR(lnp) == ps_con || INSTR(lnp) == ps_rom)) { cnt = 0; outbyte((byte) sp_cend); outinst(INSTR(lnp)); } } } STATIC outoperand(lnp) line_p lnp; { /* Output the operand of instruction lnp */ switch(TYPE(lnp)) { case OPNO: if (INSTR(lnp) <= sp_lmnem && (em_flag[INSTR(lnp)-sp_fmnem]&EM_PAR) != PAR_NO) { outbyte((byte) sp_cend); } break; case OPSHORT: if (INSTR(lnp) == ps_sym) { outsym(dnames[SHORT(lnp)],sp_dnam); } else { coutint(SHORT(lnp)); } break; case OPOFFSET: coutoff(OFFSET(lnp)); break; case OPINSTRLAB: if (INSTR(lnp) == op_lab) { numlab(INSTRLAB(lnp)); } else { if (INSTR(lnp) < sp_fpseu) { coutint(INSTRLAB(lnp)); } else { numlab(INSTRLAB(lnp)); } } break; case OPOBJECT: coutobject(OBJ(lnp)); break; case OPPROC: outpsym(PROC(lnp)); break; case OPLIST: cputargs(lnp); switch(INSTR(lnp)) { case ps_con: case ps_rom: case ps_mes: outbyte((byte) sp_cend); /* list terminator */ break; } break; default: assert(FALSE); } } STATIC outvisibility(lnp) line_p lnp; { /* In EM names of datalabels and procedures can be made * externally visible, so they can be used in other files. * There are special EM pseudo-instructions to state * explicitly that a certain identifier is externally * visible (ps_exa,ps_exp) or invisible (ps_ina,ps_inp). * If there is no such pseudo for a certain identifier, * the identifier is external only if its first use * in the current file is an applied occurrence. * Unfortunately the global optimizer may change the * order of defining and applied occurrences. * In the first optimizer pass (ic) we record for each identifier * whether it is external or not. If necessary we generate * pseudo instructions here. */ arg_p ap; short instr; instr = INSTR(lnp); switch(TYPE(lnp)) { case OPOBJECT: outdocc(OBJ(lnp)); /* applied occurrence of a data label */ break; case OPSHORT: if (instr == ps_sym) { outddef(SHORT(lnp)); /* defining occ. data label */ } break; case OPPROC: if (instr == ps_pro) { outpdef(PROC(lnp)); /* defining occ. procedure */ } else { outpocc(PROC(lnp)); } break; case OPLIST: for (ap = ARG(lnp); ap != (arg_p) 0; ap = ap->a_next) { switch(ap->a_type) { case ARGOBJECT: outdocc(ap->a_a.a_obj); break; case ARGPROC: outpocc(ap->a_a.a_proc); break; } } break; } } cputlines(l,lf) line_p l; FILE *lf; { /* Output the lines in Campact assembly language * format. */ line_p next,lnp; outfile = lf; for (lnp = l; lnp != (line_p) 0; lnp = next) { next = lnp->l_next; outvisibility(lnp); /* take care of visibiltity rules */ if (INSTR(lnp) != ps_sym && INSTR(lnp) != op_lab) { outinst(INSTR(lnp)); } outoperand(lnp); switch(INSTR(lnp)) { case ps_pro: thispro = PROC(lnp); /* fall through ... */ case ps_end: coutoff(thispro->p_localbytes); } oldline(lnp); } if (lmap != (line_p *) 0) { oldmap(lmap,llength); lmap = (line_p *) 0; } } cputmagic(lf) FILE *lf; { /* write the magic number */ outfile = lf; coutshort(sp_magic); }